Project Proposal Erp For Ministry of Planning

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Project Proposal

Design and Implementation of ERP Management System for Ministry

of Planning and National Development.

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is an enterprise-wide
application system package that integrates all necessary organization functions
into a single system with a common database. Enterprise resource planning
(ERP) systems integrate and streamline the institution processes of an across
departmental and geographical borders.
In its basic definition, ERP is an enterprise-wide information system that
integrates and controls all the business and technological processes in the
entire organization. This system facilitates, if well-implemented, the integration
of all the functional information flows across the organization into a single
package with a common database. Therefore, it allows easy and immediate
access to information regarding M&E, HR, the whole information of INGO’s and
LNGO’S, Procurement, Asset, and the ministry vehicle information.
Today, many public and private organizations worldwide are implementing ERP
systems in place of the functional legacy systems that are not anymore well-
compatible with modern business environment.
ERP provides two major benefits that do not exist in non-integrated
departmental systems:
1) A unified enterprise view of the ministry that encompasses all functions and
departments; and
2) The ERP for Ministry database where all ministry transactions are entered,
recorded, processed, monitored, and reported. This unified view increases the
requirement for, and the extent of, interdepartmental cooperation and
When we sat down with the various departments of the ministry and got more
information we came up with the kind of system that the ministry needs, which
will be a general system that connects all the departments and offices of the
ministry, and has very features most, and each employee will use it as far as the
system is concerned. While the DG and Minister will have access to all the
features and admin of the system.
Coordination department Management system:

The aim of this department is to coordinate and monitor local and international
organizations’ programs to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and accountability.

So this department system which is a very large system, will have this and similar

1- Registration of new international organizations.

2- Registration of international organizations for renewal of licenses.
3- Registration of new local institutions.
4- Registration of local institutions for renewal of license.
5- Entering the projects annual plan submitted by the agencies. 9320559
6- Entering a system that works with any agency that employs both temporary and
7- Entering the system the various projects run by the NGO’s.
8- Monitoring and checking of NGO’s projects.
9- Reports of the NGO’s both locally and internationally, their employees, projects,
licenses, etc.

Human Resource Department System

HR Management System –

At the heart of an HR system is the employee information database. HR systems can

eliminate or reduce the need for hard-copy employee files, keeping all of the
information very organized and easy to access in a virtual filing cabinet.
HRMS software can become a boon in managing and mitigating diverse institution
challenges. Its features can reduce errors and help the recruitment industry with a
single dashboard and analysis.

1. Clocking In and Out: The main purpose of a time and attendance module is to
allow employees to clock in and out easily and keep a record of their working
hours. Options should include magnetic card readers, PIN numbers or even
biometric scanners that identifies employees’ fingerprints.
2. Absence Management: Apart from monitoring your workforce’s
attendance, a competent time and attendance system should help manage
absence. Even if the absenteeism is unexpected due to illness, leaves or
last minute
3. Finance: Managing payroll, payments, and salaries is serious work. So, from
onboarding to expense and from salaries to payments, not having a robust HR
management system can throw nasty surprises for everyone. One small mistake
and the entire operation will go downhill.

4. Mobility: The ability to access records and data on the go is a serious

impediment. Not having a mobile app for mission-critical tasks like leave
applications, tracking devices, and scheduling shifts will deter users. It becomes
difficult to sync real-time data for attendance, leaves, and other tasks an HRMS
does not have a mobile application.
5. Performance: Every employee has their own expectations. Creating KRAs and
KPIs for them is a must for any HR information system. At the time of
appraisals, not having a performance management module can cause distress
among employees. Not being able to manage evaluation will invite chaos and
serious trouble.
6. Self-serve dashboard: Maintaining documents for employees at a central
location is important and tricky. It needs to be easy for reading and retrieval
for information sharing. Allowing employees to set their own goals require HR
moderation and interventions regularly. If the dashboard does not function
properly, then it will create serious issues.
7. Recruitment: End-to-End recruitment cycle is a nightmare for most
recruitment experts. It lists salaries, policy inductions, and many other
hiring-related report submissions. It requires listing openings, candidate
screening, and hiring that adds complexities to an already sensitive

Admin & Finance Department systems:

Asset, Procurement and Fleet Management Systems:

1. Asset Management system

2. Fleet Management system and
3. Procurement Management Systems
Asset Management System:

The purpose of this proposed system should be carefully and systematically

document the requirements, data and information of the organization Asset
This proposed system also allows maintain and manage asset’s information more
efficiently and will make it possible to maintain accurate updated records and be
accessible to organization staffs. Further in order to assist in daily operations, this
system will have the capacity to print or display various reports related to the Asset.
 System will provide real-time information about the asset: serial number,
model, manufacturer, location, and so on;

 System will enables tracking the depreciation on fixed assets;

 System will provide recording the asset costs and physical information;

 System will provide automatic updates and records about people having
custody of the asset;

 System will provide all the system reports including: customized reports,
including disposal asset reports.
Procurement management system features

The system will offer all the features that are essential for effective
procurement/inventory management operations.
- Inventory optimization: Maintain just the right amount of inventory for
each product, without over- or under-stocking any item. It’s especially useful
if you deal in products that experience a seasonal rise and fall in demand.

- Stock notifications: Receive alerts and notifications when there’s over- or

under-stocking beyond a defined threshold. This helps you to place orders
or offer promotional discounts to clear out extra stock.

- Report generation: View sales history in the form of a list of your most
popular products. This feature also enables you to manage items in your
inventory that have not reached the sales levels you expected, for example,
by offering discounts on them.
- Multi-location management: Manage multiple warehouses and points-
of-sale (POS). All locations can be integrated within a single inventory
management system.
- Stock returns handling: Manage returns more effectively by reducing
time-to-return through automation of the entire process.
Fleet Management System features:

 Fuel management – tracks fuel consumption tendencies to minimize

idling time, emissions, and more.
 Vehicle maintenance – streamlines the process of diagnosing and
inspecting, reminds of routine checkups.
 Asset Tracking – The most basic yet most powerful feature is asset
tracking. It lets you know the exact details on a real-time basis. Secondly,
it assists you in scheduling the maintenance of the asset. Also plays a
vital role in increasing the lifespan of an asset.
 Driver’s management – stores personal profiles and hours of service to
analyze productivity and behavior.
 Check-In/Check-Out – It can improve accuracy and reduce the time spent
passing out assets and receiving assets.
Monitoring and Evaluation department
M&E management System

 Develop, introduce and coordinate operational aspects of the National

Monitoring Evaluation System, National Monitoring, Evaluation and
Learning policy, liaising with involved stakeholders in all sectors.
 Coordinate data collection for all national multi-sector monitoring reports
and compile these reports in a timely manner. This set of reports notably
includes National Development Plan(NDP) progress reports, aid
effectiveness reports and Sustainable Development Goals reports 
 Disseminate the main findings and lessons learned from validated national
monitoring reports.
 Coordinate the development of harmonized data collection and reporting
templates for national monitoring and Evaluations.

Project Cost:

Unit Price

 HR Management System
 Coordination Management System
 M&E Management System Package
 Statistics Management System Systems
 Planning Management System $187,000 $ 187,000
 Procurement Management System ERP
 Asset Management System
 Fleet Management System
1 $120
First Annual domain host

 Staff training and maintenance for the first 4 4 Months Free


Local host server 1 server


Grand Total: $187,340

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