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Eaton Corporation Application Note

Telecommunications Power Solutions

Email: Issue B, June 2011

SC200 Advanced Alarm Features

Last updated 2 June 2011

Applicable products SC200 System Controller Version 3.00 or later
Audience Eaton DC Product Channel Partners and Integrators
Related documents SC200 System Controller Handbook
For more information Contact with details of the application.

The SC200 system controller (Version 3.00 or later) includes a new Smart Alarms feature (see details below) and
an enhancement to Analog Input Alarms (see details on page 12). These greatly increase the flexibility and
power of SC200 alarm and user-defined control functions.
Note: For standard alarm functions (System, Analog Input High, Analog Input Low and Digital Input alarms)
refer to the SC200 System Controller Handbook.

Smart Alarms
This application note provides details of Smart Alarms. It is intended for use by system designers with knowledge
of Boolean logic and digital electronics.

Term Logic Description

AND A Boolean logic function (an AND gate in digital electronics). The output is
true if all inputs are true.

False A Boolean logic term meaning “inactive” or “off”.

NOT A Boolean logic function (NOT gate). The output has the opposite logic to
the input.
OR A Boolean logic function (OR gate). The output is true if any input is true.

Output The required alarm or control output from Smart Alarms.

Pulse An input becomes active for a short time, then inactive.
Source An input for a Smart Alarm.
Triggered The conditions for this alarm are true but the alarm itself may not be active.
This could be because it is disabled or it is in the recognition time.
True A Boolean logic term meaning “active” or “on”.
XOR A Boolean logic function (XOR gate). The output is true if at least one input
is true and at least one is false.

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Smart Alarms are a software simulation of logic gates to allow the logical combination of other alarms, time
schedules and/or system values.
A single Smart Alarm is the equivalent of a multi-input AND, OR or XOR logic gate. More complex logic
arrangements are created by using one Smart Alarm as an input into another. For example:

Boolean Logic Logic Gate Equivalent

SAx = Sa AND Sb Sa SAx

SAy = Sa OR Sb OR Sc Sa SAy

SAz = SAx OR NOT Sd Sa SAx


Note: One input is Smart Alarm SAx (output from another gate).
The other input is negated. This is available with Alarm
Sources only.
Where: SAx, etc. are Smart Alarms (entered in the Smart Alarms table).
Sa, Sb, etc. are the Sources (entered in the Alarm Sources, Schedule Sources or System Value
Sources tables.
Note: Up to 32 Smart Alarms can be configured.
Smart Alarms also have optional activation and deactivation delays. When activated they can cause alarm
indications (unless Severity is set to Control) and can activate one or two digital outputs (in the same way as
other alarms).

The inputs to Smart Alarms are called Sources, which can be any combination of:
 Alarm Sources (up to 64):
System Alarms, Analog Input High alarms, Analog Input Low alarms, Digital Input alarms, Other Smart
Note: Alarm Sources can either ignore an alarm’s recognition period and be triggered immediately the
alarm is triggered, or be triggered only after the alarm recognition period. Alarm Sources can also
be triggered either when the source alarm becomes active or becomes inactive.
 Time Schedule Sources (up to 20)
Note: Time schedules can repeat for a fixed number of times, or indefinitely.
 System Value Sources (up to 20):
Bus Voltage, Rectifier Current, Load Current, Battery Current, Battery Temperature, Load Power, System
Power, Ah Discharged.
Note: System Value Sources can active either when the system value is above or below a defined
threshold value.

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

To create a Smart Alarm

1. Determine the equivalent logic gate arrangement for the Smart Alarm. See the examples starting on page 5.
Smart Alarms can be regarded as logic gates. Each gate (AND, OR or XOR) is an entry in the Smart Alarm
States table. The gate inputs are entries in the Alarm Sources, Scheduled Sources or System Value Sources

2. Configure the Smart Alarm(s):

i. In DCTools or Web go to: Alarms > Smart Alarms.
ii. Expand the Smart Alarm States and the Alarm Sources tables.
iii. In the Smart Alarm States table configure the Smart Alarm:
Name: Type the name of the Smart Alarm.
Severity: Set to the required severity level.
Note: Set to Control if no alarm indication is required. For example, if
this Smart Alarm is a source for another Smart Alarm.
Operator: Set to the required logical operator (AND, OR, XOR).
Recognition Period: Set to the required delay before activation.
Deactivation Set to the required delay before deactivation.
Recognition Period:
DO Mapping A: If required, select a digital output that will be activated when the Smart
Alarm is active.
DO Mapping B: If required, select a second digital output that will be activated when the
Smart Alarm is active.
Send Trap: Set to TRUE to send an SNMP Trap when the Smart Alarm is active.
Trap Origin: Set to the required alarm type to be sent in the Trap Origin field.
Group: Set to 0 unless using Groups in PowerManagerII. Refer to
PowerManagerII online help.
Notes: Type any required description. When the Smart Alarm is active the text
will be displayed on the SC200 and included in the SNMP trap (if used).

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

3. Configure the Sources that will be the inputs to the Smart Alarm. See details of sources on page 2.
Note: Every Smart Alarm must have at least one Source assigned to it.

There are three type of Sources:

i. Alarm Sources
In the Alarm Sources table make an entry for each source alarm (if any) to be combined into
the Smart Alarm:
SA Num: Enter the number (from the Smart Alarm States table) of the Smart Alarm for
which this source is an input.
Status: Set to Enabled.
Logic: Set to either:
 EQUAL - the Alarm Source will become active when the source alarm is
Triggered or Active.
 NOT - the Alarm Source will become active when the source alarm is
Trigger When Set to either:
Source is:  Triggered - the Alarm Source will become active immediately when the
conditions for this alarm become true (or false when Logic is set to NOT).
The alarm does not have to be Enabled.
Note: 1. Do not use Triggered when Type is set to Smart Alarm, except
where stated in this application note. See the Appendix on page 13.
2. Recognition time and hysteresis do not apply.
 Active - the Alarm Source will become active when the alarm becomes
active (or inactive when Logic is set to NOT), after the alarm recognition
time, and only if the alarm is Enabled.
Type: Set to the appropriate source type: System Alarm, Analog Input High, Analog
Input Low, DI, Smart Alarm.
Index: Enter to the number from the corresponding Alarm State table:
 Type = System Alarm - enter the number of the alarm from the Alarm
States table.
 Type = AI High/AI Low - enter the number of the alarm from the Analog
Input High Alarms or the Analog Input Low Alarms table.
 Type = DI - enter the number of the alarm from the Digital Input Alarms
 Type = Smart Alarm - enter the number of the alarm from the Smart Alarm
States table.

ii. Schedule Sources

In the Schedule Sources table make an entry for each schedule (if any) to be combined into
the Smart Alarm:
SA Num: Enter the number (from the Smart Alarm States table) of the Smart Alarm
for which this source is an input.
Status: Set to Enabled.
First Date / Time: Set to the date and time for the first activation of the Schedule Source.
Duration: Set the time the Schedule Source will be active.
Interval: Set the time between activations.
Number of Set the number of activations.
Activations : Note: If set to zero then there is no limit to the number of activations.

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

iii. System Value Sources

In the System Value Sources table make an entry for each System Value (if any) to be
combined into the Smart Alarm:
SA Num: Enter the number (from the Smart Alarm States table) of the Smart Alarm
for which this source is an input.
Status: Set to Enabled.
System Value: Set to the required value (Bus Voltage, Rectifier Current, Load Current,
Battery Current, Battery Temperature, Load Power, System Power, Ah
Threshold Type: Set to either:
High - the System Value Source will be true when the System
Value goes above the Threshold.
Low – the System Value Source will be true when the System
Value goes below the Threshold.
Threshold: The System Value Source will be true when the System Value goes
above or below (depending on the Threshold Type) this value.
Hysteresis: Determines when an active System Value Source will become false:
If Threshold Type is set to Low the System Value Source will
become false when the System Value goes above Threshold +
If Threshold Type is set to High the System Value Source will
become false when the System Value goes below Threshold -

4. Configure and Enable the alarms and/or digital inputs entered in the Alarm Sources table.
Each System, Analog Input High, Analog Input Low and Digital Input alarm used as a source for a Smart
Alarm must be configured and Enabled (except if Alarm Source set to Trigger When Source is Triggered).
Note: Refer to the SC200 System Controller Handbook for details on alarm and DI configuration.

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Smart Alarm Examples

These are examples of logic and timer features that can be created using Smart Alarms.
In all examples:
 The main input is digital input 1 (Number 11 in the digital inputs table).
 Digital output mappings are not shown.
 The required output Smart Alarm is configured with Critical or Major severity.
 Intermediate Smart Alarms are configured with Control severity (no alarm indications).

Logic diagram symbols

These are included to assist understanding of the examples. Each Smart Alarm is represented by a logic gate,
such as:

Smart Alarm Operator = AND

Each gate input

is one line in a
Sources table

Smart Alarm Operator = OR Smart Alarm Operator = XOR


A Smart Alarm configured with activation and/or

deactivation recognition times provides a time
delay “T”. It can have one input only, or more

NOT function. The Alarm Source Logic is set to


Only available with Alarm Sources.

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Smart Alarm Example 1: Delayed Trigger

To make a Smart Alarm become active a set time after its Source becomes true, set the Recognition Period to
the required delay.
Note: Logic is set to EQUAL. The Alarm Source will become true immediately DI 11 is active, irrespective of
any recognition time set for the DI.

SA 1

Input Source
(DI 11) T Output

Smart Alarm Example 2: Latch a Smart Alarm

To make a Smart Alarm latch until manually reset:

Configure a Smart Alarm with two source inputs. This example shows Smart Alarm 1 configured to latch.

SA 1
Input Source
(DI 11) Output

 The first Source is configured as in Example 1 (DI 11).

 The second Source is configured with the Type as Smart Alarm and the Index equal to the Smart Alarm
 The Smart Alarm is configured with Operator OR.
This means that as soon as the Smart Alarm becomes active, it will be held active by its own output.
Note: Ensure that the Source line that is derived from the Smart Alarm, is set to Trigger When Source is
Active (not Triggered).

To Clear a latched Smart Alarm

In the Web, DCTools or front panel, click on the Clear button.

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Smart Alarm Example 3: Hold a Smart Alarm active for a minimum time
The alarm will remain active for the configured time, and then remain active as long as the activation conditions
are still true.

Input Source
SA 2
(DI 11) Output

SA 1

In this example:
 Smart Alarm 1 provides delay and logic “OR”. Severity is set to Control so it does not create an alarm.
 Smart Alarm 2 is the required output. It is active if the input is active, or the delay timer (Smart Alarm 1) is

Smart Alarm Example 4: Activate a Smart Alarm for a maximum period

Smart Alarm 2 activates when the input condition becomes active. It will deactivate when the input condition
deactivates or after the configured recognition period, whichever comes first.
Smart Alarm 1 activates after a delay and so deactivates the output.

Input Source SA 2
(DI 11) Output

SA 1

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Smart Alarm Example 5: Activate a Smart Alarm for an exact period

Smart Alarm 3 will activate for the

configured time and then deactivate,
whether or not the source alarms are active.

Input DI 11 SA 2 SA 3 Output

SA 1 T

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Smart Alarm Example 6: Activate a Smart Alarm on one condition, and deactivate it on another

This configuration is also called a “flip flop”.

In this example:
 A pulse on input 1 causes the output to become active.
 A pulse on input 2 will cause the output to become inactive.
 Another pulse on input 1 causes the output to become active again.
1. Ensure that the Alarm Source settings are as shown. That is, one Alarm Source is set to Trigger When
Source is Triggered, and the other set to Trigger when Source is Active.
2. After start-up, the output will be active if both inputs are active or input 1 is active, and inactive otherwise.

SA 1
DI 11 Output

SA 2

DI 12

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Smart Alarm Example 7: Scheduled Alarms

This example shows a Load Shed output that could be used to start a generator and switch a Telecom site off the
AC grid at times of AC grid peak usage.
In this example, the output (Digital Output 4) is turned on from 8:00 to 9:00 and 17:00 to 19:00 every week day
Smart Alarm 1 is the combination of the first two Scheduled Sources. It activates every day when the time is 8:00
to 9:00 OR 17:00 to 19:00.
The third Scheduled Source is active only during weekdays. It is equivalent to NOT (Saturday or Sunday).
This is combined with Smart Alarm 1 using AND, so that the Generator Start output only activates in the peak
times AND only on week days.

1. Time:
 Times are stored in the SC200 using UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), similar to GMT.
 When you connect to the SC200 using the web, DCTools or PowerManagerII, the times are converted to
local times, including any daylight saving times.
 The schedules use UTC time and are not adjusted when daylight saving starts or ends.
Consider this situation:
A user connects to the SC200 during winter. He configures it to turn on a light at local time of 19:00 every
This is converted to UTC and scheduled in the SC200 for the same UTC time every day.
When summer arrives, the local time changes by one hour.
But the SC200 does not change the time – the light will be turned on at the same UTC time, not local
time. So while daylight saving time applies, it will turn on the light one hour earlier every day (in local
2. Interval / Duration
If Interval is set to less than Duration, then this Source will always be active.

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Analog Input Alarm Enhancement

Map more than one analog Input channel to a physical input

With SC200 version 3 more than one Analog Input in the Analog Inputs table, can be mapped to the same
physical I/O board analog input.
A separate Analog Input High or Analog Input Low alarm can then be configured for each Analog Input.
The following example shows Battery Temperature configured to have two alarms, Major above 40ºC and Critical
above 50ºC.

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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Appendix: Smart Alarm Smart Alarm Technical Details

This section provides more technical detail on Triggering of Alarm Sources, the operating sequence of Smart
Alarms, and circular conditions.

Triggering of Alarm Sources

1. If an Alarm Source has Trigger When Source is set to Triggered, then the SC200 works from the original
conditions for the alarm/DI and ignore the alarm/DI’s recognition period and hysteresis. This applies even if
the alarm/DI is disabled.
This method can be used to allow:
 an alarm to be used when it is disabled, so that it is not reported on the front panel or remotely.
 a different recognition time to be assigned to the alarm/DI.

Clock Alarm / DI
signal Enable

Alarm Source OR / AND
- Trigger when / XOR Optional
Latch Delay Source is Delay
Alarm / DI

Alarm or DI Other sources { Smart


2. If an Alarm Source has Trigger When Source is set to Active, then the SC200 works from the alarm/DI itself.
The alarm/DI signal is latched by the “Clock signal”. This clock signal is an internal SC200 process, occurring
at least once per second.
So the Alarm Source will not become active until after the alarm/DI’s recognition time, and only if the alarm/DI
is enabled. It exactly matches the state of the alarm/DI itself.
Note: Digital input and some system alarms have individual alarm recognition times. The remaining System
alarms, Analog Input alarms and Smart Alarms use the global alarm recognition time.

Clock Alarm / DI
signal Enable

Alarm Source OR / AND
- Trigger when / XOR Optional
Latch Delay Source is Delay
Alarm / DI

Alarm or DI Other sources { Smart


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AN0106: SC200 Advanced Alarm Features
Issue B, June 2011

Operating sequence of Smart Alarms

Every time the clock signal occurs, the SC200 will evaluate the Smart Alarms.
The evaluation is done backwards through the table from Smart Alarm through source and to other Smart Alarms
if necessary.

Circular conditions
If a Smart Alarm is indirectly derived from itself (through another Smart Alarm), then this is called a “circular
If all “edges” (source changes from inactive to inactive or active to inactive) are set to Trigger When Source is
Triggered, then the SC200 cannot correctly calculate the alarm operation.
In this case, the SC200 will leave the alarm as inactive.

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