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Table 1: Contenido de .


Referencia Titulo Autores

J43P David G Hola Low
mik-05 Krystian Mikolajczyk and
Cordelia Schmi
Sh:4 On theories $T$ categori- Shelah Saharo
cal in $T
Sh:5 On languages with non- Shelah Saharo
homogeneous strings of
Sh:6 A note on Hanf number Shelah Saharo
Sh:7 On the cardinality of ul- Shelah Saharo
traproduct of finite set
Sh:8 Two cardinal compactnes Shelah Saharo
Sh:9 Remark to “local defin- Shelah Saharo
ability theory” of Reye
Sh:10 Stability the f.c.p. and su- Shelah Saharo
perstability; model theo-
retic properties of formu-
las in first order theor
Sh:11 On the number of non- Shelah Saharo
almost isomorphic models
of $T$ in a powe
Sh:12 The number of non- Shelah Saharo
isomorphic models of an
unstable first-order theor
Sh:13 Every two elementarily Shelah Saharo
equivalent models have
isomorphic ultrapower
Sh:14 Saturation of ultrapowers Shelah Saharo
and Keisler’s orde
refPZZ Arxiv. Michael T.
refVZZ Visual Studio Code
ref1 Zig-zag
ref2 Python para todo Raúl González Duqu
ref2.1 Clases
refFor Aprende Pytho Sergio Delgado Quinter
refrange 4.3. La función range()
refLen Funciones
refIf Aprenda a Pensar Como Allen Downey-Jeffrey
un Programador con Elkner-Chris Meyer
Continued on next page

Table 1 – continued from previous page
First column Second column Third column
refSort Introducción a la progra-
mación en Pytho
mpls MPLS Label Distribution
Protocol (LDP)
anatohipervisor La AAAAnatomı́a de un Juan López Hernández
Hipervisor Linux
MT-04 Raspberry P Raspberry Pi-Foundiatio
ScanRobotBookScanning ScanRobo
FourDigitalBookScanning Four Digital Book
Abarbanel2001 Synchronization and com- Abarbanel H. D. I. and
munication using semicon- Kennel M. B. and Illing L.
ductor lasers withopto- and Tang S.and Chen H.
electronic feedbac F. and Liu J. M
Arfken2001 Mathematical methods for G. B. Arfken and H. J.
physicist Webe
Argyris2005 Chaos-based communica- Argyris A. and Syvridis
tions at high bit rates D. and Larger L. and
using commercial fibre- Annovazzi-Lodi V.and
opticlink Colet P. and Fischer I.
and Garcia-Ojalvo J.
and MirassoC. R. and
Pesquera L. and Shore K.
Blakely2004Chaos Experimental observation Blakely J. N. and Corron
of delay-induced radio fre- N. J
quency chaos ina trans-
mission line oscillato
Blakely2005 Simply folded band chaos Blakely J. N. and Holder
in a VHF microstrip oscil- J. D. and Corron N. J. and
lato Pethel S.D
Blakely2004QE High-speed chaos in an op- Blakely J. N. and Illing L.
tical feedback system with and Gauthier D. J
flexible timescale
Carroll1995 Nonlinear Dynamics in T. Carroll and L. Pecor
Celka1997 Delay-differential equa- Celka P
tion versus 1D-map:
Application to chaos
Sh:1 Stable theorie Shelah Saharo
Sh:2 Note on a min-max prob- Shelah Saharo
lem of Leo Mose
Continued on next page

Table 1 – continued from previous page
First column Second column Third column
Sh:3 Finite diagrams stable in Shelah Saharo
low-04 David G. Low
mik-05 Krystian Mikolajczyk and
Cordelia Schmi
Sh:4 On theories $T$ categori- Shelah Saharo
cal in $T
Sh:5 On languages with non- Shelah Saharo
homogeneous strings of
Sh:6 A note on Hanf number Shelah Saharo
Sh:7 On the cardinality of ul- Shelah Saharo
traproduct of finite set
Sh:8 Two cardinal compactnes Shelah Saharo
Sh:9 Remark to “local defin- Shelah Saharo
ability theory” of Reye
Sh:10 Stability the f.c.p. and su- Shelah Saharo
perstability; model theo-
retic properties of formu-
las in first order theor
Sh:11 On the number of non- Shelah Saharo
almost isomorphic models
of $T$ in a powe
Sh:12 The number of non- Shelah Saharo
isomorphic models of an
unstable first-order theor
Sh:13 Every two elementarily Shelah Saharo
equivalent models have
isomorphic ultrapower
Sh:14 Saturation of ultrapowers Shelah Saharo
and Keisler’s orde
refPZZ Arxiv. Michael T.
refVZZ Visual Studio Code
ref1 Zig-zag
ref2 Python para todo Raúl González Duqu
ref2.1 Clases
refFor Aprende Pytho Sergio Delgado Quinter
refrange 4.3. La función range()
refLen Funciones
Continued on next page

Table 1 – continued from previous page
First column Second column Third column
refIf Aprenda a Pensar Como Allen Downey-Jeffrey
un Programador con Elkner-Chris Meyer
refSort Introducción a la progra-
mación en Pytho
mpls MPLS Label Distribution
Protocol (LDP)
anatohipervisor La AAAAnatomı́a de un Juan López Hernández
Hipervisor Linux
MT-04 Raspberry P Raspberry Pi-Foundiatio
ScanRobotBookScanning ScanRobo
FourDigitalBookScanning Four Digital Book
Abarbanel2001 Synchronization and com- Abarbanel H. D. I. and
munication using semicon- Kennel M. B. and Illing L.
ductor lasers withopto- and Tang S.and Chen H.
electronic feedbac F. and Liu J. M
Arfken2001 Mathematical methods for G. B. Arfken and H. J.
physicist Webe
Argyris2005 Chaos-based communica- Argyris A. and Syvridis
tions at high bit rates D. and Larger L. and
using commercial fibre- Annovazzi-Lodi V.and
opticlink Colet P. and Fischer I.
and Garcia-Ojalvo J.
and MirassoC. R. and
Pesquera L. and Shore K.
Blakely2004Chaos Experimental observation Blakely J. N. and Corron
of delay-induced radio fre- N. J
quency chaos ina trans-
mission line oscillato
Blakely2005 Simply folded band chaos Blakely J. N. and Holder
in a VHF microstrip oscil- J. D. and Corron N. J. and
lato Pethel S.D
Blakely2004QE High-speed chaos in an op- Blakely J. N. and Illing L.
tical feedback system with and Gauthier D. J
flexible timescale
Carroll1995 Nonlinear Dynamics in T. Carroll and L. Pecor
Celka1997 Delay-differential equa- Celka P
tion versus 1D-map:
Application to chaos
Continued on next page

Table 1 – continued from previous page
First column Second column Third column
Sh:1 Stable theorie Shelah Saharo
Sh:2 Note on a min-max prob- Shelah Saharo
lem of Leo Mose
Sh:3 Finite diagrams stable in Shelah Saharo

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