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Taxonomic and identifying data sheet.

Description for Foraminifera (Serial)

Phylum: Protozoa
Class: Sarcomastigophora
Order: Foraminiferida
Suborder: …………………………
Superfamily: …………………………
Family: …………………………
Genus: …………………………
Species: …………………………
01. Size of the test :
02. Shape :
03. Arrangement :
04. Chambers : 1 in a plane / 2 in a plane / 3 in a plane
(a) No of Chambers :
(b) Shape : Triangular / Quadrangular / Other
(c) Enlargement : Gradual / Rapid
05. Sutures : Distinct / Indistinct
- Raised / Depressed
06. Aperture : Position
- Tooth (Visible / Invisible)
- Neck (Present / Absent)
07. Periphery : Entire / Lobulate
Keeled / Without Keel
08. Wall : Agglutinated / Calcareous
- Perforate / Calcareous
- Imperforated
09. Age :
10. Habitat : Planktic / Benthic / Epifaunal / Infaunal
11. Special Features :
Description for Foraminifera (Streptospiral, Miliolids)

Phylum: Protozoa
Class: Sarcomastigophora
Order: Foraminiferida
Suborder: …………………………
Superfamily: …………………………
Family: …………………………
Genus: …………………………
Species: …………………………
01. Size of the test : Large / Medium / Small
02. Ratio of length to width :
03. Shape : Elliptical / Sub rounded
04. Arrangement of Chambers: Sterptospiral
72o apart (Quinqueloculine added at 144o) / 120o apart (Triloculine) / 180o apart (Spiroloculine)
05. Aperture : Neck (Present / Absent)
Lip (Present / Absent)
06. Wall : Pocelllaneous / Agglutinated
07. Surface Ornamentation:
(a) Reticulate / Pitted / Costate / Striae etc.
(b) Perforated / Imperforated
(c) Finely Perforated / Coarsely Perforated
08. Number of chambers visible:
09. Age :
10. Habitat : Benthic / Other
11. Special Features :
Description for Foraminifera (Coiled)
Phylum: Protozoa
Class: Sarcomastigophora
Order: Foraminiferida
Suborder: …………………………
Superfamily: …………………………
Family: …………………………
Genus: …………………………
Species: …………………………

01. Size of the test : Large / Medium / Small

02. Shape of test : Biconvex / Plano-convex / Concavo-convex
03. Arrangement of Chambers:
(a) Shape of Chambers (dorsally and ventrally): Globular / Ovate / Clavate /
Angular Rhomboid / Angular-conical / Redial / Elongated
(b) Nature of final chamber: Normal / Inflated / Deflated
(c) No. of chamber in the last whorl:
04. Sutures (dorsally and ventrally):
(a) Appearance : Distinct / Indistinct
(b) Shape : Simple / Limbate
(c) Nature : Raised / Depressed / Flush
(d) Shape at periphery : Acute / Blunt
(e) Arrangement : Straight / Oblique
(f) Thickness : Uniform / Non-uniform
05. Perforation :
(a) Perforate / Imperforate
(b) Relative size of perforation: Finely / coarsely perforate
06. Features around umbilical area:
(a) Plug : Present / Absent
(b) Size of plug : Large / Medium / Small
07. Periphery :
(a) In lateral view : Entire / Lobulate
(b) In apertual view : Acute / Blunt / Rounded / Sub-rounded
(c) Keeled / Unkeeled
08. Aperture :
(a) Position : Terminal/Interiomarginal/Umbilical/ at the base of apertual face
(b) Shape : Rounded / Slit like / Multiple pores
(c) Apertual lip : Present / Absent
09. Wall : Calcareous / Agglutinated / Other
10. Age :
11. Habitat : Planktic / Benthic / Epifaunal / Infaunal
12. Special Features :
Description for Ostracoda
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Crustacea (Crustaceans)
Class Ostracoda (Ostracods)
Suborder: …………………………
Superfamily: …………………………
Family: …………………………
Genus: …………………………
Species: …………………………
01. Basic Shape of Carapace : Elongated / Ovate / Sub-rectangular / Sub-cylindrical / Sub-triangular /
Semicircular / Sub-trapezoid
02. Nature of Carapace : Normal / Compressed / Inflated
03. Ratio of length to width: 1 :
04. Boundaries:
(a) Dorsal : Straight / nearly straight / concave / convex
(b) Ventral : Straight / nearly straight / concave / convex
05. Ends : (a) Anterior
(b) Posterior
06. Surface :
(a) Smooth
(b) Ornamented
(i) Weakly / Strongly
(ii) Type of Ornamentation: Reticulation / Spines / Tubercles
07. Eye Spot : Present / Absent
08. Muscle Scars : Position: Central / Other
09. Hinge : Adont / Merodont / Entomodont / Amphidont
10. Age :
11. Habitat : Planktic / Benthic / Other
12. Dimorphism :
13. Special Features :
Description for Spore/Pollen
Kingdom Plantae (Plant)
Ante-turma: e.g., SPORITES Potonie, 1893.

Turma: TRILETES (Reinsch) Potonie and Kremp, 1954.

Subturma: AZONOTRILETES Luber, 1935.

Infraturma: LAEVIGATI (Benni and Kidson) Potonie ,1956.

Genus: …………………………
Species: …………………………
Type species:…………….
01. Basic Shape : Elongated / Ovate / Sub-rectangular / Sub-cylindrical / Sub-triangular /
Semicircular / Sub-trapezoid
02. Size : Very small spores (sporae perminutae PI) < 10 µ
Small spores (sporae minutae MI) 10-25 µ
Medium size spores (sporae mediae ME) 25-50 µ
Large spores (sporae magnae MA) 50-100 µ
Very large spores (sporae permagnae PA) 100-200 µ
Gigantic spores (sporae gigantae GI) > 200 µ
03. Colour : yellow/brown/dark brown/black
04. P/E ratio : Polar view/Equatorial view
 Shape categories Proximal/Equatorial (P/E)
Perprolate >2
Prolate 2-1.33
Subprolate 1.33-1.14
Prolate-spheroidal 1.14- 1.00
Spheroidal 1
Oblate-spheroidal 1.00 - 0.88
Suboblate 0.88 - 0.75
Oblate 0.75 - 0.50
Peroblate < 0.50

05. Aperture : Alete/Monolete/Trilete (for Bryophyte/Pteridophyte plant)

Colpate/Porate/Colporate (for Angiosperme plant)

Saccate/Inaperturate (for Gymnosperme plant)

06. Sculpture : Areolate/Baculate/Cerebroid/ Clavate/Echinate/Fenestrate/

07. Amb : Present / Absent and type as shape
08. Other structure : Camera/Cingulum/Operculum/Rimula/Taenea/Zona
09. Age :
10.Description :e.g., (Miospore roundly triangular with rounded apices and convex-concave
interapical sides; Size range 51-74 m; Trilete, y-rays extending three-fourth
radius; Three radial folds present culminating to globular thickening on the
distal end; Exine 2-3 m thick, laevigate, thickened on distal side opposite to
ray end in circular fashion with scabrate ornamentation).
11. Botanical Affinity : e.g., Chatheaceae.
12. No. of grain studied : 15.
13. Present occurrence :
14. Name :

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