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Use of Student Names throughout the lesson

Learn proper pronunciation of student names on first day of class. ☐

If student microphones do not work, or you cannot hear students in class, ask students to ☐
spell name phonetically in either private chat or hand raise.
Greet and acknowledge students as they log into class, even those who log in late ☐
throughout the session.
Recognize and/or praise student efforts throughout the class, even the smallest efforts (i.e. ☐
providing answers in the chat, etc.)
Example: Thank you Johnny & Kara for providing answers in the class chat!
Utilize a participation tracking system to ensure all student names have been called and/or ☐
recognized throughout the lesson.

Start of Class Routine (First 5-10 minutes of live session)

Log into the session 15 minutes prior to going live. ☐
Create an engaging welcome board, including but not limited to: agenda, daily fun facts, ☐
emojis, etc.

Create any additional whiteboards needed throughout the lesson. ☐

Provide a Do Now on the welcome board. ☐
Optional: Poll question on screen as students enter the class. (SEL or content-based)
Greet Classroom Coach once logged in. ☐
Open student roster and verbally greet each student by name as they log into the ☐
Provide time for students to complete Do Now and/or poll (2 minutes) ☐
Review Do Now and/or poll with students. ☐

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