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Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Hridam Basu
Plan Ahead


Interactive Proofs

Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge

P and NP

P - Problems that can be solved in polynomial time

NP - Problems that can be verified in polynomial time

NP-Complete - Intersection of NP and NP-Hard -

problems which do not have an efficient solution
Discrete Logarithm
Problem (DLP)
Multiplicative Cyclic Group G with generator g, every element h
can be written as h=g x

Hard to find discrete logarithm of an element h of G:

x = log g h
DLP is not hard for all groups G

Popular choice of G: * where p is a large prime

Eg: If G = Z5 * and g = 2, discrete logarithm of 1 is 4 because

2 = 1mod 5

Too Complicated?

“A Proof“Type
is whatever
a quoteconvinces
here.” me.”

– Shimon Even

–Johnny Appleseed
Statement, Witness,
Proofs demonstrate that some statement is valid

Formally (x,w) ∈R where x is instance, wis witness, Ris Relation

Basically the statement is: x ∈L

Let R : polynomials that vanish at certain points

Let x : a 2 − 3a +2 = (a − 1)(a − 2)

Then witness w : solution to the equation x = 0; so w = {1,2}

We say (x,w) ∈R if a 2 − 3a +2 vanishes at a = w , ie, w 2 − 3w + 2 = 0
Interactive Proofs (IP)
Properties of IP

Completeness - Prover must be able to prove true


Soundness - Cheating prover cannot convince verifier of

false statements
Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Properties of ZKP

Completeness - Honest Prover must be able to prove true

statements, ie, convince verifier

Soundness - Cheating Prover cannot convince verifier of

false statements

Zero-Knowledge - Malicious Verifier learns nothing

beyond the correctness of the statement

Knowledge is different from information

If Alice and Bob are interacting, then Bob (verifier) gains

knowledge only if he can compute something after the
conversation that he could not do before
Expressiveness of ZKP
Assuming One-Way Functions,
all Languages in NP have Zero-Knowledge Proofs!
“Type a quote here.”
– Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson, JACM ‘91

–Johnny Appleseed
One-Way Functions are those that are easy to compute
but hard to invert. Eg: Hash function, Discrete Log.,etc.
On a high level, ZK property is proved (,ie, there is no
extra information leakage) with the help of a polynomial-
time simulator algorithm

Simulator generates identical transcript (conversation

between prover and verifier) only based on the common
inputs without any interaction with the prover

Simulated transcript between simulator and verifier is

indistinguishable from original transcript between prover
and verifier

Computational - based on some computationally hard

problem (eg. Discrete Logarithm Problem)

Perfect - information theoretically secure even if quantum

computers were invented

Special - proof_of_knowledge
Commitment Scheme
Secure Lock Box containing a
secret with a key

For committing to a secret,

write down the secret in a piece
of paper and lock the box

For opening the commitment

(ie, de-commitment) provide
the key, so that the verifier can
open the box and see the secret
for himself
Commit and Reveal Phase

Commit X
Phase Sender Receiver

Hiding: A computationally bounded receiver learns nothing about

Phase X Receiver
v s, v, X
Binding: s can only be “opened” to the value X.
Reveal Verification

Properties of Commitment
Hiding - commitment hides the secret value that is being
committed to

Binding - binds the commitment to the secret that is being

committed to, ie, Alice cannot open the commitment for
the same message to a different secret

Both of these properties can be either perfect or

Simplest Commitment
Hash Function

Choose a random r and a collision-resistant Hash function

H (eg. SHA256, SHA3, etc.)

Compute commitment com = H(r||m) to commit to secret


Open the commitment by revealing m and r

Verifier accepts if (com’ = H(r||m)) == com

Commitment Scheme
Homomorphic Property:

Com(ma ;ra ) + Com(mb ;rb ) = Com(ma + mb ;ra + rb )

Hash function is not homomorphic:

H (ra || ma ) + H (rb || mb ) ≠ H (ra + rb || ma + mb )
Pedersen Commitment
Pedersen is Homomorphic
Com(m1;r1 ) = g h m1 r1

Com(m2 ;r2 ) = g h m2 r2

Com(m1 + m2 ;r1 + r2 )
m1 +m2 r1 +r2
=g h
=g h g h
m1 r1 m2 r2

= Com(m1;r1 ) + Com(m2 ;r2 )

Sigma Protocol

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