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 Used as a disinfecting material as,

 It is easy to apply due to relatively high
 solubility of about 7000 mg per litre.
 Readily available as gas, liquid or powder.
 Very toxic to most of the micro-organisms.
 Cheap and reliable.
 Chlorine can be applied in water in one of the following ways:
 as bleaching powder,
 as chloramines, or
 as free chlorine gas.
 Plain Chlorination

 Pre-Chlorination

 Post Chlorination

 Double of multiple Chlorination

 Break point Chlorination

 Super Chlorination

 De-Chlorination
 Only chlorine treatment and no other treatment has
been given to raw water

 Application of chlorine to raw water before it enters

into distribution system.

 Sometimes added to reservoirs to check growth of

weeds, organic matter , algae etc.
 It can be practiced for water with turbidities 20 to 30

 Dose range – 0.5 to 1 ppm

 It also used in emergencies cases.


 Chlorine is applied before treatment specially before


 Sometimes added before sedimentation.

 It helps in improving coagulation and reduces the load

on the filter

 Advantages

 Reduces bacterial load on filtration

 Reduces coagulant required.

 Controls growth of algae

 Eliminates tastes and odour

 Addition of chlorine after treatment ie, after filtration.

 Or Added before water enters into distribution system.

 Application of chlorine at two or more points in purification

Usually added -

 Before sedimentation tank

 After filtration

 This is done if water is more contaminated.

 It is the addition of chlorine after break point

 After break point, any addition of chlorine appear as free

residual chlorine

 Break point is the point at which chlorine consumed all the

ammonia and further addition of chlorine remains as free

 When chlorine added to the water first it react with

ammonia present in water to form chloramines

 If chlorine is added slowly. The residual is tested, it will

found that the residual will go on increasing with the
 However some chlorine is consumed for killing bacteria
and thus the amount of residual chlorine shall be
slightly less than that added as shown by curve AB .

 If the addition of chlorine continued beyond the point B

the organic matter present in water get oxidised and the
residual chlorine content suddenly falls down as shown
in curve BC

 The point C is the point beyond which any further

addition of chlorine will appear equally as free chlorine,
since nothing of it shall be used.
 The point C is called break point ,as any chlorine that is
added to the water beyond this point breaks through the
water , and appears as residual chlorine.

 The addition of chlorine beyond break point is called

break point chlorination

 At point B when oxidation of organic matter starts ,a

bad smell and taste appears, which disappears at the
break point C, when oxidation has been completed.

 Addition of excessive amount of chlorine

 excessive amount chlorine (5 – 15 mg/l) so as to produce a
residue of 1 – 2 mg/l

 Chlorine is applied beyond break point.

 It is done after filtration with contact time of 30 to 60


 It is practiced when there is epidemics in the society.

 Process of removing excess chlorine from water is

known as De-Chlorination.

 Extra chlorine is removed form water such that a residue

of 0.2 mg/l do remain even after de chlorination

 Can be achieved by aeration or using chemicals such as

sodium thiosulphate , sodium bi sulphate, sodium

sulphite, Activated carbon, potassium permanganate.


 Turbidity affects chlorination process as efficiency of

disinfection process decreases if water is more turbid.

 Pathogens can shelter behind solid particles.

 So, chlorine is added after removing turbidity i.e.

after filtration.
Presence of metallic compounds

 Fe and Mn consumes more chlorine if present in water.

 So, chlorine is added when Fe and Mn are removed from water.

Ammonia compounds

 Ammonia forms combined chlorine compounds which are not so

powerful disinfectants as compared to free available chlorine.

 Therefore more chlorine is added so that after formation of

chloramines, excess free chlorine is available for speedy disinfection
Temperature of water

 Reduction in temperature decreases killing power of both

free and combined available chlorine

Time of contact
 Percent kill of pathogens depends upon contact of chlorine
and microorganisms
 Time of exposure or time of contact is needed.
 Usually for free chlorine 10 min time is required as
compared to 60 mins for combined chlorine.
Nature and Concentration of bacteria and viruses
 Bacteria spores are more resistant
 Polio virus is most resistant
Miscellaneous treatments
Miscellaneous treatments

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