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7 ARTS 7 - Quarter 3

Module 1:
The Unique Identity of the South (Arts and Crafts of Mindanao)


Traditional Clothing of the B’laan
The Bilaan or B’laan is an ethnolinguistic group that inhabit some parts of South Cotabato, North
Cotabato and Davao del Sur. B’laan is a combination of two words, “bila”, which means “house”, and “an” which
means “people”.

Traditional Clothing of the Bagobo and the T’boli

The Bagobos are a group of people that live in Davao. The name of this ethnolinguistic group comes
from the words “bago” (new) and “obo” (growth). This is because they are believed to have come from the
mixture of the native population with the Hindu migrants that entered Mindanao during the
Sri Vijayan and Malapahit empires.
The men wear t’nalak shorts, an undershirt, and a t’nalak coat. The bagani
(hero/warrior) wear blood-red clothes and a head kerchief called tangkulu. These articles of clothing represent
their courage.
The T’boli who live in and around Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, are famous for their complicated
beadwork, wonderful woven fabrics, and beautiful brass ornaments. Similar to Bagobos, they regard the t’nalak as sacred.
Traditional wedding rituals involve the exchange of this textile. During the birth, it is used as cover
Traditional Clothing of the Mindanao
Maranao means “People of the Lake”, referring to people who occupy the lands surrounding Lake
Lanao. They are famous for their artworks, intricate weaving, wood carving, metal craft, and their epics.
The Maranaos are known for their Malong. The malong is a traditional Filipino tube skirt that is made of
hand- woven or machine-made multi-colored cotton cloth, bearing a variety of geometric or floral designs. It
can be used in many ways.
The malong is similar to the sarong worn by peoples in Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. But unlike the Sarong, the
malong is longer and is stitched together at both ends to make a tube.
The Malong is an important part of the Maranao life. A newborn is wrapped in it and, as he or she grows, it becomes a
part of his or her daily life as clothing and as material for everyday use. A traditional dance called Kapa Malong Malong or
Sambisa Malong, demonstrates the various ways of wearing a malong and its uses
Traditional Clothing of the Yakan
Basilan is the home to the Yakans. They are popular for their skills in weaving. They weave
very intricate designs in their textiles, which they use for their clothes and other accessories.
Yakan hand-loomed fabrics are known for their use of bold colors and geometric patterns. The
traditional Yakan art of weaving originated from their hometown Lamitan in the island of
Yakan fabrics are traditionally used as garments. The seputangan is a square cloth used by the Yakan women as a head
cover or as belt. The badjulapi is a tight blouse with long sleeves. It is ornamented with gold, silver, or
bronze buttons.


-The Sarimanok is a legendary bird of the Maranao. It comes from the words “sari” meaning cloth or
garment and “manok” for chicken. It has become a significant symbol of Maranao art. It is depicted as a
fowl with colorful wings and feathered tail, holding a fish on its beaks or talons. The head is profusely decorated
with scroll, leaf, and spiritual motifs. It is said to be a symbol of good fortune.

-It refers to traditional and to unique carving and prominent any design among the Moro ethnolinguistic
communities. The name comes from an old Malayan word which means carve or “ukit” in filipino. It is referred
to as Okir in Maranao while Okkil in Maguindanao.
A distinct form of visual arts of the Yakan is the facial make-up applied on brides and grooms. After
applying a foundation of white powder, dots and lines are painted on the faces, creating the effect of
formal and elaborate masks which match the ornate costumes of the couple.
1. Hilot – is a heavy brass belt worn by women during festivals. The T’boli nobility wear it
with bracelets and anklets, furnished with ball-bearings that make a sound as the wearer
walks. The bells that are hung from the distinctive brass or beaded belts signal the
approach of a woman.
2. Suwatlmimotis – a wooden comb with colored glass beads hanging from it, worn
toward the back of the head.
The Kulintang is a musical instrument composed of eight different-sized brass gongs laid upon a wooden
rack. It is made of brass with intricate designs and embossed top where it can be hit by wooden mallets to
produce music. Other brass instruments include the gandang, the two -headed cylindrical drums, as well as
the duahanagong pair consisting of the bua and pulakan.

What’s More
Activity 1: WRITE it RIGHT!
Directions: Below are statements with faulty concepts about the arts and crafts of Mindanao. Your task is to identify and encircle the words
that make the statement incorrect. Then, write the accurate words inside the text box to make the statements correct. Copy the entire
statements and accomplish this task on your answer sheet
1. The Okir motif is an artistic pattern that is profusely used by the Mangyan people.
2. The gangsa is derived from the totem bird of the Maranaos called Itotoro
3. The B’laan people also cut mother-of-pearl into small shapes that look like sequins called
4. T’boli women traditionally make the textiles for their cultural dress known as the Semmek.
5. The Malay ethnic group is known for applying face painting on brides and grooms as part of their
traditional wedding ceremony.

Directions: Read each of the questions carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to correct answer in your activity
1. Which of the following occasions involves the exchange of T’nalak
A. giving birth B. attending mass C. offering prayer D. wedding rituals
2. How is the Ikat process of the B’laan done?
A. The B’laan first cuts the fabric s into different sizes before dyeing it.
B. The B’laan ikat process is done by tying the fabric using a string of abaca and dipping it in dye after the actual weaving.
C. This ikat process is done by combining different strings and then dipping the tips of the strings in colored paint.
D. The B’laan’s process is done by dyeing the fabric where the yarns are tightly wrapped with strings before weaving.
3. Which of the following is defined as a process of dyeing the fabric where the yarns are wrapped with strings and dyed before
weaving? A. badjulapi B. ikat C. malong D. pinalantupan
4. Which of the following is described as a special textile woven from abaca fibers used by Bagobo people?
A. ikat B. malong C. seputangan D. t’nalak
5. Which of the following characteristics BEST describes the malong of Maranao?
A. It is woven from abaca and embellished with embroidery, buttons, and beads.
B. It is a woven fabric with complicated beadworks and beautiful brass ornaments.
C. It is woven using deep brown abaca treated in the ikat process to achieve an intricate design.
D. It is a hand-made or machine made multi colored cotton cloth, bearing a variety of geometric or floral design.
6. What is the MOST distinct characteristic of the T’boli accessory, Hilot?
A. It is furnished with ball-bearings. B. It is hung from a distinctive brass.
C. It uses vines and geometric patterns. D. It has triangular amulets with symbols.
7. In what way do Maranao people use malong?
A. They use malong to cover their crafts. B. They use malong to wrap a newborn baby.
C. They use malong to create a bag or a sack . D. They use malong to make a cowl or a raincoat.
8. Which of the following is known to be a symbolic protection from spears and knives during combat?
A. gilim B. kandit C. pis D. saruk
9.Which of the following is NOT a part of a Yakan wedding attire?
A. kandit B. okir C. pis D. saruk
10.Which of the following shows the MOST unique characteristics of the Sarimanok?
A. It has sharp claws covered with yellow-gold skin.
B. It has tiny pieces of artificial feathers in different colors.
C. It has a long and sharp beak holding a fish or a golden coin.
D. It has colorful wings, a feathered tail, and its head is decorated with scroll, leaf, and spiral motifs.
7 ARTS 7 - Quarter 3
Module 2:

The Torogan is the ancestral house of the upper-class Maranao. It is the dwelling place of the datu
along with his wives and children. There could not be any house larger than Torogan
of the datu within the sultanate, for this signifies rank, prestige, and wealth.
The Panolong is a wing-like ornament of a Torogan flaring out from the beams. This okir carving
usually features the naga or serpent, pakorabang or stylized fern, as well as floral and star-and-bud motifs.
The Bajau, also known as Sama-Bajau, are the “Sea Gypsies” or Nomads of the Sulu Sea. Their main
source of livelihood is fishing and hunting, thus, most of them live in boat houses or houses on stilts around
the Sulu archipelago.
The largest mosque in the Philippines, the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Masjid or also known as the
Grand Mosque sitting near the idle banks of Tamontaka River is founded by the Philippine Government
and the Sultan of Brunei, for whom the masjid was named.
The historical Fort Pilar, also called Real Fuerza de Nuestra Senora del Pilar de Zaragoza, was founded in
1635 and still stands strong until today.
The Monastery is located a top of the hill of Malaybalay, Bukidnon, founded by Fr. Abbot Eduardo
Africa and run by the Benedictine Monks. The pyramid-like structure was designed by the National Artist
for Architecture.
The church is located at the town of Sagay, Camiguin Island. The original church was built
in 1882 using coral stones, but the old infrastructures were too weak. It was retrofitted with
steel bars using modern building techniques. The builders used local materials, particularly
woven bamboo skin which highlights the local traditions of the island.

An earthenware vessel for secondary burial from Sarangani Province. These artifacts were first
discovered in 1991 and are now in the protection of the National Museum. Some experts argue that these jars are not only
artistically significant, they also hold key information of historical and anthropological importance.
Maranao Wood Carving and Metal Casting
1. Rarub-A-Klong is a metallic armor made of brass plates, carabao horn and interlocking
ringlets. It is a protective armor of Moro warriors as a counterpart to the vest used by the Spanish
2. Kampilan is a single-edged steel sword with a handle made of hand carved ivory in a form of
the head of the Naga or a serpent, handcrafted gold, and hanged horse hair at the bottom of the
3. Batige is a large manually carved wooden top inlaid with mother-of-pearl. It is used by adult
males to test their skills and strength.
4. Kendi is an heirloom teapot or kettle used for hot water, coffee, or tea.
5. Gador is a large intricate decorated white metal tobacco container. It has become an item of interior decoration in proper
Maranao households.

The balanghai, also known as balangay or Butuan boat, is a large wooden boat used by the pre-
colonial Filipinos to traverse the seas for trade or migration. The finely built boat, constructed without
the use of blueprints was taught from one generation to another. This technique is still used up to this
moment by boat makers of Sibutu Island.

This boat is traditionally made by the Badjaos who live in the Sulu archipelago. The sail, called vinta,
consists of several colors and geometric shapes, representing the colorful culture and history of the
Muslim people.

Independent Assessment 3
Directions: Identify what is being described in each statement. Write your answer on your answer sheet
_____________1.It has a driftwood chandeliers and altar.
_____________2. It is the largest mosque in the Philippines.
_____________3. It is a pyramid-like architecture in Bukidnon
_____________4. It symbolizes power, rank and leadership.
_____________5. It is one of the most important attractions in Zamboanga

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer. Write the letter on your answer sheet.
1.The ancestral house of the upper-class of Maranao serves as dwelling place of the datu and family.
a. Fort Pilar b. Panolong c. The Grad Mosque d. Torogan
2. A monastery located in Malaybalay in Bukidnon.
a. Fort Pilar b. Monastery of Transfiguration c. The Grad Mosque d. Santo Rosario Church
3. It is also known as Royal Fort of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza
a. Fort Pilar b. Panolong c. The Grad Mosque d. Torogan
4. The fort built by the Spaniards in order to be protected from pirates from the Sulu Sea during the Spanish Colonial Period.
a. Fort Pilar b. Panolong c. The Grad Mosque d. Torogan
5. They are the Sea Gypsies or nomads of Sulu sea who have no permanent residence.
a. Badjao b. Maranao c. T’boli d. Yakan
6. The legendary bird of the Maranao said to be a symbol of good fortune.
a. Badjao b. Panolong c. Sarimanok d. Torogan
7. The National Artist for Architecture who designed the Monastery of the Transfiguration.
a. Carlos Francisco b. Guillermo Tolentino c. Leandro Locsin d. Napoleon Abueva
8. The largest mosque in the Philippines.
a. Fort Pilar b. Panolong c. The Grand Mosque d. Torogan
9. The National Museum declared it as one of the National Cultural Treasures of the Philippines.
a. Badjao b. Kawayan Torogan Houses c. Monastery of the Transfiguration d. Santo Rosario Church
10. Santo Rosario Church is in what town in Camiguin.
a. Catarman b. Guinsiliban c. Mambajao d. Sagay

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III

Name: ____________________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________________

Name and Signature
of Parent/ Guardian: _____________________


Directions: You will be a designer of malong fabric .Color and design the malong below and add other details relating to
Mindanao culture. Afterward, write a short description of your artwork.

• any strips of papers (magazines, newspapers and colored
• glue or paste
• bond paper
1. Draw/print the outline of Sarimanok on a sheet of bond paper.
2. Using the strips, collage it and make the sarimanok colorful.

Directions: Write the characteristics of the two famous architectures in Mindanao and their similarities. (10 points)



Directions: Express your understanding by writing a significant insight on the given concepts about the arts and crafts of
Mindanao. (10 points)

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