Organisational Behaviour EXAM 2022

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Organizational Behavior EXAM

Name_________________________________ Date____________________
1) Alana Gore works as a campaign manager at a nonprofit organization in Manhattan. She was
recently asked by her supervisor to give a presentation on the progress of the ongoing climate
campaign. However, throughout the presentation, her colleague Kelly Simmons interrupts her by
asking irrelevant questions. In addition, she tries to insult her by constantly criticizing key
findings and objectives achieved. Though Gore initially tried to be patient, she eventually loses
her cool and retorts back, asking her to keep her questions and clarifications for the end of the
presentation. Which of the following is a reason why Gore's reaction can be categorized as an
emotion instead of a mood?
A) Its cause is general and ambiguous.
B) It is not action-oriented.
C) It incorporates both positive and negative dimensions of affect.
D) It is less cognitive in nature than moods.
E) It is caused by a specific event.

2) Alejandro is constantly annoying people in the office. He speaks his mind freely without
taking into consideration how it will affect others, doesn't try to smile when he's in a bad mood,
and can't understand why other people are upset with him. Alejandro's inability to be self-aware
indicates that he has a very low ________.
A) cognitive intelligence
B) self-esteem
C) negative affect
D) emotional intelligence
E) job satisfaction
3) Jonathan Cowan is upset because he was passed over for a promotion he had really worked
hard for. In response to his anger toward the manager and the company, he has started gossiping
about the manager with his colleagues and assigning blame on him unnecessarily. Jonathan's
behavior is an example of ________.
A) deviant workplace behavior
B) distinction bias
C) cognitive dissonance
D) positivity offset
E) emotional dissonance

4) Marina Lyon works as a reservation executive at a travel and tourism company. Though her
job requires her only to efficiently book flight tickets for customers, she has also opted to
undergo training to learn the process of hotel reservations. In addition, every evening she reads
travelogues to be aware of upcoming travel destinations and trends. She loves the industry she
works in and is eager to learn as much as she can. Considering the information given in this case,
which dimension of the Big Five model best describes Lyon's personality?
A) extraversion
B) agreeableness
C) conscientiousness
D) openness to experience
E) emotional stability
5) During an annual review, Michel Godfrey made the following assertion: "When I look at
myself and my performance, I see that what I have achieved is outstanding and something no one
in the organization has the capacity to undertake. Surprisingly, it has not won me the admiration
of my colleagues like it should have. I also believe that I do not just deserve a raise, but need
one, since without me, let's face it, the place would simply fall apart." Which of the following
personality traits best describes Michel's personality?
A) minimalism
B) monasticism
C) stoicism
D) narcissism
E) Machiavellianism

Jonah is currently trying to decide whether or not to allow Kate to be part of a delegation that
will represent their company at an international business expo. Apart from allowing the company
to market its business to potential clients, the expo will give the members of the delegation a
chance to meet and network with various industry professionals and gain valuable industry

6) Which of the following, if true, would most weaken Kate's chances of being selected?
A) Kate is socially inept and tends to display her true disposition and attitude in every situation.
B) Kate behaves differently in different situations and occasionally presents striking
contradictions between her public persona and her private self.
C) Kate has a strong sense of independence and often gets work done without any support from
D) Kate is often in agreement with others' ideas and opinions.
E) Kate is gregarious and comfortable in changing contexts and ambiguous situations.

7) Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen Kate's chances of being selected?
A) Kate generally considers herself to be better than her colleagues.
B) Kate is a go-getter–she is prepared to go to any length to get ahead.
C) Kate has a conventional mindset and focuses on being efficient at her work.
D) Kate often conforms to others' ideas and opinions rather than come up with her own.
E) Kate is enterprising and adept at interacting with diverse groups of individuals.

8) Stacey was at work when Ann, her sister, called to confirm their dinner plan the following
weekend at their Aunt Hilda's farmhouse. Stacey said she would call Joe, her husband, and get
back to her. However, when Stacey called her back, Ann could not hear most of what she said
because Jennifer, Ann's daughter, was crying loudly in the background. Who represents the noise
in the communication process depicted in this scenario?
A) Hilda
B) Joe
C) Jennifer
D) Ann
E) Stacey

9) Carol Zelner, the manager of a small event management company, is known for her
efficiency. She provides the team with clearly defined tasks, guidelines, and directives. Further,
she is always available to provide feedback or resolve troubles. Recently, with Carol on leave for
about three weeks, the team had a lot of problems. The team members lacked the requisite
information on client details, locations, and budgets and had to repeatedly cross-check with each
other or the clients. Which of the following, if true, would best explain the problems faced by
Carol's team currently?
A) Members of Carol's team have a high degree of satisfaction with their role in the team's
C) Carol encourages all group members to actively communicate with each other.
D) Carol's team primarily consists of individuals from low-context cultures.
E) The communication in Carol's team follows the approach represented by a wheel network.

10) Treesa Mayering recently began her first job at a PR firm called Pro as a copywriter. Her job
involves creating scripts for press releases, advertisements, and other media events. She has been
working under the guidance of Will Preston, the senior copywriter. Treesa, who has no prior
experience in this job, had worked on scripts for advertisements and online brochures alone
when she was asked to work on a press release for the first time. Will reviewed Treesa's script
and sent her an e-mail full of detailed corrections, which she promptly implemented. However,
when Will looked at the script later, he felt that it did not represent a significant improvement of
her first draft. Which of the following, if true, would best explain this outcome?
A) The feedback provided by Will was not elaborate and comprehensive enough.
B) Treesa took a lot of time to implement Will's corrections and revise her script.
C) Treesa was hired because she demonstrated considerable analytical and creative thinking
skills in her pre-employment tests.
D) Will routinely e-mailed feedback on scripts for advertisements, online brochures, and press
releases to his team members.
E) Will believed that Treesa's understanding of his e-mailed feedback would be accurate.

Theoretical questions
1. Affect, Emotions, and Moods
2. Communication

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