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VRTS 113 - Activity 2

4. What would you do if you witnessed a colleague acting unethically?

If you are unable to intervene or talk your coworker out of committing the behavior, your best
course of action is to tell your supervisor about what you observed. If the situation involves
your boss, consult with human resources or consider making an anonymous report.

5. List 5 specific courses of conduct, in keeping with the goals you

seek, will help lead to a life of excellence?
Rejection of society

3. List 5 ways on how we can develop critical thinking

Think through solutions and conclusions.
Understand That No One Thinks Critically 100% of the Time.
Explore other points of view.
Gather relevant information.
Communicate effectively.
VRTS 113 - Activity 2

1. How do we develop ethics?

Ethics can be explained as the choices people make regarding right and wrong things,
actions (Paul & Elder, 2002, p. 11). Human ethics is a complex and deep knowledge of basic
human values and norms of behavior. To develop human ethics we must be sufficiently strong,
as ethical standards must be followed even when others do not adhere to them. But the
development of ethical principles in person promotes the formation of strong character and
power of man. Each personal is a creative being with free will, which gives him the
opportunity to realize various ways and methods to improve himself. The more a person
possess human qualities, the more personal power he possesses. Almost every person
engaged in intellectual work understands the need for self-development and development of
personal ethics. Knowledge of methods of self development allows to start and sustain this
activity even if person has moderate motivation for professional growth. The basic principle of
self-development is to consider all possibilities and specific resources for personal and
professional development, and then look for opportunities to use these resources to develop
certain skills and competencies. In general, this is the basis for self-development. (Rae 2010)

2. Importance of critical thinking as a student

Critical thinking is essentially self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking.
When one thinks critically, it is done is a self-directed manner. There is an internalization of
the issue at hand and a deep understanding of it in an objective fashion. Critical thinking is
at the forefront of learning, as it aids a student reflect and understand their points of views.
This skill helps a student figure out how to make sense of the world, based on personal
observation and understanding. It makes learners self-assertive and confident as they know
that the outcome is the result of a thought process that yields results. Students also gain
confidence and the ability to learn from mistakes both of which are crucial in their personal
and professional lives.
2. Importance of critical thinking as an employee
Critical thinkers make the best decisions, most often. And in the workplace, where choices
about how to complete tasks, communicate information, relate with coworkers, and develop
strategy are so common, critical thinkers are extremely valuable.

3. List 5 ways on how we can develop critical thinking

Think through solutions and conclusions.
Understand That No One Thinks Critically 100% of the Time.
Explore other points of view.
Gather relevant information.
Communicate effectively.

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