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1)Find the ratio in which the line joining the points P(-2,4,7) and Q(3,-5,-1) is divided by the yz-plane.

Also find the coordinates of the point of the intersection of the line with the plane.

2) Show that the centre of the sphere which passes through the points (0,0,0),(a,0,0),(0,b,0) and (0,0,c)
is , , .

3)Find the third vertex of the triangle whose centroid is (7,-2,5) and whose other vertices are (2,6,-4)
and (4,-2,3).

4)Find the point where the line through the points (4,-4,9) and (1,2,3) meets the zx-plane.

5) Show that the equation a) 𝑥 − 16𝑦 − 18𝑥 − 64𝑦 − 199 = 0 b) 𝑥 − 16𝑦 + 18𝑥 + 32𝑦 − 151 =
0 represents a hyperbola. Find the eccentricity, center, foci and directrices.

6) Find the coordinates of the point which is equidistance from points (0,0,0), (a,0,0), (0,b,0) and (0,0,c).

7) Show that the points (1,2,3), (-2,3,4) and (7,0,1) are collinear using section formula.

8) If the coordinates of the point which divides the line joining the points P(2,-4,3) and Q(x,y,z) in the
ratio 2:1 is (-2,2,3), then find Q.

9) Find, from the first principle the derivatives of

a) 𝑒

b) 𝑎

c) 𝑥 𝑙𝑛 𝑥

d) 𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑥

e) 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑥

f) 𝑥

g) 𝑙𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛


i) 2

j) 𝑒 √
3 + 2𝑥, ≤𝑥≤0
10) If 𝑓(𝑥) = , then show that 𝑓(𝑥) is continuous at 𝑥 = 0 , but 𝑓′(0) doesnot
3 − 2𝑥, 0 < 𝑥 <

11) Find the derivatives of

a) (𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑥)

b) 𝑥

c)𝑥 𝑦 = (𝑥 + 𝑦)

d) 𝑥 =𝑦

e) 𝑦 = − 𝑙𝑛( 𝑥 + √𝑥 − 𝑎

f) 𝑦 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛

g) 𝑥 = 𝑒

h) 𝑦 = (𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑥) + (𝑙𝑛 𝑥)

i) √1 − 𝑥 + 1 − 𝑦 = 𝑎(𝑥 − 𝑦)

12) Show that the locus of points in the plane such that the absolute value of the difference between
the distance of a point from two fixed points is constant, is a hyperbola.

13) Show that the locus of points in the plane such that the its sum of the distances from two fixed
points is constant is ellipse.

14)Find the length of major and minor axes, eccentricity, center, foci, vertices, directrices for the ellipse
3𝑥 + 4𝑦 − 12𝑥 − 8𝑦 + 4 = 0.

15) Find the equation of the ellipse whose distance between two foci is 8 and the semi- latus rectum is

16) Show that the equation 9𝑥 + 4𝑦 − 18𝑥 − 16𝑦 − 11 = 0 represents the equation of the ellipse.
Find its centre, vertex and focus.

17) Determine the equation of the hyperbola with a focus at (-5,0) and a vertex at (3,0).

18) Find the equation of the hyperbola in standard form such that its transverse and conjugate axes are
4 and 5 respectively.
𝑥 sin ,𝑥 ≠ 0
19) Consider the function 𝑓(𝑥) = . Test the continuity and differentiability of f(x)
0 ,𝑥 = 0
at x=0.

20) Prove that if a function f(x) is derivable at a point, it is continuous at that point. Is converse true, if
not justify.

Good Luck

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