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Putri Ramadhani (1210620005)

2 SI-2/L
Researchers analyze the process of
morphology on words that contains the
derivation affixes in

Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat. According

to Samsuri ( 1988, p.15) said that
morphology is the

one part of linguistic that learns about the

structure and formation of word.
Basically, the word is

formed of the morpheme which defined as

the smallest meaningful unit in a language
that cannot

be separated and examined. Morpheme

that can stand alone by it self as a word is
called a free

The affixation Process in English can also be
classifed into two type, they are derivational and
inflectional. Lieber (2009, p. 33) started that
derivational is ain fact the process of attaching

base with prefixes or suffixes that from a new

lexeme. The process of derivational can change
the meaning and the part of speech of the base.
Whereas, the inflectional different with the

derivational, the inflectional doesn't change the

meaning and the part of speech. Booiji (2005,

p.112) also points out the main different

between inflectional and derivational is in their

fuctional, the derivational produces new lexeme

and the inflection from new forms of the same

The method of this research is descriptive
qualitative. The problems of this research are

with systematic and accurate description deal

with the facts and characteristics of
research data

as the purpose of this method. The research

would like to collect, claslify, and analyze

morphologycal processes on the words

Containing derivational affixes in Edgar Allan
Poe's The

Black Cat.
Finding and Discussion

Finding Of The Research

Data Analysis
The derivational affixes that has found by
The data of this research was
research in Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat taken from page 3 to 14 of the
can be

categorized based on part of speech into

short story. The research
four types, they are : derivational affixes found 154


noun, derivational affixes producing verb,

words that attached by
derivational affixes producing adjective, and
derivational affixes in Edgar
derivational affixes producing adverb. Allan Poe's The Black Cat.
Noun Affixes

1. From my infancy, i was noted for the docility and

Data humanity of my disposition. (data 1, page 3)

- infancy (noun) : infant (adjective) + -cy (suffix)


2. She lost no opportunity of procuring those of the

most agreeable kind. (data 2, page 4)

- opportunity (noun) : opportune (adjective) + -ity


3. At length, I even offered her personal violence.

(data 3, page 4)

- violence (noun) : violent (adjective) + -ence


Analysis Verb Affixes

But tomorrow I die, and today I would

unburden my soul. (datum 1, page 3)

Unburden (verb) : un- + burd (noun) + -en

Adjective Affixes

1.Some intellect more calm, more logical, and far

less excitable than my own (data 1, page 3)


-logical (adjective) : logic (noun) + -al

Analysis 2. There is something in the unselfish hand self-

sacrificing love of a brute. (data 2, page 3)

- unselfish (adjective) : un- + self (noun) + -ish

3. I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable,

more regardless of the feelings of others.

(data 3, page 4)

-moody (adjective) : mood (noun) + -y

Adverb Affixes

Data 1. In the meantime the cat slowly

recovered. (data 1, page 5)

-slowly (adverb) : slow (noun) + -ly

2. I permitted it to do so: occasionally

stooping and patting it as I proceeded.
(data 2, page 8)

- occasionally (adverb) : occasion (noun)

+ -al- + -ly


Derivational is an fact the process of attaching the base with

prefixes and suffixes that from a

new lexeme. In Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat, the research
found 154 words. There are four

categories of derivational affixes in Edgar Allan Poe's The

Black Cat, they are is derivational

affixes producing noun, derivational affixes producing verb,

derivational affixes producing

adjective, and derivational affixes producing adverb.

Herlina, Nurul Ika, et. al. 2021. An Analysis Of
Morphologycal process On The Words

Containing Derivational Affixes In Edgar

Allan Poe's The Black Cat. E-Journal Of UG

Jurnal Vol. 14 No. 1.

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