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Social Norms and Participation Survey

Interview Date: ___ ___ / ___ ___ /_________

Respondent ID:

Note on ID:
- Enter ID for each respondent that you try to find. This will pre-fill some parts of the interview and give
notification for a verification of the information
- If a respondent cannot be found or interviewed, you should still fill out a form for them giving information on
why the respondent could not be interviewed.



Identification information
Enumerator name
Sex of the Enumerator Enumerator Sex: 1=Male; 2=Female
Interview date today()
What is your name? Enter full name of the respondent

What is the name of your household head? Enter full name of the household head

Is the respondent a male or female? 1=Male 2=Female

What is the age of the respondent? Enter age in years

Respondent phone number
(If respondent doesn’t have one, enter 999)
Any other phone number that can be used to track
the respondent.
How long have you been living in this 1=Less than one year;
community? 2=Between one and three years
3=More than three years

Section 1. Household Characteristics
I would like to begin by asking you some questions about the members of your household. By household members, I mean all the people who have lived together and eaten their
meals ‘from the same pot in the past 6 months. This includes small children and infants, and excludes visitors. How many household members do you have?

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13
Line Record the full Is What is What is (if 9+ (if ever (if above 5) (if 4-25 What is the Does (if above
Num names of all people [NAME] [NAME]’s [NAME]’s years) married) Is [NAME] What is years) main [NAME] 10) Does
-ber who live and take male or relationship age? What is What age able to read [NAME]’ occupation do any [NAME]
meals in this house. female? to the HH [NAME]’ and write a s highest Is of activity own their
(Remember to start head? 0 = Less s marital letter in level of [NAME] [NAME]? that earns own
with the respondent) 1 = Male than one status? [NAME] cash? mobile
any education enrolled in
2= [SEE year get language? completed 1=Yes phone?
Female CODES 99 = Don’t [SEE married school? 0=No 1=Yes
1= Yes ?
BELOW] know CODES first? 0 = No 0=No

Relationship CODES CODES for 1.6 CODES for 1.9 CODES for Occupation
1 = No relationship 9 = Son-/Daughter-in-Law 1 = Married 99 = No formal 4 = P4 9 = S1 13 = Post-primary specialized training/certificate 1 = Day labour
2 = Wife/Husband 10 = Mother-/Father-in-Law 2 = Divorced/Separated education 5 = P5 10 = S2 14 = Post-secondary specialized training/diploma 2 = Agricultre/livestock
3 = Daughter/Son 11 = Brother-/Sister-in-Law 3 = Widow/Widower 0 = Nursery 6 = P6 11 = S3 15 = University degree (BA/BSc) 3 = Business/self-employed
4 = Father/Mother 12 = Other Relative 4 = Never Married 1 = P1 7 = P7 12 = S4 16 = Masters and above 4 = Salaried work
5 = Brother/Sister 2 = P2 8 = P8 88=Koranic School 5 = Housework
6 = Nephew/Niece 3 = P3 77=Alternative basic education 6 = Student
7 = Grandchild 999 = Don’t know 7 = Other
8 = Grandparent

Line number of the Respondent Line number of the Household Head

2. Household economic activities
Now I would like to ask you questions about your household expenses and business run by someone in your household.
2.1 In the past 7 days, did any member of your household skip any meal because of shortage of 1=Yes
0=No  skip
2.2 On average, how many meals did members of your household skip in the past 7 days?
2.3 How many of the following animals does the household have? a. Cattle, milk cows or bulls
(If none, enter ‘0’) b. Horse, donkey or mules
c. Goats
d. Sheep
e. Chickens
f. Camels
2.4 Does anyone in your household run a non-agricultural enterprise, such as small shops or other 1=Yes
2.5 (if yes) What type of businesses? 1=Retail shop/grocery shop 10=Transport (taxi/car renter)
2=Retail shop/clothes 11=Agro-Based and Food Processing
(Multiple response possible) 3=Butchery 12=Leather processing/tanning
2.6 Which of these businesses are you involved 4=Retail shop/money exchange 13=Poultry and Cattle
in? 5=Retail shop: hardware 14=Carpentry
2.7 (if multiple in Q2.6) which of these 6=Retail shop: tea stalls 15=Plumbing
7=Retail shop: Charcoal 16=Handicraft/Garments
businesses is most important for you? 8=Retail shop: curd 17=Other, specify
9=Retail shop: others, specify
2.8 What is your role in this [Q2.7] business? 1=Single owner 3=Co-owned with other people
2=Co-owned with other HH member 4=Help in running the business

2.9 (if yes) In the past 12 months, how many months did the enterprises operate? Write number of months any
2.10 (if yes) What was the total value of sales (revenues) for the enterprise(s) in the last month?  In USD

2.11 (if yes) What was the profit of the enterprises in the last month?  In USD

2.12 Over the last month, did you yourself work for an employer outside the household? 1=Yes
(This work could have been for a wage, salary, commission or any payment in kind, including work in agriculture or
non-agriculture, and including doing paid domestic work, even if it was for only one hour. It could also be unpaid work,
apprenticeship (training) etc.)
2.13 (if yes) How many days in the last 30 days did you work for such activities?
2.14 (if yes) How much did you earn from such wages or salaries (in cash or in-kind) from these activities? In USD
If none, enter ‘0’
2.15 How involved are you in these different earning activities for your household? 1=I am the only member involved in earning
2=One of the main earning members
3=Make some contribution
4=No involvement
2.16 Are you able to decide how the income from these activities is spent? 1=Yes, can decide by myself
2=Yes, but need to discuss
3=Need permission from someone else

2.17 Do you have experience of a joint-decision making that you had with you 1=Yes 0=No
9=Not applicable
partner in the last two months?
2.18 If yes, please tell us two examples of such joint decision making. 1=Major household purchase
2=Children’s education
3=Health care seeking
2.19 Putting all activities together (including livestock, businesses, wage labour, and other income-generating activities) and If none, enter ‘0’ or If don’t
know, enter ‘9999’
considering all the members of the household, in a typical month how much does your household earn in total? (USD)
2.20 Did your household receive any remittance from outside the country in the last 12 months? 1=Yes

Section 3. Household Assets

SL [Type of asset: which are in Does your household SL [Type of asset] Does your household
good working condition] have items? have this [asset]?
1=Yes; 1=Yes
0=No 0=No
A Electricity I Wheel barrow
B Radio J Kerosene lamp
C Television K Bed
D Mobile telephone L Sofa
E Watch M Somali stool
F Fan N Sitting cushion/pillow
G Refrigerator O Car
H Charcoal stove/jiko

Section 4. Empowerment
Now I would like to ask you something about your participation in community activities.
4.1 How often do you participate in general meetings that are organized by 1=Every day
your community? 2=Weekly
3=Every month
4.2 How often do you meet with neighboring communities? 4=One or two times in 6 months
5=Once a year or less
4.2a If you had to resolve a conflict with someone in the community about 1=Clan leader
2=Conflict resolution committee
property or business where would you go? 3=Shariah courts
99=Don’t know
4.2b Do you have a conflict resolution or peace committee in your village? 1=Yes
0=No 99=Don’t know
4.2c (if yes in Q4.2b) What is the level of participation of women in the 0=None
conflict resolution or peace committee in your village? 2=Same as men
99=Don’t know
4.2d (if yes in Q4.2b) Have you ever needed to use the committee? 1=Yes 0=No
4.2e (if yes) was the committee effective? 1=Yes 0=No
4.3 What share of women in this community are involved in activities where 1=All women
2=Most of the women
they earn money outside home? 3=About half of the women
4=Less than half of the women
5=Very few women
Now I would like to ask you a few questions about your household decision making and general perception on partner
4.4 Who usually makes decisions about health care for yourself?
1=Respondent him/herself
4.5 Who usually makes decisions about making major household purchases? 2=Husband/wife
3=respondent and spouse jointly
4.6 Who usually makes decisions about making purchases for daily 4=Someone else
household needs?
4.7 Who usually makes decisions about visits to your family or relatives?
Now I will ask you about who are the decision makers for children in your household and the community.
(If more than one response, prompt the respondent to identify the main decision-maker)
4.8 In your household, who usually makes decisions [on the following
In your household, who usually makes decisions about undertaking
1=Father of the girl/boy
In your household, who usually makes decisions about the marriage of 2=Mother of the girl/boy
a girl? 3= Father and mother jointly
In your household, who usually makes decisions about the marriage of 4=Girl/boy themselves
C 5=Mother’s mother
a boy?
6=Mother’s father
4.9 In your community, who usually takes decisions [on the following 7=Father’s mother
issues]? 8=Father’s father
In your community, who usually takes decisions about undertaking 9=Community elders
A 10=Community religious authority
FGM/C? 11=Other
B In your community, who usually takes decisions about the marriage of
a girl?
C In your community, who usually takes decisions about the marriage of
a boy?
Now I would like to talk about the education of children in your community.
4.10 Realistically, what do you think is the maximum level of education a girl [Insert schooling codes]
can achieve in your community?
4.11 Realistically, what do you think is the maximum level of education a [Insert schooling codes]
boy can achieve in your community?
I will now ask you about what people may experience in their relationships. Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by

things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations. Is it
okay to hit his wife
4.12 … if she goes out without telling him?
4.13 … if she neglects the children?
4.14 … if she argues with him? 1=Yes
4.15 … if she refuses to have sex with him? 99=Don’t know
4.16 … if she burns the food? 88=Refuse to answer
4.17 … if she gets her daughter circumcised but he doesn’t want?
4.18 … if she refuses to have her daughter circumcised but he wants?

Section 5. Marriage history

Now, I would like to ask you some questions about marriage.
5.1 What is your marital status? 1=Engaged (Donid)
[Draw on the response from the household roster] 2=Married, but no wedding (Meher)
3=Married and wedding (Aroos) – monogamously
4=Married and wedding (Aroos) - polygamously
5= Divorced/widowed
6= Never married
5.2 If married: When did you get married? Enter year
(If more than one marriage, consider the most recent one)
5.3 Was this your only marriage? 1=Yes
5.4 Is/was your spouse a relative? 1= Yes
0= No
5.5 What is/was the age of your spouse at marriage? Enter age
5.6 Who chose your spouse? 1=Self
4=Other, specify
5.7 What is/was the educational qualification of spouse at the time See levels of schooling
of marriage?
5.8 Did you bring any assets into your latest marriage? (such as 1=Yes
land, livestock, furniture, jewellery, gifts, cash, etc.)
5.9 (if yes) What was the estimated total value of these assets at Enter amount in USD
99=Don’t know; 88=Refuse to answer
the time of marriage?
5.10 Did you yourself or your family give any gift to your spouse's 1=Yes
5.11 (if yes) What was the total value of gifts given to your Enter amount in USD
99=Don’t know; 88=Refuse to answer
spouse's parents at the time of marriage?
5.12 Did your spouse bring any assets into your latest marriage? 1=Yes
5.13 What was the estimated total value of these assets at the time Enter amount in USD
99=Don’t know; 88=Refuse to answer
of marriage?
5.14 Did your parents receive any gift from your spouse or your 1=Yes
spouse's family?
5.15 What was the total value of gifts given to your parents AT Enter amount in USD
99=Don’t know; 88=Refuse to answer
5.16 What is the agreement between you and your spouse on 1=Property is mainly shared between us
2=Each mainly owns his/her own property
the management of property? Community of property; 99=Don’t know
Separation of property, etc.

Section 6. FGM/C practices in the household

Now I would like to ask you about some social customs that people in this community practice, in particular
female genital cutting.
A. Respondent (only female)
1 How old were you when you were circumcised? Enter age in years. If respondent is NOT
circumcised, enter 77;
If respondent IS circumcised, but respondent does not remember If refuse to answer, enter 88
the exact age, probe to get an estimate using your calendar of (If 77 or 88 Daughter roster)
events and other information available to you.
[Note for Enumerator to explain types of FGM/C: Pharonic refers to Removal of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching or
narrowing of the vaginal opening with 3 stiches (infibulation). Sunnah Kaber is removal of the clitoris with partial or total removal of the
smaller inner folds of the vulva with 1-2 stiches. Sunnah Sakir is removal of the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris, with or without
removal of part or the entire clitoris, and no stitching.]
2 Would you mind describing what type of 1=Pharonic; 4=Other
2=Sunnah (Kaber) 88=Refuse to answer
FGM or Sunnah was done to you? 3=Sunnah (Saker) 99=Don’t know
4 Have you experienced any health complication or mental shock 1=Yes
0=No 99=Don’t know
because of FGM/C?
5 (If yes) which ones? 1=Long term/continuous bleeding
(multiple answers allowed) 3=Urinary problem
5=Wound healing problem
6=Mental anxiety and shock

C. Respondent’s daughters
Now I would like to ask you about your daughters.
How many daughters do you have who are less than 18 years old? (Including those not living in the household)
Girl 1 Girl 2 Girl 3
Name Name of the girl
8 Is [Name] a household member?
9 (if yes) Line Number (Select from household member list
in Sec 1;)
10 Age of the girl
11 How old was [name] when she was circumcised?
Enter age in years. If girl is NOT circumcised, enter 77. If
refuse to answer enter 88.  skip
12 Was she circumcised within the last year? Yes
No  skip
13 Do you remember when exactly she was circumcised Month:…….
(month and year)? Year:……
14 (if circumcised) Would you mind describing what type of
FGM or Sunnah was done to her?
1=Pharonic; 2=Sunnah (Kaber)
3=Sunnah (Saker) 4=Other
88=Refuse to answer 99=Don’t know
15 (if circumcised) Who decided to do the circumcision?
1=Myself, 2=Spouse alone, 3=Myself and spouse,
4=grandmother, 5=others
16 (if circumcised) Who performed the circumcision?
1=Health professional/Doctor 2=Nurse/midwife
3=Other health professional 4=Traditional ‘circumciser’
5=Traditional birth attendant 6=Other traditional 99=Don’t know
17 (if circumcised) How much money did you have to spend
for this occasion? If none, enter ‘0’
18 (if circumcised) Has she experienced any health
complication because of FGM/C?
1=Yes; 0=No; 99=Don’t know
19 (If yes) Which complications? (can be multiple)
1=Long term/continuous bleeding 2=Infection
3=Urinary problem 4=Fever
5=Wound healing problem 6=Mental anxiety/shock
7=Other, specify
20 (if not circumcised) Do you plan to circumcise her?
1=Yes 0=No 99=Don’t know
21 If yes, at what age you intend to circumcise her?
Enter age in years when the girl is being planned to be
circumcised. ‘99’ if don’t know
22 If yes, What type of FGM or Sunnah do you plan for her?
1=Pharonic; 2=Sunnah (Kaber)
3=Sunnah (Saker) 4=Other
88=Refuse to answer 99=Don’t know
23 (if circumcised or intended to circumcise daughter) What 1= It is a mandatory religious practice
2=It is our culture
is the most important reason why {did you / do you intend 3=It is a good thing to do
to} circumcise her? 4=She will face challenge in finding a husband if not circumcised
5=She will face other discrimination if she is not circumcised
6=Our family will be discriminated if she is not circumcised
7=It helps to maintain her virginity before marriage
8=It helps to maintain her faithfulness to her husband after marriage
9=To reduce her sexual feelings
10=Other (specify) ………………….
24 Has she ever been married?
1=Yes 0=No
25 (if yes) at what age did she get married?
Enter age in years.
26 (if no) at what age do you intend to get her married? Enter
age in years. If don’t know, enter 99.
27 [If age<15] What is the level of education you think your [enter schooling [enter schooling [enter schooling
daughter will realistically achieve in her life? codes] codes] codes]

28 If you have a daughter in the future, do you 1=Yes

0=No 99=Don’t know
intend to circumcise her?
28a If yes, What type of FGM or Sunnah do you 1=Pharonic; 2=Sunnah (Kaber)
3=Sunnah (Saker) 4=Other
plan for her? 88=Refuse to answer 99=Don’t know
29 (if yes) At what age would you circumcise her? Enter years |_|_|
30 (if yes) Why would you circumcise her? 1= It is a mandatory religious practice
2=It is our culture
[MULTIPLE ANSWERS ALLOWED] 3=It is a good thing to do
4=She will face challenge in finding a husband if not circumcised
5=She will face other discrimination if she is not circumcised
6=Our family will be discriminated if she is not circumcised
7=It helps to maintain her virginity before marriage
8=It helps to maintain her faithfulness to her husband after marriage
9=To reduce her sexual feelings
10=Other (specify) ………………….

Now I would like to ask you about your participation in community groups or meetings in the last one year
31 Have you participated in any meeting or forum a. Discussed about stopping FGM/C
in the last one year where you […]?
1=Yes; 0=No b. Took pledge for stopping FGM/C
(Ask about each activity and record answer as c. Discussed about stopping child (<18) marriage
yes or no)
d. Took pledge for stopping child (<18) marriage
32 Do you remember when the most recent Month….
meeting happened? Year….
Who organized the meeting? 1 = village authorities
2 = local community members
3 = NGO
4 = Other (specify)
Do tou remember approximately how many 1 = less than 5
2 = 5 to 10 people
people were in the meeting? 3 = 10 to 20 people
4 = 20 to 50 people
5 = the whole village

33 Have you received any information on FGM in 1=Yes

the last year? 0=No
33a (if yes) From whom? 1=A household member 2=Community leaders
3=Friends/relatives from this village
4=Friends/relatives from another village
5=Radio 6=television
7=Posters 8=Community meetings/dialogue

Section 7. Perceptions on Female Gentile Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C)

Now I would like to ask you about your opinions about FGM/C, SUNNAH and marriage of girls
S7.A Perception of Pharonic circumcision
1. Is Pharonic circumcision practiced in your community? 1=Yes

2. 1= It is a mandatory religious practice

2=It is part of our cultural tradition (not religion)
3=It shows obedience to the elders
[If yes] In your opinion, what is the most important 4=It is necessary in order to find a husband
5=It helps to maintain virginity before marriage
reason why girls in this community receive Pharonic 6=It helps to maintain fidelity after marriage
circumcision? 7=It reduces sexual feelings for girls
8=It helps a girl to become adult
9=Other (specify)………………………….
99=Don’t know
3. At what age do most girls typically undergo Pharonic Enter age
88=Refuse to answer; 99=don’t know;
circumcision in this community?
4. What is the minimum age at which Pharonic Enter age
88=Refuse to answer; 99=don’t know;
circumcision is performed in this community?
5. What is the maximum age at which Pharonic Enter age
88=Refuse to answer; 99=don’t know;
circumcision is performed in this community?
6. At what age do you think that girls should undergo Enter age
Pharonic circumcision? 88=Refuse to answer; 99=don’t know;
7. What are some of the consequences of Pharonic 0=No consequences
1=Transmission of infectious diseases
circumcision? 2=Bleeding
(Probe but do not prompt; Enter appropriate codes) 3=Difficulty during delivery
(can be multiple) 4=Reduction of sexual feelings for girls
5=Difficult penetration during sex
6=Other (specify) ………………….
99=Don’t know
8. Are uncut girls (who have not undergone Pharonic nor 1=Yes 99=Don’t know
Sunna) treated any different from girls who have

undergone Pharonic cut?
9. (if yes) In what ways? (can be multiple) 1=Viewed badly by other girls
2=Viewed badly by boys
3=Viewed badly by relatives
4=Viewed badly by other community members
5= Viewed badly by religious authorities
6= Other (specify) ………………………….
10. Are uncut girls (who have not undergone Pharonic nor 1=Yes 99=Don’t know
Sunna) treated any different from girls who have
undergone Sunna cut?
11. (if yes) In what ways? (can be multiple) 1=Viewed badly by other girls
2=Viewed badly by boys
3=Viewed badly by relatives
4=Viewed badly by other community members
5= Viewed badly by religious authorities
6= Other (specify) ………………………….

S7.B Perception of Sunnah

1. Is Sunnah (Kaber or Saker) practiced in your 1=Yes
2. 1= It is a mandatory religious practice
2=It is part of our cultural tradition (not religion)
3=It shows obedience to the elders
4=It is necessary in order to find a husband
[If yes] In your opinion, what is the most important
5=It helps to maintain virginity before marriage
reason why girls in this community receive Sunnah? 6=It helps to maintain fidelity after marriage
7=It reduces sexual feelings for girls
8=It helps a girl to become adult
9=Other (specify) 99=Don’t know
3. At what age do most girls typically undergo Sunnah in Enter age
88=Refuse to answer; 99=don’t know;
your community?
4. What is the minimum age at which Sunnah is performed Enter age
88=Refuse to answer; 99=don’t know;
in this community?
5. What is the maximum age at which Sunnah is Enter age
88=Refuse to answer; 99=don’t know;
performed in this community?
6. At what age do you think that girls should undergo Enter age
77=Never; 88=Refuse to answer; 99=don’t know;
Sunnah in this community?
7. What are some of the consequences of Sunnah? 0=No consequences
1=Transmission of infectious diseases
(Probe but do not prompt; Enter appropriate codes) 2=Bleeding
3=Difficulty during delivery
4=Reduction of sexual feelings for girls
5=Difficult penetration during sex
6=Other (specify) ………………….
99=Don’t know
8. Are girls who have undergone Sunnah treated any 1=Yes 99=Don’t know
different from girls who have undergone Pharonic?
9. (if yes) In what ways? 1=Viewed badly by other girls
2=Viewed badly by boys
3=Viewed badly by relatives
4=Viewed badly by other community members
5= Viewed badly by religious authorities
6= Other (specify) ………………………….

S7.C Community practices of type of circumcision

10. Which type of FGM/C is most commonly done in your 1=Pharonic; 2=Sunnah (Kaber)
3=Sunnah (Saker) 4=Other
community? 88=Refuse to answer 99=Don’t know
11. Suppose you take 100 girls aged 18 years or less Enter number from 1 to 100
999=don’t know
representative of this community. Out of 100, how many
would have undergone Pharonic circumcision?
12. Suppose you take 100 girls aged 18 years or less Enter number from 1 to 100
999=don’t know
representative of this community. Out of 100, how many
would have undergone Sunnah (Kaber)?
13. Suppose you take 100 girls aged 18 year or less Enter number from 1 to 100
999=don’t know
representative of this community. Out of 100, how many
would have undergone Sunnah (Saker)?
S7.D Influence of community in circumcision decision
14. Now I am going to ask you about your decision to circumcise your daughters, and ask if you take into account what
other members of this community do. Suppose (….) individuals out of 100 in this community decided to circumcise
their daughters, would you circumcise your daughter? [Stop when they say “no”, and move on to the next question.]
a. Suppose that 100 out of 100 in this community (that is, everyone) decided to 1=Yes 0=NoS7.E
cut their daughters, would you cut your daughter?
b. Suppose 80 out of 100 decided to cut their daughters (that is, 20 out of 100 1=Yes 0=NoS7.E
decided NOT to cut), would you cut yours?
c. Suppose 60 out of 100 decided to cut their daughters, would you cut yours? 1=Yes 0=NoS7.E
d. Suppose 40 out of 100 decided to cut their daughters, would you cut yours? 1=Yes 0=NoS7.E
e. Suppose 20 out of 100 decided to cut their daughters, would you cut yours? 1=Yes 0=NoS7.E
f. Suppose 0 out of 100 (that is no one) decided to cut their daughters, would 1=Yes 0=NoS7.E
you cut yours?
S7.E Community support and pressure groups
Now I would like to ask you about your opinion of different groups of people in your community who support or promote
Pharonic circumcision. You can tell me if you think ‘none’, ‘almost none, ‘not very many’, ‘many’ or ‘almost all’ of them
support Pharonic circumcision.
15. How many of the Adult (over 18 years) women 0=None
1=Almost none of them
[group] in your Young girls 2=Not very many of them
community support or 3=Many of them
Adult (over 18 years) men
promote Pharonic 4=Almost all of them
circumcision? Young boys 99=Don’t know

Community leaders
Religious leaders
Now I would like to ask you about your opinion of different groups of people in your community who support or promote
Sunnah (Kaber or Sakir).
How many of the Adult (over 18 years) women 0=None
[group] in your 1=Almost none of them
Young girls 2=Not very many of them
community support or
Adult (over 18 years) men 3=Many of them
promote Sunnah 4=Almost all of them
(Kaber or Sakir)? Young boys 99=Don’t know
Community leaders
Religious leaders
17. Are there any people who talk about stopping or abandoning 1=Yes
0=No 99=Don’t know
FGM/C in your community?
18. (if yes) who are they? 1=Local/community committee members
2=NGOs 3=Religious leader/Imam
4=Teachers 5=Other, specify
Now we’d like to talk about Pharonic circumcision and the
opinions that people in this community have about it.
19. Suppose you take 100 representative women of this
Enter number from 1 to 100
community. Out of 100, how many support abandonment of 999=don’t know
Pharonic circumcision in your community?
20. How sure are you about this number? This is not about VERY SURE …………………………………. 1
being right or wrong, but just about how precise is your SOMEWHAT SURE ………………………… 2
answer. Are you very sure, somewhat sure, somewhat SOMEWHAT UNSURE…………………….. 3
VERY UNSURE ……………………..……… 4
unsure or very unsure?
21. Suppose you take 100 representative women of this
community. Out of 100, what is the MINIMUM number that Enter number from 1 to 100
(or “at least how many”) support abandonment of Pharonic 999=don’t know
22. Suppose you take 100 representative women of this
community. Out of 100, what is the MAXIMUM number Enter number from 1 to 100
that (or “at most how many”) support abandonment of 999=don’t know
Pharonic circumcision?
23. Now suppose you take 100 representative men of this Enter number from 1 to 100
999=don’t know
community. Out of 100, how many support abandonment of
Pharonic circumcision in your community?
24. How sure are you about this number? This is not about VERY SURE …………………………………. 1
SOMEWHAT SURE ………………………… 2
being right or wrong, but just about how precise is your
answer. Are you very sure, somewhat sure, somewhat SOMEWHAT UNSURE…………………….. 3
unsure or very unsure? VERY UNSURE ……………………..……… 4
25. Suppose you take 100 representative men of this
community. Out of 100, what is the MINIMUM number that Enter number from 1 to 100
(or “at least how many”) support abandonment of Pharonic 999=don’t know
26. Suppose you take 100 representative men of this
community. Out of 100, what is the MAXIMUM number Enter number from 1 to 100
that (or “at most how many”) support abandonment of 999=don’t know
Pharonic circumcision?
Next we’d like to talk about Sunna (Kaber or Sakir)
circumcision and the opinions that people in this community
have about it.
27. Suppose you take 100 representative women of this
Enter number from 1 to 100
community. Out of 100, how many support abandonment of 999=don’t know
Sunna in your community?
28. How sure are you about this number? This is not about VERY SURE …………………………………. 1
being right or wrong, but just about how precise is your SOMEWHAT SURE ………………………… 2
answer. Are you very sure, somewhat sure, somewhat SOMEWHAT UNSURE…………………….. 3
VERY UNSURE ……………………..……… 4
unsure or very unsure?
29. Suppose you take 100 representative women of this
Enter number from 1 to 100
community. Out of 100, what is the MINIMUM number that 999=don’t know
(or “at least how many”) support abandonment of Sunna?
30. Suppose you take 100 representative women of this
community. Out of 100, what is the MAXIMUM number Enter number from 1 to 100
that (or “at most how many”) support abandonment of 999=don’t know
31. Now suppose you take 100 representative men of this Enter number from 1 to 100
999=don’t know
community. Out of 100, how many support abandonment of
Sunna in your community?
32. How sure are you about this number? This is not about VERY SURE …………………………………. 1
being right or wrong, but just about how precise is your SOMEWHAT SURE ………………………… 2
answer. Are you very sure, somewhat sure, somewhat SOMEWHAT UNSURE…………………….. 3
VERY UNSURE ……………………..……… 4
unsure or very unsure?
33. Suppose you take 100 representative men of this
Enter number from 1 to 100
community. Out of 100, what is the MINIMUM number that 999=don’t know
(or “at least how many”) support abandonment of Sunna?
34. Suppose you take 100 representative men of this
community. Out of 100, what is the MAXIMUM number Enter number from 1 to 100
that (or “at most how many”) support abandonment of 999=don’t know
S7.F Family supports for FGM/C
1. Suppose a mother and father in your community chose Pharonic 1=Happy
circumcision for their daughter, but their son wants to marry a girl with 3=Indifferent/Neutral/Neither happy
Sunnah. How would the parents feel? nor unhappy
99=Don’t know
2. Suppose a mother and father in your community chose Pharonic 1=Happy
circumcision for their daughter, but their son wants to marry a girl who 3=Indifferent/Neutral/Neither happy
is uncut. How would the parents feel? nor unhappy
99=Don’t know
3. Suppose a mother and father in your community chose Sunnah for their 1=Happy
daughter, but their son wants to marry a girl with Pharonic 3=Indifferent/Neutral/Neither happy
circumcision. How would the parents feel? nor unhappy
99=Don’t know
4. Suppose a mother and father in your community chose Sunnah for their 1=Happy
daughter, but their son wants to marry a girl who is uncut. How would 3=Indifferent/Neutral/Neither happy
the parents feel? nor unhappy
99=Don’t know
5. Suppose a mother and father in your community chose not to cut their 1=Happy
daughter, but their son wants to marry a girl with Pharonic 3=Indifferent/Neutral/Neither happy
circumcision. How would the parents feel? nor unhappy
99=Don’t know
6. Suppose a mother and father in your community chose not to cut their 1=Happy
daughter, but their son wants to marry a girl with Sunnah. How would 3=Indifferent/Neutral/Neither happy
the parents feel? nor unhappy
99=Don’t know
7. Now suppose you take 100 representative unmarried men of this Enter number from 1 to 100
999=don’t know
community. Out of these 100 unmarried men, how many do you think
would be willing to marry a girl who has NOT had Pharonic
circumcision but HAD Sunna?
8. In general, how do you feel about the tradition of Pharonic 1=Very much in favor
2=Mildly in favor
circumcision? 3=Mildly against
4=Very much against
99=Don’t know
9. Now suppose you take 100 representative unmarried men of this Enter number from 1 to 100
999=don’t know
community. Out of these 100 unmarried men, how many do you think
would be willing to marry a girl who has NOT had Pharonic
circumcision and is uncut?
10. Now suppose you take 100 representative unmarried men of this Enter number from 1 to 100
999=don’t know
community. Out of 100, how many do you think would be willing to
marry a girl who NOT has had Sunnah and is uncut?
11. In general, how do you feel about the tradition of Sunnah? 1=Very much in favor

2=Mildly in favor
3=Mildly against
4=Very much against
99=Don’t know
12. In general, how do you feel about the practice of not cutting your 1=Very much in favor
2=Mildly in favor
daughter? 3=Mildly against
4=Very much against
99=Don’t know

S7.G Girls not circumcised in the community

Now I would like to ask you some questions about families in your community who do not circumcise their daughter.
Let us start talking about Pharonic circumcision.
How many households do you know who have a daughter or daughters aged older Enter number or
1. 99=don’t know
than 14 who have not been Pharonic cut?
(If not zero) How many households do you know who had to stop sending
2. daughter to school or madrassa because their daughter(s) have not been Pharonic
(If not zero) How many households do you know who have been talked ill about
behind their back because their daughter(s) have not been Pharonic cut?
4. Is Pharonic circumcision a mandatory Islamic religion? 1=Yes
5. Is Pharonic circumcision permitted by the law? 99=don’t know
Let us now talk about Sunna
How many households do you know who have a daughter or daughters aged older Enter number or
6. 99=don’t know
than 14 who have not been Sunna cut?
(If not zero) How many households do you know who had to stop sending
7. daughter to school or madrassa because their daughter(s) have not been Sunna
(If not zero) How many households do you know who have been talked ill about
behind their back because their daughter(s) have not been Sunna cut?
9. Is Sunna a mandatory Islamic religion? 1=Yes
10. Is Sunna permitted by the law? 99=don’t know
11. How many households do you regularly talk to in this community? Enter number of households. If none,
enter ‘0’.
12 How many households would you feel comfortable talking to about Enter number of households. If none,
enter ‘0’.
FGC in this community?
13 Have you heard about any Fatwa/bill in Somalia/Somaliland in the last 1=Yes;
0=No  Section 9
two years?
14 Who issued this fatwa/bill? 1=The government
2=Religious leaders 3=Both
15 Which region(s) does this apply to? 1=Somaliland

3=South and central Somalia
16 What does the fatwa say about pharaonic circumcision? 1=Fatwa/bill supports it
2=Fatwa/bill bans it
17 What does the fatwa say about sunnah? 1=Fatwa/bill supports it
2=Fatwa/bill bans it
18 Do people in this community agree with the fatwa/bill? 1=Yes, people support it
2=No, people are against it
19 Do you fully agree with the fatwa/bill? 1=Yes, I support it
2=No, I am against it or have some
88=Refuse to answer
99=Don’t know

Section 9: Item lists

READ: Now I’m going to read some statements about many different things. Some of these statements will be true and some will not. After I read all statements, please tell me HOW
MANY of them are true for you. I don’t want to know which ones, just how many.
Let’s try with an example first. Suppose I read you 4 statements. After I read each statement, I want you to count with your fingers if it is true, and keep track without showing to me.
I will then ask you how many are true. Let me demonstrate first.
1. I went to the movies with my best friend on Sunday
2. I had dinner last night
3. I can speak French
4. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia
Example question: I will now read you the statements. As I’m reading, count with your fingers without showing me. At the end, you’ll tell me how many are true for you.
1. You went to the movies with your best friend on Sunday
2. You had dinner last night
3. You can speak French
4. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia
How many of these statements are true?


Now I will read you more statements. Please tell me how many are true.
For Respondent of Group A
1 LIST 1 Number of true
1. You like to listen to the news statements |
2. You know someone who has been to prison __|
3. You have a sister who has four twins

4. You would prefer your daughter to be not circumcised
5. Children should respect the elders in the community
1. Last time you injured yourself you went to the hospital Number of true
2. You have never smoked a cigarette statements |
3. The two biggest rivers in Somalia are the Shebelle and the Juba
4. If you had to call your doctor, you know his/her phone number by heart
1. You like to watch TV
2. You have been to the market yesterday
3 3. You have a daughter who has been Pharaonic cut.
4. You have two brothers
5. You have never been to Mogadishu
1. Your favourite meal is XXX
4 2. You like watching soap operas
3. You went to the hospital last week
4. You like drinking tea

For Respondent of Group B

1. You like to listen to the news Number of true
2. You know someone who has been to prison statements |
3. You have a sister who has four twins
4. Children should respect the elders in the community
1. Last time you injured yourself you went to the hospital
2. You have never smoked a cigarette Number of true
statements |
2 3. You would prefer your son to be married to a circumcised girl
4. The two biggest rivers in Somalia are the Shebelle and the Juba
5. If you had to call your doctor, you know his/her phone number by heart

1. You like to watch TV
3 2. You have been to the market yesterday
3. You have two brothers
4. You have never been to Mogadishu
1. Your favourite meal is XXX
2. You like watching soap operas
4 3. You went to the hospital last week
4. You like drinking tea
5. You have a daughter who has been Sunna cut


READ: For the next 13 questions, please tell me if the following statements describe you as a person. We will use ‘yes’ or ‘no’
Practice Question: I am female.
O5a It is sometimes hard for me to go on with my work if I am not encouraged
O5b I sometimes feel resentful when I don't get my way
O5c On a few occasions, I have given up doing something because I thought too little of my ability
O5d There have been times when I felt like rebelling against people in authority even though I knew
they were right
O5e No matter who I'm talking to, I'm always a good listener
O5f There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone 1=YES
O5g I'm always willing to admit it when I make a mistake 0=NO
O5h I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget
O5i I am always courteous, even to people who are disagreeable
O5j I have never been upset when people expressed ideas very different than my own
O5k There have been times when I was quite jealous of the good fortune of others
O5l I am sometimes irritated by people who ask favors of me
O5m I have deliberately said something that hurt someone's feelings

(D): Extra questions

I am now going to read out two statements. Please tell me whether the statements are true or false.
12a ONLY IF Item List B: You would prefer your daughter to be not circumcised 1=True 20
12b ONLY IF Item List A: You would prefer your son to be married to a 88=Refuse to answer
circumcised girl
(E) Label questions
Now we will do a guessing game. From this guessing, we want to find out how well people in your community can
coordinate with each other when they are not able to communicate with each other. In this game, you will be paired with
another [MAN/WOMAN – choose to match the person’s sex] in your community. You will never know the identity of your
partner, but your goal is to try and give the same answers to our questions that your partner gives. We will ask you six
questions. There is no right or wrong answer, but every time you and your partner give the same answer to a question, both
of you will earn one point. Those who can earn more than four points will be given a small award of 2 dollars each that will
be sent over mobile money. It’s very important that you don’t communicate with your friends or other people in your
community, and don’t tell anyone your answers. Please put your mobile phone away until we are finished.
13a Choose a number out of: 1, 2, 3. Remember, you want to 1=One Make
try and choose the same number that your partner 2=Two between 1
chooses. 3=Three and 10
13b Choose a day of the week 1=Saturday 2=Sunday
3=Monday 4=Tuesday
5=Wednesday 6=Thursday
13c Choose a boy’s name from the three names 1=Hussein 2=Khalid
13d Choose a girl’s name from the three names 1=Name 2=Name
13e Choose one famous Somali man 1=Ahmed Gurey
2=Sheikh Mustafe
3= Adan cade
13f Choose one famous Somali woman 1=Xaawa Taako
2=Hibo Nuura
3= Sahra Ahmed
13g Choose a drink from the three 1=Soda 2=Tea
13h Choose a place where you meet a person 1=Home 2=Shop
3=Town center
13i Name a type of livestock Open-ended
(Code possible answers but do not give the options
to the respondent)

(F) Colour game

In this next part, you will choose between two colours, blue and green, and your partner will make the same choice. But
this time, the prizes are a little bit more complicated. [Enumerator: show the prize chart]
• If you choose Blue and your partner chooses Blue, then you both get $3
• If you choose Blue but your partner chooses Green, then you don’t get anything and your partner gets $2
• If you choose Green but your partner chooses Blue, then you get $2 and your partner doesn’t get anything
• If you choose Green and your partner chooses Green, then you both get $1

In other words: The best outcome for both of you is still if you can coordinate on both choosing Blue. But there is some

risk: If your partner chooses Green, then you will get nothing!

ask if you have any questions. Once you are ready, make your guess!
Choose a colour between blue and green 1=Blue

Section 11. Exposure to NGO activities

Sl Question Codes Answer
1 Have you or any member of your household participated 1=Yes
in savings and lending groups organized by any NGO in 99=Don’t know
the last 2 years?
2 Have you or any member of your household participated 1=Yes
in any community discussion organized by any NGO in 99=Don’t know
the last 2 years?
3 (if said yes to Q1 or Q2) Have you yourself participated 1=Yes
in any of these discussions or activities?
4 Did you participate in a secret voting on different issues 1=Yes
where people expressed their opinion and guessed what 99=Don’t know
others would vote? (Explain that there was also a reward
for correct guessing and it was done within the last 6

SECTION 12: Vignettes on FGC & age at marriage

Selim/Munshi: can you please make a first pass at drafting this section? We could have questions like:

(a) "this is (Name), she is X years old, she has Sunna. At what age do you think she should get married?"
(b) "this is (Name), she is X years old, she has Pharaonic. At what age do you think she should get married?"

Randomize the order of a & b.

Alternatively, we can combine this with another characteristic of the daughter or of the family that plays an important role when deciding at what age to
marry a daughter. This way we can estimate trade-offs.
Then the above vignettes become:
½ of the respondents get:
(a) "this is (Name), she is X years old, she has characteristic Z, and she has Sunna. At what age do you think she should get married?"
(b) "this is (Name), she is X years old, she has characteristic Z, and she has Pharaonic. At what age do you think she should get married?"

The other ½ of the respondents get:

(a) "this is (Name), she is X years old, she has characteristic Y, and she has Sunna. At what age do you think she should get married?"
(b) "this is (Name), she is X years old, she has characteristic Y, and she has Pharaonic. At what age do you think she should get married?"

The order of (a) and (b) is independently randomized.

Section 12
Now I would like to ask you some questions about potential disputes and conflicts individuals can have within their family or with other families.
2 3 4 5 6

Sl Dispute type How likely is it that you, If you experience [ ], who Have you, or If yes, how Who did you go
or a member of your would you go to help settle any member many months to seek help to
household, may the dispute? of your ago did it settle the dispute?
experience [dispute family, happen (last
type]? 1=Neighborhood/community experienced [ time if SEE CODES IN COL
committee (“Miskiin Kalkaal” ] in the past 2 multiple)? (3)
1=Not at all etc.) years?
2=Somewhat likely 2=Clan leader (Three tiers –
3=Likely Aqil, Chief Aqil and Suldan)
4=Very likely 3=Religious leader
5=Certainly 4=Police
6=Other, specy

1 A disagreement related to recovering payment from a

customer who bought on credit
2 A disagreement over quality of products received from
3 Theft or damage of your property by an individual or
group of individuals (e.g. livestock, house, business,
4 A dispute related to inheritance
6 A dispute about whether or not one should circumcise
their daughter
7 Be threatened or attacked with a gun, knife or weapon

8 Only for women: Harassment (e.g. catcalls/whistles,

groping, indecent exposure etc.) on the street, public
transport or other public spaces such as school or office

Section 12 (ctd.)
Now I am going to ask you about your perception of different sources of dispute resolution.

Sl Sources How effective If you need to access this How much confidence
[source name] is [source name] would you do you have that you
resolving conflicts be able to go alone or would receive fair
related to business need to be accompanied treatment?
disputes? by anyone?
1=Very confident,
1=I can go alone 2=somewhat
2=I would need to be confident,
accompanied with a male 3=confident,
member of the household 4=not very confident,
3= Other, specify 5=not confident at all?
1 Local sub-clan leader (Aqil)

2 Sub-clan leader (Chief Aqil)

3 Clan leader (Suldan)

4 Religious leader

5 Neighbourhoold/community
committee (e.g. “Miskiin
Kalkaal” etc.)

6 Police

7 Court (Shariah ad state)

Section 13 – Bounding experimenter demand effects

Thank you so much for your time. We are almost at the end of the survey. Now I would like to ask you two
more questions about your opinion on pharonic and sunnah circumcision. You will do us a favour if you say
you SUPPORT these practices more than you normally would
In general, how do you feel about the tradition of Pharonic circumcision?
1 Very much in favor
2 Mildly in favor
3 Mildly against
4 Very much against
99 Don’t know
In general, how do you feel about the tradition of Sunna circumcision?
1 Very much in favor
2 Mildly in favor
3 Mildly against
4 Very much against
99 Don’t know
Thank you so much for your time. We are almost at the end of the survey. Now I would like to ask you two
more questions about your opinion on pharonic and sunnah circumcision. You will do us a favour if you say
you are AGAINST these practices more than you normally would.
In general, how do you feel about the tradition of Pharonic circumcision?
1 Very much in favor
2 Mildly in favor
3 Mildly against
4 Very much against
99 Don’t know
In general, how do you feel about the tradition of Sunna circumcision?
1 Very much in favor
2 Mildly in favor
3 Mildly against
4 Very much against
99 Don’t know

Information for tracking

6 Other Contacts
In case you leave the city, can you tell us the names of two friends or family members who are sure to know
where you are, and how to contact you? They should be friends or family members whom we could find in your
community if you moved away
7 Contact 1 Contact 2
Phone number

Relationship to the respondent

Closing the interview

We thank you for participating in this interview. We have now completed all the questions for you. Please feel free to ask
if you have any questions to me.
Interview End Time: :
1 Were other people over the age of 15 present at the time of 1 = Yes
0 = No
the interview?
2 (If yes) Who was present? 1 = Husband/wife 4 = Neighbour/friend, male
2 = Other relative, male 5 = Neighbour/friend, female
3 = Other relative, female 6 = Other
[Multiple allowed]
4 Record GPS coordinates of the house of the respondent
5 Location of the interview took place? 1=At respondent’s House/yard
0=Somewhere else
7 Was this questionnaire back checked? 1 = Yes
0 = No

8 Back Checked by: Back Checking Date: ___ ___ / ___ ___ / 2017

Section 10E: Colour game prize chart






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