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A place I would like to visit

When I was a child, I used to answer the question “what place would you like to visit?” Saying “The m
wanted to say “asombroso” but I don’t know how to spell it), and the trip will be all an experience, prob

So, now, when I think in a place where I would love to be right now, I imagine immediately (the comput
never gotten bored of it (I don’t know if this phrase is correct), and I hope I never will.

The main reason is the nature. It has the power to recharged me and disconnect to the day to day (?) p
summers. Even now, i can imagine be there and almost i can feel the cold air in my face, the wind take
in a department in Santiago is the opposite to be in nature, so I feel almost like a requirement to survive

If I must to choose a place that I have never been, I choose New zealand (? Because I’ve heard that is
rings’s movies.

A place I would like to visit

When I was a child, I used to answer the question “what place would you like to visit?” by saying “The
wanted to say “awesome but I don’t know how to spell it), and the trip would be all an experience, but p

So, now, when I think of (about) a place where I would love to be right now, I imagine immediately (the
times, but I have never gotten bored of it (I don’t know if this phrase is correct), and I hope I never will.

The main reason is the nature. It has the power to recharge me and allows me to disconnect from day-
Calafquen lake every summer/ during the summer. Even now, I can imagine being there and I can alm
sounds a little extreme (or - “maybe it sounds like an extreme sensation)”    but living in an apartment in S
Chile once per year in order to survive all year long here.

If I must choose a place that I have never been,I would choose New Zealand because I’ve heard that (
Rings movies were filmed there.

by saying = sounds more consequential - by saying something…leads to a consequence or something

would instead of will =
***astonishing / amazing *** (asombroso)
Since = used a lot in the present perfect tense (point in past connected to now), whereas ‘when’ is use
I have been vs I have gone = “I have been” refers to a completed journey (I went somewhere and retur
there).    (“He’s gone to Spain but he’ll be back next week / He’s gone to the bank but he’ll be back late
imagine = always followed by gerund form if using a verb.
Almost = normally goes before the word (verb / noun) that it is modifying. (“I can almost feel…. = modif
department = division of a large company/ university / business/ shop that focuses on a specific thing -
modal verbs = followed by bare infinitive (without ‘to’)

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