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Arcane Shotgun

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer
An Arcane Shotgun is a two-handed ranged weapon with a range of 20/50 feet. It
uses black powder cartridges and can fire two shots before it needs reloading.
The Arcane Shotgun has a bonus of +2 to attack rolls and deals 2d8 + your
Dexterity modifier piercing damage on a hit. If you discharge both barrels on the
same attack the damage dice increase to 3d10. You reload with a bonus action.
In addition to taking damage a target hit by an Arcane Shotgun must make a
Strength saving throw at your spell save DC. The target saves with disadvantage
if you give them both barrels. On a failure a Large or smaller target is pushed
back 5 feet and knocked prone.
Arcanemia Serum

Consumable/Potion , Common Attunement: None

A dose of Arcanemia Serum supercharges your brain by partly burning out your
body. Roll 1d6. You take that amount of necrotic damage and gain an equal
amount to your Intelligence score for 30 minutes. Arcanemia Serum is typically
found in 1d4 + 3 single-use syringes.
Artificer Long Coat

Wondrous Item , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer. Treat the Artificer Long Coat as a cloak for
the purpose of which item slot it occupies.
While wearing the Artificer Long Coat you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +1 bonus to your AC;
*You have a +1 bonus to saving throws versus spells;
*Hidden pockets within the coat count as a component pouch;
*There are loops on the interior lining that can hold tools – a toolkit stowed
within the coat has negligible weight.
Artificer’s Hourglass

Wondrous Item , Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer
When you use this item as a spellcasting focus for an artificer spell that requires
concentration the spell lasts for the full duration without you having to
concentrate on it unless you end the effect sooner.

Wondrous Item , Uncommon Attunement: None

An Auto-alembic counts as a set of alchemist’s supplies. At the beginning of a
long rest you can set the Auto-alembic to formulate any one potion or alchemical
item that you know how to make – you must make any necessary skill checks and
collect any needed special ingredients in advance. On a failure the Auto-alembic
makes nothing, otherwise the Auto-alembic makes the potion or item while you
rest. The Auto-alembic creates a number of doses/items equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Brazen Steed

Wondrous Item , Rare Attunement: None

A Brazen Steed uses the same stat block as a warhorse except that its creature
type is construct and it has an AC of 13 (it can still benefit from barding). A
Brazen Steed can do anything a warhorse can do but never tires, doesn’t require
food or water, and doesn’t need to breathe. As a construct it is immune to
disease and the poisoned condition, and it is resistant to poison damage.
A Brazen Steed requires 30 minutes of maintenance – mostly oiling and
polishing – per day. This can be done during a long rest.
Clockwork Heart

Wondrous Item , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer
At the end of a long rest you can spend a few moments winding the Clockwork
Heart. If you are attuned to a wound Clockwork Heart when you make a death
save you receive each the following benefits once before your next long rest:
*Count a regular failure as a success;
*Treat a critical failure as only one failure.
In addition, any attempt to stabilize you while you are at or below 0 hit points
has advantage.
Dapper Integument

Armor/Shield , Common Attunement: None

This leather armor can cast the cleaning effect of prestidigitation on itself a
number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You regain all
spent uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Wondrous Item , Rare Attunement: None

The Dweomerwagen requires 1 hour of daily maintenance – which counts as light
activity -- from a spellcaster who is proficient with tinker’s tools. As long as this
maintenance is performed the vehicle provides the following benefits:
*Up to two Medium/four Small humanoids can travel overland with the speed and
cargo capacity of a horse-drawn cart (no horse required);
*The fully enclosed cabin provides protection from the elements equal to a high-
quality tent;
*Anyone inside the vehicle is treated as having half-cover.
You must be proficient with land vehicles to operate the Dweomerwagen.
Entropic Oil

Consumable/Potion , Uncommon Attunement: None

Sprinkling Entropic Oil on a Medium or smaller construct or mechanism disrupts
its workings. The target makes a Constitution saving throw at your spell save
DC. On a failure the target suffers an adverse effect based on whether it is an
object or a creature. Multiple effects of the same type can stack.
*Object: A device stops working for 1d6 + 1 minutes.
*Creature: Roll 1d6 and apply one of the following effects for 1d6 + 1 rounds.
1 = -15 Speed 4 = disad. (Constitution checks)
2 = disadvantage (Dexterity checks) 5 = can’t take bonus actions
3 = can’t take reactions 6 = disadvantage (Strength checks)
A bottle of Entropic Oil holds 1d6 + 2 uses when found.
Flasklock Pistol

Weapon , Uncommon Attunement: None

Requires proficiency with firearms/thunder cannon
A Flasklock Pistol uses flasks, which you must prepare in advance, as
ammunition. You can use an item interaction on your turn to insert a flask into
the pistol. As an action you can make a ranged weapon attack (range 30/60) to
deliver the contents of the flask to a target within range. A willing target can
forgo their Dexterity bonus, AC bonus from a shield, and any class feature bonus
to AC if they can see you. On a hit the contents of the flask have their normal
You can load a flask with a single dose of a potion or poison. When found a
Flasklock Pistol has 1d4 + 2 flasks, and someone who is proficient with
glassmaker’s tools can make more.
Harpoon Gun

Weapon , Rare Attunement: None

A Harpoon Gun is a two-handed ranged weapon with a range of 100/300 feet. It
shoots explosive-propelled tethered harpoons and can fire two shots before it
needs reloading. Attack rolls with the Harpoon Gun have +1 to hit, and a hit
deals 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage. This increases to 2d10 if
you fire both harpoons on the same attack. A creature struck by one or more
harpoons is restrained until escape, but it can move toward you as if unrestrained.
Once you have fired the harpoons you can use a bonus action to retract them at
a rate of 20 feet per turn. You can use this to pull a harpooned creature toward
you or to climb. As a product of alchemy and clockwork a Harpoon Gun isn’t
subject to anti-magic effects.
Lightning Spear

Weapon , Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by someone who is proficient with tinker’s tools
While wielding this weapon (spear) you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls;
*On a hit you deal additional lightning damage equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum 1);
*You can cast witch bolt once between rests without spending a spell slot.

Curse: The Lightning Spear is also a lightning rod. While you are attuned to this
spear ranged attacks on you have advantage if they would deal lightning damage,
and you have disadvantage on saving throws to avoid lightning damage.
Lion Pistol

Weapon , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by someone who is proficient with firearms/thunder cannon
A Lion Pistol is a one-handed ranged weapon with a range of 50/100 feet. It can
fire four shots before it needs reloading – it uses black powder cartridges. The
pistol has a +1 bonus to attack rolls and deals 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier
thunder damage on a hit.
The Lion Pistol’s abilities are the result of alchemy and precision machining; it is
not subject to anti-magic effects.
Orb of Artifice

Wondrous Item , Legendary Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer
While attuned to this orb you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +3 bonus to your spell save DC and ranged spell attack bonus for
artificer spells if you use the Orb of Artifice as a spellcasting focus;
*You have advantage on saving throws versus spells and effects cast by
*You have resistance to damage dealt by constructs.
Resistant Coverall

Armor/Shield , Uncommon Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer
If you take damage of the armor’s affinity type while wearing this leather armor
you can use your reaction to roll 1d6 and subtract the result from the damage
taken. This increases to 1d8 at 6th level and to 1d10 at 11th level. You can use
this ability only once per turn.
Each variant of Resistant Coverall works on one damage type:
Acid-resistant = acid damage
Flame-resistant = fire damage
Shock-resistant = lightning damage
Rod of Crafting

Rod/Staff/Wand , Uncommon Attunement: None

A Rod of Crafting is able to project a spectral tool from its end on command.
When found roll 1d6 to determine what kind of toolkit the rod contains.
1 = Carpenter’s Tools
2 = Cartographer’s Tools
3 = Mason’s Tools
4 = Smith’s Tools
5-6 = Tinker’s Tools
When using the Rod of Crafting as a weapon (club) treat attacks with the rod as
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance or immunity to nonmagical
Sheath of the Master Crafter

Armor/Shield , Legendary Attunement: Required

Scale mail; requires attunement by an artificer
While attuned to this armor you receive the following benefits:
*You have a +3 bonus to your AC;
*When you are dealt acid, bludgeoning, fire, force, lightning, or slashing damage
you can use your reaction to become resistant to that damage type (including the
triggering attack) until the end of your next turn or you use this ability again.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and
you regain all spent uses when you finish a short or long rest.
*The armor has hidden compartments that contain a set of tinker’s tools. The
weight of these tools is included in the weight of the armor.

Armor/Shield , Very Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer
While wielding the Shieldsaw you gain the following benefits:
*You have a +1 bonus to your AC;
*You can use a bonus action on your turn to attack with the saw blade built into
the shield. On a hit you deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage. This
increases to 1d8 if the target is made mostly of wood.
not proficient;
*Double your proficiency bonus on tool use checks using tools with which you
are proficient.
When the Smart Pill wears off you expend one of your hit dice but regain no hit
points. If you have no unexpended hit dice you instead roll one of your hit dice
and take the result in necrotic damage. A bottle contains 3d6 + 6 pills.
Spark Staff

Rod/Staff/Wand , Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer
While using the Spark Staff as a spellcasting focus for artificer spells you gain the
following benefits:
*You have a +1 bonus to your spell save DC and ranged spell attack bonus;
*You can change the damage type of a spell to fire or lightning damage.
If you wield the Spark Staff as a melee weapon (quarterstaff) attacks with it
count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance or immunity to non-
magical attacks.
Spotter Drone

Wondrous Item , Uncommon Attunement: None

Only usable by an artificer or construct
You can expend a spell slot to activate the Spotter Drone for 1 hour or until you
use a bonus action to deactivate it. While the drone is active you have line of
sight to anything the drone has line of sight to, and targets only have cover from
you if they also have cover from the drone. You may choose to have spells you
cast originate from your space or the drone’s. The Spotter Drone deactivates if it
gets more than (50 x level of spell slot expended) feet from you.
A Spotter Drone has AC 18, 10 hit points, a flying speed of 40 feet, and +5 to
Dexterity saving throws. Healing spells don’t work on it, but it regains 1d4 hp
from the mending cantrip.
Treasure Hunter’s Leathers

Armor/Shield , Very Rare Attunement: Required

This leather armor has a +2 bonus. While attuned to it you apply the bonus to
each of the following:
*Your Armor Class;
*Saving throws to avoid, resist, or recover from the effects of traps;
*Your Passive Perception;
*Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks to detect alarms,
traps, secret doors, or hidden valuables.
Windrose Patch

Accessory/Jewelry , Common Attunement: None

With a Windrose Patch sewn onto your clothing you add your proficiency bonus
to Wisdom (Survival) checks for the purpose of navigation. If you are proficient
with the Survival skill you double your proficiency bonus instead.
If you are an artificer wearing a Windrose Patch allows you to use proficiency
with water vehicles to operate airships.

Wondrous Item , Rare Attunement: Required

Requires attunement by an artificer
You can use a bonus action on your turn to activate the Wingpack and give
yourself a flying speed of 50 feet for a number of turns up to your proficiency
bonus. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence
modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all spent uses when you finish a long rest.

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