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The Self: Its Nature and

The Nature of the Self
• There are varied terminologies that can be considered synonymous
with the ‘self. It can be as diverse as ‘self- awareness’,
‘consciousness’, ‘identity’, ‘self- vstecm^ prime , ‘self-concept’, ‘ego’
and the like. But all of those terms and concepts direct us towards our
inner being’ and our ‘soul’. It takes much intelligence and awareness
to determine that there is a being inside of us who experiences every
undertaking that we have. The ‘self is thinking and a feeling being
within ‘us,’ and within ‘ourselves. The self generally is the distinct
identity which is a summation of the experiences of an individual. The
self is related to the awareness and consciousness of a rational being.
The Process of Discovering the ‘Self’
• Often, we struggle in our lifetime to search for our ‘identity’ and our
‘core being’. The greatest challenge happens during the period of
adolescence as we go through ‘surge of hormonal imbalance’ The
search for our true identity is a process of learning, re-learning and
unlearning the lessons that we acquire from the teachings of life.
Discovering and re-discovering the self becomes a complex procedure
that we need to undergo to finally find our genuine ‘self and
individuality. This life learning is a continuous flux, an unending
adventure onto the realms of life’s complexities. Everything that we
embrace in this learning experience is part of our meaningful
The Johari Window: Getting to
Know “The Self

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