SST Assign. and Project Work 2022-23

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SESSION- 2022-23



1. Describe the process by which Germany was unified.

2. Describe the process of unification of Italy.

3. Can you make a distinction between the revolution of 1830s and the revolution of
1848 in France?

4. Who was Giuseppe Garibaldi? What was his contribution in the freedom
Movement of Italy?

5. How would you explain the fate of Ireland?

6. What was the main contribution of the Brundtland Commission Report, 1987?

7. Define resources? Name some resources?

8. “Resources are a function of human activities”. Elaborate the statement with

suitable arguments.

9. Classify resources on the basis of exhaustibility. Write examples.

10. List the problems caused due to the indiscriminate use of resources by human

11. How are the ethnic problem solved in Belgium? Mention any four steps which
were taken by the governments to solve the problem?

12. Explain the power sharing arrangement among the different political parties,
pressure groups and movements.

13. What is meant by development? Tell us about the two indicators of development.

14. ‘Money cannot buy all the goods and services that one needs to lie well.’ Explain.
15. Distinguish between Human Development and Economic Development.

1. Make a model for advanced means of waterways transportation as well as ‘Inter
Linking of Rivers’ in India.
2. Make a model depicting India’s Cultural diversity in the line of Azadi Ka Amrut

3. Make a model showing ‘Different Indicators of Development’ in India.


1. Describe the main features of the constitution of 1791. Mention any five points.

2. What changes people witnessed everyday life after the revolution of 1789 in

3. Explain the achievements of Napoleon Bonaparte in France.

4. How was church responsible for the French revolution?

5. The sun rises two hour earlier in eastern parts of Arunachal Pradesh as compared
to Jaisalmer in the west but the watches shows the same time. How does it happen?

6. The central location of India at the head of Indian ocean is considered of great
significance. Why?

7. Highlight the significance of geographical location of India.

8. Why is India said to enjoy a strategic position with reference to the International
trade route?

9. What are the important sources of irrigation? And why?

10. Modern farming methods require the farmers to start with more cash than before.

11. What is multiple cropping?

12. How did the spreads of electricity help farmers in Palampur?

13. How do the medium and large farmers obtain capital for farming?

14. What do you mean by surplus? How is the sale of surplus farm products done?

15. Write a short note on manufacturing a non farming activity in village Palampur.

16. Highlight the significance of geographical location of India?

17. How is the dignity of citizens enhanced in democracy?

18. How do democracy provide platform to deal with differences and conflict?

19. Why is democracy considered the best form of government?

20. Who was Robert Mugabe?

1. Evolution and significance of the symbols associated with India’s freedom struggle.
2. Make a model showing effective system of ‘Rainwater Harvesting’.
3. Show through your model about scope of developing tourists destinations in India.


1. What do you understand by the term ‘resource’? Give some examples of
2. Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?
3. What is resource conservation?
4. What is sustainable development?
5. Mention any five principles of Sustainable Development?
6. Why human beings are considered as special resource?
7. What do you understand by human resource development?
8. Define natural resources with examples.
9. Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources.
10. Define human made resources with examples.

1. Prepare a chart ‘showing the difference between the lifestyle of farmers in
the developed countries on the basis of picture collected from magazines,
newspapers, and the internet’.
2. ‘Contribution of Gandhiji in the Indian National Movement’. Focus on the
three major movements and three localized movements that were led by
Gandhiji and on why Gandhiji became widely accepted and popular among
masses (here you mention about the technique that Gandhiji used to make
India a free country, like truth and non- violence).
3. A project on ‘Indian Constitution and its makers’. Focus on the main
features of Indian constitution and on some of the important persons who
have contributed immensely to write Indian Constitution’.

1. Write down the various domains of the environment?
2. Write a note on the lithosphere.
3. Distinguish between the biotic and abiotic environments with examples.
4. In what ways the meaning of the term ‘Hindustan’ changed over the centuries.
5. Historians face many difficulties while using manuscripts because.
6. How do historians divide the past into periods? Do they face any problems in
doing so?
7. What does time mean for historians? How does it help them?
8. Why Universal Adult Franchise is very important in democracy?
9. What do you understand by the term “all persons are equal before the law”?
Why do you think it is important in a democracy?
10. How can you say that establishment of equality in society is a continuous


1. In the map of India, locate the 5 important rivers of India.Write the detailed
information of each river like origin, end, important Historical/Religious city’s on
itsbank, Dam/project built on it.
2. Make a family chart of Maratha Empire, write down the information of all the
rulers/chattrapati and their contribution in the establishment of Maratha Empire.
3. Find out any historical monument/temple/caves/fort in your nearby area, visit the
place study it, click the pictures, and make a detailed project on it.

Note: All the three projects are compulsory. Use your creative ideas and
pictures as much as possible. Project should be very neat and clean.

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