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Eng gineering 299

niversity off California,, Berkeley
F 2022
Homework #7 (harrdcopy due by
b 1pm Wed
d Oct. 12 to h
homework boox)

ding: Chapterr “Section Vieews”

Lab:: See the instrructions in thee Manufacturring Design Prroject Conceppt Generationn file.


11. Please ansswer the desccriptive geomeetry reasoning g questions inn the “HW7
Descriptivve Geometry Quiz” on bCo ourses. Be su ure to read th
he directions before
you beginn!!
22. In the prooblem shown n below left, the view in ndicated by tthe balloon is to be
changed to a full section s view
w taken aloong the
centerlinee in the directiion indicated by the arrowws in the
other view w. Select thee correct secction view frrom the
twenty-foour proposed views show wn at the righht. If a
correct an nswer is nott available aas a choice, call it
answer 0, and sketch h the correctt one. It is possible it iis available bbut the
orientation needs to bee rotated 90 oro 180 degreees, so also inddicate if it shhould be
rotated by
y 0 degrees, 90
9 degrees, ettc. Answer th his question oon the BACK K of this
33. Answer th he other questions on the back
b of this sh
heet and thenn turn in the pphysical
sheet (witth your namee, SID, and laab!) to the ho omework boxx with the othher side
facing up..

Lab Submisssion Instructiions
One submmission per group, uploaded d to bCoursess, by 1pm nexxt Wednesdayy.
Homework Submission
S Innstructions
 Complete
C the bCourses qu uiz.
 Turn
T in a hard copy of yourr solutions onn the back of tthis sheet to tthe E29
hoomework box xes located on
o the 1st flloor of Etcheeverry by thhe north
ellevator. Pleasse submit it with
w the other side
s facing upp. Thanks!
me: SID:: Lab:

blem 2 The correct
c matcch is View # ________ rotated
r clockkwise _________degrees, or if none, ssketch here:
blem 3

The ffollowing stattements referr to the figure above, whichh shows 4 adjjacent view-pplanes of 3 pooints in space: A, B, and C.
Somee of the pointts are missing
g in some of th he view-planees. (H is the hhorizontal view-plane.)

• Projected line segmentt AHBH is paraallel to the folld line betweeen views H annd F.
• A line con
nnecting BH and
a CF would be perpendiccular to the foold line betweeen views H aand F.

For aall points forr which suffiicient inform

mation is giveen to find thee point in all view-planes, sketch an
nd label their
posittions in all view
v planes. Below, writee “yes” beside each point whose positiion you founnd in all view w planes, “no”
A:_________ B:________ C:__________
If a ppoint location
n cannot be deetermined, briiefly state why
y not in the sppace below.

Answ wer the followwing question ue” on the linee in front of each of the sttatements bellow if it is allways true, or
ns. Write “tru o
writee “false: if itt is sometimees or always false, and briefly
b justifyy your answwers. (No creedit will be ggiven withou ut

true//false: justtifications:

_______ 1. Line seegment AB iss horizontal. ___________

_ _____________________________________________________

_______ 2. Line seegment AB iss in true lengtth in view plaane F.________________________________________________

_______ 3. Line seegment AB iss in true lengtth in view plaane H. ________________________________________________

_______ 4. Angle ABC is a righ

ht angle. ____

_______ 5. Line seegment BC iss longer than line

l segment AB. ________________________________________________

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