Final Individual 434 Assessment

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Tyler McDonald


Grade 8

PED 434, Fall 2021

SUNY Cortland

Table of Contents

Section 1: Assessment Plan Overview page #3

Section 2: Copies of Assessments page #5

Section 3: Block Plan page #6-9

Section 4: Reflection page #10

Section 1: Assessment Plan Overview

List all Grade-Level Outcomes addressed in your individual assessment by number and write
out the text.

#1 Strikes with a mature overhand pattern in a modified game for net/wall games such as
volleyball, handball, badminton or tennis. (S1.M13.8)

Assessment Type of Assessment Accommodations

Serving check list (psychomotor) If students need certain accommodations for the
Pre-Test physical part of the serve, we can deal with that on
a student-to-student basis. Example being if
*include a copy below students need to get closer to the net to perform the
this table action, or have another person toss the ball so they
can make sure it is a good toss allowing them to hit
the ball.
My outcome aligns with my assessment because the outcome speaks about striking overhand in a net
Description of
game with a mature pattern. That directly goes with my checklist because if a student is overhand
Alignment of Questions
serving with great technique, they will receive all checks in the yes column. If students cannot
to Outcome(s) demonstrate proper form while overhand serving, they will receive checks in the no column in the
aspects they need improvement in.
This assessment will be conducted during the class because the instructor has to see the students
Data Collection
performing the serve. While they are performing the serve the instructor will be able to go through the
Procedures for a Gym
checklist and see how they are doing. Or if the instructor cannot get to everyone in a class period, they
Setting could do it as a peer assessment and other students will fill out the checklist for the student they are
observing and then hand it in to the instructor.
Formative Exit slip
*include a copy below
this table

Post-Test Same as pre-test

Section 2: Copies of Assessments

Insert complete copy of your assessment

Checklist: Overhand serve

Name: Date:

Directions: Check yes or no based off whether they were able to perform
that movement in the overhand serve process.

Movement Yes No

Ball is tossed straight up on the

hitting hand side.

Student makes contact with ball at

the peak of the throw, or at the
highest point their arm can reach.

Student makes contact with an

open hand.

Student steps forward in

opposition while hitting the ball.

Student follows through and

retakes their position on the court.

Insert complete copy of formative assessment

Exit slip

Name: Date:

Directions: The instructor will demonstrate the overhand serve two times.
Write down which demonstration used the correct form/technique and why.
Either the 1st or 2nd demonstration.
Section 3: Block Plan

Insert the block plan from your group project here. Consider how your
outcomes and your individual assessments (pre-, post-, and formative)
would fit in. Add them to the plan.

Section 3: Block Plan 

Day 1 Day 2
 Outcome (s):        Outcome (s):      
 Applies rules and etiquette by acting as  Applies rules and etiquette by
an official for modified physical acting as an official for modified
activities and games and creating dance physical activities and games and
routines within a given set of creating dance routines within a
parameters. (S4.M6.8) given set of parameters. (S4.M6.8)
 Varies placement, force and timing of  Varies placement, force and timing
return to prevent anticipation by of return to prevent anticipation by
opponent. (S2.M8.8) opponent. (S2.M8.8)
 Content focus:        Content focus:      
 Intro  Bumping
 Bumping   Setting 
 Fitness/physical activity component:        Fitness/physical activity component:  
 Cardiovascular Endurance and  Cardiovascular Endurance   
Muscular Endurance   Students will be able to demonstrate
 Students will be able to warm up by forearm strength as well as finger
stretching and a quick jog around the strength while bumping. When
room. When bumping students will be bumping and setting, students will
able to demonstrate forearm strength. always be using their arms to hit the
During these activities students will ball and their legs to move towards
continuously use their forearms to get where the ball is in the air. 
the ball to go up in the air successfully.  
 Teacher observation
 Checklist

Day 3 Day 4
Outcome (s):       Outcome (s):      
 Applies rules and etiquette by acting as  Applies rules and etiquette by
an official for modified physical acting as an official for modified
activities and games and creating dance physical activities and games and
routines within a given set of creating dance routines within a
parameters. (S4.M6.8) given set of parameters. (S4.M6.8)
 Varies placement, force and timing of  Varies placement, force and timing
return to prevent anticipation by of return to prevent anticipation by
opponent. (S2.M8.8) opponent. (S2.M8.8)
 Strikes with a mature overhand pattern Content focus:      
in a modified game for net/wall games
such as volleyball, handball, badminton  Spiking
or tennis. (S1.M13.8)  Offensive hits  

Content focus:        

 Serving Fitness/physical activity component:      

 Muscular endurance (legs), during
Fitness/physical activity component:       the lesson students will be jumping
and practicing all types of offensive
 Muscular endurance (arm), students will hits at the net. For these offensive
be doing continuous reps of serving plays it calls for students to jump up
throughout class. All types of serve at the net, having them use their
have students working on arm strength legs constantly.
and endurance.  
 Teacher observation    
 Serving checklist
 Exit slip

Day 5 Day 6
Outcome (s):       Outcome (s):      
 Applies rules and etiquette by acting as  Applies rules and etiquette by
an official for modified physical acting as an official for modified
activities and games and creating dance physical activities and games and
routines within a given set of creating dance routines within a
parameters. (S4.M6.8) given set of parameters. (S4.M6.8)
 Varies placement, force and timing of  Varies placement, force and timing
return to prevent anticipation by of return to prevent anticipation by
opponent. (S2.M8.8) opponent. (S2.M8.8)
  Content focus:      
Content focus:        - Teamwork games 
 -blocking  Fitness/physical activity component:      
    Heart rate students will test their heart rate
in between activities to see how it is
Fitness/physical activity component:       changing.
 Muscular endurance students will test muscular Assessment:      
endurance while doing continuous amount of
activities focusing on blocking  Self assessment
Assessment:      Teacher observation 

Day 7 Day 8
Outcome (s):       Outcome (s):      
 Applies rules and etiquette by acting as an  Applies rules and etiquette by
official for modified physical activities acting as an official for modified
and games and creating dance routines physical activities and games and
within a given set of parameters. creating dance routines within a
(S4.M6.8) given set of parameters.
 Varies placement, force and timing of (S4.M6.8)
return to prevent anticipation by  Varies placement, force and
opponent. (S2.M8.8) timing of return to prevent
anticipation by opponent.
Content focus:      
Content focus:      
 -small sided 3v3 gameplay 
 -6v6 gameplay
Fitness/physical activity component:      
Students will complete 10 minutes of muscular
strengthening exercises during the instant activity. Fitness/physical activity component:     
5 stations including containing the exercises of 20
push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 1 minute plank, and 1 minute Students will complete 5 minutes of
wall sit, and 1 minute of mountain climbers will cardiovascular endurance exercises during
be included. the instant activity. Students will
complete a rotation of 20 jumping jacks,
10 burpees, and 30 seconds of high knees.
Students will demonstrate muscular strength
during gameplay through powerful serves, spikes, Students will demonstrate cardiovascular
bumps, and sets. endurance during gameplay while
continuously moving for the ball. 
Assessment:      Self assessment
Assessment:      Peer assessment 

Section 4: Reflection

1. Given what you learned from conducting the cognitive assessment,

discuss any challenges you might face when administering your own
As mentioned earlier a challenege I could encounter is one instructor
not being able to get around and assess all students in one class
period. If that is the case you could make it a peer assessment and
then have them hand it in to you after they observe each other. But
then the possible challenge with that is students not being 100%
honest on the assessment when watching each other, and give them
all checks in the yes column.

2. Reflect on what you have learned overall this semester about the
assessment process.
I have learned a lot about the assessment process this semester, one
big thing is that most PE teachers do not assess how they properly
should. There is much more that should go into assessing students
they just simply putting easy questions on a paper for students to get
a grade. Or to not just base most of a students grade on showing up
and being in class. There are multiple components that should go into
a grade, three areas, cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. These
should be outlined at the beginning of the class like any other subject
and PE teachers should hold their students to these outlines. Overall,
assessing students is an important part of teaching because it can be
used to help you as a teacher and show you where your students need

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