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Kimberly Guzman

EDU 214

Lesson Plan
Title: The 4 Seasons of the Year
Concept / Topic: Students will be able to identify and understand the different seasons of the
Grade Level: Kindergarten
General Goals: The goal is to have the students know what the 4 seasons are of the year and the
characteristics of each season. They will understand the weather and months each season brings.
Specific Objectives: Use PowerPoint to help students distinguish each season. There will be an
interactive story, song, and independent worksheet for students.
Required Materials:
-Interactive Story
FINAL - Seasons of the Year.pptx
-Season Song
-Season Activity sheet
FINAL Activity Handout.docx
Students will need pencils and crayons to complete worksheet
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):
Good Morning Class! Whoa! the weather outside is getting chilly I had to wear a sweater today,
it’s not so hot like it was at the beginning of the school year! Would anyone know why the
weather is changing? (Pause for raise of hands) Yes! The weather is changing because of what
season we are in! Does anyone know what the seasons are? Or how many there are? (Pause for
raise of hands) Correct! There are 4 different seasons and today we are going to learn about each
Step-By-Step Procedure:
Before we start learning about the 4 Seasons of the Year, we will look at the white board
projector and listen to a story about the weather. Make sure you listen and pay attention to the
different things happening outside. What changes do you notice? After the story we will talk
about what happened when we looked out the window. Did the tree look different? Did the
ground change color? After the story and discussion, we will watch a PowerPoint presentation
that shows us each Season and their characteristics. There will be a quiz at the end of the
PowerPoint so make sure we pay attention. There is a class discussion, and everyone will take a
turn sharing their favorite season(s) and why. Once the presentation is over, we will listen and
dance along with The Seasons Song on YouTube. Then we will work on our activity.
Plan for Independent practice:
I will let the class know that now we have talked about our favorite things that I would like them
to draw and color their favorite things. I will pass out the Seasons worksheet and tell them to use
their pencils and crayons to draw in each designated box. I will go over the worksheet and
explain each box. As they work, I will walk around and make sure they are drawing in the
correct box.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set)
When the students are done drawing and coloring, I will walk around to make sure they
understood the activity one last time. I will let them know they all have done a great job sharing
and participating. I will also inform them that it’s important to remember the seasons because
next week we are going to learn the Science behind why we have seasons because of the Earth
and the Sun.
Assessment Based on Objectives:
I will then say aloud “I am so happy there are 6 seasons” and wait for the class to try and correct
me just to make sure they were paying attention. After their correction we will all say aloud the 4
seasons. I will then ask the entire class about the weather in each season and they will all reply.
Ex: What happens to the plants in Spring?
Ex: Which season is so HOT?
Ex: If I want to build a snowman which season would I be in ?
Ex: The leaves are turning brown that must mean its…..(wait for students to shout FALL)

Possible connections to other subjects:

Days/Weeks/Months of the year
Special Needs Modifications:
Student with vision impairment
I will project on the whiteboard the story, song and PowerPoint presentation so the lesson
is nice and big for everyone to see and hear. For the independent activity I or my
paraprofessional will work side by side with the student.

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