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Suy nrshn (6Can be accomplished in areas which have uniform and gentie slopes It is generaly

practiced in areas where irrigation water is abundant and inexpensive

At GDischarge of a medium pressure rotating sprinkler
Sub in sho n 8It is generally recommended for fine-textured soils with low intake rates To imgate.
water is reféased into the head of the border, it advances, confined and guided. by two adjacent borders in a thin
sheet toward the lower end of the strip
lun i n t ( 9 Part of the water pumped or diverted through scheme inlet which is used effectrvely by
the plants
nn 10 Intake rate of clay loam for overhead irigation.
NA ntSide roll 1JTheWater seeps laterally through the soil. wetting the area between comugations

Pri itrgohon 12 Application of water to the soil through small orifices

BSprinkles water from a coninuously moving lateral pipeline The self-propelled lateral
is fixed at bne end and rotates to irrigate a large circular area. The fixed end of the lateral, calied the pivot point is
connected to the water supply
Element of a sprinkler system which conveys water through suitable couplings spaced
at regular intèrvals the sprinklers
6od Accomplished by running water through small channels(furTOws) while it moves down
or across the slope of the
feldu i
FpuA yaVbod « o Water is applied from ditches to guide its flow
17Ope of three important requirement of border-strip fiooding
ah'on 18Other term for Drip Irrigation.
J t l B . A device for reducing the line of water pressure to atmosphenc pressure. providing
water at a low, controlled discharge (2 to 4 Ihr)
20. Small basins used in the irrigation of orchards
Drainag 21. The removal of excess water from a given place
he C
22 Main purpose of drainage
13) Virtually absent in submerged soils. apparently because of microbiological
4) Method of applying irrigation water similar to natural rainfall
25),Number 3 Irrigation water losses in canals shown in the figure below
lo ood

8 Fori t is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not firom yourselves, it is the gift of G o d - ' not by

works, so that no one can boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9

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