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Name: Ehssan Chowdhury

ID: 1822227

AAT101, Sec 1

Mona Lisa

Painting by Leonardo da Vinci

Monalisa is a half length portrait painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. It had been
believed to have been painted between 15003 and 1506. Leonardo may have continued
working on it as latest 15-17. It has also become an icon of the remain reminiscience. Hair
where going to analysis with semiotics and interpret The masterpiece. I have in The
masterpiece monalisa by Leonardo da vincip because is one of the modes famous and most
recognised paintings in the world so I was turi us about it that's why I have chosen this

Theoritical background
The formal elements are the components that comprise and artwork line shape form form
texture pattern colour and composition are all considered aspects P they are frequently
combined and the way there ordered is a work of art Dictates the final appearance

Lines are used to established shape cards and outlines in art it can also be used to suggest
mass and volume it may be continuous mark produced on a surface with a pointed tool or
implayed by the age of shapen firms. Eat eat includes space and create the illusion of
movement and light and shadows lifes can be curved upward downward horizontal or vertical

A shape is an area enclosed by a line. It could be just an outline or it could be shaded
in.Shapes can be either geometric, like a circle, square or triangle, or irregular.When drawing
shapes, you must consider the size and position as well as the shape of the area around it. The
shapes created in the spaces between shapes are referred to as negative space.

Form is a three dimensional shape, such as a cube, sphere or cone.Sculpture and 3D design
are about creating forms.In 2D artworks, tone and perspective can be used to create an
illusion of form.

This refers to the lightness or darkness of something. This could be a shade or how dark or
light a colour appears.Tones are created by the way light falls on a 3D object. The parts of the
object on which the light is strongest are called highlights and the darker areas are called
shadows. There will a range of tones in between the highlights and shadows.

This is to do with the surface quality of something, the way something feels or looks like it
feels. There are two types of texture: actual texture and visual texture.Actual texture really
exists, so you can feel it or touch it. You can create actual texture in an artwork by changing
the surface, such as sticking different fabrics onto a canvas. Combining different material
techniques can create interesting textures.Visual texture is created using marks to represent
actual texture. It gives the illusion of a texture or surface but if you touched it, it would be
smooth. You can create visual texture by using different lines, shapes, colours or tones. Think
about how different marks can be used to show texture.

A design that is created by repeating lines, shapes, tones or colours. The design used to create
a pattern is often referred to as amotif. Motifs can be simple shapes or complex
arrangements.Patterns can be man-made, like a design on fabric, or natural, such as the
markings on animal fur.
Red, yellow and blue are primary colours, which means they can’t be mixed using any other
colours. In theory, all other colours can be mixed from these three colours.Two primary
colours mixed together make a secondary colour. Tertiary colours are created by mixing a
primary colour and the secondary colour next to it on the colour wheel.

Meaning interpreting tools/theories

Sign : the smallest unit of meaning. Anything that can be used to communicate

Iconic : signs where the signifier resembles the signified

Symbolic signs : where the relation between signifier and signified is purely conventional and
culturally specific

Indexical : signs where the signifier is caused by the signified

Formal description
Leonardo da Vinci used various types of lines in his famous painting-the Mona Lisa. The
evident are the curved lines, used in the forming of the lace, hair and clothing

Color,shape and texture

The muted colors, the dark colors of Mona's dress and hair contrasted with the lighter
background landscape Also light skin of her contrasts nicely with the darker tores in the
painting .Notice the luminous quality of Mona's face and hands.Focus on details such
repeated fines on the sleeves of her garment, the carving lines of the roads, the oval shape her
face, the circular lines of tress and the jagged triangles of the mountains. Perhaps the
Important line in the image is the subtle curve of her mouth.
The background shows a rocky landscape with hill, mountains, water and roads. And
Leonardo da Vinci was the first to include such a background in a portrait painting. You can
see almost snowy mountains, weding road t left and a bridge on the right. It seama that the
landscape on the left and the right of Mona do not match up as the left side is lower than the
right side,

The woman's hands and face stand out because they are light and luminous in contrast to
dark clothing and tag. The composition is triangulas Another important aspect of the work the
use of perspective, with all lines leading to a single vanishing pov behind Mona Lisa's The
harton is repeated in the railing behind the figure. The repetion of light drain the viewer's eye
around the painting but as back to the face and hands

Sigs of we consider the painting as a sign then according to Saussure's model of the sign this
masterpiece has two parts signifer and signed Ewry basic elements implemented in the
painting is signier Hall-body portrait of Mona Lisa the muted colors, the dark colors of
Mona's dress and has contrasted with the lighter background landscape snowy moun pad her
hand positions and her smile, her eye contact everything is signer those signed she is happy
and coldest

Struc of sign
The painting is vertically dominated this as a half-body portrait of Lar del Gocondo. he is
king outside in a chair with a straight peturf we see this picture from top we can see she has a
tramparent vel on her head she has no eyebrows something that’s not uncommon in portraits
Her eyes and her small mysterious smile She's a dres with a bit of face and a scarf ever the
shoulders Her hands are crossed and laying on an amen She locks at us with an ambiguous
expression. The backgmundssyndice we can sue alment sy munkay gad on the lift and a
beteghts that
Modes of sign
in this painting there is no iconic or indelical sign she has a transparent will on her head
which may be a smooth sign that she is pregnant

In this painting is a hall-body portrait of del Giocondo. She is sitting outside in a chair wi

straight posture. Her curly hair hangs on her shoulders, and she has a transparant vell on her

head (which may be a sign that she is pregnant). She is wearing a dress with a bit of lace and

scarf over the shoulders. The light skin of her contrasts nicely with the darker tones in the re

of the painting I Note that she has no eyebrows, something that was not uncommon in
portraits from that tim though research has shown that the Mona Usa may originally have had
some faint eyebrows. Her hands are crossed and laying on an armrest She looks at us with an
ambiguous expressio Her eyes and her small mysterious smile have been intriguing to

The background shows a rocky landscape, and Leonardo de Vinci was the first to include
such background in a portrait painting. You can see almost snowy mountains, a winding road
on the left and a bridge on the right. It seems that the landscape on the left and the right of
Mona Lis do not match up as the left side is lower than the right side.

One of the things that makes this painting so popular is the use of sfumato by Leonardo da
Vinri This is techninus thar Da Vinci deelneed in which he handed lers on the cam.


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