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Personal Awareness & Responsibility

-I would say that I am very personally responsible and that I can advocate for myself very well
without the help of others. I can take responsibility for my choices and actions and persevere in
difficult situations. In situations where I have to advocate for myself when my parents are not
around or when I have to get home or go out, I can be responsible and be safe.
-I need to Improve on asking others for help when needed and taking care of myself more.
When I need help with something or I am struggling with something I am usually too shy to ask
so I think I should ask more questions when needed.

Social Responsibility
-I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships and I value diversity, defend human
rights, advocate for others and act ethically in my interactions including online. No matter who I
meet I always treat them with respect and I’d say that all my relationships with my peers are
-I need to improve more on contributing to the environment and appreciating different
perspectives on issues and use and evaluate strategies to resolve problems. When it comes to
the environment I don’t do anything to harm it but I also don't go out of my way to help with the
environment so I should improve on that.

Personal & Cultural Identity

-I do understand the broad concepts of culture and I can identify myself in terms of my
relationship to others and to the world.
-I need to improve on knowing and understanding my strengths and to use them to my
advantage and explain it to my community. I don’t find that I have a lot of strengths so I need to
improve on finding those strengths and knowing that they are strengths.

Critical Thinking
-I can analyze and make judgements, draw conclusions and look at a variety of conclusions.
-I need to improve on asking more good quality questions, gathering more relevant information
and to come up with well developed conclusions. Since I don’t usually talk, I don't tend to ask
any questions soi need to work on speaking up.

Creative Thinking
-I can use the environment around me, including others and my unconscious mind to generate
new ideas. I understand that failure can be productive. When I’m looking for ideas I usually look
around and see things around me or that are currently on my mind to create ideas. And in order
to be successful It takes some failure.
-I need to improve on taking my ideas and evaluating, developing and refining them to make
something productive out of them. I also need to improve on creating new and unique ideas that
provide new perspectives that influence how people think about the topics.
-I can listen, and work with other students to plan, inquire and solve problems. I can also reflect
on the processes of learning. I am very good at listening to what others have to say and doing
things when people tell me to do it.
-I need to work on contributing more to discussion and debate and engaging in deep and
meaningful inquiry for a variety of purposes and audiences. When there are group discussions I
tend to stay quiet because I am scared to speak up so I should work on that.

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