Chapter 08 - Managing Strategy and Strategic Planning

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Management: Principles and Practices

Ricky W. Griffin

Managing Strategy and
Strategic Planning

Planning and Decision Making

PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook

The University of West Alabama
The Nature of Strategic Management

• Strategy
Is a comprehensive plan for accomplishing an
organization’s goals.
• Strategic Management
Involves formulating and implementing strategies to
take advantage of business opportunities and meet
competitive challenges.
• Effective Strategies
Promote superior alignment between an organization,
its environment, and its goals.

Components of Strategy
Components of Effective Strategies

Distinctive Competitive Resource

Competence Scope Deployment

Something the Specify the range of How to distribute resources

organization does market in which it across the areas in which it
exceptionally well will compete competes
Abercrombie and fetch Mars has adopted a GE uses its profit from US
speed in moving

broader scope by operation to invest in new

Track customer preference competing in the pet business of Europe and
Transmits order to supplier food business and the Asia

electronics industry
Charters 747 to fly Products

Stores Products in 48 hours

Types of Strategic Alternatives

• Business-Level Strategy
The set of strategic alternatives that an organization
chooses from as it conducts business in a particular
industry or a particular market.

• Corporate-Level Strategy
The set of strategic alternatives that an organization
chooses from as it manages its operations
simultaneously across several industries and several

Strategy Formulation and Implementation

• Strategy Formulation
The set of processes involved in creating or
determining the organization’s strategies; it focuses on
the content of strategies.
• Strategy Implementation
The methods by which strategies are operationalized
or executed within the organization; it focuses on the
processes through which strategies are achieved.

Types of Strategies Formulation & Implementation

• Deliberate Strategy
A plan, chosen and implemented to support specific
goals, that is the result of a rational, systematic, and
planned process of strategy formulation and
• Emergent Strategy
A pattern of action that develops over time in the
absence of goals or missions, or despite goals and

8.1 SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis and Strategy

• Evaluating Organizational Strengths

Organizational strengths
❖ are skills and abilities enabling an organization to conceive of
and implement strategies.
Common organizational strengths
❖ are organizational capabilities possessed by numerous
competing firms.
Distinctive competencies
❖ are useful for competitive advantage and superior
Imitation of distinctive competencies
❖ removes the competitive advantage of the competency.

SWOT Analysis and Strategy (cont’d)

• Evaluating Organizational Strengths (cont’d)

Sustained competitive advantage
❖ occurs when a distinctive competence cannot be easily
❖ is what remains after all attempts at strategic imitations
Strategic imitation of a distinctive competence is
difficult when:
❖ it is based on unique historical circumstances.
❖ it is difficult for competitors to understand its nature or
❖ it is based on a complex phenomenon (e.g., organizational

SWOT Analysis and Strategy (cont’d)

• Evaluating Organizational Weaknesses

Organizational weaknesses
❖ Skills and capabilities that do not enable an organization to
choose and implement strategies that support its mission.
Weaknesses can be overcome by:
❖ investments to obtain the strengths needed.
❖ modification of the organization’s mission so it can be
accomplished with the current workforce.
Competitive disadvantage
❖ occurs when an organization fails to implement strategies
being implemented by competitors.

SWOT Analysis and Strategy (cont’d)

• Evaluating an Organization’s Opportunities and

Organizational opportunities
❖ are areas in the organization’s environment that may
generate high performance.
Organizational threats
❖ are areas in the organization’s environment that make it
difficult for the organization to achieve high performance.

Formulating Business-Level Strategies

Porter’s Generic

Overall cost
Differentiation Focus
strategy strategy

Formulating Business-Level Strategies

• Porter’s Generic Strategies

Differentiation strategy
❖ An organization seeks to distinguish itself from competitors
through the quality of its products or services.
Overall cost leadership strategy
❖ An organization attempts to gain competitive advantage by
reducing its costs below the costs of competing firms.
Focus strategy
❖ An organization concentrates on a specific regional market,
product line, or group of buyers.

8.1 Porter’s Generic Strategies

Strategy Type Definition Examples

Differentiation Distinguish products Rolex (watches)
or services Godiva (chocolate)
Mercedes-Benz (automobiles)
Nikon (cameras)
Cross (writing instruments
Overall cost Reduce manufacturing Timex (watches)
leadership and other costs Hershey (chocolate)
Kia (automobiles)
Kodak (cameras)
BIC (writing instruments)
Focus Concentrate on specific Tag Heuer (watches)
regional market, product Vosges (chocolate)
market, or group of buyers Fiat, Alfa Romeo (automobiles)
Hasselblad (cameras)
Waterman (writing instruments)
Fisher-Price (handheld calculators)

Implementing Porter’s Generic Strategies
• Differentiation
Marketing and sales emphasize HIGH-QUALITY, high-value
image of the organization’s products or services.
• Overall Cost Leadership
Marketing and sales focus on simple product attributes and how
these product attributes meet customer needs in A LOW-COST
and effective manner.
• Focus
Either differentiation or cost leadership, depending on which
one is the proper basis for competing in or for a specific market
segment, product category, or group buyers.

Miles and Snow’s Strategy Types

Strategic Types of Organizations

Prospectors Defenders Analyzers Reactors

Miles and Snow’s Strategy Types
• Prospector
Encourages creativity to seek out new market opportunities and to take
Develops the flexibility to meet changing market conditions by
decentralizing its organizational structure.
Example:, 3M
• Defender
Focuses on defending its current markets by lowering its costs and/or
improving the performance of its current products.
Example:, BIC

• Analyzer
Incorporates elements of both the prospector and the defender
strategies to maintain business and to be somewhat innovative.
IBM, DuPont

DuPont was founded in 1802 by Éleuthère Irénée du Pont, using capital raised in
France and gunpowder machinery imported from France
DuPont businesses are organized into the following five categories, known as
marketing "platforms": Electronic and Communication Technologies, Performance
Materials, Coatings and Color Technologies, Safety and Protection, and
Agriculture and Nutrition.
• Reactor
Has no clear strategy, reacts to changes and events.

8.2 The Miles and Snow Typology

Strategy Type Definition Examples

Prospector Is innovative and growth oriented,
searches for new markets and new growth 3M
opportunities, encourages risk taking Rubbermaid
Defender Protects current markets, maintains stable BIC
growth, serves current customers eBay
Mrs. Fields
Analyzer Maintains current markets and current DuPont
customer satisfaction with moderate IBM
emphasis on innovation Yahoo!
Reactor No clear strategy, reacts to changes in the International Harvester
environment, drifts with events (now doing business as Navistar)
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Co.
Montgomery Ward
(no longer in business)

8.2 The Product Life Cycle

High Stages

Introduction Growth Maturity Decline

Sales Volume


Formulating Corporate-Level Strategies

• Strategic Business Units

Each business or group of businesses within an
organization is engaged in serving the same markets,
customers, or products.
• Diversification
The number of businesses an organization is engaged
in and the extent to which these businesses are
related to one another

Corporate-Level Strategies

Strategic Choices

Single-product Related Unrelated

strategy diversification diversification
(simplicity) (synergy) (risk/return)

Corporate-Level Strategies

• Single-Product Strategy
An organization manufactures one product or service
and sells it in a single geographic market.
• Related Diversification
A strategy in which an organization operates in
several different businesses, industries, or markets
that are somehow linked.
Avoids the disadvantages and risks of a
single-product strategy.

Advantages of Related Diversification

• Reduces economic risk by avoiding dependence

on a specific business or activity.
• Reduces overhead costs through economies of
scale and economies of scope.
• Increases overall economic value through
complementary strengths and capabilities
synergies gained by managing the set of
businesses together rather than separately.

Unrelated Diversification

• Unrelated Diversified Organization

Operates multiple businesses that are not logically
associated with one another.
❖ Stable performance over time due to business cycle
differences among the multiple businesses.
❖ Allocation of resources to areas with the highest return
potentials to maximize corporate performance.
❖ Poor performance due to the complexity of managing a
diversity of businesses.
❖ Failing to exploit key synergies puts the firm at a competitive
disadvantage to firms with related diversification strategies.

Becoming a Diversified Firm

Diversification Alternatives

Development of Vertical Merger with Acquisition of

new products integration another firm another firm

Becoming a Diversified Firm

• Replacement of Suppliers And Customers

Backward vertical integration
❖ Beginning a business that furnishes resources previously
handled by a supplier.
Forward vertical integration
❖ Beginning a business previously handled by an intermediary
and selling more directly to customers.

Becoming a Diversified Firm (cont’d)

• Purposes of Mergers and Acquisitions

To diversify through vertical integration.
To acquire complementary products or services linked
by a common technology and common customers.
To create or exploit synergies that reduce the
combined organizations’ costs of doing business to
increase revenues.

Managing Diversification

• Major Tools for Managing Diversification

Organization structure
❖ A detailed discussion of organization structure
is contained in Chapter 12.
Portfolio management techniques
❖ Methods used by diversified firms to make decisions
about what businesses to engage in and how to manage
these businesses to maximize corporate performance.
Two important portfolio management techniques
❖ The BCG Matrix
❖ The GE Business Screen

Managing Diversification (cont’d)

• BCG Matrix
Evaluates a portfolio of businesses on the growth rate
of their respective markets and each business’s
relative share of its market.
Classifies the types of businesses in a diversified
firm’s portfolio as:
❖ “Dogs” have small market shares and no growth prospects.
❖ “Cash cows” have large shares of mature markets.
❖ “Question marks” have small market shares in quickly
growing markets.
❖ “Stars” have large shares of rapidly growing markets.

8.3 The BCG Matrix


Market Growth Rate


Cash Cows Dogs


High Relative Market Share Low

Managing Diversification (cont’d)

• GE Business Screen
A method of evaluating businesses in a diversified
portfolio along two dimensions, each of which contains
multiple factors:
❖ Industry attractiveness.
❖ Competitive position (strength) of each firm in the portfolio.
In general, the more attractive the industry and the
more competitive a business is, the more resources
an organization should invest in that business.

8.4 The GE Business Screen

Industry Attractiveness
High Winner Winner

Medium Average
Winner Loser

Loser Loser

Good Medium Poor

Competitive Position

Competitive Position Industry Attractiveness

1. Market share 1. Market growth

2. Technological know-how 2. Market size
3. Product quality 3. Capital requirements
4. Service network 4. Competitive intensity
5. Price competitiveness
6. Operation costs


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