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Set 6

Question 1: Correct
Several Sprints into a project, a client is complaining to the Product Owner about
the poor performance of the product. As a Scrum Master, how can you help the
Product Owner? (Choose the best answer)

Coach the Product Owner on effective ways to communicate this concern to the
Developers and encourage the Product Owner to add the performance issue to the
Product Backlog.


Tell the Product Owner that the Developers are in charge of the product's

Note the issue for the next Sprint Retrospective.

Notify the team responsible for system performance.

The Scrum Master needs to serve the Developers and coach the product Owner on
effective ways to communicate this concern.
Question 2: Correct
During Sprint Planning, the Developers were not able to confidently forecast a
Sprint Backlog. However, the Scrum team was able to create a Sprint Goal for the
upcoming Sprint. What action should the Scrum Master take? (Choose the best

Postpone the Sprint in order for the Product Owner to refine the Product Backlog
to the level needed.

Extend the Sprint Planning timebox until the Developers can forecast enough
items to begin the Sprint.

Forecast the most likely Product Backlog items to meet the goal, and discuss why
this happened and what changes will make it less likely to happen again in the
upcoming Sprint Retrospective.


Request assistance from the technical architect.

If the timebox of Sprint Planning is over they need to go with their best guess and revisit
this situation in the next Retrospective.
Question 3: Correct
How should a Scrum Master divide a group of 100 Developers into multiple Scrum
teams? (Choose the best answer)

Create teams based on their functional layer.

Have the resource manager assign the people to teams.

Ask the Developers to divide themselves into teams.


The Scrum Master should do it depending on their skills so he can create cross-
functional teams.

A good first question to pose to the group as they form teams is “How will we make
sure all teams have the right amount of expertise?” The teams should be cross-
functional, but the Developers be able to manage this on their own; they may have been
given some guidelines, such as "each team must have at least two Developers who can
focus on testing."
Question 4: Correct
You are the Scrum Master for four Scrum teams that are working on the same
product. Several Developers have informed you that in the next two Sprints, their
teams will require full-time assistance from an external technical specialist Nicole.
What key concerns should the Scrum Master take into account? (Choose the best

Having enough work for all team members.

The ability to produce integrated Increments and the benefit of teams solving the
problem themselves.


Maintaining a consistent velocity.

Hiring additional resources to fill the void in skillset.

The Scrum Master must coach the Developers to work in such a way that they are not
dependant on Nicole and can take responsibility for this issue on their own.
Question 5: Correct
A Product Owner is working with 3 teams on a product. Which of the following is
true about the Product Owner's accountability? (Choose the best answer)

Can be shared among multiple people in a Scrum team. Is the same as a Project
Manager. Is played by a committee or a team of people.

Is one person. Can be influenced by a committee. Is accountable for ordering the

Product Backlog.


The Scrum Master can not be Product Owner as well.

It is important to have a single person playing the Product Owner accountability and
have the final word in the Product Backlog.
Question 6: Correct
Federico, a new Product Owner, is hired to work on an existing product that has
been ongoing for five Sprints. He is unsure about a Product Owner's
responsibilities. Which of these Product Owner activities are defined in Scrum?
(Choose the best answer)

Writing User Stories.

Interacting with stakeholders and ensuring that the most valuable functionality is
always produced first.


Describing features as Use Cases.

Ensuring work is completed within scope and time.

One of the most important responsibilities of a Product Owner is interacting with
stakeholders and ensuring that the most valuable functionality is always produced first
and also providing clarifications to the Developers when requested.
Question 7: Correct
Peter is a new Product Owner on a newly formed Scrum team. Peter has projected
a product completion date based on an estimated velocity of 21 completed points
per Sprint. After the first 3 Sprints, the Developers have determined that their
maximum velocity is 15 points and that they are unable to create shippable
Increments at the end of each Sprint. What is the best way to proceed? (Choose
the best answer)

Due to the failure of the Sprints to produce shippable Increments, opportunities to

inspect and adapt have been lost. To increase the team's capacity, the Scrum
Master should encourage the organization to add more team members.

The Scrum Master would coach the team on improving their estimations and
commitment to completing the Sprint Backlog.

Extend the Sprint in order to complete the Sprint Backlog items.

Inform Peter that the projected completion date is not correct. The Developers
would estimate the remaining work to produce a shippable Increment and suggest
completing it (make it meet the Definition of Done). Based on empirical data,
Peter can adjust the completion date and decide how to continue.


This must be communicated to the Product Owner, and more transparency must be
provided. Adding more members will not help because they will need time to adjust,
and the velocity will be reduced in the short term while they do so. Extending the Sprint
doesn't change the completion date.
Question 8: Correct
What should the Developers do if someone from outside the team approaches
them and asks them to add a very important item to an ongoing Sprint? (Choose
the best answer)

Add the item to the bottom of the Sprint Backlog.

Replace an item in the current Sprint of equal size.

Add the item to the top of the next Sprint Backlog.

Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the person.


Allow the Product Owner to decide what to do with the item as he/she is responsible for
the flow of value.
Question 9: Correct
Two new Developers have started working for a Scrum team. They are unsure how
much work needs to be done before an item can be considered complete. How
much effort does a Product Backlog item that the Developers select for a Sprint
require? (Choose the best answer)

An equal amount of time on analysis, design, programming, testing and


As much as they have informed the Product Owner will be done for every Product
Backlog item they select following the Definition of Done.


All development work and at least some testing.

As much as they can fit into the Sprint. Any remaining work will be moved to a
subsequent Sprint.

If they consider an item "Done", it includes all the additional tasks that make it
releasable as well.
Question 10: Correct
Two new Developers have started working for a Scrum team. They are not sure if
they have all the skills required to complete the items. What skills and
competencies should the Developers need to have? (Choose the best answer)

They should be able to turn the Product Backlog items they select into a
potentially releasable product Increment of functionality.


Complete all development work so that the testers can take over in the next

Complete the project within the estimated time as promised to the Product Owner.

If they are cross-functional, they can provide potentially releasable Increments. They
should work as a team without relying on external specialists. Remember the whole
Scrum team should be cross-functional, so these 2 Developers would also need some
coaching regarding Scrum processes.
Question 11: Correct
If the Developers determine that they will not be able to complete the entire
forecast, who should be present to review and adjust the selected Sprint work?
(Choose the best answer)

The stakeholders and Scrum Master.

The Product Owner and the Developers.


The Developers and Project Manager.

The Scrum Master, the Business Analyst and the Developers.

They must collaborate because the Product Owner has the final say on whether they will
continue working on the remaining items in the next Sprint.
Question 12: Correct
Ali works as a Scrum Master for an organization that has hired 30 Developers. He's
working on ways to make team formation go more smoothly. What type of team
structure is best for creating integrated increments? (Choose the best answer)

Every team has Developers who are capable of developing functionality from start
to finish across all technical layers.


Each team specializes in one technical layer of the system (e.g. front-end,
database, back-end etc.).

It doesn't have to be a specific one, it depends on the product that they are
delivering. They might not have to be cross-functional to deliver.

Each team should be able to provide value to the customer without depending on an
item that another team is working on. They need to be cross-functional.
Question 13: Correct
The Sprint has started and Steve, the Scrum Master, is working with his team.
Developers come to him asking questions regarding the requirements of an item.
What should the Developers do if they don't understand a functional requirement?
(Choose the best answer)

Request a specialist to be added to the team.

Move the item to a future Sprint.

Complete as much as possible and add the remaining work to a new Product
Backlog item.

Work with the Product Owner to determine what is possible and acceptable.


It's critical that the Product Owner and the Developers collaborate here.
Question 14: Correct
A new Developer has just joined a new team. The team was overjoyed to have a
new member join them during Sprint Planning, and they selected far too many
items for the Sprint. What should they do now that they've selected too much
work after the Sprint began?(Choose the best answer)

Modify the Definition of Done to ensure all Product Backlog items can be done by
the end of the Sprint.

Work with the Product Owner to remove some work or Product Backlog items as
soon as possible.


Add additional team members to handle the extra work.

Continue working and update the Product Owner at the Sprint Review.

The Sprint Backlog is a living artifact that evolves and changes as more is learned or
Question 15: Correct
While developers are working during the Sprint, only functional requirements are
discussed; non-functional requirements are not discussed. What should the
Developers do with non-functional requirements? (Choose the best answer)

Ensure they are addressed in every Increment.


Assign them to the technical leads of the team.

They will be addressed in the Integration Sprints.

Add them to a separate non-functional requirements list.

Non-functional requirements should be worked on alongside functional development.
They can be captured as part of acceptance criteria, as a new item, or as part of the
Definition of Done. If they don't capture them they will have technical debt in the future.
Question 16: Correct
Scrum promotes self-management. Which of these statements would not support
self-management? (Choose the best answer)

Developers deciding what work to do in a Sprint.

Removing the need for documentation.


Being a lightweight framework.

Removing titles for Developers.

Please be careful there is a "not" in the question. Removing the need for documentation
is not right.
Question 17: Correct
How should multiple Scrum teams, each working from the same Product Backlog,
choose which Product Backlog items to work on? (Choose the best answer)

The Product Owner will present the work and the Developers will select the items
they will work on.


The Product Owner creates separate Product Backlogs for each team.

Each Scrum team would select an equal number of items.

The Product Owner assigns the work to each team.

The Scrum team with the highest productivity will select the items first.

The people who are actually doing the work are the best people to decide what they can
do and how they should do it. Given the Product Owner's priorities, developers should
be able to self-manage the best way to complete the work.
Question 18: Correct
What are some good ways to form Scrum teams that adhere to the Scrum Values?
(Choose the best answer)

Project Managers will allocate individuals to specific teams.

Bring together all of the developers or existing teams and ask them to propose
how to organize and self-manage into teams in the new structure.


The operations manager determines the new team structures and assignments.

Direct managers personally re-assign current reports to new teams.

The people who will be doing the work are the best people to determine which Scrum
team structures are most effective. Bringing everyone together and allowing them to
propose how to organize into the new structure and self-manage into teams is the best
option, because the teams should be able to self-manage given the potential
boundaries and skills required from others (Managers or Product Owner)
Question 19: Correct
Scrum Values encourage Scrum teams to be cross-functional and to have all of the
skills necessary to build a product. What are the benefits of keeping existing
component teams (e.g. design, database, back-end, front-end) when starting
Scrum? (Choose the best answer)

Component teams would have all the skills needed to focus on their specific
technical layer.

Component teams generally have all the skills needed to deliver shippable
Increments that add business value.

Because their productivity is already predictable, they can deliver shippable

Increments more quickly than a newly formed team.

Because they have been working together for some time, there will be less initial
disruption than a newly formed team. As they begin working, they will discover
what works best and how to move towards cross-functional teams.


There is less communication overhead than working in feature teams.

The ones that will be doing the work are the best ones to decide on what Scrum team
structures work best.
Question 20: Correct
Currently, your engineering department is organized in siloed teams that
specialize by function (e.g. front-end, back-end, database and testing). What
would you consider when moving away from component teams towards feature
teams? (Choose the best answer)

You cannot begin Scrum without having feature teams. It is easier to measure and
compare performance between feature teams. Feature teams should have an equal
number of team members.

Members within feature teams require compatible personalities. Feature teams

should have a mix of junior and senior members. Tasks are completed more
quickly than component teams.

Moving from component teams to feature teams could reduce productivity in the
initial stages. Feature teams have less communication complexity. Getting support
from the business side makes the transition easier.


Because they need time to figure out how to work together, the initial phase of forming
a new team may cause short-term disruption. Communication overhead is reduced
because all skills and competencies are contained within the team. Having an
environment that supports the Scrum Values reduces complexity.
Question 21: Correct
A Scrum team needs to implement something on AWS, but no Developer is
familiar with AWS. The plan is to hire a new Developer that will fill that gap.
Adding more resources in Scrum will proportionally increase the value delivered.




Adding more resources (people, money, tools, etc.) to a complex problem in a complex
environment does not guarantee increased value or success. It may be beneficial in this
case, but there is no guarantee.
Question 22: Correct
Part of the team’s Definition of Done requires creating or updating technical
documentation in order to maintain the product and/or features in the future. The
team’s technical writer will be on vacation during the Sprint. What should you do?
(Choose the best answer)

Encourage the technical writers from other teams to form a specialized team to
organize and plan the work for multiple teams.

The Developers will write it as they are still responsible for creating the
documentation to make the Increment done in conformance with their Definition
of Done.


Wait until the technical writer returns before continuing with related items.

Complete all development work first while adding technical documentation to the
Product Backlog to be done in a subsequent Sprint.

All Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint are owned by the Developers as a
whole. Although individual members may work on specific tasks, the Developers are still
accountable for doing the work to deliver a shippable Increment.
Question 23: Correct
Kevin is a senior Developer that has recently joined an existing Scrum team. The
existing team members are unable to get along with Kevin and conclude that he is
not the right fit. If necessary, who is responsible for removing the new team
member, and why? (Choose the best answer)

The Scrum Master because he/she is responsible for helping the Developers to
remove Impediments.

The Developers are responsible because it is an internal team issue. He may also
request help from the Scrum Master.


The HR department, as they are responsible for the hiring process.

The Product Owner because he/she is responsible for managing the team.

The people who are closest to the problem are the best at understanding and solving it.
The Scrum Master has the authority to dismiss team members (if empowered). The
question is about who owns the problem at its core. The Developers are responsible for
addressing internal conflicts and may request help from the Scrum Master if needed.
Because this is a localized issue, they are the ones that must initiate the actions for the
results they desire.
Question 24: Correct
During the Sprint, the Developers realize that they might not be able to finish all
of the items in the Sprint Backlog. What should happen? (Choose the best answer)

Items on the Product Backlog are either 'done' or 'not done.' This improves
empiricism while also increasing transparency and reducing complexity.

Continue Sprinting until the work is complete and redefine a new Sprint timebox
based on the results of the current Sprint.

The Sprint length remains the same, and the Developers continuously learn what is
actually possible to do within the timebox.


This must be communicated to the Product Owner in order to ensure transparency. To
avoid this from happening again, the team needs to improve their Sprint Planning skills.
Keep in mind that the question asks "What should happen?" rather than "What is true,"
which allows you to choose one or more options.
Question 25: Correct
What should a Scrum Master do if the Product Owner intends to focus the first
Sprint solely on infrastructure and architecture in order to work on functionality in
the following Sprint?(Choose the best answer)

Help the Product Owner understand the importance of including business

functionality in every Sprint, and explain to him/her that the best architecture and
infrastructure emerges as the functionality is developed.


Support the Product Owner’s decision as he/she is accountable for maximizing the
value of the work that the Developers do.

Explain that one Sprint might not be enough to complete the architecture, and
that he should pre-allocate additional Sprints just in case.

Add at least one technical architect to the Scrum team to ensure the architecture
can be completed in the first Sprint.

In Scrum, improving communication with customers and stakeholders is a critical task. It
reduces waste from building items that add no value. Self-managing teams, on the
other hand, produce the best architectures, requirements, and designs.
Question 26: Correct
A Scrum Master is working with Developers in different geographical locations.
The Developers meet in a variety of meeting rooms, and they have a lot of
logistical work to do before the Daily Scrum (for example, setting up conference
calls and booking the venue). In this situation, what should the Scrum Master do?
(Choose the best answer)

The Scrum Master should set up a meeting and announce to them how it will be

Ask the development manager to solve it as it is an impediment

Request that the Developers take turns setting up the meeting. They will be held
accountable as a result of this.

Allow the developers to self-manage and make their own decisions. The team will
become more self-managing as a result of this.


Scrum teams are structured and empowered by the organization to organize and
manage their own work. This includes deciding how to form teams when multiple teams
are needed. The resulting synergy improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the team
as a whole. They are self-managing.No one (not even the Scrum Master) instructs the
developers on how to convert the Product Backlog into Increments of potentially
releasable functionality.
Question 27: Correct
Emanuel is a Product Owner who joined a new Scrum team.He's trying to figure
out how good and familiar the team is, so he believes velocity is a key metric for




Velocity only measures units of work completed in a given timeframe, based on the
team's skills. It does not reflect how much value is being delivered to the customers.
Even if it is considered within the project, it is not the most important metric of success.
The Product Owner should be concerned with the amount of value delivered to
Question 28: Correct
The timebox of a Sprint has come to an end, but the team still needs to do
refinement before they start the new one. When does the new Sprint begin?
(Choose the best answer)

Immediately after the next Sprint Planning.

Immediately after the end of the previous Sprint.


It depends on the Product Owner.

Every Monday.

The new Sprint should begin immediately after the previous one has ended, as the
Scrum Guide does not state that anything should happen in between. If they need to
refine the Product Backlog, they can do so during the Sprint.
Question 29: Correct
Antonella is a Scrum Master of a 13-member Scrum team (including her). Because
of the team size, it is mandatory to divide the Scrum team. (Choose the best

This is true as the maximum size of a Scrum team must be 10 or fewer.

This is false as it is not required from Scrum to divide the Scrum team if there are
more than 10 members in the Scrum team.


The word mandatory is key here. The Scrum Guide 2020 doesn't state anywhere that it is
mandatory to divide teams. Smaller teams do communicate better, but this isn't a
requirement. According to the Scrum Guide, a Scrum team should be small enough to
be nimble while also being large enough to complete significant work within a Sprint,
usually consisting of 10 or fewer people.
Question 30: Correct
Kleopatra is a new Developer in a Scrum Team, who completed a task that met the
Definition of Done during her first week in the company. When the Increment was
released by the Product Owner, it caused a problem in the client's domain. What is true?
(Choose all that apply)

An Increment is a concrete stepping stone toward the Product Goal.


If all the Developers agree, then incomplete work can be released as part of the

As Kleopatra is a new Developer, Developers should wait until she gets some
experience, and then her work could be part of the Increment

The Definition of Done promotes transparency by ensuring that everyone is aware

of the work that was completed as part of the Increment.


The Developers don't have a good enough Definition of Done, they should review


The Developers are not doing enough testing to cover everything that they


As stated in the Scrum Guide, an Increment is a concrete stepping stone toward the
Product Goal. The Definition of Done creates transparency by providing everyone a
shared understanding of what work was completed as part of the Increment. The
increment is something that meets the Definition of Done. It's not Kleopatra's fault, if
her work meets the Definition of Done, then it's part of the Increment. The issue is with
the Definition of Done, it's not strong enough.

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