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Learning Outcome:

At the end of this module, you are expected to design an infographic on

environmental issues observing the correct use of modals and prepositions.

Lesson 1: Prepositions
Specific Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

A. distinguish the uses of various prepositions contextually;
B. integrate core values in asking questions and giving instructions by being courteous
both in written and spoken context; and
C. use the various prepositions in giving and asking for directions and instructions.

Instruction: Read the riddles below and answer the questions that follow. Write your
answers on the blank.

What Am I?

(1) I can roll downhill,

Or lay flat on your dish
I come from a chicken
You can scramble me if you wish!
What am I?
(2) I’m needed everywhere.
1. EGG
I begin with small drops
In dry deserts I am rare. 2. Water
But I am very good for crops!
What am I? 3. Birthday Letter

(3) I wrote it, I stamped It. 4. Bird Nest

I sent it on its way.
I heard it was a big hit
At your Birthday party today!
What am I?

(4) I’m a home up high.

Decoding Grammar Concepts
Instructions: Based on the riddles above, write down five words that describes location.

1. From
2. On
3. For
4. In
5. With

What do you call these words? These are what we call prepositions. These are words governing,
and usually precedes, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element
in the clause, as in “the man on the platform,” “she arrived after dinner,” “what did you do
it for?”.

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“The plane flew above the cloud, behind the cloud, around the cloud, below the cloud,
beneath the cloud, beside the cloud, beyond the cloud, into the cloud, near the cloud,
outside the cloud, over the cloud, past the cloud, through the cloud, toward the cloud,
under the cloud, and finally dived underneath the cloud.”

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between two things. In the example
above, the prepositions show the relationships between a plane and a cloud. Below is a
list of most common prepositions:



exact times at 3pm

meal times at dinner
parts of the day at sundown
age at age 21
A limit in time by sundown
In the sense of at the latest by the due date
season in the summer
months in November
in years in 1992
durations in the same year
after a certain period of time in an hour
on days of the week on Wednesday
parts of the day where the on Friday night
day is named
dates on December 4
ago a certain time in the past 2 years ago
a point in time that follows
after after the game; after the meeting
another point in time
a point in time that precedes before leaving; before breakfast;
another point in time before 2004
something that happened/
during will happen in a specific during the night; during war
period of time
over a certain period in the
for for 2 years
past telling the time ten past six (6:10)
since from a certain period of time since 1960; since the accident
something that happened/
throughout the year; throughout
throughout will happen continuously in a
the ordeal
specific period of time
ten to six/ ten minutes to six
telling time
from an earlier time to a later
1pm to 3pm
up to a certain point in time until the end; until sunrise
until how long is something going
until 5pm
to last
from an earlier point to a later
up (to) up (to) now


an object’s settled position or

at the airport; at the ceremony
position after it has moved
at meeting place or location at home
point of direction turning at the intersection
a target throwing the blame at john
close to by the school
alongside of by the window
In the meeting room; in an
In an enclosed space
in a geographic location in Malaybalay; in Davao
in a book; in a magazine
in a print medium

for a certain side on the left

for a river/ lake Sawaga lies on Bukidnon
for a floor on the floor
for public transport (in
on the bus
for television, radio on air; on TV
around or outside of about town
about at but not exactly on about five feet tall
related to about my father’s business
Suspended higher than
above the door
above something else
Superior to above me in rank
pursuit chasing after the robbers
after a point farther from an earlier
the corner after the big house
leaning on against the door
opposite to or facing against the wall
tracing the length of, without along; the hallway; along the
emphasis on the ends river
in the company of (three or
among among friends
location of something drive around the block
explaining a period of time around 3’o clock
before in the front in terms of space before the manager; before God
on the back side of a point in
behind behind the car; behind her smile
something lower than or below the stairs; below
underneath something else expectations
from in the sense of where from a flower from the garden
into enter a room or a building go into the kitchen/ house
Movement to the top of
onto jump onto the table
covered by something else put a jacket over your shirt
more than over 16 years of age
getting to the other side walk over the bridge
overcoming an obstacle climb over the wall
something with limits on top,
through drive through the tunnel
bottom, and the sides
movement in the direction of
towards something (but not directly to go five steps towards the house


for topics, meaning what

about we were talking about you
at for age she learned Russian at 45
who made it a book by Mark Twain
rise or fall of something prices have risen by 10 percent
travelling (other than walking
by car; by bus
or horse riding)
from who gave it a present from Jane
in entering a vehicle (not in get in the car
of who/what owns the thing a page of a book
off leaving a vehicle get off the car
on walking/ riding walk on foot/ riding on a car
out of leaving a vehicle get out of the car

Plug in
Instructions: Communities were placed under an enhanced community quarantine thus
restricting people from going out of their homes except for except for necessity, work, and
health circumstances, this is in response to the growing pandemic of coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19) in the country. During the ECQ designated individuals from each household
are allowed to go out to buy food, medicine and other basics necessities. Below is a map. Locate
where to buy the following objects by giving directions where to go. You start in the parking lot
on the main street. From there, move to different locations. Write your answers on the space

1. Movie 2. Travel 3. Music 4. Newspaper 5. Chinese

ticket brochure CD food



1. From the parking lot, more steps to davis street go right. In davis street, walk forward
and ahead of that is the Movie theater and the front of it is the news stand. We can get
our movie ticker to the movie theater
2. From the parking to the davis street, go right and you can see Jollibee. Walk forward
and we can see the travel agent which the front of it is the grocery store. We can get our
travel brochure to the travel agent.
3. From the parking to davis street, we can see the bank and walk forward we can see the
Music store which is the side of it is the payphone. We can get already our Music CD in
the Music Store.
4. From the parking to the Davis street, go right and we can see the bank. Walk forward
and we can see the newsstand in front of the movie theater. We can get our newspaper
to the newsstand.
5. From the parking, go to the maple street, we can first saw the bookstore. Walk forward
and we can saw the chowking. We can get our Chinese food to the chowking.
Boot Up


Instructions: Read the advisory below and supply the appropriate prepositions to complete
the sentences. You may use the following prepositions in the box below

With on between in into to over

in place of as around like until via
since by in accordance with near

Protect yourself and others from the spread COVID-19

You can reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking some simple

1. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands by an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them
with soap and water. Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based
hand rub kills viruses that may be in your hands.

2. Maintain at least 1 meter distance between yourself and others. When someone coughs,
sneezes, or speaks they spray small liquid via droplets from their nose or mouth which
may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe by the droplets, including the
COVID-19 virus if the person has the disease.
3. Avoid going to crowded places where people come together in crowds, you are more
likely to come over close contact with someone that has COVID-19 and it is more
difficult to maintain physical distance of 1 meter.
4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up
viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth.
From there, the virus can enter your body and infect you.
5. Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This
means placing a cover into your mouth and nose using a tissue or your bent elbow in
place of a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately and
wash your hands since droplets spread virus. By following a good respiratory hygiene,
you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.
6. Stay home and self-isolate even with minor symptoms like cough, headache, mild fever,
until you recover. Have someone bring you supplies. If you need to leave your house,
wear a mask to avoid infecting others. Avoiding contact with others since it will protect
them from possible COVID-19 and other viruses.
7. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but call via
telephone in advance if possible and follow the directions in accordance with local
health authority. National and local authorities will have the most up to date
information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care
provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility near you. This will also protect
you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.
8. Keep up to date over the latest information from trusted sources, such as WHO or your
local and national health authorities. Local and national authorities are best placed to
advice on what people around your area should be doing to protect themselves.



Instructions: Using the prepositions given below write your own safety tips. Use the
preventive measures you use at home that help people prevent the spread of COVID 19. Use the
appropriate prepositions in your sentences. Write your prevention tips on the spaces provided.

Ex. Sanitize your hands before touching any food.

1. Wear your facemask as you go out in your house.

2. Keep your distance against the people around you.

3. After you wash your hands, make sure to put an alcohol on it.

4. In case of emergency, you better call the health facilities so that it will keep your health
5. During this pandemic, we all know that we all suffering some struggle but we can all
pass this. Just pray and believe to the Lord.
Lesson 2: Modals
Specific Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
A. Illustrate the difference among modals when used in context;
B. Design plans to preserve nature; and
C. Use modals through infomercials and advertisements.

Instruction: Read the following article on the effect of the covid-19 pandemic on the


Lockdown measures that Southeast Asian countries observed in varying degrees to stem the
coronavirus pandemic have led to improved air quality in the region. A recent report released on
May 8 by the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) said the Philippines ranked
second in Southeast Asia in terms of significant improvements in air quality, next only to
Malaysia. The CREA is a research organization focused on revealing the trends, causes, and
health impacts of, as well as the solutions to air pollution.
The report identified the impact of each country's lockdown measures on air quality since
their respective lockdowns started until May 5, and compared it to images of nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) during the same time period in 2019 where monitoring data is available. It used both
Sentinel-5P TROMPONI data and the Oxford Coronavirus tracker to generate the data. NO2 is a
nasty-smelling reactive gas that contributes to the formation of smog (brown haze) and air
pollution in densely populated, warm cities like Metro Manila. When inhaled in increased levels,
NO2 causes respiratory problems and premature deaths. Among the major sources of NO2 are
motor vehicle exhaust and the burning of fossil fuel. According to the CREA, the Philippines saw
a significant drop in NO2 levels between March 15 and May 5.

The Philippines started implementing coronavirus lockdown measures in Metro Manila on

March 15 before implementing it across Luzon and in other parts of the country. It used both
Sentinel-5P TROMPONI data and the Oxford Coronavirus tracker to generate the data. NO2 is a
nasty-smelling reactive gas that contributes to the formation of smog (brown haze) and air
pollution in densely populated, warm cities like Metro Manila. When inhaled in increased levels,
NO2 causes respiratory problems and premature deaths. Among the major sources of NO2 are
motor vehicle exhaust and the burning of fossil fuel. According to the CREA, the Philippines saw
a significant drop in NO2 levels between March 15 and May 5. The Philippines started
implementing coronavirus lockdown measures in Metro Manila on March 15 before
implementing it across Luzon and in other parts of the country.

Come to think of it…

1. What is the article all about?
The article all about the PH reports significant improvement in air quality. It talks about
the air that improves when the COVID-19 is in the world.
2. What positive thing did the pandemic bring?
The positive thing that COVID-19 bring is that all people is staying in their house. The
streets are clean because people are limited to went out. Our air are clean because
factories are closed.
3. Do you think the improvement of the air quality will continue even after the pandemic?
I don’t think so because the factories will open and the people can go out in their homes.
I believe that only planting a lot of tree will be the one it continues the improvement of
air quality.

Decoding Grammar Concepts

Instructions: Identify and encircle all the modals in the texts.

Taking note…

1. What is a modal?
A modal is a verb that combines with another verb to indicate mood or tense. A modal
also known as a modal auxiliary or modal verbs, expresses necessity, uncertainly,
positively or permission.

2. How is a modal used?

Modal verbs are used to express certain hypothetical conditions, such as advice,
capability, or requests. They’re used alongside a main verb to change it meaning

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Modal verbs
The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with
other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on. Below is a list showing
the most useful modals and their most common meanings:

Modal Meaning Example

can to express ability I can speak a little Russian.
can to request permission Can I open the window?
may to express possibility I may be home late.
may to request permission May I sit down, please?
must to express obligation I must go now.
must to express strong belief She must be over 90 years old.
should to give advice You should stop smoking.
would to request or offer Would you like a cup of tea?
would in if-sentences If I were you, I would say sorry.
Modal verbs are unlike other verbs. They do not change their form (spelling) and they

Go back to the article, underline/highlight the modals found in the text. How were modals
used in the text?

Plug in
Instructions: Write a short paragraph advocating environmental awareness that would
convince people to stop throwing their garbage along our waterways and oceans to help stop
pollution and save the environment.

We all know that we are going to eat, we all know that without food we can’t live. All of us
needs food that’s why we need some plastics, cellophanes, and other stuff so that we can put
our foods on it. But why do we need to throw it anywhere? Does throwing our garbage
everywhere can make us happy? Or it can lead us to the dirty community? It’s easy to find a
way to clean the country but it’s not easy to find some humans to clean it. I don’t know but
most of the humans now are not going to move without money. In order to solve this
problem, we don’t need other people to clean our garbage, we just need the respect in
ourselves so that we don’t need to throw our garbage anywhere.

Boot Up

Instructions: Below are sentences on deforestation and global warming. Choose from the box
the appropriate modal for each sentence. Write it on the blanks provided.

could would should  can must may

1. Deforestation Rainforests could help control global warming because they absorb carbon
2. In recent years, large areas would have been destroyed, as the trees were cut down for
wood or should have been burned to clear the land for farming.
3. The burning can release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
4. Many rainforests grow on poor soils, and when they are cut down or burned, the soil
could be washed away in the tropical rains, so that the area may turn to desert.
5. Many plant and animal species that live there must become extinct.
6. Global Warming Scientists should say the temperature of the earth must rise by 3ºC over
the next 50 years.
7. This could cause drought in some parts of the world, and floods in others, as ice at the
North and South poles may begin to melt and sea levels rise.
8. Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. Normally, heat from the sun could
warm the earth and then must escape back into space.
9. Carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere could trap the sun’s heat, and this is
should slowly makes the earth warmer. The Ozone Layer is a layer of gas high above the
surface of the earth that helps to protect it from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which can
damage our skins and could cause cancer.
10. Scientists have recently discovered holes in the Ozone Layer, This may be caused
substances called CFCs (clorofluorocarbons).


Instructions: Read and analyze the text carefully. Fill in the blanks by writing the correct modal.
Choose your modal from the box.

could would should  can must may

The World Health Organization (WHO) has made the assessment that COVID-19 (coronavirus)
could be characterized as a pandemic and the virus has now spread to many countries and
territories. While COVID-19 continues to spread, it is important that communities should take
action to prevent further transmission, this action must reduce the impacts of the outbreak and
support control measures.
The protection of children and educational facilities is particularly important. Precautions are
necessary to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in school settings. However, care can
also be taken to avoid stigmatizing students and staff who would have been exposed to the
virus. COVID-19 does not differentiate among borders, ethnicities, disability status, age or
gender. Education settings should continue to be welcoming, respectful, inclusive and
supportive environments to all. Measures would be taken by schools may prevent the entry and
spread of COVID-19 by students and staff who may have been exposed to the virus, while
minimizing disruption and protecting students and staff from discrimination.

Providing clear and actionable guidance for safe operations through the prevention could help
give early detection and control of COVID-19 in schools and other educational facilities.
Education may encourage students to become advocates for disease prevention and control at
home, in school and they could share it in their community. They could talk to others about
how they can prevent the spread of viruses. Maintaining safe school operations or reopening
schools after a closure should require many considerations but, if done well, can promote public

Source: UNICEF's response to COVID-19,

Instructions: Create an infographic/poster about home health protocols to help prevent the
spread of Covid 19. For those who are able to access the internet make use of images online for
your poster. For Module users make use of cut out pictures from old magazines and
newspapers in making your infographic/poster. Use the appropriate prepositions and modals
in your infographic. A rubric is given below to guide you on how to create your
Rubric for Infographic or Poster

Criteria Exceptional Admirable Marginal Unacceptable

20 15 10 5
 Appropriate  Most details  Few details  No details to
Content details support main support main support main
Support main idea idea idea idea
 Accurate  Accurate  Lacking  Information is
and information for accurate not accurate
detailed information almost subject information  Information
 matter  Inadequate does not
information  Information is information is support the
adequately supports mostly not clearly visual’s
purpose of visual adequate and supportive of purpose
supportive of visual’s purpose
visual’s purpose
Focus  Topic and little  Topic and title are > Topic and title  Topic and title
clear and easily mostly clear and difficult to identify are not clearly
identified easily > main idea not identified
 Main idea is  Main idea is clearly stated  No main idea
clearly appropriate to topic > Few illustrations  Illustrations do
appropriate to the > Most illustrations Compliments not
topic compliment purpose Purpose of complement
 All illustrations of visual visual purpose of
complement visual
purpose of visual
Visual  Outstanding use of  Adequate use  inappropriate  Little attempt to
appeal color, design, and of color, design, use of color, use color, design
space and space design, and and space
 Overall design is  Design is adequate space  Design is dull
pleasing an  Overall design is  Design lacks  Project is sloppy
harmonious mostly pleasing creativity in appearance
and harmonious  Lack of harmonious
Mechanics  Free of grammatical  Mostly free of  Frequent  Too Frequent grammatical
errors and the use of grammatical grammatical errors and use of and
Prepositions and errors and the use of errors and the the use of Prepositions
Modals are appropriate Prepositions and use of and Modals are not
and correct . Modals are Prepositions appropriate and
 Words are Legible appropriate and and Modals are correct.
and pertinent to correct . frequently  Distraction elements
topic  Most words are appropriate and make illustration
Legible and correct . ineffective
pertinent to topic
 Presentation is
illegible and

(Use this sheet for your essay.)

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