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School of Art Design and Architecture I National University of Science and Technology

ARCH363: History and Theory of Architecture- III

project ONE

Assignment 1: Analysing Architecture

around us
Semester Ill - Fall 2022
INSTRUCTOR: Sidra Khokhar

Duration: 4 Weeks (Week 2-6)

Weightage: 20% Final Submission: 21st October 2022

Project Brief:
A comparative analysis of building technology and materials being used in buildings in the
student’s surrounding architectural context.

Students can execute this task in groups of 3.

The purpose of this task is to highlight the use of materials and how they have been used to create
an architectural language within their locality. The students are also required to investigate into the
building system that is being followed in their buildings of choice and document the detailed process
behind it.

Students are required to select two buildings of their choice and analyze their building systems
and materiality with reference to Module A. Students need to select one local building and one
international. Building typologies are open for interpretation.

In writing your paper, consider the following:

 How are the buildings sited? Given the steep slope both are located on, how do they differ in the
way each form relates to (or does not relate to) the land?
 How do their forms (or overall massing) compare?
 Compare their plans: which is the more complex? Comprehensible?
 How clear is the circulation of each building that you have selected?
 What about other factors, such as fenestration, entrances (how accessed, how clearly
articulated), materials, colour, texture, relationship to (or fit with) the natural terrain,
relationship to (or fit with) the other buildings on campus, especially nearby?
 What about use? How and by whom are they used?
 What other factors might be important in comparing the two buildings?

Students are to analyze the overall design of the building and the context through which the
architect developed an architectural response via their selection of building materials and systems.
Students are also required to examine the climatic context of their building of choice and comment
on the building’s overall aesthetic through choice of material, skin, and functionality of the building.
The student is also required to comment on the form of the building which the material dictates.

Include any innovative and inspirational elements that you can observe through their work.
 The students need to submit a critical essay of no more than 800 words. You are encouraged
to submit a hardcopy of your essay on A4 sheets by the given due date.

 Please attach relevant drawings of your choice of building. ALL DRAWINGS MUST BE HAND
DRAWN on A4 SIZE. Students have the option of printing out relevant drawings and working
on them with tracing paper.
 Font size: 12 and single spacing to be used. Font Style: Times New Roman

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