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List of Expenses


Cover art is estimated at $400 each, standard at $100 each. Sketches are for weapons and they are
small, so estimated at 10 each.

Cover Art for Each Chapter + Book Cover: 15 ($6,000)

Chapter 1: 25

Ch2: 4

Ch3: 4

Ch4: 4

Ch5: 4

Ch6: 27 (sketch), 1 Standard

Ch7: 3 (med, light mech, hvy mech, upgrades)

Ch8: 4

Ch9: 5

Ch10: 2

Ch11: 2

Ch12: 6

Ch13: 9

Ch14: 3

Total Standard Pics: 76 ($7,600)

Sketches: $270

Proof Reading: $2,000

Graphic Design: $2,000

Total: 17, 870

Rounded Up: $18,000

Standard Pics Already Done: -2500

Cover Art Already Done: -500

Remaining: 15,000

Estimated Kickstarter Goal: 22,000

+10%: 24,200

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