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საჭირო ინფორმაცია ესეს წერასთან მიმართებაში

ესე შეიცავს სამ მნიშვნელოვან კომპონენტს შესავალს,არგუმენტებს და

დასკვნას. თითოეული ნაწილი აბზაცით გამოიყოფა ერთმანეთისგან

შესავალი მოიცავს სათაურის ზოგად მიმოხილვას და ამ საკითხის

შესახებ რეალური მდგომარეობის აღწერას, რომელიც შეიძლება
ჩავატიოთ სამ წინადადებაში. შესავლის ბოლოს შეგიძლიათ გამოიყენოთ
შემდეგი წინადადება.

I will try to back up my opinion with reliable arguments or

That is why this is an issue that requiers serious consideration

არგუმენტების ნაწილი მოიცავს ორ ან სამ აბზაცს მათი რაოდენობის

მიხედვით. პირველი ორი არგუმენტი უნდა იყოს სათაურის
მომხრე,ხოლო მესამე მოწინააღმდეგე. მესამის არსებობა აუცილებლობას
არ წარმოადგენს, თუმცა ამდიდრებს ესეს შინაარსობრივად. არგუმენტს
ვიწყებთ თეზისით ,რაც არის ამ კონკრეტული არგუმენტის მთავარი
აზრი და შემდეგ განვავრცობთ მას არგუმენტირებული მსჯელობით და
მაგალითებით.პირველ არგუმენტს ვიწყებთ ფრაზებით to begin with or
first and foremost. მეორე არგუმენტს ვიწყებთ In addition,
furthermore,moreover.მესამე არგუმენტს ვიწყებთ however, on the other

დასკვნა მოიცავს არგუმენტებში ნახსენები მსჯელობის შეჯამებას ისევ

ორი სამი წინადადებით. დასკვნაში დაუშვებელია იმ მოსაზრების
გაჟღერება ,რაც მანამდე არ გიხსენებიათ.დასკვნას ვიწყებთ ფრაზებით In
conclusion, to sum up.

ესეში ნააზრევი უნდა ჩამოვაყალიბოთ ლოგიკურად და

თანმიმდევრულად.ამაში გვეხმარება შესაბამისი კავშირები(
however,although,as a result, accordingly, for example, for instance, in
addition...) თავიდან ავირიდოთ ერთიდაიგივე სიტყვის და ფრაზის
განმეორება. შევეცადოთ ესე გავამდიდროთ ფრაზებით და რთული
სინტაქსური კონსტრუქციებით. შევამციროთ ფრაზული ზმნების
გამოყენება, არ გავიმეოროთ სათაური, თუმცა პერიფრაზირება
შესაძლებელია. არ გამოვხატოთ ჩვენი აზრი შესავალში,არამედ
დავაფიქსიროთ ის დასკვნაში. არ ვისაუბროთ ჩვენი პირადი
მაგალითებიდან გამომდინარე, არამედ ზოგადი რეალობის
გათვალისწინებით.სიტყვების რაოდენობა ესეში უნდა იყოს მინმუმ 120
და მაქსიმუმ 150.
Essay 16/16

Some people think that nobody will go to the cinema in the future

Nowadays more and more technologies have become available for people. Even
the elderly have got used to living with the internet.One of the greatest benefits
of it is the ability to watch any film online for free.For this reason many people
think that nobody will go to the cinema in the future.

On the one hand,it is true that the need for cinemas is reducing since a lot of
people prefer to watch films at home because they think it is much more
comfortable. They can prepare any food they want, sit however and wherever
they prefer and of course it is free.

On the other hand,however,cinemas provide people with a better quality, a

better sound and it is much more enjoyable to watch films on a big screen.
What is more, cinemas allow people to watch the most recent films which can
not be found on the internet. When a person is a fan of some actor or a film ,he
is much more satisfied if he watches this film as soon as it is released.

Moreover, cinemas are definitely more formal than sitting at home. While a
person can get bored in his own house, going to the cinema is more enjoyable.
Cinema is still a great place where friends can meet or a couple can have a date.

All in all, although in today’s world people can freely watch films at home,it is
still relevant to go to the cinema as it feels more satisfying. That is why, I think
that even in the future cinemas will still be popular places, which people will
not stop visiting.
It is hard to be a teacher nowadays

Being a teacher is not a piece of cake. It is indeed one of the hardest professions.
Not many students understand the pressure they are under, that is why they do
not appreciate them enough and think it is not hard to be a teacher.

To begin with, a teacher is like a second mother to us. Apart from general
education, they teach us how to be a better person, how to act in different
situations, and how to prepare for the brutal world. They feel every student’s
emotions and help them overcome their emotional crisis. Teachers find new
teaching methods for their students and help them find the proper studying
techniques that work only for them.I believe that it is fair to say that being a
teacher takes a lot of effort.

However, it is worth mentioning that during the pandemic they worked really
hard and did their best.It is pretty difficult for some teachers to work with new
technology, but they did courses, attended trainings and managed to adapt to
new circumstances and get used to modern platforms.

Furthermore,teachers have to put up with disrespectful students who give them

hard time. It is not easy to teach a person how to to be polite. sometimes
teachers change the person completely, which is trully amazing.

To sum up, every profession is important and significant. Teachers not only
educate us, but they give us the most important thing in the world –love.Apart
from creating interesting lesson plans and warm environment,they make us feel
loved and cared,so I believe that it is the hardest job of all time.
Some people think that the best place to celebrate a birthday is outside, in the
open air

Celebration party itself includes inviting a lot of people and having fun
which,of course,creates noise,requires preparation and some space,too. So,I
agrre with the opinion that the best place to celebrate a birthday is outside.

To begin with,having fun while listening to music and singing songs out loud
with your friends is no problem until you disturb your neighbours. So, is
someone does not want to limit himself on his birthday and neither wants to
annoy people around his house, he can choose a restaurant, a club or another
place which is designated specially for parties.

Moreover, when someone wants to organise a party at his own house, he or she
should take into account that it will cause a big mess afterwards. Even if they
will not cook on their own , there still will be chores to do. Choosing outside
to celebrate a birthday indeed helps you to avoid the hard part of a party.

However,the pleasure to avoid all hard work and make a party outside costs
much more in most cases.Restaurants are not cheap nowadays and neither are
the clubs.

To sum up, a birthday celebration party is better to be done outside because of

the advantages mentioned above.

Other necessary phrases:

I think,I do not think,I do not agree,To my mind,In my opinion,I remember

that,I really can not say,it is difficult to say, there are (two) main reasons for,In
addition,Another point is that, the second reason is that, On the one hand,on
the other hand,As a result, For example, For instance,Consequently-შედეგად,
Therefore-შესაბამისად, In conclusion, To sum up,

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