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Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory

What are
the objectives of this
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to be
able to:
• explain Freud’s views about child and adolescent
development ; and
• draw implications of Freud’s theory to education.

Overview of the topic

Sigmund Freud
He is a popular psychologist whose theory
of human development is on psychoanalytic

Freudian Theory
The psychoanalytic approach to adult personality development
has its roots in the theories of Sigmund Freud. His theories
encompassed four domains—level of consciousness,
personality structure, defense mechanisms, and stages of
psychosexual development.
Freudian theory postulates that adult personality is made up of
three aspects: (1) the id, operating on the pleasure principle
generally within the unconscious; (2) the ego, operating on the
reality principle within the conscious realm; and (3)
the superego, operating on the morality principle at all levels
of consciousness. The interplay of these personality structures
generates anxiety that must be reduced through various
defense mechanisms. These mechanisms act to obscure the
true, anxiety-laden reasons for one's behavior.

• Freud's theory remains to be one of the influential
in psychology. This theory sparked the ideas in the
brilliant minds of other theorists and thus became
the starting point of many other theories, notable
of which is Erickson's Psychosocial theory.
• According to Freud, a person goes through the sequence
of these five stages and along way here are needs to
be met. Whether these needs are met or not,
determines whether the person will develop a
healthy personality or not.
• The theory is quite interesting for many because
Freud identified erogenous zones for each stage of
development. These are specific “pleasure areas”
that become focal points for the particular stage.

• If needs are not met along the area, a fixation

occurs. As an adult. The person will now manifest
behaviours relatedto this erogenous zone.

• Human beings, from birth, possess an instinctual libido

(sexual energy) that develops in five stages;

 Oral
Ø Anal
Ø Phallic
Ø Latent
Ø Genital
Each stage is characterized by the erogenous zone
that is the source of the libidinal drive.

ID This is known as the biological drives with

which the infant is born. It is said to
be the earliest and most primitive
personality structure and refers to the
unconscious and usually operates with the goal
of seeking pleasure.
EGO This structure is the rational, logical, problem-
solving component of the personality.
SUPEREGO This is the structure based on the child’s
internalization of the adults attributes, beliefs and

Note: Please see the attached power point presentation for

additional lecture.

Test your knowledge

Application No. 4

A. Recall a recent incident in your life when you had

to make a decision. Narrate the situation
below. Indicate what the decision was about, the
factors that were involved and how you arrived at
your decision.

B. What are the implications of Freud’s theory to


C. In your own development, explain how you experienced and passed the 5
Psychosexual stages of Freud. Recall your experiences.

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