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The Planets Not long after this odd dream, the prince’s older brother died. The prince was given
the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt.
As king, he kept his part of the bargain. He had workers clear the sand from around
the statue. They dug the statue out of the sand and found that it was a Sphinx with
Our solar system is made up of eight planets that orbit the Sun. The planets are in a the head of a human and the body of a lion. Uncovered, the statue was huge. It was
certain sequence, or order. Closest to the Sun are the four rocky planets. They have more than 200 feet long and over 60 feet high. To explain why he uncovered the
solid surfaces. Mercury, which is the smallest planet, comes first. It is too hot for life Sphinx, the new king had a special stone tablet made. This tablet tells the story of
as we know it. Temperatures on Mercury can reach 430°C during the day. Venus is the prince’s dream. You can still find the tablet between the Sphinx’s paws.
the second planet and is about the same size as Earth. Venus is also much too hot
for people to survive. Our planet Earth is the third planet. The fourth planet from the Greek Gods
Sun is Mars. It is about half the size of Earth. Mars is called the Red Planet because
its surface looks red from Earth. I’m Hermes. I’m the god of thieves and merchants. I’m not always honest. I have
wings on my helmet and sandals. I have a magic wand!
The next four planets are called the gas giants. Their surfaces are made up of I’m Aphrodite. I’m the goddess of love and beauty. I have doves and swans. I’m a
gases, which are mostly hydrogen and helium. Jupiter, the fifth planet, is the largest real star!
planet in our solar system. It has more than forty-nine named moons. The I’m Apollo. I’m the god of medicine and music. I don’t have a wooden chariot. My
temperature on Jupiter is -148°C, which is too cold for human survival because the chariot is made of fire! I have a golden lyre. Listen!
human body’s normal temperature is 36.5°C. Saturn, with its brightly colored rings, I’m Athena. I’m the goddess of wisdom and learning. I have a very clever owl. I
is the sixth planet. The rings are made of rocks and ice. The seventh planet is have a snake, too!
Uranus. It has twenty-seven named moons and is the third-largest planet in our
solar system. Neptune, the eighth planet, is the farthest from the Sun. It takes Proteus
Neptune 165 years to complete its orbit around the Sun.
Hello, I’m Proteus! I’m an old sea god. When I was younger, I used to have a very
Pluto was once called the ninth planet. However, in 2006, scientists decided that it special power. I could change my shape! Unfortunately, I’m thousands of years old,
was not a planet. Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet because of its small size and I can’t change my shape like I used to.
and its irregular orbit. When I was a dog, I would bark in the middle of the night. I’d wake everyone up!
That really annoyed my family and friends!
The Prince and the Sphinx When I was a cat, I wouldn’t obey my master. I would catch mice and birds and put
them on the kitchen table when nobody was looking!
Tuthmosis, a young prince of Egypt, felt crowded at home with his eight brothers. I loved being a tree! When I was a tree, I would give shelter to hundreds of birds. I’d
He was neither the oldest nor the youngest, so he felt that no one paid any attention listen to their singing all day.
to him. One day, he decided to leave the palace and go out hunting. Far out in the When I was a stone, I wouldn’t move or make any noise. Being a stone was quite
vast desert, he came across a great stone head buried in the sand. The prince was boring, actually.
tired, so he lay down in the cool shadow of the head of the statue and fell asleep.
He had a curious dream. In his dream, the statue came to life. The statue said that
he was a god and that the prince would become the next king of Egypt. The statue
also said that if the prince became king, he had to uncover the rest of the statue
from the sand.
It was a lot more fun being a monster. When I was a monster, I would terrify my Boy: Is he a musician?
enemies... like this! Young Man: Yes, a musician and a poet. He’s Apollo’s son.
It was wonderful being fire, especially in the winter. I would burn day and night. I
never felt cold! Man: Four
I almost forgot! I used to change into an eagle! When I was an eagle, I would fly high Young Man: And there’s Aphrodite, the most beautiful goddess.
in the sky! I would enjoy flying above the land and ocean far, far below. It was Boy: Oh, yes! The one who looks very happy.
beautiful. Young Man: That one! She’s the goddess of love.
Boy: I see.
Test: Greek Mythology
Man: Five
Man: Look at Part 1. Now look at the picture. Listen and look. There is one example. Boy: And we’re missing that one.
Boy: Wow! Look at this picture! It’s wonderful! Can you see that man holding a bow Young Man: Who do you mean?
and an arrow? Boy: The woman with black hair who is wearing a helmet and has a sword and a
Young Man: Oh, yes! That’s Apollo, the god of music. He was known as “the shield.
archer”. He was also the god of light and truth. Young Man: Ah! That one! She’s Athena, the goddess of reason, intelligence, arts,
Boy: Wow! That’s really interesting! and literature.
Man: Now you listen and draw lines. Man: Now listen to Part 1 again. That is the end of Part 1.

Man: One
Boy: And who’s the old man with the beard and long white hair?
Young Man: That one is Zeus, the king of gods.
Boy: Now I understand why he looks so arrogant.
Young Man: Oh, yes! He’s the master of thunderbolts too.

Man: Two
Young Man: Can you see that old man with the angry look on his face?
Boy: The one with the trident?
Young Man: Yes, that one.
Boy: What’s his name?
Young Man: He’s Poseidon, the god of the sea.

Man: Three
Boy: Who’s that? The young man with the lyre?
Young Man: That’s Orpheus.
Ceres and Proserpina which means “changes.” Ovid’s famous work contains hundreds of mythical stories
about incredible transformations.
A long time ago, there were no seasons. All year plants grew and the weather was “The Metamorphoses” starts by describing the creation of the universe. In the
warm. Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture, taught humans how to grow food beginning, everything was mixed up in a big confusion called Chaos. Then light was
to eat. The humans were grateful and built temples to thank her. separated from dark, earth from air, and fire from water. Ovid tells stories about how
Ceres had a daughter named Proserpina. Ceres loved her daughter very much. One people were turned into animals or trees and flowers. Some people were even
day Pluto, the god of the underworld, decided he wanted Proserpina to be his wife. transformed into stars! In one of the stories, a woman called Arachne was turned
He took Proserpina to his home in the underworld. Ceres did not know what had into a spider—the original Spider-Woman!
happen to her daughter, so she went looking all over Earth. She was so sad that In some stories, inanimate objects become living beings. For example, a sculptor
she stopped the plants from growing. Every place she looked for Proserpina turned named Pygmalion carved a statue of a woman from stone. The statue was so
to desert. There was a famine throughout the land. beautiful that Pygmalion fell in love with it. The goddess Venus felt sorry for him, so
Jupiter, the king of the gods, saw how the humans were suffering without food. So, she helped the sculpture come to life. Pygmalion and his love lived happily ever
he asked Ceres to make the plants grow again. When Ceres refused, Jupiter sent after!
Mercury to retrieve Proserpina from Pluto. Pluto agreed that Proserpina could return
to Earth to be with her mother. Before Proserpina left, however, Pluto tricked her Abilities of the Gods
into eating some pomegranate seeds so that she would have to return to the
underworld for part of the year. 1. Zeus said he was the strongest god. Athena said it was true, but she was the
Now when Proserpina leaves the underworld and reunites with Ceres, Ceres is most intelligent.
happy. The weather is warm, and the plants grow and bear fruit. The harvest is 2. Apollo said his horses were the fastest living things in Olympus. Hermes said it
plentiful, and there is much to eat on Earth. When Proserpina has to return to Pluto wasn’t true because his sandals helped him run faster.
in the underworld, Ceres becomes sad, and the plants stop growing. Trees lose 3. Athena said Apollo’s chariot wasn’t good for hunting. Apollo said it was true, but
their leaves, and Earth is barren, until Proserpina is once again reunited with her he had a powerful bow to shoot arrows.
Test: Perseus and Medusa
Amazing Transformations
Man: Part 3. Listen and look. There is one example.
Peter Parker was a normal high school student until he was bitten by a radioactive Girl: Hi, Mike! What are you reading?
spider. The bite gave him superhuman strength and agility, and that’s how Spider- Mike: It’s a story about Perseus and Medusa.
Man was born! Girl: It sounds exciting! Tell me more.
Bruce Banner was an ordinary scientist. One day he was accidentally exposed to Man: Can you see the answer? Now you listen and write.
radiation from a gamma bomb. The radiation transformed him into a powerful green
monster known as the Hulk. Man: One
Did you know that stories about transformations like these were also popular 2,000 Mike: Medusa was a monster with snakes on her head.
years ago? That’s when Roman poet Ovid wrote “The Metamorphoses”— Girl: With snakes on her head?
Mike: Yes.
Girl: Was Medusa dangerous?
Mike: Very dangerous.
Girl: Really? Why?
Mike: Because if someone dared to see her face, she would have no mercy and turn
them into stone.
Girl: That’s scary!

Man: Two
Girl: And who was Perseus?
Mike: Perseus was a young man who wanted to marry a princess. He went to ask
her father if he could marry her, but her father didn’t like Perseus at all.

Man: Three
Girl: And what happened?
Mike: He told Perseus that he would let him marry his daughter if he killed Medusa
and brought him her head.
Girl: Really? Her head? How dangerous!

Man: Four
Mike: Yes! It was a very dangerous quest, but Perseus really loved the princess, so
he asked Athena and Hermes for help.
Girl: How clever! Friends can always help.
Mike: No doubt about that! They gave Perseus a mirrored shield that saved him.
Man: Now listen to Part 3 again.That is the end of Part 3.
Native American Legend Now I wear these black leather pants
Once an Iroquoian woman was gathering golden corn from the field to store away When I used to wear such a bright suit.
for the long cold winter. She went from stack to stack If I only could play once more,
tearing off the fresh ears of corn. She dropped each one into her long-folded robe. My old harpsichord or a lute, yeah.
When all the corn was gathered, the woman started to go. Just then, she heard a
faint voice that sounded like a frightened child. “Please do not go!” the voice called Greek Rhapsodes
out, “do not leave without me!”. The surprised woman turned back. “What child is
calling?” she asked herself, “who can be lost in this huge cornfield?” She put down 1. Greek rhapsodes, or poets, used to recite poems in public places.
the ears of corn and went to search for the mysterious voice but she did not find 2. Rhapsodes used to carry a staff.
anyone as she turned to go, she heard the weeping voice again. “No do not leave 3. They used to tell stories about ancient battles and heroes.
me! Do not go away without me!”. The astonished woman searched for a long time. 4. They didn’t use to live in the same place because they traveled to tell the stories
At last in the corner of the field, she found one little ear of corn. It was hidden under in different towns.
the leaves of the stacks. It was the tiny ear of corn that it’d been crying all long.
Since then all native American women gather their corn crop very carefully. They do Test: My Week
this so that the succulent food would never be neglected. Even the smallest morsel
of food should never be wasted. Man: Part 5. Listen and look. There is one example.
Old Man: I heard you got lost at the airport. Is that true, Tom?
Useless Magic Lamp Tom: Yes. I was really frightened.
Old Man: That was on Saturday, right?
Last year, I found this magic lamp, Tom: Yes. The day we arrived there.
I made a wish and I rubbed it. Man: Can you see the line from the word Saturday? On Saturday, Tom got lost at
And then I traveled to this time, the airport. Now you listen and draw lines.
Poor me, this is not what I wished for.
I used to be a minstrel, and Man: One
I felt happy and joyful. Tom: On Sunday, we went to the Acropolis.
Now I play on this weird guitar Old Man: What did you see there?
And I feel so unhappy and sad, yeah. Tom: We saw huge statues and beautiful houses.
I never used to sing like this, Old Man: Are they like ours?
But I have to earn my pay somehow. Tom: Of course not! People didn’t live in houses like ours in the past.
Oh, how I wish I could just go back,
I really don’t like my life now. Man: Two
Old Man: What did you do on Monday?
Tom: Um, Monday? Let me see…Oh, yes! We went to the Island of Crete.
Old Man: Did you swim?
Tom: No, the sea was freezing because it’s winter. ncludes high hurdles. The first hurdle is 13 meters from the starting line, and the
Old Man: Oh. distance between hurdles is 8.5 meters. There is no penalty for hitting a hurdle, but
it can slow down the rhythm of the runner. The second event is the high jump. In this
Man: Three event the bar is initially set at a relatively low height and then moved up in set
Tom: On Tuesday we went shopping. increments. The athlete who clears the highest jump is declared the winner. The
Old Man: I hate shopping. I think it’s really boring. third event is the shot put. In this event, the athlete “puts” or throws a heavy metal
Tom: Yes, I think that too. But my mom insisted. ball, called the shot, as far as possible. The athlete with the farthest put is declared
Old Man: What did you buy? the winner. The fourth event is the 200-meter race. It begins on the curve of a
Tom: Some tiny key rings for our friends. Everything was really expensive! standard track and ends on the homestretch. Runners are staggered in their starting
position to ensure they all run the same distance. The fifth event is the long jump.
Man: Four This event combines speed, strength, and agility. The winner is the athlete that
Old Man: What about Wednesday? Did you visit any museum? lands as far from the take-off point as possible. The sixth event is the javelin throw.
Tom: No. We went to a traditional Greek restaurant. It was succulent! In this event, the athlete throws a spear-like object called a javelin. The athlete with
Old Man: What did you eat? the longest throw is the winner. The seventh and last event is the 800-meter race. It
Tom: A gyros! I ate even the last morsel. consists of two laps around a standard 400-meter track. Athletes earn points for
Old Man: Gyros are delicious! each event. The athlete who accumulates the highest number of points wins the
heptathlon competition.
Man: Five
Tom: On Thursday we visited a museum. Past Times
Old Man: What did you see there?
Tom: There were beautiful sculptures, paintings, spears, shields, helmets … The ancient Egyptians loved garlic They would consume it both as a food and to
Old Man: It must have been impressive! treat ailments. They also believed it gave them strength, which they needed to build
Tom: Yes! We even saw some vases in which people used to keep their food. the pyramids of course! There were lots of accidents during construction, but at that
Man: Now listen to Part 5 again. That is the end of Part 5. time there were no anesthetics, so Egyptian surgeons would hit their patients on the
head before surgery to put them to sleep. Ouch! During the Middle Ages, people
Week 4 would never go to the dentist because there weren’t any! Instead, they would go to a
barber, who wouldn’t just cut their hair, but would extract their teeth too!
The Heptathlon
Satya, the Storyteller
The heptathlon is a track and field sporting competition.
It is made up of seven separate events. There are two versions of the heptathlon: Once upon a time, there was a young man named Satya. He was an immigrant from
one for women and the other for men. The heptathlon for women consists of seven a distant island. Satya had an incredible imagination, so he became a
events over two days. The first four events take place on the first day and the
remaining three on the second day. The first event is the 100-meter race. It
storyteller. His stories were about invincible heroes and immense monsters. He also
invented stories about real people—such as the king. He could imitate the king’s
voice perfectly! Satya’s success as a storyteller was immediate. His imitations of the
king quickly became famous on the Internet. Many people watched his video on You
Tube. One day, Satya received a formal invitation to visit the king! He was very
When Satya saw the king’s daughter, he immediately fell in love. Everybody thought
it was an impossible love, but his love for her was infinite! The princess had had a
terrible accident, and she was in a body cast. She was completely immobile, from
head to toe! But Satya didn’t care. He was impatient to win her heart, so he told her
stories every day. Finally, the princess fell in love with Satya, and they got married.
The King was very angry about Satya’s imitations of his voice on the internet. He
told Satya he was extremely impolite and immature. He immediately sent Satya to
jail. But Satya didn’t stop telling stories or imitating the king’s voice! Instead, he
became a storyteller in prison and made all the inmates laugh!

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