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Lesson 3.

Loving God: Father

Theology and Creator
Lesson 1. Foundation Statement: A. FOCUS Thomas Aquinas
ON COMMUNITY OSA Charism – “Community - St. Thomas Aquinas -San Tommaso d’Aquino
of Friends” - also called Aquinas, by name "Doctor
OSA Charism – “Community of Friends Angelicus" (Latin: “Angelic Doctor”)
Charism - an extraordinary - Born: 1224/25, Roccasecca, near Aquino,
power (as of healing) given a Christian by the Terra di Lavoro, Kingdom of Sicily (Italy)
Holy Spirit for the good of the church - Died: March 7, 1274, Fossanova, near
Terracina, Latium, Papal States
7 Charisms - Canonized: July 18, 1323
Wisdom - body of knowledge In his major work Summa Theologica, widely
Understanding - aware of other people's feelings considered as the highest achievement of
Counsel – fruit of this supernatural prudence medieval systematic theology, Aquinas
Fortitude - courage presented his five proofs of God's existence
Knowledge - a spiritual gift known as the Quinque Viae (Latin for "Five
Piety - being religious Ways").
Fear of the Lord - having a deep respect
Aquinas’ Five Pr!fs for the Existence of God
- Was a theologian and philosopher The Argument from Motion or The Unmoved
- Adapted Classical thought to Mover - there must be a First Mover that
Christian teaching and created a powerful creates this chain reaction of motions
theological system of lasting influence The Argument from Efficient Cause or The First
- canonized in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII. He is the Cause - nothing can cause itself; Without a
patron saint of brewers, printers, and theologians first cause, there would be no others
- shaped the practice of biblical exegesis and The Argument from Necessary Being or Everything
helped lay the foundation for much of medieval Comes from Something - it is possible for those
and modern Christian thought objects to exist or not exist at any particular
ST. MONICA OF HIPPO time. However, nothing can come from nothing
- Patron saint of mothers. The Argument from Gradation or The Supreme
- Was an early North African Model - There are different degrees of goodness
Christian saint and the in different things
mother of Augustine of Hippo Great Chain of Being - states there is a
- St. Monica loved Augustine unconditionally even gradual increase in complexity
throughout his life of sin far away from the Lord The Argument from Design or The Grand
Hippo -Place where St. Augustine become Bishop Designer - This implies divine intelligence on
Lesson 2. Basic Education Department: the part of the designer
Vision & Mission – “Solidarity with our
People” Monotheism - (from the Greek monos "only",
Solidarity - Unity or agreement of feeling or action, and theos "god")
especially among individuals with a common interest; - believes in only one god (monotheist)
mutual support within a group - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Mission - ultimate goal or purpose toward which one
strives; one's reason or motivation Polytheism - (from the Greek poly "many" and
Vision - picture of your desired future; having a vision theos "god")
is having the ability to think about, imagine, or plan - belief or doctrine that there are multiple
for the desired future gods or deities (polytheist)
life vision is therefore a picture of the dream life Hinduism (from India) is a religion with various
that you would love to live today and every day Gods and Goddesses.
Atheism -originates with the Greek atheos, which SPECIAL (DIRECT) REVELATION - directly to an
is built from the roots a- (“without”) and theos individual or sometimes a group
(“a god”) - often used to describe the way God is revealed
through a dream, a vision, a miracle, experience,
- the absence of a belief in the existence of deities or
to an active belief that deities do not exist or prophecy
Agnosticism - coined by biologist T.H. Huxley and SALVATION HISTORY - the story of God and the
comes from the Greek ágnōstos, which means story of man
“unknown or unknowable - how God has loved and cherished mankind since
- doesn't believe it’s possible to know for sure the beginning of time
that a god exists - story of how we are saved... –our redemption in
Secular Humanism - nonreligious, humanism, with Jesus Christ
regard in particular to the belief that humanity is - comes primarily from the Bible
capable of morality and self-fulfillment without Importance of salvation history
belief in God - In a sense salvation history is past history,
- lifestance, or what Council for Secular Humanism but it’s also present
founder Paul Kurtz has termed a eupraxsophy: a - Understanding God’s actions in history, his
body of principles suitable for orienting a complete dealings with mankind, reveal the inner truth
human life of who God is
Naturalistic Philosophy - theory that relates - It is the gospel, the good news of God’s
scientific method to philosophy by affirming that saving actions
all beings and events in the universe (whatever COVENANT - may be described as “a legal way to
their inherent character may be) are natural make someone part of your family.”
Consequentialist Ethical System - Secular - means a binding agreement, a legal contract;
humanists hold that ethics is consequential, to be seal between two or more parties
judged by results - derives from the same root word meaning “to
- in contrast to so-called command ethics, in cut.”
which right and wrong are defined in advance and - means that in the culture of the Bible, covenant
attributed to divine authority carried weight and was often cut, or sealed, in
Cosmic Outlook Rooted in Science - Secular blood
humanism provides a cosmic outlook—a world-view FAITH - complete trust or confidence in
in the broadest sense, grounding our lives in the someone or something
context of our universe and relying on methods - strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a
demonstrated by science religion, based on spiritual apprehension
Deism - belief in Godbased on reason rather than rather than proof
revelation or the teaching of any specific religion Lesson 5. Jesus Christ: Lord and
Lesson 4. God's Love and Creation Savior
REVELATION (lat. revelatio) - translation of the THE INCARNATION - Christian belief that God
Greek word apokalypsis, which means the took human form by becoming Jesus.
removal of a veil so that something can be seen Incarnation literally means ‘to take on flesh
DIVINE REVELATION - God makes himself known as Lord - shows that Jesus was fully God and fully
- given to all people through creation and human human and, in many ways, it forms the basis
nature and to specific people through events, of Christianity
inspired human words recorded as Scripture, and Four Reasons for the Incarnation
Jesus Christ himself 1. To save us by reconciling us with God
GENERAL (INDIRECT) REVELATION - available to everyone 2. To reveal God's love to us
- often used to describe the way God is revealed 3. To show us a perfect model of holiness
through the natural world, conscience, people, 4. To make us "partakers of the divine
awareness of morality, scripture or reason nature" (2 Peter 1:4) In other words, to
"divinize" us.
SALVATION - healing of a broken relationship NOACHIC COVENANT - God promises never again
between people and God to destroy all life on Earth by flood and
- gift of freedom from our sins that Jesus creates the rainbow
made possible by taking the punishment for our ABRAHAMIC COVENANT - God promised great
sins on the cross blessings to Abraham and his family
Salvation is God's grace MOSAIC COVENANT - establishes with
Insincere Salvation - type of redemption the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai after he led them
- occurs when a person does not out of Egyptian slavery
completely surrender to God - God supplies the Law that is meant to govern and
Genuine salvation - total surrender to shape the people of Israel in the Promised Land
the will of God DAVIDIC COVENANT - God promises a
- when you decide to do away with your descendant of David to reign on the throne over
old nature and allow the spirit and the people of God
word of God to penetrate your heart - continuation of the earlier covenants in that it
IMPORTANCE OF SALVATION: promises a Davidic king as the figure through
Salvation is essential to have a whom God would secure the promises of land,
relationship with God while on earth, and descendants, and blessing
to have eternal life with God in heaven NEW COVENANT - defined as responding to
after death the gospel internally, from the heart, by faith in,
PASCHAL MYSTERY - closely linked to ideas and reliance on, the promises of God, resulting in
about redemption and salvation an obedience that issues naturally through the
- refers to four ideas about the process indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who writes God's law
that Jesus went through to save on one's heart
humanity from sin
His Life - For God so loved the world, that he OMNIPOTENT - God is all powerful and is
gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
. responsible for creating the entire
believeth in him should not perish, but have universe and everything in it.
everlasting life. John 3:16 OMNIBENEVOLENT - Creating an entire universe
Resurrection - Luke 24:6-7: "He is not here; he demonstrates God’s loving nature. Humans are
has risen!" seen as the most important part of this creation.
Death - But God demonstrates his own love ETERNAL - Christians believe God has always
for us in this: While we were still sinners, existed as the three persons of the Trinity
Christ died for us. Since we have now been and has no end.
justified by his blood, how much more shall
we be saved from God's wrath through him! EFFECTS OF ORIGINAL SIN
Romans 5:8-9 Sin - offense against reason, truth, and right
Ascension - After the Lord Jesus had spoken conscience
to them, he was taken up into heaven and he - failure in genuine love for God and neighbor
sat at the right hand of God.-mark 16:19 caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods
Lesson 6. God: His Gifts - wounds the nature of man and injures human
and Promises solidarity
Seven Covenants of the Bible PRETERNATURAL GIFT - abilities that do not
ADAMIC COVENANT -two-part statement of belong to our nature but are abilities that our
God's promise to Adam level of nature can have
- First, in the garden
during the time of man's innocence, and
secondly, after the fall of man
- outlines the parameters of Adam's
existence in and outside the garden of Eden
- means mankind came with all the
knowledge in the natural universe
- We did not need to study or experience
things to know things
- means our bodies are impervious to disease and
- Since we are spiritual beings, our soul
cannot be destroyed; and the gift of
immortality allowed our material bodies
to be forever with our immortal souls forever

- means“adherence to moral or ethical principles”
which as Christians, we would define as Biblical
- involves consistency as well — someone who always
does the right thing
- grace that allows us to share the divine nature of God
- supernatural state of being infused by God, which
permanently inheres in the soul
- vital principle of the supernatural life, as the
rational soul is the vital principle of a human being's
natural life
SANCTIFYING GRACE is supernatural because..
• it is above (super) our nature to become like God, but
this gift does just that.
• it transforms a sinner into a holy child of God,
• it is an umbilical cord that attaches us to God.
The Serpent
- caused Adam and Eve to disobey God through a very
malicious temptation
- got them to disobey God by telling them they didn’t
need God to tell them what they can and cannot eat
- Bible always refers to passionate desire for something
that God has forbidden

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