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Historical Perspectives

Bokhman Redux: Endometrial cancer “types” in the 21st century

Adrian A. Suarez a,⁎, Ashley S. Felix b, David E. Cohn c
Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, United States
Division of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, The Ohio State University, United States
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University, United States


• A landmark 1983 Gynecologic Oncology paper defined two types of endometrial cancer.
• Type I was associated with metabolic syndrome, low stage and low grade tumors.
• Type II was associated with high grade and clinically aggressive tumors.
• This view has contributed greatly to endometrial cancer understanding and teaching.
• Recent molecular, epidemiologic and pathologic advances challenge a dualistic view.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In 1983 Jan V. Bokhman, M.D. published a landmark paper entitled “Two Pathogenetic Types of Endometrial Car-
Received 17 October 2016 cinoma” in which an enduring dualistic view of endometrial cancer was first proposed. “Type I” cancers are
Received in revised form 1 December 2016 thought to represent estrogen driven mostly low grade endometrioid tumors strongly associated with obesity
Accepted 9 December 2016
and other components of the metabolic syndrome. “Type II” cancers represent higher grade non-endometrioid
Available online xxxx
tumors for which the latter associations are less significant. Basic tenets of this dichotomy including significant
prognostic differences have been abundantly confirmed by later literature. The construct has in turn contributed
Endometrial cancer a useful framework for decades of teaching and scientific advancement across disciplines. However, recent large
Endometrial carcinoma epidemiologic studies indicate a more complex web of risk factors with obesity and hormones likely playing an
Metabolic syndrome important role across the entire endometrial cancer histologic and clinical spectrum. Moreover, high quality mo-
Obesity lecular data and refinements in pathologic classification challenge any simplistic classification of endometrial
Cancer risk cancer. For example, the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) recently defined four clinically distinct endometrial cancer
Risk factor types based on their overall mutational burden, specific p53, POLE and PTEN mutations, microsatellite instability
and histology. Additionally, new histologic categories with clear prognostic implications have been accepted and
it is becoming evident from an epidemiologic point of view that metabolic factors may play an important role in
endometrial cancer overall. While Bokhman's intuitive dualistic model remains relevant when working with
large registries and databases lacking granular information; most other efforts should integrate clinical, patholog-
ical and molecular specifics into more nuanced classifications.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and metabolic disturbances arising long before the development of en-
dometrial carcinoma determines the biological peculiarities of the
In the 1983 February issue of Gynecologic Oncology Jan V. Bokhman, tumor…”. The resulting paradigm, in particular the “Type I” versus
M.D. of the N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology in Leningrad, “Type II” endometrial cancer dichotomy profoundly influenced the liter-
USSR (currently Saint Petersburg, Russia) published a landmark paper ature up to this date across different disciplines.
entitled: “Two Pathogenetic Types of Endometrial Carcinoma” [1]. Multiple increasingly large endometrial cancer series had appeared
Bokhman described “personal observations” of 366 patients over twen- in the English literature since the beginning of the 20th century. Early
ty years and presented the “…hypothesis that the complex of endocrine interest in histologic description and potential precursor lesions includ-
ing endometrial atrophy and hyperplasia [2,3] was accompanied by the
⁎ Corresponding author at: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
realization that obesity, hypertension, glucose intolerance and diabetes
Department of Pathology, 410 W 10th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, United States. were highly prevalent amongst women with endometrial cancer [4–7].
E-mail address: (A.A. Suarez). This recognition paralleled the description, under various names
0090-8258/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: A.A. Suarez, et al., Bokhman Redux: Endometrial cancer “types” in the 21st century, Gynecol Oncol (2016), http://
2 A.A. Suarez et al. / Gynecologic Oncology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

throughout the century, of metabolic syndrome and attendant in- Table 2

creased cardiovascular risk [8]. Additionally, significant advances in Tumor characteristics, “Influence of pathogenetic type of the disease on tumor peculiari-
the understanding of estrogen physiology occurred in the 1970's. Es- Modified with permission from Bokhman [1].
trone produced by peripheral aromatization of plasma androstenedione
was identified as the principal estrogen in postmenopausal women [9]. Pathogenetic type

Moreover, elegant studies reported by Schindler, Ebert and Friedrich I II

demonstrated that aromatization of androstenedione to estrone hap- Duration of symptoms Usually long Usually short
pened in peripheral adipose tissue and that estrone production by this Myometrial invasion Frequently superficial Frequently deep
mechanism was significantly higher in women with endometrial neo- Potential for lymphovascular invasion Low High
plasia when compared to women without it [10]. Aromatase activity Progesterone sensitivity High Low
Low grade (“G1 + G2”) 79.9% of cases 34.3% of cases
was soon thereafter found to positively correlate with total body adi- High grade (“G3”) 20.1% of cases 65.7% of cases
pose tissue [11]. Additionally, during the 1970's intense attention was Prognosis Favorable Doubtful
focused on the effect of estrogen replacement therapy on endometrial
cancer risk contributing to set the stage afresh for reconsideration of en-
dogenous hyperestrogenism and related constitutional factors [12].
the two pathogenetic types with histologic grade and stage represent
2. Bokhman's pathogenetic types, tumor grade, depth of myometrial one of Bokhman's major contributions to the understanding of endome-
invasion, and lymph node metastasis trial cancer. With a rare exception [16] later series confirmed these asso-
ciations. Anderson et al., Everett et al. and Münstedt et al. [17–19]
Bokhman noted that 82.5% of his endometrial cancer patients were reported lower stage at presentation and lower grade tumors to be asso-
obese, 69% had hypercholesterolemia, 60.5% had diabetes mellitus and ciated with obesity in their respective studies of 492, 396 and 1180
49% were hypertensive. Anovulatory cycles, infertility and signs of women with endometrial cancer. The series by McCourt et al. on 473
hyperestrogenism including endometrial hyperplasia were also com- uterine cancers showed higher body mass index to be associated with
mon amongst these women. Bokhman dubbed this group “pathogenetic lower stage at presentation but there was no statistically significant as-
type I” and clearly documented a strong association between these clin- sociation with histology or grade [20]. It should be noted however that
ical features and endometrial cancer histologic grade. Almost 80% of this series included a number of sarcomas [20]. In a study of 356 patients
pathogenetic type I patients had lower grade (FIGO G1 or G2) tumors with endometrial carcinoma by Pavelka et al. morbid obesity correlated
while 20% had high grade (G3) tumors. On the other end of the spec- with lower grade, but not lower stage, in women with endometrioid
trum were “pathogenetic type II” patients who lacked what currently carcinomas [21].
would be recognized as metabolic syndrome and whose tumors were
high grade in a remarkable 65.7% of the cases. General clinical features
and tumor characteristics of these two pathogenetic types as originally 3. Bokhman's pathogenetic types and survival
reported are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 respectively and illustrated
in Fig. 1A–E. Not surprisingly, “deep” myometrial invasion was seen in A second major contribution would come from Bokhman's personal
most (65.7%) pathogenetic type II tumors and in a minority (30.4%) of follow up of his cases throughout 20 years. Original data are presented
pathogenetic type I. Additionally, Bokhman recognized that pelvic in Table 3. Women in the pathogenetic type I group had better 5 year
lymph node metastases were three times more prevalent in patients survival (85.6%) than those in the pathogenetic type II group (58.8%),
classified as having pathogenetic type II endometrial cancer compared the latter suffering from “recurrences and metastases in most patients
with pathogenetic type I (27.8% in type II versus 9.4% in type I). Impor- during the first years after the treatment”. Bokhman also observed
tantly, having submitted his paper for publication in May of 1981, that the ten year survival remained relatively similar to the five year
Bokhman's histologic correlations clearly precede the modern descrip- survival for pathogenetic type II (55.1%), but showed continued decline
tions of endometrial serous carcinoma by Lauchlan [13] and in pathogenetic type I to 75.9% due to deaths from second malignancies
Hendrickson et al. [14]. Serous carcinoma was to be later understood (especially breast and colon cancer), as well as to death from cardiovas-
as the most common and prototypical high grade endometrial carcino- cular disease. Ward et al. confirmed the core of these observations in an
ma. While there were tenuous suggestions to the fact even decades ear- analysis of SEER data including 33,232 deaths in women with incident
lier in the literature [15] and exceptions were included in the 1983 endometrial cancers from 1973 to 1988 [22]. The risk of disease specific
Gynecologic Oncology paper itself, the clearly stated correlations of death from endometrial cancer was greatest up to five year after diagno-
sis with the risk of death from cardiovascular disease becoming greater
Table 1
thereafter. Additionally, women with high grade tumors were more
General clinical features, “The signs of two main pathogenetic types of endometrial carci- likely to die of their endometrial cancers than women with low grade
noma”. tumors [22]. FIGO data on thousands of patients from international
Modified with permission from Bokhman [1]. data provide further evidence that unfavorable pathologic features clus-
Pathogenetic type tering in Bokhman's pathogenetic type II such as non-endometrioid his-
tology, high grade and advanced stage convey worse disease specific
survival compared to favorable pathologic features [23]. Interestingly,
Menstrual function History of anovulatory Normal the relationship between disease specific survival and obesity, a key
Reproductive function Frequent infertility Normal
component of pathogenetic type I and metabolic syndrome, may be
Onset of menopause Often after age 50 Often before age 50 more complicated. Despite the reported association of obesity with fa-
Endometrial background Hyperplasia Atrophy vorable pathologic features (briefly reviewed above) studies on disease
or result of previous specific mortality have been inconsistent. Sample sizes, population dif-
ferences, time points of body mass index (BMI) measurements and in-
Obesity Present Absent
Hyperlipidemia Present Absent ability to adjust for cancer treatment may account for these
Diabetes mellitus Present Absent inconsistencies [24]. A recent study of 1400 incident endometrial cancer
Hypertension Associated with Absent or not associated with cases within the National Institutes of Health–AARP Diet and Health
obesity and/or obesity and/or diabetes Study documented that higher pre-diagnosis BMI increased the risk of
diabetes mellitus mellitus
overall and disease-specific mortality regardless of tumor grade [24].

Please cite this article as: A.A. Suarez, et al., Bokhman Redux: Endometrial cancer “types” in the 21st century, Gynecol Oncol (2016), http://
A.A. Suarez et al. / Gynecologic Oncology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Complex atypical hyperplasia of the endometrium is architecturally characterized on low power microscopic examination by crowded irregular glands (A) and cytologically
characterized on high power microscopic examination by nuclear atypia (A, inset); it is an accepted precursor lesion of type I endometrial carcinomas. Low grade (FIGO
1) endometrioid adenocarcinoma morphologically reminiscent of proliferative phase endometrium (B) is the prototypical type I endometrial carcinoma. Endometrial intraepithelial
carcinoma characterized by severe epithelial atypia without invasion of the underlying stroma (C) is an accepted precursor lesion of serous carcinoma. Serous carcinoma with severe
architectural and cytological atypia (D) is the prototypical type II endometrial carcinoma. Serous carcinoma (E, upper half of the microphotograph) arising in a background atrophic
endometrium (E, lower half of the microphotograph showing cysts) conforms to Bokhman's dualistic pathogenetic classification. A case of low grade (FIGO 1) endometrioid
adenocarcinoma (F, lower half of the microphotograph) arising in a background atrophic endometrium (F, upper half of the microphotograph), does not conform to Bokhman's
dualistic pathogenetic classification. Clear cell carcinomas (G), currently considered type II by WHO, share molecular and immunophenotypical characteristics with endometrioid
carcinomas thus defying such classification. Dedifferentiated carcinomas are unaccounted for in a dualistic classification; they are clinically aggressive and combine a low grade
endometrioid component (H, left side of the microphotograph) with an undifferentiated component (H, right side of the microphotograph and inset).

4. Type I and type II endometrial cancers, a dualistic model in crisis

Table 3
Pathogenetic types and survival.
Modified with permission from Bokhman [1]. Soon after Bokhman's publication endometrial carcinoma began to
be classified as type I and type II not as the originally intended pathoge-
Pathogenetic type 5 year follow up 10 year follow up
netic types but along histological lines. This use continues in the current
n Alive (%) n Alive (%)
literature with type I frequently including all endometrioid tumors and
I 194 166 (85.6) 108 82 (75.9) type II including non-endometrioid histologies better represented by
II 102 60 (58.8) 49 27 (55.1) the prototypical serous carcinoma. Molecular studies fueled the evolv-
Total 296 226 (76.4) 157 109 (69.4)
ing concept as distinct differences were demonstrated between

Please cite this article as: A.A. Suarez, et al., Bokhman Redux: Endometrial cancer “types” in the 21st century, Gynecol Oncol (2016), http://
4 A.A. Suarez et al. / Gynecologic Oncology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

endometrioid and serous carcinomas. Microsatellite instability was and/or radiation therapy in women with high-grade endometrial can-
found primarily in endometrioid carcinomas [25–27] as were PTEN cers and non-endometrioid histologies [51,52]. Additionally, as the mo-
[28], and K-Ras [29,30] mutations. Conversely TP53 mutations were lecular bases of endometrial cancer have been elucidated [39],
found in a majority of serous carcinomas and in a minority of integration of targeted therapies into the primary and adjuvant treat-
endometrioid tumors [31,32]. Notably, PTEN mutations were docu- ment of endometrial cancers has been explored [53]. While technolo-
mented in endometrial hyperplasias thought to represent the precursor gies such as whole genome sequencing and methylation analysis had
lesion of endometrioid carcinomas [33] while p53 overexpression [34] not yet been refined when Bokhman published his paper in 1983, his
and TP53 mutations [31] were found in endometrial intraepithelial car- recognition of the biologic differences between pathogenetic types of
cinoma thought to represent the precursor lesion of serous carcinomas. endometrial cancer predicted the development of treatment algorithms
Special considerations are in order for FIGO 3 endometrioid carcino- based on subpopulations of the overall disease.
mas and clear cell carcinomas in light of this dualistic model. FIGO 3
endometrioid carcinomas have been found to share phenotypic and
molecular features with serous carcinomas, including cases with p53 6. Epidemiologic evidence and new perspectives
and p16 overexpression [35,36], commonalities on gene expression
profiles [37] and clinical behavior [38]. Moreover, in the Cancer Genome Since Bokhman's formative contribution, the literature related to the
Atlas (TCGA) molecular characterization of endometrial cancer, FIGO 3 etiologic heterogeneity of endometrial cancer has expanded, with sev-
endometrioid carcinomas segregated into each of the four molecular eral comprehensive epidemiological analyses investigating associations
groups, ranging from the clinically indolent POLE (ultramutated) cate- between histologic subtypes and multiple established endometrial can-
gory to the ominous copy number high (serous like) [39]. Furthermore, cer risk factors. Fig. 2 summarizes five epidemiological analyses –
TCGA includes examples of FIGO 3 endometrioid carcinomas with and including two case-case [54,55], two case-control [44,56], and one co-
without somatic TP53 mutations in the clinically favorable POLE hort study [57] – that have evaluated age, race, reproductive character-
(ultramuted) and MSI (hypermutated) groups [Kandoth] but somatic istics, obesity, diabetes, exogenous hormone use, and smoking history
TP53 mutation frequency and types are similar in endometrioid and se- in relation to endometrial cancer histologic subtypes. Despite different
rous carcinomas adjudicated to the copy number high (serous like) study designs, exposure assessments, and categorization of histologic
TCGA group [40]. Therefore, explicit or implicit inclusion of FIGO 3 subtype, these studies collectively affirm Bokhman's observations that
endometrioid carcinomas in a type I category where a majority of tu- hormonal and metabolic abnormalities are more common among
mors consist of indolent lower grade carcinomas is problematic and endometrioid as compared with non-endometrioid subtypes. For
may be a source of error in published and ongoing studies. It should example, obesity is more commonly and strongly associated with
be noted that the current WHO classification of endometrial carcinomas endometrioid (or type I) compared with non-endometrioid (or type
does make reference to Bokhman's pathogenetic types but restricts the II) subtypes in studies that employ a control group. The case-case stud-
term type I to “low grade endometrioid adenocarcinoma and its vari- ies [54,55], which demonstrate that obesity is inversely associated with
ants” [41] implying that even FIGO 2 endometrioid carcinomas may type II or non-endometrioid subtypes when compared with type I or
constitute a gray area. Clear cell carcinomas (Fig. 1G), whose modern endometrioid cases, are in agreement. However, the lack of a disease-
histologic description [42] might have been available to Bokhman, is free population in these latter studies does not rule out the possibility
considered as a type II carcinoma in the current WHO classification that odds ratios less than 1.0 could imply increased risk if compared
[41]. Indeed, most of these tumors display high grade histologic features with non-affected controls [58]. It should be noted that, from an epide-
but only some pursue an aggressive clinical course. Furthermore, a siz- miologic stance, there are even greater difficulties in delineating risk
able proportion of clear cell carcinomas share immunophenotypic and factors for tumors within the histologically heterogeneous type II rubric.
molecular features with endometrioid carcinomas including microsatel- While studies have suffered from low numbers of non-endometrioid tu-
lite instability and loss of expression of PTEN and ARID1A [43]. There- mors, incomplete collection of relevant risk factors and lack of central-
fore, endometrial clear cell carcinoma does not comfortably fit in a ized pathological review there is evidence of risk factor heterogeneity
dualistic model. amongst serous carcinomas, carcinosarcomas and clear cell carcinomas
From a current pathologic point of view a dualistic model of endo- [55].
metrial cancer is further presented with multiple other challenges in- Unlike Bokhman's original observation, this updated literature sug-
cluding: (1) less than perfect correspondence between histology, gests that non-endometrioid or type II cancers are not completely de-
obesity and metabolic syndrome as clearly demonstrated in Bokhman's void of associations with hormonal, reproductive, and metabolic
original data and later larger series [44,45], (2) carcinomas arising with- factors. For example, a recent case–control study nested within the
in a background of non-neoplastic endometrium that does not conform Women's Health Initiative Observational Study (WHI-OS) cohort of
to the model (Fig. 1F), a mismatch that may even correlate with a more 93,676 postmenopausal women (271 incident type I cases, 42 incident
aggressive clinical course in endometrioid tumors with atrophic back- type II cases) documented stronger associations of serum unconjugated
ground [46], (3) suboptimal diagnostic reproducibility amongst expert estradiol with risks of low-grade versus high-grade tumors (OR 8.92 vs.
pathologists when it comes to high grade endometrial cancers [47], 3.27), but the difference was not statistically significant [59]. Moreover,
(4) morphologically ambiguous [48], mixed [49] and dedifferentiated parity and cigarette smoking, two factors that are consistently associat-
[50] carcinomas (Fig. 1H). ed with lower endometrial cancer risk overall, are related to lower risk
of developing endometrioid and serous endometrial tumors [44,56].
5. Bokhman's treatment implications Both factors are thought to decrease endometrial cancer risk by lower-
ing cumulative circulating estrogen levels relative to progesterone, im-
While not specifically addressed in Bokhman's publication, the au- plying that serous endometrial cancers are not as estrogen-
thor does state that “In clinical practice, the attribution to the first or independent as previously assumed. Furthermore, the potential for di-
second pathogenetic type of each individual patient will help to evalu- vergent etiologies of serous, clear cell, and carcinosarcomas can now
ate in detail the peculiarity of the organism and choice of an accurate be appreciated from this body of work. As an example, Yang et al. re-
course of treatment.” This forward looking statement acknowledges ported that diabetes is positively associated with risk of type I and
the different behavior of pathogenetic type I and pathogenetic type II type II endometrial tumors compared with controls [57]; however,
endometrial cancers, and predicts that different therapies may be cho- when the individual histologic subtypes are parsed from the type II cat-
sen to improve the outcome in patients with type II cancers. There is egory as in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium (E2C2)
an increasing understanding of the role of adjuvant chemotherapy analysis [44], a positive association for serous, but not clear cell tumors

Please cite this article as: A.A. Suarez, et al., Bokhman Redux: Endometrial cancer “types” in the 21st century, Gynecol Oncol (2016), http://
A.A. Suarez et al. / Gynecologic Oncology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 2. Summary of epidemiologic studies evaluating established endometrial cancer risk factors by Type I/Type II or histologic subtypes.

Please cite this article as: A.A. Suarez, et al., Bokhman Redux: Endometrial cancer “types” in the 21st century, Gynecol Oncol (2016), http://
6 A.A. Suarez et al. / Gynecologic Oncology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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