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7/26/22, 6:41 PM Scrum Master Level II Practice Exam


Assessment summary

Of the multiple-choice questions, 35.7% was answered correctly. You can review the
assessment details in the report below:

1) Velocity is an often used metric for Scrum teams. Which of the

following statements about velocity are true?
(choose the 3 best answers)
Answered: c,e,f - Expected: b,f,g

a) Velocity relfects outcomes of the work done by the team.

b) Velocity can be a useful metric for a team to self-inspect.

c) Improving Velocity is something Scrum teams strive to do.

d) Velocity is part of the larger Scrum Framework.

e) Velocity can be a useful metric to compare team performance.

f) Velocity is often impacted by estimation, scoping of Backlog Items and team


g) Velocity is an output measurement.

Clarification: Velocity can be a helpful tool for teams. It is unsuitable to draw comparisons,
depends on estimation, and tracks output, which does not equate succesful outcome. It can
be used to spark conversations within the team and self-inspect.

2) Which of the following are common activities for a Scrum Master? 1/15
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(choose the 3 best answers)

Answered: a,c,e - Expected: a,c,d

a) Causing change that increases the productivity of the Scrum Team.

b) Ensuring the Development Team understands items in the Product Backlog to

the level needed.

c) Understanding and practicing agility.

d) Planning Scrum implementations within the organization.

e) Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team performs.

Clarification: The wrong answers are listed in the Scrum Guide as Product Owner activities.

3) Which of the following are key components of Scrum for Inspection

and Adaptation?
(choose the 2 best answers)
Answered: a,d - Expected: b,d

a) Backlog Refinement

b) Daily Scrum

c) Self-organization

d) Sprint Review

e) Acceptance Criteria

Clarification: Scrum guide: "Scrum prescribes four formal events for inspection and
adaptation [...] Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective"

4) Who takes a lead role during the Sprint Review?

(choose the best answer)
Answered: a - Expected: c 2/15
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a) The Development Team.

b) The Scrum Master

c) The Product Owner

d) The Stakeholders

e) The Scrum Team

f) Whoever is deemed most appropriate.

Clarification: The Product Owner invites stakeholders, explains what has been "Done",
discusses the backlog and projects targets. The Development Team provides more in-depth
inspection, collaborates with the Product Owner and stakeholders, but the Product Owner
takes the lead.

5) During the Sprint Review, it's become apparent that some of the
work is not "Done" because of difficulties that occured during
integration. The team points to their lack of tooling for integration. As
a Scrum Master, what do you do?
(choose the 2 best answers)
Answered: b,c - Expected: a,b

a) Note this down as something to address during the Sprint Retrospective.

b) Respectfully bring awareness to the team that they are responsible for
delivering working software.

c) Suggest the Product Owner to make room in the upcoming Sprint for non-
functional Backlog Items about integration tooling.

d) Suggest the development team to look into integration tooling, for instance
continuous integration.

e) Plan a two hour recess in which the team can integrate their work.

Clarification: The team should be made aware of their responsibility in delivering working
software. The Sprint Retrospective is a good time to dig deeper, and it directly follows the
Sprint Review. Let the team self-organize instead of providing possible answers. 3/15
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6) In Scrum we use the term "Forecast" when planning. Why is that?

(choose the best answer)

a) It emphasizes the difference between Scrum and plan driven approaches.

b) Forecasting is part of the Scrum Framework, emphasizing its importance and

preventing those new to Scrum from leaving it out.

c) Using the term Forecasting raises transparency, because it is a term common to

project and process methodologies.

d) It brings awareness to the fact that when planning the team is looking ahead
and not everything is certain. The team cannot commit to the plan not changing, it's
a prediction based upon what is known today.

Clarification: Forecast implies uncertainties, a prediction based upon what's known at this
point. Specifically: not a commitment.

7) Can a Scrum Master also serve as a Developer on a Scrum Team?

(choose the best answer)

a) Yes

b) No

Clarification: This is not prohibited by the Scrum Guide. It can be hard to wear "two hats". It
can be difficult to fully attend to all expectations of the Scrum Master role, while also being
a focused Developer. It can be helpful to understand more of Development work. It can also
be a pitfall.

8) What is the most important subject during the Daily Scrum?

(choose the best answer)
Answered: b - Expected: d

a) Impediments to the team that need addressing.

b) What development team members work on and what they will be working
on next. 4/15
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c) Progress on doing the work forecast for this sprint.

d) Is the team moving toward the sprint goal and do they need to realign to
reach it.

Clarification: The Sprint Goal should always be first in mind. The other subjects are
secondary and viewed through the lens of "how does this impact the Sprint Goal?".

9) You are the Scrum Master for a new team that's been working with
Scrum for three months now. During the Daily Scrum, two of the six
developers rarely add to the conversation. When asked, they use
vague, unclear language. The other development team members
appear frustrated about this for several sprints now, but do not
address the situation. In handling this, which of the following options
are preferable?
(choose the 2 best answers)
Answered: a,c - Expected: a,b

a) Address your observation during the upcoming Sprint Retrospective.

b) Teach the team to each answer the three questions (What did I do yesterday,
what will I do today, do I see any impediments for meeting the Sprint Goal).

c) Trust the team to self-organize and find their own solution to this issue. This
is not unusual in a relatively new team.

d) Pay attention during the Sprint Review. If the team is delivering valuable working
software, it is working for them. No-one tells the team how they approach their

Clarification: This is a relatively new team and the behaviour is having a negative impact on
team members for some time now. Something needs to happen. The three questions are
rarely the best answer, but in this case better than doing nothing.

10) "The Product Owner may be present during the Daily Scrum but is
not allowed to interact with the development team in any way."
(choose the best answer)
Answered: a - Expected: b 5/15
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a) True

b) False

Clarification: The Daily Scrum is an internal meeting for the Development Team. If others
are present, the Scrum Master ensures that they do not disrupt the meeting. However, if
the Product Owner is present and the team requests him to give valuable input, this is
allowed. Disruption is not the same as interaction.

11) In a scaled Scrum effort with Nexus, what is the primary concern
of the Nexus Integration Team?
(choose the best answer)

a) Ensuring all teams work from one Product Backlog.

b) Ensuring cross-team impediments are resolved.

c) Ensuring a working integrated increment is delivered.

d) Ensuring dependencies between teams are minimized.

Clarification: The Nexus Integration Team is accountable for ensuring that a “Done”
Integrated Increment (the combined work completed by a Nexus) is produced at least once
every Sprint.

12) The CEO, a key stakeholder for your team's product, approaches
you. He fears an important part of the product's envisioned features is
not getting the needed priority. This uncertainty is worrying him
deeply. How can you help the CEO?
(choose the 2 best answers)
Answered: c,d - Expected: b,e

a) Take a short moment to give the CEO a high-level update about the result of the
last Sprint Review.

b) Inform the Product Owner of the conversation you had. Advise him to invite
the CEO to the Sprint Review.

c) Explain to the CEO that the Product Owner is the one in control of priorities
and will do everything to make sure the product offers the maximum possible value 6/15
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to stakeholders and customers. He does not need to worry.

d) Take note of the features mentioned by the CEO and relay them to the
Product Owner.

e) Advise the CEO to take this up with the Product Owner.

Clarification: The lack of transparency is best served by joining inspection during Sprint
Review. As a stakeholder, the CEO should work with the Product Owner to make his
expectations known.

13) How much time does a Product Owner need to spend with the
Scrum Team?
(choose the best answer)
Answered: a - Expected: c

a) Product Owner is a full-time job within the team.

b) Product Owner is a part-time job. Many Product Owners have responsibilities

outside the Scrum Team.

c) The Product Owner needs to spend enough time with the Scrum Team so
that it can effectively turn Backlog Items into valuable working software.

d) The Product Owner spends time with the team during Sprint Planning, Backlog
Refinement, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective. These events take place
within the timeboxes described in the Scrum Guide.

e) Based on context, the Product Owner decides how much time is required.

Clarification: This varies widely per team. The shortest way to describe it is "enough
time".The Product Owner often needs to work with the team outside of the Scrum Events.
He needs to be available to the team when clarification or collaboration on reaching the
Sprint Goal is required

14) Which of the following would you most consider unethical

behaviour in software development using Scrum?
(choose the 2 best answers)
Answered: a,e - Expected: c,e 7/15
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a) A development team mid-sprint refusing to add work to the Sprint Backlog.

b) A Product Owner not ordering the Product Backlog by highest value or priority.

c) A Scrum Team committing to a deadline when many unknowns exist.

d) A Scrum Team using KanBan to visualize the cycle time of their work and impose
Work in Progress limits.

e) A development team releasing software that potentially exposes customer

data, because the Product Owner and stakeholders estimate the organizational
risk of not releasing to be far greater.

Clarification: Not being transparent about uncertainty is unethical. Endangering customers'

privacy is unethical. Go see this excellent video.. The development team owns
the Sprint Backlog, they can have good reasons to refuse work. A Product Owner is free to
order the Product Backlog how he wants. If a team wants to use additional tools to improve
their process, that's usually to be encouraged. In any case, it's not a breach of ethics.

15) Tracking velocity as a team metric is discouraged.

(choose the best answer)

a) True

b) False

Clarification: Velocity can, in skillful hands, be a useful tool to employ within the Scrum
Framework. It is not specifically discouraged. If you use it, do so correctly and wisely.

16) Why is Scrum referred to as a framework?

(choose the best answer)

a) It is a foundation upon which other processes and techniques can be


b) You can use the elements needed for it to best perform in your organization.

c) It is easy to learn but difficult to master.

d) It needs all of its components to work as intended. 8/15
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Clarification: Though a few of these answers are somewhat right, not all are directly related
to Scrum being a framework. From the Scrum Guide: "Scrum is not a process, technique, or
definitive method. Rather, it is a framework within which you can employ various processes
and techniques."

17) Mid-sprint the development team detects that they will likely not
meet the Sprint Goal with the work planned. They have a conversation
and determine a different way to meet the Sprint Goal, making
changes in the work planned in the Sprint. What Scrum Values are in
the spotlight here?
(choose the best answer)
Answered: a - Expected: d

a) Inspection, Adaptation

b) Build, Measure, Learn

c) Respect, Trust

d) Courage, Commitment

Clarification: People personally commit to achieving the goals of the Scrum Team. The
Scrum Team members have courage to do the right thing and work on tough problems.

18) Who is allowed to add work to the Sprint Backlog during the
(choose the 2 best answers)

a) The Scrum Team

b) The Development Team

c) The Product Owner

d) The Product Owner in accordance with the Development Team

e) The Scrum Master

Clarification: Only the Development Team can change its Sprint Backlog during a Sprint. If
the Product Owner wants to change the work planned, he has to do this in accordance with 9/15
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the Development Team.

19) Which of these are Scrum Artifacts?

(choose the 3 best answers)

a) The Sprint Goal

b) The Definition of Done

c) The Sprint Backlog

d) The Sprint

e) The Product Backlog

f) The Increment

Clarification: See

20) Who is accountable for the value of the work the Development
Team delivers?
(choose the best answer)
Answered: e - Expected: a

a) The Product Owner

b) The Development Team

c) The Scrum Team

d) The organization

e) All of the above

Clarification: Product Backlog management includes: [...] - Optimizing the value of the work
the Development Team performs; [...] The Product Owner may do the above work, or have
the Development Team do it. However, the Product Owner remains accountable. 10/15
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21) During Sprint Planning, two developers get in a heated debate

regarding the technical approach for a Backlog Item. Tension runs
really high and harsh language is used. The rest of the team sits in
awkward silence. The 8 hour timebox set for Sprint Planning adds to
the mounting pressure. As a Scrum Master, what do you do?
(choose the 2 best answers)
Answered: b,c - Expected: a,c

a) Teach the team that not all specifics need to be known at Sprint Planning,
further conversation and discovery will take place during the sprint.

b) Ask the Product Owner to make a choice between the two approaches,
keeping in mind his Product Vision and it's value to stakeholders.

c) Plan a short break to give everyone some breathing room. Remind the team
that constructive dialogue is good, but to remain respectful. We are all humans,
we're on the same team and work towards the same goals.

d) Allow the discussion to find a natural conclusion. If unavoidable, increase the

timebox so a plan for the Sprint can be formed.

Clarification: This is running out of hand, core Scrum Values such as respect are being
forgotten. The Scrum Master needs to act. A natural conclusion is therefore not the best
answer. Having the Product Owner choose how the work is done is not ok. The developers
decide how. They work with the Product Owner to decide upon scope, but the Product
Owner should not choose the technical approach as stated here.

22) A team decides their current Sprint length of 30 days is too short.
They are overhauling an entire platform and some work just takes
more time. They increase their Sprint length to two months. From
Scrum's perspective, what are the first most likely consequences of
this decision?
(choose the 4 best answers)
Answered: b,d,f,g - Expected: a,b,e,g

a) The team's improvement will slow down.

b) The Increment is likely to deviate further from stakeholder expectations.

c) The Product Owner will likely be less available. 11/15
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d) The Scrum Values will likely be less embodied by the team.

e) Transparency will likely decrease.

f) Technical debt will likely increase.

g) The team is no longer doing Scrum.

Clarification: Empiricism will be affected first. Having Sprint Review and Sprint
Retrospective every 60 days means the Product will likely deviate and the team will
improve less. Transparency is lowered as a whole. Obligatory "the team is no longer doing
Scrum." A Sprint is 30 days maximum and preferably less, to ensure regular inspection. The
other issues listed may occur, but not necessarily.

23) You're the Scrum Master for a team working on a new product for
a year now. Working software has been delivered each sprint, but not
released to the market. Recent pressure from within the organization
and Stakeholders is forcing a release in two months from now. The PO
feels this is premature as the work to be done before she has
confidence in a release, is forecast to take at least six months. She
appears quite distressed. What advice or help, in line with Scrum, can
you offer?
(choose the 2 best answers)

a) Advise the Product Owner to create more teams to work on the product. The
new teams can lean on expertise from the original team.

b) Advise the Product Owner to work with the Stakeholders.

c) Advise the Product Owner to sit with the team and ruthlessly rescope the
work planned. What can be delivered in two months that will meet customer
needs? What would we need if we had to release this sprint?

d) Advise the Product Owner that the whole of the organization must respect her
decisions. Stick to the current product vision and six month timeline.

Clarification: Adding more teams will likely slow the effort down due to the learning curve.
Sticking to your own plan while ignoring external realities is not adaptation. It creates
intransparency, tension, and does not solve the issue. 12/15
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24) What does the Cone of Uncertainty represent?

(choose the best answer)

a) Uncertainty towards the scalability of a product.

b) Uncertainty in reception of the product by end-users.

c) Uncertainty in the work to be done, influencing estimation and budget.

d) Uncertainty in the technological capabilities to build the product.

Clarification: Uncertainty in the work to be done best captures the Cone's essence.

25) A Scrum Master is a servant-leader who employs the entirety of

Scrum and disregards other Agile approaches.
(choose the best answer)
Answered: a - Expected: b

a) True

b) False

Clarification: Scrum must be used in its entirety, but it is also a framework that allows for
other supporting approaches. See the Scrum guide under Scrum Master services to the
Product Owner: "Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management;" [...]
"Understanding and practicing agility".

26) What does the "Definition of Done" improve?

(choose the best answer)

a) Shared understanding.

b) Insight when planning.

c) Clarity of conventions, standards or guidelines across the development


d) Transparency. 13/15
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e) All of the above.

Clarification: See the Scrum Guide on Definition of Done.

27) A Product Owner approaches you. He feels unsure about the value
his product will offer to end-users. As a Scrum Master, what advice can
you give him?
(choose the 2 best answers)
Answered: a,c - Expected: b,c

a) As a Product Owner it's his responsibility the product offers the highest
possible value to end-users.

b) Validation of product value is greatly improved by early releases to the


c) By improving the Sprint Review, inviting stakeholders and end-users, more

information about the current value of the product can be gained.

d) The Product Owner should verify his product vision with management to
validate the product is still in line with expectations.

Clarification: It is the Product Owner's responsibility, but he/she is aware of this. Pointing
that out again is not helpful advice. Management is unlikely to know end-users their exact
wishes and expectations.

28) A Senior Software Engineer and you have a talk over coffee. She
tells you she thinks Scrum is really cool, but that it doesn't work for
projects that require complex architecture decisions up front. Being a
Scrum ambassador, you respond by telling her that in Scrum:
(choose the 2 best answers)
Answered: a,e - Expected: b,d

a) Architecture is handled in any self-organizing way the cross-functional

Scrum Team sees fit.

b) Architecture typically emerges as part of the work being done. 14/15
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c) Architecture is kept to a bare minimum. Simplicity - the art of maximizing the

amount of work not done - is essential.

d) Architecture can receive more attention during early sprints, as long as a

working piece of software is delivered.

e) Architecture is of little concern, as long as working valuable software is

Retry assessment

Clarification: Architecture emerges during the Sprints. It will likely need more attention in
early sprints. A few of the other answers are somewhat right, but do not explain the way
Scrum looks at emergent architecture.

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