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Por una educación católica-liberadora, trascendente y de calidad 

Name: Ethan Antonio Pionce Hernández

Teacher: Enrique Mendoza Macías

1. Based on the first sentence of the novel, do you think Holden Caulfield will
be providing every single detail of this stay? Why or why not.
According to the first part of the novel, Holden did not want to tell the details
because in the first place it would annoy him and in the second place it would
annoy his parents too much for him to tell them about their lives.

2. Holden is not going to tell readers his life story. What is he going to tell
What he was going to tell was what had happened to him last Christmas so much
so that he had to be put in a recovery.

3. The way Holden talks about the Pencey Prep advertisements gets us started
with Holden’s personality. How does he feel about the advertisements? Why
does he feel this way?
Holden is disappointed because he finds the ads silly because everything, they
promote about Pencey Prep is pure falsehood and they just want to get attention
so more students will go.

4. What’s important about the day the story starts? What is going on with
Holden and Pencey Prep? Why is this happening?
The important day of the day in which the plot unfolds is at a soccer game,
Holden was expelled from Pencey Prep because his academics were so bad.

5. After telling the story of the cancelled fencing tournament due to Holden’s
actions, he says ´´It was pretty funny, in a way´´. Is this a funny story? Do
we really think Holden finds is funny? Or is he playing it off? What do you
I would say that Holden finds it funny because it is an anecdote that he will find
very amusing in the future.

6. In this chapter, Holden is trying to say goodbye. What does he say about
leaving places? Is it better to know when you are leaving or not what’s his
Holden is sad to leave the places he's been and even sadder to not realize he's
leaving, so I think it's better when you know you're going to leave and have a
chance to say goodbye to the place to feel a little better.
1. Holden allows readers into his mind by adding commentary and streams of
consciousness to his story. Readers see that sometimes his outer appearance
might not match his inner thoughts. Find two quotes (what Holden says and
what Holden thinks) that seem to contradict each other. Explain.

a) What Holden says…

I had glanced through Mr. Spencer's history book.

b) What Holden thinks…

In fact, he had never opened the book and just said yes so he wouldn't feel

c) Explain how they conflict and what it says about Holden’s character…
This says about Holden that he prefers to keep certain thoughts and
comments to himself so as not to hurt anyone he is in contact with, and not to
have to feel guilty for treating someone badly.

2. During his conversation with Mr. Spencer, Holden gets distracted thinking
about ducks in Central Park in New York City. What are some things he
wonders about them? What are some solutions that he comes up with while
He wondered if it was freezing in Central Park and if it was where the ducks
would be, the solutions he comes up with is that if the ducks leave on their own
or a gentleman arrives and takes them to the zoo.

3. When talking with Mr. Spencer, Holden reflects on a few reasons he hates
growing old and people. What are these reason?
He hates getting older because he didn't want to become or look like Mr.
Spencer and he hates people because of Principal Haas because Holden said he
was a very fake person.
1. Holden says, “I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. “As
readers, how should we decide what to believe and what not to? How can
we tell if Holden is lying to us a or not while reading this novel?
We can infer that Holden is telling the truth when he says he is a big liar, as he
then mentions the part where if he goes to one store to shop, he can say he is
going somewhere else entirely.

2. Where does Holden get his red hunting hat? What’s unusual about the way
he wears the hat?
He bought it in New York after leaving the subway in a sports store and Holden
always wore it backwards because of the big visor.

3. Who is Robert Ackley?

Robert is the boy in the room next to Holden.

4. Describe the relationship between Robert Ackley and Ward Stradlater

You can tell that Ackley hates Stradlater to death but their relationship is normal.

1. Who is Ward Stradlate
Ward Stradlate is Holden´s roommate at Pencey.

2. Who is Jane Gallagher?

She is friend de la inflancia de Holden por la que tenía algunos sentimientos

3. What facts does Holden give about Jane when they play chechers? If king is
a powerful checker piece, why do you think she plays this way?
Holden recalls that Jane used to leave the kings on the back row all the time
when they played checkers, in my opinion I think she plays this way because the
queen is one of the most mobile cards in chess.

4. Twice in Chapters 3 and 4, Holden performs actions that he describes as

´´horsing around´´. What are they? How do Ackley and Stradlater react to
these actions from Holden?
These actions that Holden does are described as "playing dumb" and that he acts
in order not to get bored, Ackley and Stradlater often tell him that he is crazy
and that he should grow up.

1. Holden Caulfield makes a snowball but ends up not throwing it at anything.

Why does he decide against each target? What does this say about his
In the end Holden didn't throw the snowball at anything because the car he was
going to throw it at was so white and clean and the water hydrant used by the
firemen was also very nice with the snowfall.

2. How did Holden break his hand when he was thirteen? What emociona
event led to this action?
When Holden was thirteen years old his brother died of leukemia and that day
Holden fell asleep in the garage and with his hand broke all the windows.

3. Describe (in as much detail as possible) the object that Holden chooses to
write about for Stradlater’s composition essay.
The object Holden chose to describe was Allie's brother's glove, Holden said that
on the glove were written poems that he read during training so he wouldn't get

1. Describe how Stradlater acts on his dates with girls. Why then is Holden so
curious (and nervous/ concerned) about Stradlater’s date with Holden’s
innocent childhood friend Jane Gallagher?

Stradlater usually goes on dates even though many times he is not interested in
dating anyone, he flirts for a while and sometimes ends up having sex, maybe
that is why Holden reacts this way, because he knows him, and also Jane is his
friend and he is in love with her.

2. Why does Holden end up punching Stradlater in the face? Holden says he
was aiming for Stradlater’s toothbrush. Do you believe that? Why or why
Because he almost plunged the toothbrush into his throat but it only hit him in
the temple possibly, Holden's goal was to stick it in his throat but he couldn't
because he did it with his right hand and that hand can't close it well because of
the fracture he has.
1. One of difficulties of reading a novel with a narrator like Holden is that
readers aren’t sure how much to believe for real. Holden uses phrases
like ´´prince´´, ´´gentleman and a scholar´´, and ´´you´re aces to describe
Ackley. Does Holden really feel this way about Ackley or is he being
sarcastic? Whatever you choose, explain why you think this.
I think that in one way or another Hooden is being sincere in what he says
but he says it in a sarcastic way which makes people confused if he means it
or just joking.

2. What split second decision does Holden make at the end of this chapter?
What is he going to do tonight?
Holden decides to leave Pencey as he was lonely and decides to go to
NewYork to a cheap hotel and get lost for a few days.

1. What activity does Holden Like to do at night by himself?
He liked to eat sandwiches and read cheesy novels.

2. Who does Holden run into while on the trin to New York City? What name
does he give her? What do they talk about? How does he lie about this
He meets Ernest Morrow's mother, the name of the janitor of the Rudolph
Schmidt residence, they talk about Pencey and Ernest Morrow, he lies saying
good things about Ernest Morrow.
1. What question does Holden ask the cab driver? (The cab drver thinks he’s
crazy for asking.)
Holden asked the cab driver about the ducks in Central Park, he told him where
they went after the water turned to ice.

2. Looking out of his hotel window, Holden witnesses a cross dresser and
people spitting water on each other. What internal conflict does Holden
have about ´´crumby´´ acts?
Holden said that the hotel was full of sex maniacs, but at first, he found the
transvestite funny.

3. Why does Holden call faith Cavendish? What ends up happening?

Holden calls Cavendish because he was feeling horny and wanted an escort for
that night, but in the end, he couldn't be with her because after talking for a
while she said no since it was too late for her even though Holden said it wasn't
that late.

1. Describe Holden’s sister Phoebe Caulfield. What are some details he gives?
Why does he seem to like her so much?
Holden described her as a very smart girl even though she is younger, also that
she was very pretty and that she had red hair. Holden liked her because he says
she looks a lot like Allie the brother who had died.
2. In Chapter 10, Holden says he was acting ´´strictly on hunger´´, and later
says, ´´I certainly must´ve been very hard up to even both with any of them.
´´ what is Holden talking about?
He was talking about how hard he was on the girls he danced with.

3. In the Lavender Room, Holden tries to converse with the tree women at the
next table. How does it go? Why does it go this way?
Holden tries to talk to the three women even though he had said they were ugly
and the only one he thought was passable was the blonde, the moment Holden
approached to talk to her they started laughing like crazy, Holden just wanted to

4. In these chapters, readers get a glimpse of how lonely Holden Caulfield is.
Create a list of people he tries to buy drinks for or tries to get to hang out
with him in these three chapters.
-The cab driver
-The stripper

1. Who does Holden Caulfield sit down and think about while in a hotel
The moment Holden sits in the hotel lobby he thinks of Jane, not stopping to
think that she might have been able to fuck Stradlater in that coach's car he also
started to reminisce about when they were kids.

2. Describe the time Holden and Jane Almost made out Retell the story from
Holden’s perspective.
It was a rainy day in which Holden was in Jane's house exactly in the porch that
was covered playing checkers when in that Jane's stepfather arrives and asks him
if there were cigarettes in the house as Jane did not answer him he again asks the
same question since he saw that he was not going to answer him he went back
into the house in that Holden asks if everything was okay and she again
remained silent when in that he sees that a tear falls on the board, Holden felt so
sorry for her that they sat on the couch and he forced her to sit next to him, he
practically sat on Jane's knees at that moment Jane did not say anything but cry
and Holden started kissing her whole face, her forehead, cheeks, ears, nose and
forehead except her lips because she did not allow him to do it either.
1. What question does Holden ask the cab driver Horwitz?
Holden again asks him the same question he asks himself, what happens to the
ducks in Central Park when it's winter.
2. Why does Holden think Ernie is a phony?
Hooden thinks Ernie is phony as he says that maybe since he is a famous pianist
he wouldn't speak to someone unless they are famous or as Holden describes
him a big shot.

3. Why does Holden think Lillian Simmons is a phony?

Holden thinks Lillian is a phony since she only said hello to him to check on
D.B. and in case he told D.B. that he had run into her to put in a good word for

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