Unit 4

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Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics

Mechanics: the study of the behavior of

physical bodies when subjected to forces or

Classical Mechanics: describing Quantum Mechanics: describing

the motion of macroscopic objects. behavior of systems at atomic
Macroscopic: measurable or length scales and smaller .
observable by naked eyes
Classical Theory has explained about the motion of celestial bodies like

planets, stars, macroscopic and microscopic terrestrial bodies moving with

non-relativistic speeds.
However, it was not able to explain

 the region of atomic dimensions,

 stability of atoms,

 spectral distribution of black body radiation,

 origin of discrete spectra of atoms,

 photoelectric effect,

 Compton effect,

 Raman effect, etc.

Basics of Quantum Mechanics
- Blackbody Radiation -
• When a material is heated, it radiates heat and its color depends on
its temperature
• Example: heating elements of a stove:
– Dark red: 550ºC
– Bright red: 700ºC
– Then: orange, yellow and finally white (really hot !)
• The emission spectrum
depends on the material
• Theoretical description:
simplifications necessary
Find the number of quanta of energy emitted per second if a radio station operates at a frequency
of 98MHz and radiates power of 2x105 watt.

a) 3.08 X 10 30 quanta/sec
b) 2.08 X 10 30 quanta/sec
c) 1.08 X 10 30 quanta/sec
As the wavelength of the radiation decreases, the intensity
of the black body radiations ____________
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) First increases then decrease
d) First decreases then increase
A. T1>T2>T3
C. T1=T2=T3
Photoelectric Effect The phenomenon of emission of photoelectron from
the surface of metal, when a light beam of suitable frequency is incident
on it, is called photoelectric effect. The emitted electrons are called
photoelectrons and the current so produced is called photoelectric
The photoelectric effect can be understood on the
basis of:

(a) wave theory of light only

(b) Particle theory of light only
(c) electromagnetic theory of light only
(d) none of the above
The mass of a moving photon is:

(a) hv /c2
(b) hv/c
(c) hv
(d) zero
Calculate the work function, stopping potential and maximum velocity of photoelectrons for a light of
wavelength 4350 A0 when it is incident on sodium surface. Consider the threshold wavelength of
photoelectrons to be 5420 A0.
Is it possible to liberate an electron from a metal surface having work function 4.8eV with an incident radiation
of wavelength (i) 5000 A0 and (ii) 2000 A0.
The wavelength of de Broglie waves associated with a
particle at rest is:

(a) h/mv
(b) mv/h
(c) zero
(d) 
Find the de Broglie wavelength of an electron if it is accelerated by
potential difference 50 Volts.

a) 1.74 A0
b) 2.74 A0
c) 3.74 A0
Calculate the ratio of de Broglie wavelength of hydrogen atom and
Helium atom at room temperature, when they move with same thermal
a) 2:1
b) 4:1
c) 1:1
The product of the phase and the group velocities is given by the
a) Speed of light

Speed of light

c) (Speed of light)2

Speed of light
d) 4
A particle of mass m kg and charge q coulomb is accelerated from rest through V volt; then the de Broglie wavelength l associated with it is given by:




Plank’s constant is dimensionally equal to:

(a) linear momentum

(b) angular momentum
(c) work
(d) energy
The number of de Broglie waves present in the
4th orbit of hydrogen atom is:

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 6
What should be the ratio of velocities of CH4 and O2 molecules so that
they posses de Broglie waves of equal wavelength.
a) 2:1
b) 4:1
c) 1:1
If the wavelength associated with Particle A is 5 X 10-8 m,
Calculate the wavelength of particle B if its momentum is half
that of A.

a) 10-7 m
b) 10 m
c) 2 x 10-7 m
d) 10-8 m
The Phase Velocity is given by
a) E/P
b) hf
c) P2/2m
d) hc/λ
Dual Nature of Matter wave was proposed by
a) Max Planck
b) Einstein
c) De Broglie
d) Davison
The Group Velocity is given by
a) dE/dP
b) dw/dk
c) -λ2dvp/dλ
d) All of Above
For non relativistic motion, Phase velocity is
a) Half of group velocity
b) Double of group velocity
c) Same as group velocity
Heisenberg Uncertainty principle is the consequence of
a) Bohr hypothesis
b) De Broglie hypothesis
c) Diffraction
d) interference
A wave function in quantum physics is a mathematical description of
the quantum state of an isolated quantum system. The wave function is
a complex-valued probability amplitude, and the probabilities for the possible
results of measurements made on the system can be derived from it. The most
common symbols for a wave function are the Greek letters ψ and Ψ (lower-case
and capital psi, respectively).

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