Task Performance in Math

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Mathematics in the Modern World

“Task Performance”

Submitted by:
Cloey Heart de Pedro

Submitted to:
Ms. Precious Naabay
1. Technology

 The links between technology and mathematics have not received much
scholarly attention despite their practical importance. The relationship between
technology and science is the subject of a sizable body of literature, but the
relationship between technology and mathematics has received less attention.
They are nevertheless intricately linked in a number of ways. Without
mathematics, modern technology would not even be conceivable. Since
technology is also necessary for mathematics, the relationship is reciprocal.
Mathematicians today use computers for a wide range of tasks, including
calculations and the search for proofs, validations, and counterexamples. Many
technological activities required mathematical thought even in preliterate
societies. The art of weaving gave rise to one of mathematics' most important
early applications. Even older imprints of woven material have been discovered
at other sites, and textiles that are about 12,000 years old have been discovered
in northern Peru (Jolie et al. 2011). All over the world, complex hand-weaving
traditions have persisted. The converse relationship did not advance significantly
over the course of most of this lengthy development, despite steadily growing
use of mathematics in technology. The abacus was the extent of technological
advancement in mathematics for many centuries. However, due to technical
issues, these machines remained uncommon and had limited practical
applications. Mechanical calculators were first produced commercially and used
extensively in the second half of the nineteenth century (Swade 2011, 2018).

2. Engineering

 Math is used in engineering to build and maintain structures as well as to design

and develop new parts or products, maintain working parts, and model real-world
scenarios for testing and learning. Mathematics is a wide discipline and has
many forms. When designing a bridge, civil engineers may use differential
equations to calculate the approximate size of the supporting piers needed.
Industrial engineering routinely entails making approximations and safe
estimations. One or more forms of mathematics are used to ensure that all
processes are properly controlled.

3. Medicine/Health

 Medical professionals use math when drawing up statistical graphs to show

success rates of treatments and other large data points. All graphs, equations,
statistics, and math we learn at school help us understand important aspects of
human and veterinary medicine, biology, and science. We will explore a number
of medical practices and the math behind their science. We are aware that
doctors write prescriptions for their patients for various ailments. These
prescriptions show a particular medication and dosage amount. Usually,
medicines have recommendations for dosage amounts in mg (mg) per pound
(lb). Doctors need to determine the precise dosage a patient will require based
on their weight. Math helps ensure that medical problems are correctly identified
and diagnosed. Diagnostics like CAT (CT) scans and X-rays visualize the body
using different shades of gray based on body tissue density. Millions of bits of
data string together thousands of scans made from computer-generated pixels.
This imaging relies on math functions in the form of millions of computations.
Evaluating the success rates of treatments is pivotal to understanding various
treatment options. A doctor would calculate that out of 100 patients, around 40
would remain healthy after treatment. These statistics are vital in helping
determine whether or not a course of treatment is worthy of being considered for
a patient.

4. Finance/ Business

 Financial mathematics can help you develop the skills necessary to succeed in
various careers, such as finance or business management. Financial
professionals can use this knowledge to better understand business performance
and potential of their customers and competitors. Financial analysts analyze
financial data to identify potential financial opportunities or risks. Data scientists
analyze a variety of data to spot patterns and trends. Bankers are responsible for
helping clients make financial decisions, including saving and investing. Often,
bankers have degrees in finance, economics, accounting or other business-
related degree.

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