Nutrition in Animals

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Steps in Nutrition

Ingestion: The process of taking food into the body is called ingestion.

Digestion: the process in which the food containing large, insoluble

molecules is brokendown into small, water soluble molecules is called
Absorption: The process in which the digested food passes through the
intestinal wall into blood stream Is called absorption.
Assimilation: The process in which the absorbed food is
taken in by the body cells and used for energy, growth and repair is called
Egestion: The process in which the undigested food is removed from the body is
called egestion.

Nutrition in Amoeba:
• Amoeba eats tiny plants and animals
as food which oats in water in which it

• The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is


• The process of obtaining food by

Amoeba is called phagocytosis.

Amoeba ingests food by forming temporary nger-like

projections called pseudopodia around it.

The food is engulfed with a little surrounding water to form

a food vacuole (‘temporary stomach’) inside the Amoeba.

In Amoeba, food is digested in the food vacuole by

digestive enzymes which break down the food into

small and soluble molecules by chemical reactions.

The digested simple and soluble substances pass

out of food vacuole into the surrounding


The absorbed food materials are used to obtain

energy through respiration and make the parts of

Amoeba cell which leads to the growth of Amoeba.

The remaining undigested material is moved to

the surface of the cell and thrown out of the body of


Nutrition in Paramecium:
Paramecium is also a tiny unicellular animal which lives in


Paramecium uses its hair like structures called cilia to

sweep the food particles from water and put them into


Ingestion is followed by other steps such as digestion,

absorption, assimilation and egestion. (as written in Amoeba)

In the mouth :- the food is broken down into smalle

particles by the teeth and mixed with saliva from th
salivary glands.
Saliva contains the enzyme salivary amylase which
converts starch into sugar. Then the food passes
through the oesophagus into the stomach.

Nutrition in human beings takes place in the digestive system

It consists of the alimentary canal and glands which
produce enzymes which breaks down food into smaller
The main organs of the digestive system are mouth,
oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.
The main glands are salivary glands, gastric glands,
liver, pancreas and intestinal glands.

Used for intake of food

Leads into ______ cavity, which is bounded above

by ______ on sides by gum and teeth .Floor is
occupied by muscular _____

TEETH: Thecodont, Diphyodont and


THECODONT - Teeth are embedded in sockets

of ______

Heterodont: incisors, canines, premolars, molars

Diphyodont: Temporary and permanent teeth.


OESOPHAGUS : Connects pharynx with the

The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of

muscles of alimentary canal push the food
downwards is known as _________

The slightly digested food in the mouth is swallowed by the

tongue and goes down the food pipe called oesophagus.

When the slightly digested food enters the food pipe,

the walls of food pipe start contraction and expansion movements

called as peristaltic movement.

This peristaltic movement of food pipe pushes the slightly digested

into the stomach.

STOMACH: larger muscular J-shaped sac located

below the diaphragm

Stomach has branched and tubular glands present

in its wall.Secretions of these glands is called

Food is partly ______ in it with help of enzymes

present in _________.

Small INTESTINE: Longest, coiled and narrow

part of the alimentary canal which is about six
metres long and occupies the lower part of
abdominal cavity

It serves both for _____ and ______ of food

Small intestine has numerous nger like

projections called _____

_______increases the surface area of the inner

lining of the intestine.


Storage of food : Food is stored in stomach for
variable duration.(Carbohydrates-1-2 hrs, Proteins
3hrs ,fats 3-6 hrs

Mechanical Churnin

Partial digestio

Regulation of the ow of food into small




It is wider than small intestine

It is about 1.5 m long

Main function is : Absorption of water, formation

,temporary storage and removal of faeces.

Anus: Rectum opens to the outside by an

aperture called anus.

Salivary Glands

(Saliva which contains mucus, water and an

enzyme Salivary amylase or Ptyalin

Gastric Glands :

(Gastric Juice: HCl,Protein digesting enzyme

Pepsin and mucus)


Bile : __________of fats means that is breaking of fat

molecule into small globules

Bile salts neutralises the acidic food coming from

stomach and then make it alkalin

Bile also help in absorption of fats and fat soluble

vitamin A,D,E and K


Elongated gland which lies parallel to and

beneath the stomach

It has Trypsin, Pancreatic Amylase and Lipase


microscopic glands located in the inner lining of
small intestine They secrete intestinal juice or
succus enteric

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