EXAM 6 - Crimsoc Q and A

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The progress of criminology is concordant with the advancement of other sciences that has
been applied to it. Therefore, criminology is
a. an applied science
b. nationalistic
c. dynamic
d. a social science

2. According to Emile Durkheim, crime is an ordinary situation which is essential to a healthy

society. Therefore, crime is
a. functional
b. unusual
c. normal
d. unwanted

3. Armando is a habitual drunkard and a drug addict. In order to sustain his vices, he made
stealing money and gambling a career. Armando’s behavior is deviant and
a. conforming
b. retreatist
c. ritualistic
d. rebellious

4. Athena wants to attain a better quality of life. Thus, she started working as a part time
waitress in a Chinese restaurant while studying Hotel and Restaurant Management in UC.
Therefore, the behavior of Amanda is
a. innovative
b. ritualistic
c. conforming
d. retreatist

5. Gratification of frustration on one’s sexual desire through substitutive sexual activities.

a. sublimation
b. displacement
d. projection

6. Lea was walking down Session Road when she came across a mentally deranged person
who without any hesitation slapped Lea on her face for several times. The crime committed
by the insane person is an example of
a. acquisitive crime
b. rational crime
c. extinctive crime
d. irrational crime
7. The theory that guide policemen not to use excessive, unnecessary and unreasonable force
to prevent, repel or suppress a felony.
a. theory of omnipresence
b. maximum tolerance
c. span of control
d. low police profile

8. PO1 Mando Rukot was assigned to direct traffic at the intersection of Harrison Road. This is
a form of stationary observation known as
a. concealed observation
b. conspicuous observation
c. visible observation
d. surreptitious observation

9. Anton raped Maria in an abandoned building on or about 10 p.m. The act of Anton is an
example of
a. static crime
b. seasonal crime
c. continuing crime
d. episoldal crime

10. A statement that we have no crime if we had no criminal law, and that we could eliminate
all crime by abolishing all criminal laws.
a. Victimology
b. Penal Couple
c. Logomacy
d. Criminal Law

11. What theory states that man is an organism having an animalistic behavior that is
dependent on other animals for survival, thus, man kills and steals to live?
a. Cartographical School of Criminology
b. Evolution Theory
c. Strain Theory
d. Human Ecology Theory

12. Anton raped Maria in an abandoned building on or about 10 p.m. The act of Anton is an
example of
a. static crime
b. seasonal crime
c. continuing crime
d. episoldal crime

13. It involves the application of scientific analysis of the causes of crime.

a. Criminal Etiology
b. Penology
c. Criminal Psychology
d. Sociology of Law
14. The scientific study of criminals, criminal behavior and its causes refers to
a. Criminalistics
b. Criminology
c. Criminal Psychology
d. Sociology

15. The term Criminology was coined by

a. Cirilio Tradio
b. Robert Peel
c. Paul Topinard
d. Cesare Lombroso

16. The science that deals with the study of criminal behavior in terms of motives and drives is
a. Psychological Criminology
b. Sociological Criminology
c. Psychiatric Criminology
d. Etiological Criminology

17. A person who acted with deliberation or premeditation, one who plans the crime ahead of
a. acute criminal
b. active criminal
c. chronic criminal
d. passive criminal

18. The moving power which impels one to action for a definite result is called
a. intent
b. motive
c. opportunity
d. instrumentation

19. A statement that we have no crime if we had no criminal law, and that we could eliminate
all crime by abolishing all criminal laws.
a. Victimology
b. Penal Couple
c. Logomacy
d. Criminal Law

20. What theory states that man is an organism having an animalistic behavior that is
dependent on other animals for survival, thus, man kills and steals to live?
a. Cartographical School of Criminology
b. Evolution Theory
c. Strain Theory
d. Human Ecology Theory
21. Criminals should be punished because they deserve it; a punishment is morally right and
just in light of the harm and damage caused by the offense. The purpose of punishment is
a. Incapacitation
b. Retribution
c. Specific Deterrence
d. General Deterrence

22. Acts involving the use of more number of neurons which are combination of simple
a. Simple
b. Rational
c. Complex
d. Irrational

23. A psychological state of arousal that prompts someone to take action.

a. drive
b. intent
c. motive
d. opportunity

24. What unit in the police organization is responsible in the supervision of all security guards
and issuance of licenses for firearms?
a. CSG
c. SAF

25. It is the vertical hierarchy of the organization which defines an unbroken chain of units
from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority.
a. Functional Principle
b. Scalar Principle
c. Chain of Command
d. Unity of Command

26. The nature of which, the police officer is free from specific routine duty is the definition of
a. “on duty”
b. “leave of absence”
c. “special duty”
d. “off duty”

27. The system used in PNP promotions is called

a. Performance
b. Palakasan
c. Seniority
d. Merit
28. The theory that guide policemen not to use excessive, unnecessary and unreasonable
force to prevent, repel or suppress a felony.
a. theory of omnipresence
b. maximum tolerance
c. span of control
d. low police profile

29. The kind of stationary observation wherein the officer is in full view but so located refers
a. Conspicuous observation
b. Visible observation
c. Concealed observation
d. none of these

30. Acts by a person that enables another person or group of persons to perpetrate the crime.
a. Opportunity
b. Motive
c. Instrumentalities
d. Resistance

31. A technique of eliminating the desire of the people to commit crime refers to
a. crime solution
b. crime prevention
c. traffic management
d. criminal investigation

32. The US Supreme Court’s decision on a criminal case in 1966 established that suspects must
be informed of their rights to remain silent and to have counsel during questioning process.
What is the popular name of this criminal case?
A. Mapp vs. the State of Ohio
C. United States vs. Leon
B. Miranda vs. the State of Arizona
D. Weeks vs. United States of America

33. Gambling is a vice that is difficult to control because

a. it involves chemically addictive substances.
b. the behavior pattern of the person is pathological and compulsive.
c. it involves long time gains than short time losses.
d. of the personality attributes of gamblers.

34. What makes alcohol the king of all drugs?

a. good taste
b. abundance and accessibility
c. lessen sexual desire
d. addictive property
35. The dictum which signify that the state had the right to benevolently intervene in the care
and custody of a child.
a. Patria potestas
b. Parens potestas
c. Parens Patriae
d. patria potestas

36. A person without conscience and thus, without control over his or her behavior.
a. psychotic
b. narcissistic
c. psychopath
d. compulsive

37. Acts or omissions which should not be punishable if committed by adults but become
illegal because the person is under age.
a. truancy
b. crime
c. status offenses
d. offense

38. Delinquency exists because there are mesomorphic men or youth that are responsible for
its occurrence.
a. Somatotyping
b. Lombrosian
c. Anomie
d. Strain

39. He argued that whether an activity is deviant depends on how other people react to it, not
on the nature of the activity itself.
a. Edwin Lemert
b. Howard Becker
c. Edwin Schur
d. Robert Merton

40. Who believes that criminality is essentially a status that is conferred or ascribed by
persons in authority to individuals who engage in a particular set of behaviors. Criminality is a
definition applied by individuals with the power to do so?
a. David Matza
b. Austing Turk
c. William Bonger
d. George Vold
41. A type of abuser who disciplines his children the same he was disciplined.
a. Subcultural Abuser
b. Accidental Abuser
c. Parentally Incompetent Abuser
d. Situational Abuser

42. What theory proposed that one becomes free from delinquent acts through the use of
techniques which allow individuals to neutralize and temporarily suspend their commitment
to social values, thus, providing the freedom to commit delinquent acts?
a. Capitalism Theory
b. Attachment Theory
c. Neutralization Theory
d. Strain Theory

43. A positive force for good in the community and an influence against crime and
a. Peer Pressure
b. Religion
c. Discipline
d. Morality

44. Offenders are punished because they deserve it. This refers to
a. Expiation
b. Atonement
c. Incapacitation
d. Retribution

45. Delinquency is the result of the great disparity between what youths are taught to want
and what is actually available to them.
a. Differential Opportunity
b. Differential Association
c. Ecological Theory
d. Subculture Theory

46. The law, which created the Board of Examiners for Criminologists, refers to
a. Republic Act Nr. 6975
b. Republic Act Nr. 8551
c. Republic Act Nr. 9346
d. Republic Act Nr. 6506

47. The redress that the state takes against an offending member of the society which involves
pain and suffering is called
a. Penalty
b. Correction
c. Punishment
d. Penology
48. A person who has suffered direct, or threatened physical, emotional or pecuniary harm as
a result of the commission of a crime.
a. Victim
b. Offended party
c. Aggrieved party
d. all of these

49. The study of control and prevention of crime through punishment of criminal offenders
refers to
a. Criminology
b. Correction
c. Victimology
d. Penology

50. What theory states that children and lunatics cannot calculate pain and pleasure,
therefore, they must be exempted from incurring criminal liability?
a. Positivist Theory
b. Neo-Classical Theory
c. Classical Theory
d. Demonological Theory

51. The best institution for information dissemination thereby giving the public necessary
need to know and do help shape everyday views about crime and its control refers to
a. Government
b. School
c. Mass Media
d. Church

52. The consequence of the criminal act must be in accordance with the law. This signify that
the penalty to be imposed must be
a. personal
b. equal
c. legal
d. certain

53. Acts, which is in violation of the Revised Penal Code, is called

a. felony
b. delinquency
c. offense
d. misdemeanor

54. The power of the courts to try, hear and decide cases brought before it refers to
a. Jurisprudence
b. Jurisdiction
c. Authority
d. Right
55. In a victim of crime model, the period or the stage during which the victim formulates
psychological defenses and deals with conflicting emotions of guilt, anger, acceptance, and
desire for revenge is called
a. Stage of Impact
b. Stage of Disorganization
c. Stage of Reorganization
d. Stage of Recoil

56. A branch or division of law, which defines crime, treats of its nature and provide for its
a. Criminal law
b. Legal Medicine
c. Medical Jurisprudence
d. Criminology

57. The term penology was derived from a Latin word poena, which means
a. pain
b. anguish
c. punishment
d. penalty

58. A classification of crime of which the offender acquires something as a consequence of his
criminal act.
a. Extinctive Crime
b. Acquisitive Crime
c. Situational Crime
d. Static Crime

59. What approach deals mainly on the biological explanation of crime?

a. Subjective Approach
b. Objective Approach
c. Contemporary Approach
d. Integrated Theory

60. What approach explains that the cause of crime is the deprivation of the physical body
from the basic needs of life?
a. Psychological Approach
b. Biological Approach
c. Anthropological Approach
d. Physiological Approach

61. Based on Freud’s Theory, all of the features of the child’s adult personality have been fully
developed by the age of
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
62. The behavior whose goal is to inflict damage or injury on some object or person is called
a. Preoccupation
b. Hyperactivity
c. Aggression
d. Frustration

63. Who argued that criminals are inferior to civilians in nearly all of their bodily
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Cesare Lombroso
c. William Sheldon
d. Earnest Hooton

64. Who maintained that crime is an important ingredient of all healthy societies because
crime makes people more aware of their common interest and help to define appropriate,
moral or lawful behavior?
a. Albert Cohen
b. Sigmund Freud
c. Edwin Sutherland
d. Emile Durkheim

65. Who was the advocator of the Gang Theory?

a. Frederick Thrasher
b. Albert Cohen
c. Ivan Nye
d. Emile Durkheim

66. Gangs originated from

a. playgroups
b. rivals
c. competitors
d. middle class

67. What is the group of theories which claimed that physical appearance reveals the
characters in manner that criminals have distinctive physical characteristics that makes them
identifiable as delinquents or criminal offenders?
a. Sociological Theories
b. Psychological Theories
c. Biological Theories
d. Psychiatric Theories

68. A person whose parents, have been permanently and judicially deprived of parental
authority due to abandonment; substantial, continuous or repeated neglect; abuse or
incompetence to discharge parental responsibility.
a. Voluntarily Committed Child
b. Involuntarily Committed Child
c. Dependent Child
d. Neglected Child
69. A group of theories which focuses on the informal and formal applications of stigmatizing,
deviant labels or tags by society on some of its members.
a. Conflict Theories
b. Capitalism Theories
c. Labeling Theories
d. Neutralization Theories

70. What theory states that criminality is essentially a status that is conferred or ascribed by
persons in authority to individuals who engage in a particular set of behaviors?
a. Capitalism Theory
b. Theory of Criminalization
c. Social Class Conflict Theory
d. Conflicting Group Theory

71. Under the law, no child shall be separated from the mother if the child is
a. below 7 years old.
b. below 9 years old.
c. above 7 years old.
d. above 9 years old.

72. The following are the compelling reasons that would justify the court in taking the child
away from the mother except
a. mother is insane.
b. mother is suffering a communicable disease.
c. mother is maltreating the child.
d. mother is a lesbian.

73. What is the separation of a traffic unit in motion from an object with which it has collided
wherein force between the objects cease at this time?
a. Initial Contact
b. Perception Delay
c. Stopping
d. Disengagement

74. A braking skid mark which is interrupted by release and reapplication of brakes or which
terminates by release of brakes refers to
a. skid marks.
b. gap marks.
c. flat tire marks.
d. scuff marks.

75. The greatest collapse or overlap of vehicle that is involved in a collision is termed as
a. disengagement
b. maximum engagement.
c. initial contact
d. vehicle collision.
76. What is the group of theories which claimed that physical appearance reveals the
characters in manner that criminals have distinctive physical characteristics that makes them
identifiable as delinquents or criminal offenders?
a. Sociological Theories
b. Psychological Theories
c. Biological Theories
d. Psychiatric Theories

77. A person whose parents, have been permanently and judicially deprived of parental
authority due to abandonment; substantial, continuous or repeated neglect; abuse or
incompetence to discharge parental responsibility.
a. Voluntarily Committed Child
b. Involuntarily Committed Child
c. Dependent Child
d. Neglected Child

78. A principle that requires a process of resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of
the victim, the offender and the community.
a. Hedonism
b. Mediation
c. Restorative Justice
d. none of these

79. What theory implies that deviant behavior is expected behavior; thus, without controls,
people would break the rules?
a. Attachment Theory
b. Social Control Theory
c. Social Conflict Theory
d. Differential Association Theory

80. What law provides for the special protection of children against abuse, discrimination and
a. Republic Act No. 7610
b. Republic Act No. 7160
c. Republic Act No. 9262
d. Republic Act No. 9231

81. Acts committed wherein the person acquires something as a consequence of his criminal
act is called
a. extinctive crimes
b. acquisitive crimes
c. white collar crimes
d. blue collar crimes
82. Acts committed only in one place refers to
a. episoldal crimes
b. static crimes
c. instant crimes
d. continuing crimes

83. Crimes committed every now and then is called

a. emergency crimes
b. continuing crimes
c. traditional crimes
d. seasonal crimes

84. The most obvious external consequence of a criminal act refers to

a. Trauma
b. Pain
c. Physical Injury
d. Depression

85. Interpretation and implementation of laws vary in terms of the following factors except
a. age
b. status of enforcers
c. status of offenders
d. gender

86. Criminal acts that involve threats or actual physical harm to a victim by an offender are
a. index crimes
b. non-index crimes
c. victimless crimes
d. all of these

87. What theory states that men are organisms having an animalistic behavior that is
dependent on other animals for survival?
a. Classical Theory
b. Human Ecology Theory
c. Evolution Theory
d. Strain Theory

88. According to Adolphe Quetelet, crimes against property increase during

a. winter
b. summer
c. spring
d. fall
89. What theory states that criminals are like sick people who require treatment rather than
the imposition of punishment?
a. Demonological Theory
b. Neo-Classical Theory
c. Classical Theory
d. Positivist Theory

90. One who is initially the attacker but later, the situation is reversed refers to
a. imaginary victim
b. loser
c. completely innocent victim
d. tormented

91. Who coined the term Victimology?

a. Paul Topinard
b. Benjamin Mendelsohn
c. Ceasar Lombroso
d. Cesare Beccaria

92. Which of the following is the first step to do upon arriving at the scene of the accident?
a. check for hazards
b. check road condition
c. check casualties
d. check for witnesses

93. When taking the alleged violator into custody, what is usually observed?
a. Taking for granted the character of the alleged violator.
b. No need to explain the ground of the arrest.
c. Bring the person immediately to the police office for questioning.
d. Inform him that you are placing him under arrest.

94. Drivers have been known to flee from accidents because they
a. were responsible for the accident.
b. does not have a driver’s license.
c. were wanted for other offenses.
d. all of these.

95. A groove made by a hard part of a motor vehicle to another car after side sweeping each
other is called
a. paint strips
b. groove
c. ruts
d. gouge
96. An action of an operator of a vehicle which strikes another vehicle, objects or person and
left the scene without stopping to identify himself or render aid is called
a. hit and run.
b. third party liability.
c. reckless driving.
d. side-sweep.

97. Driving without due regard for the consequences likely to occur, ignoring the rights and
safety of others is termed as
a. over speeding.
b. hit and run.
c. reckless driving.
d. all of the above.

98. On what ground can a motorist escape from the scene of the accident?
a. Offense committed is serious.
b. If the person is under imminent danger.
c. Bring the person into custody.
d. Bring a suspected violator before a court to answer a charge of violation.

99. 93. A sunken track worn by a wheel, as in road; hence, a groove forming a path for
anything refers to
a. ruts.
b. groove.
c. paint strips.
d. gouge.

100. What is the Anti-Carnapping Act of the Philippines?

a. Republic Act 6539
b. Republic Act 5693
c. Republic Act 9310
d. Republic Act 9346

101. What is the level of activity in accident investigation which involves basic data collection
pertaining to the accident to identify and classify a motor vehicle, traffic, persons and
property and planned movements involved?
a. Professional reconstruction
b. Technical Preparation
c. At-scene investigation
d. Cause Analysis
102. The following are the circumstances that may be a valid ground for a driver in a hit and
run case to leave the scene of the accident without aiding the victim except
a. if the driver has to summon a physician or nurse to aid the victim.
b. if the driver reports the accident to the nearest officers of the law.
c. if the driver is in imminent danger of being seriously injured or harmed by any
person by reason of the accident.
d. if the driver believes that the victim was the one who was at fault for such accident
to happen

103. What are the signs which provide the driver with information that he may or may not use
but will assist him in one way or another?
a. Information signs
b. Instructions signs
c. Caution signs
d. Regulatory signs

104. When two-vehicles approach an intersection at approximately the same time, which shall
give the right of way
a. the vehicle coming from the right.
b. the vehicle coming from the center.
c. the vehicle coming from the left.
d. the one who arrive there first.

105. A type of hit-and-run operator who acts as a judge and a jury refers to
a.       sneaky operator.
b.       apprehensive panic driver.
c.       projectionist project guilt driver.
d.       all of these

106. The place and time after which the traffic unit cannot prevent the accident is called
a. road hazards.
b. final position.
c. stopping.
d. point of no escape.

107. If a driver loads or unloads passengers in the center of the traffic way, he commits
a. illegal loading
b. traffic obstruction
c. illegal stopping
d. wrong parking

108. When traversing on a solid yellow line with a dotted white line, you can overtake only
a. the solid is in your lane
b. the dotted line is in your lane
c. oncoming traffic from the opposite direction is free from any hazard
d. the oncoming traffic is visible that no vehicle or whatsoever is coming from the
opposite direction
109. When traversing on a highway with double yellow line with dotted white line in between,
you can
a. not overtake under any circumstances
b. overtake when the other direction is clear of oncoming vehicles
c. overtake as long as there are no traffic enforcers around
d. not overtake when there are oncoming vehicles on the opposite lane

110. In the case of vehicle approaching but has not yet entered the intersection, its driver shall
yield the right of way to
a. vehicles approaching the intersection from the right
b. pedestrians crossing within the intersection
c. vehicles already within the intersection
d. none of these

111. What is the level of traffic accident investigation which involves the final scrutiny on the
causes of the accident?
a. Professional reconstruction
b. Technical Preparation
c. At scene investigation
d. Cause Analysis

112. In traffic accident investigation, the investigator usually goes back to the scene of the
accident for the following reason except
a. locate additional witnesses.
b. getting additional photograph.
c. actual measurement of skidding distance.
d. collecting additional evidences

113. What is the identifying color of a Non-Professional Driver’s License?

a. pink
b. green
c. blue
d. red

114. After getting short lived evidences in the scene of the accident, the next step the
investigator should is
a. record to which the accident occur.
b. make test skids.
c. view obstruction.
d. photograph the vehicle damage

115. All of the following are factors affecting skidding distance except
a. brake pedal pressure.
b. tire material.
c. weight of the vehicle.
d. length of the vehicle
116. When traversing on a solid yellow line with a dotted white line, you can overtake only
a. the solid is in your lane.
b. the dotted line is in your lane.
c. oncoming traffic from the opposite direction is free from any hazard.
d. the oncoming traffic is visible that no vehicle or whatsoever is coming from the
opposite direction.

117. The second oldest type of police patrol.

c. Horse
d. Automobile

118. “ Mobility and Stealth” is an advantage of what type of patrol ?

a.Air patrol
b.Bicycle patrol
c. Motorcycle patrol
d. Mobile patrol

119. A fixed position where an officer is assigned for guard duty.

c. post
d. area

120. The most economical type of patrol is

a.Foot patrol
b.Auto Mobile patrol
c. Horse patrol
d. Bicycle patrol

121. Dogs can recognize odor how many times greater than humans?
a. 1 million times
b. 2 million
c. 5 million times
d. 10 million times

122. What is the present police patrol system that originated from English system called
Keepers of the Peace.
a. curfew
b. checkpoint
c. search and seizures
d. mobile patrol
123. Primary law enforcement body of the State.
a. Philippine Army
b. National Bureau of Investigation
c. Philippine National Police
d. Philippine Air Force

124. The symbol of police authority.

a. gun
b. insignia
c. uniform
d. badge

125. Aside from foot patrol, what other specialized patrol is recommended for busy shopping
a. helicopter patrol
b. K-9 assisted patrol
c. mobile patrol
d. horse patrol

126. In case of big parades, celebrations and the presence of large number of people, aside
from foot patrol personnel, what patrol can help control the crowd?
a. helicopter patrol
b. K-9 assisted patrol
c. horse patrol
d. mobile patrol

127. An area assigned for foot or motorized patrol purposes is called

a. beat
b. route
c. sector
d. post

128. What is the duration of a disciplinary measure to be imposed towards a child who is
spoiled or hardheaded as determined by the court?
a. 20 days
b. 25 days
c. 30 days
d. 40 days

129. The stage which takes place when the child attains age of majority refers to
a. stage of adolescence.
b. stage of adulthood.
c. maturation.
d. emancipation.
130. The Anti- Domestic Violence Act is
a. Republic Act 7659.
b. Republic Act 9262.
c. Republic Act 9651.
d. Republic Act 7610

131. The mass of rights and obligation which parents have in relation to the person and
property of their children until their emancipation is called
a. parental advice.
b. parental consent.
c. filial supervision.
d. parental authority

132. What law provides for the special protection of children against abuse, discrimination
and exploitation?
a. Republic Act No. 7610
b. Republic Act No. 7160
c. Republic Act No. 9262
d. Republic Act No. 9231

133. An alternative, child-appropriate process of determining the responsibility and treatment

of a child in conflict with the law on the basis of her or his social, cultural, economic,
psychological or educational background without resorting to formal court proceedings refers
a. diversion.
b. mediation.
c. intervention.
d. indigenous conflict resolution

134. What rule states that no descendant shall be compelled to testify against his parents and
grandparents, except when such testimony is indispensable in a crime against the descendant
or by one parent against the other?
a. Marital Privilege
b. Patria Potestas
c. Parens Patriae
d. Filial Privilege

135. Upon the apprehension of a child in conflict with the law, he must be turned over to the
Social Welfare and Development Office not later than
a. 8 hours.
b. 12 hours.
c. 16 hours.
d. 36 hours
136. A principle that requires a process of resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement
of the victim, the offender and the community.
a. Hedonism
b. Restorative Justice
c. Mediation
d. Retribution

137. According to Social Control Theory, delinquency is the result of

a. Absence or weakening of social control mechanism.
b. Strong family ties.
c. Influence of Peers
d. Oppression and family conflict.

138. What law provides for the elimination of the worst form of child abuse and affording
stronger protection for working children?
a. Republic Act No. 9231
b. Republic Act No. 9344
c. Republic Act No. 9262
d. Republic Act No. 7658

139. The Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System Act of the Philippines refers to
a. Republic Act Nr. 9262
b. Republic Act Nr. 7610
c. Republic Act Nr. 9344
d. Republic Act Nr. 9436

140. These are group of theories which blames delinquency on social and environmental
a. Biological Theories
b. Sociological Theories
c. Psychological Theories
d. Psychiatric Theories

141. A person is said to be deserted if he has no proper parental care or guardianship, or

whose parents or guardian has deserted him for a period of
a. one year
b. six years
c. six months
d. six days

142. A part of the human psyche which is characterized by the pleasure principle I KNOW
a. ID
b. superego
c. ego
d. conscience
143. A process theory which details the experience a person must go through in order to
become a delinquent.
a. Ecological Theory
b. Delinquent Subculture Theory
c. Differential Association Theory
d. Anomie Theory

144. Without reasonable access to the socially approved means, members of the society will
attempt to find some way to resolve the pressure to achieve. The alternative solutions are
a. mode of attraction
b. mode of affiliation
c. mode of adaptation
d. mode of affliction

145. These are people who are routinely active and aggressive, and they are likely to commit
a. Endomorph
b. Metamorph
c. Ectomorph
d. Mesomorph

146. Under the law, the age of emancipation is

a. 16
b. 18
c. 21
d. 15

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