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Subject:Citizen Newsletter #279 Weekend Edition From: Henry Citizen ( To:; Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 20:56:09

The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 279
July 16, 2011 The Conservative Voice of Henry County
Contact The Citizen at Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

In This Edition
County-Paid Junket to Jekyll Joan Scotts Tara Field Agenda Henry County Redistricting Comments on Newsletter #278 SBN-TV Just the Facts In The Mail Bag Georgians for Constitutional Government Your Voice Cobb Taxpayers Association News Tara Field: Lose-Lose Tara Field: Citizen Comments

Should We Pay for Their Vacation?

Recently it was in the news that the Board of Commissioners was being wasteful by spending so much money in a hard economy to buy something frivolous (Tara Field Airport). They are not alone in their frivolous spending. While the county has laid off an estimated 57 people, eliminated 30 unfilled positions and reduced the pay for 9 current employees, the BOARD OF ASSESSORS (BoA members are appointed by the BoC to be responsible for the Tax Assessors Office) is going on vacation paid by the County. Annually there is a conference in Jekyll Island hosted by the GAAO that the BoA members attend. It is more of a gathering for socializing and fun than a class or something that is required by the state for the position. As you can see from the

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enclosed itinerary shows.

*see below

it consists of luncheons, socializing and fashion

This year 2 members of the BoA (Lloyd Smikle and Sam Chafin) have elected to attend along with the Chief Appraiser. The men will not be alone since their families and spouses will attend with them. It is even to the extent that Chafin requested a 2 bedroom to accommodate his family with a cost of $185 per night (room only). While total cost for Street and Smikle is right around $1,000 each, Chafins cost is about $1,300. This is all being paid by the County. That is about $3,500 being paid by taxpayers just for the rooms and entrance to the conference that really is not needed. If these men decide to attend a seminar, that is at additional cost, and despite the fact that food is offered at the event, they will all max out the $35 per day food allowance. There is more that happens with this board that is not made public. Recently Smikle had to attend a class in Hapeville. He was provided with a county vehicle on Friday (filled with gas), yet on Tuesday took the same vehicle to a gas station to fill it and submitted the receipt for reimbursement. How does someone use a full tank of gas in 2 days going from round trip 1 time per day from his home to Hapeville? It appears that some members believe the county budget to be their own money to play with. This trip to Jekyll Island is a luxury and not a necessity
below *see

Your Support is Appreciated

The Conservative Voice of Henry County has opened a venue for news,

. In a good economy it might be overlooked, but right now everyone is scraping to get by and keep a job. There is no telling what tomorrow or next year will bring, but I bet they have no plans to stop spending. I welcome you to look into the spending and necessity of the conferences and trips the BoA has attended, and look at how much money they are spending. This is just the most recent of unneeded expenses. If you look into the past you will find more.

** The Citizen received the foregoing letter unsigned, in an envelope

comment and opinion that exists nowhere else. It is because of you; a steady list of people who read and submit articles sharing ideas and principles.

marked 140 Henry Parkway, McDonough GA 30253. That is the address of the Henry County administration building. Of course that does not prove a disgruntled employee send the letter. It does, however, contain damning accusations of privilege and waste. Attached to the letter was a copy of the brochure for GAAO Annual Summer Conference. The Conference, held July 17 20, 2011, host hotel will be Villas by the Sea Resort. Most major functions for the 2011 Conference will be held at the Convention Campus in the Historic District of the Island. The Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, July 17, and the Conference will conclude with the Banquet on July 20.

Or visit

One of the most valuable parts of the Conference experience will be interacting with your colleagues from across the state. You will have time between events to socialize and visit. We do, however, hope to shorten the days some for more time for social and family time. The list of official events include: Wine & Cheese Social, Southern Picnic and Social, Karaoke (separately for children and adults), An Auction of donated items held Grand Oaks Hall at the Historic District Convention Campus. Childrens Luncheon, Adult Luncheon, Family seafood buffet, Bingo. The brochure listed only three (3) actual seminars (remember attendance is at additional cost): Public Relations & Media Relations Exempt Properties Workshop Digest Review and APM Review The facts are shocking. The junket lifestyle including paid vacations to a Georgia island resort is not acceptable. Someone in authority at the County authorized and approved these expenditures. The Citizen wants to know who that person is and why they have discretion to Waste Our Money.

Thank you for your support and participation

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Tara Field Airport: My Agenda

By Joan Scott
Ive been taking a lot of heat from people who claim to be for responsible and open government. The information I have disseminated regarding the purchase of Tara Field airport certainly does have the conjecture of my opinion laced within it. But its my blog and I have the right to do that. If, however, you feel there is a side of the story that is not being told, then start your own blog and tell your side of the story. Dont expect me to do it for you. Or you're welcome to leave your opinions here in the comments section of my blog. But I won't tolerate propaganda and name-calling. Form an argument and back it up with facts or your not welcome here. That being said, I have provided primary source documentation of the events that I have described and, to the best of my knowledge, the information I have laid out is accurate and truthful based on those documents. I have left it up to the reader to take the time, like I did, to read all of those documents and form their own opinions. I dont want to hear about the politicians who are calling you giving you heat about my expose. The only "side" I expect anyone to take is with the truth. Nor do I want to hear about how you know this or that politician and you simply cant believe what Ive written about them because they are your friend. This is not personal for me with the exception that I expect an open and honest discussion from all of our elected officials in how it affect the money they force me to pay for services the county provide to me. I challenge everyone who pays taxes and votes in Henry County to take the time to read ALL the documentation I have provided in regard to my claims about Henry County BOC Chairman BJ Mathis, William Abbate and Big 5 Enterprises, and the circumstances regarding the purchase of Tara Field airport and draw their own conclusions. I'd love nothing better than to be proven wrong but the facts speak for themselves and I believe my conclusions are

sound based on them. If you feel I have erred in regards to the FACTS of the matter as I have presented them, I encourage you to please let me know and, I will be glad to correct any factual errors I may have made. As well, if you disagree with my assessment of the events, I'd like to to hear that, too. But I'll be darned if I'm going to swallow hook, line, and sinker the spin that's been presented in the main stream media about how great this is going to be for the "economic development" of Henry County. My agenda is the truth regardless of whom or where the documents take me. And so far the truth is that Tara Field is a political welfare at its finest.

the Hack Line

July 14, 2011

Henry County, GA Redistricting

Next Tuesday night at he Henry county Administration building in McDonough, GA Redistricting is on the Agenda. It is item number 10. A proposed map is up on the county website and you are able to see how the county looks to be divided for Commissioner and Board of Education members. The map has to take in consideration the Voting Rights Act. The map has to be cleared by the Department of Justice or Federal District Court in DC. The redistricting map seems fair and within reason for our communities though it does divide some precincts. The concept of both the BOC and the BOE having similar districts is crucial. It is hoped the redistricting map passes and moves on as presented. Visit for information and map views.

Just a few comment on Issue #278

Regarding property tax and millage rates and the smoke and mirrors used by the county to inflate but give an appearance of lowering taxes for the home owner. This is not a hearsay or a friend of a friend told me situation, this is MY own experience regarding the assessment of my property and tax issue with the county In October 2009 I purchased my home for 245k. Not a short sale, not a foreclosure, nor a distressed sale. It was a knowledgeable and willing buyer offering a knowledgeable and willing seller a price for a property that had been advertised for sale for more than 365 days with no takers. At that time the county had my house valued at 353k for tax purposes and after an appeal lowered the value to 289k which was still more than the fair market value of the property. When I received my latest assessment they had in fact lowered it by 18.5 % BUT they lowered it not from the actual fair market value of 245k but from the inflated value of 289k thus making it appear that I had really gotten a deal from the county. Now my house would only be taxed at 253k. What? My house was only worth 245k to began with so in reality it should be lowered to about 208k if Ms. Hoover-Ernst wants to use the formula she states is used to determine the tax on property owners. And what are the actual money figures for Tara Field, isn't it odd that so many of the "real deals" this BoC is involve in end in Field. Battlefield, Cottonfield, now Tara Field, The BoC use the figures of 2.7 million from we Henry County residents and 15,000,000.00 from the FAA. Has anyone ever explained to these wizards of finance where the FAA gets its money? If the cost of the FIELD, there's that word again, is 17,7000,000.00 then that is what it will cost the taxpayers of Henry....for the last time Mr/Mrs don't have a clue politician, It is all our money and it don't make any difference which account you write the check on it is still my checking account. Now according to Mr. Westmoreland's statement concerning the purchase he said "I have no doubt" which in politics means "I don't have a clue if it will work or not so let's throw it against the wall and see if it sticks, Besides it ain't my money, my money is safe and sound in my government pension account". One of Mr. Westmoreland's endorsements for this FIELD was that as soon as ownership is transferred to Henry County we, Henry County, would began collecting the landing fees and parking fees generated by the FIELD. There is one small problem with that being a good thing for we new owners...... THERE ARE NO LANDING FEES at Tara FIELD. Only on race weekends and that is ONE weekend per year.... That fee is, for a Cessna 310 twin engine mid sized aircraft, are you holding your wallet all you private aircraft owners of which I am sure are almost too numerous to count in Henry County, a whopping 60.00 dollars but that is for one night or the entire week..... yes boys and girls just think the FIELD, with an ability and room to handle maybe 100 airplanes in a day that will garner 6,000.00 one week out of the year .....just think how rapidly we will retire that debt of somewhere between 2,700,000.00 and 15,000,000.00 this is almost as good as the deals the Queen and her court got on all those other FIELDS.

FYI the runway expansion that we won't have to pay for will be funded by the GDOT and FAA.....wait! I'm sorry I just found out where those two agency's get their money so you are still on the hook. If you think I am making up this information then GOOGLE .... aircraft landing fees tara field ga and then call 770-9463153 and ask what the landing fee is for your Cessna 310 during non race weeks. Remember you can land for free with no overnight fees for 51 week out of the year. Here is another little known fact: Of the NASCAR teams which will number anywhere between 43 the actual number that start a race and 60 the number of owners/drivers that try to run the NASCAR circut of that number about 35 of them have private or as our wonderful President Oboma says, corporate jets, and when they are no longer able to write those planes off as a racing expense there may be 3 or 4 teams that continue RCR,JGR,JRR,TSR, will probably keep their planes but that's only 240.00 one weekend out of the year. In closing I hope this is the straw that breaks the camels back and awakens the voters in Henry County. It is plain to see that the present leadership in Henry County is as out of touch with the needs and even desires of the taxpayers of Henry County as Oboma is with those of us who actually pay the bills in America. We cannot afford another four years of this administration and come November 2012 we not only can but must make a change in the more tax's and more spending that this current leadership in Henry County, if not all we will have left is change and I doubt that would be enough to go to McDonalds. Don

If you haven't seen it yet, you'll enjoy this week's The Agenda ...

New feature from SBN-TV Channel 22 on Charter Communications Or on the Web at ABOUT JUST THE FACTS!: This webisode is an open forum. This venue will feature invited guests to provide a 2 3 minute video presentation on current events and topics. An open forum blog will be added soon. The first feature of Just the Facts is BoC Chairman BJ Mathis: No Millage for Henry County, No Movie Studio Webisode

In the Mail Bag

It is sad that our elected official still treat us as dumb and uneducated idiots. We will continue to present the facts and let the little people form an opinion as to how we got there. Do not ever under estimate the power of the little people. Do you recall Brown and the State of Massachusetts? Most general aviation airports lose money. "Most will tell you that the value of having the airport is not generating revenue" said FAA Manager Scott Seritt. (August 8, 2009) The airport spin started this morning in the Henry Herald about all the money they spent on projects that will help turn the economy around in HC, plus some they are actively working on. One of the items mentioned as one of the next to pursue is to construct an interchange at Bethlehem Road.

I have knowledge of the real reason the Chair wants this interchange built. Reader digest version: The largest property owner to the east of I-75 along Bethlehem Road, many acres, is Norfolk Southern. They want to build a very large transfer station to load and unload the containers that are shipped by sea. This was the reason the chair got Tim Jones to fly many people over this area for a look. One was Lynn Westmoreland. This was one of the several times Mr. Jones made his helicopter available to the Chair. The Shailendra Group owns about 11 acres in this area as well. By Rail, not by air? Sounds like more of the same old, same old so-called economic development for Henry County. Wonder if BJ and Bob White will sneak another warehouse or two? ~~~~~ I was doing some research over at the Secretary of State's website and found something very interesting. The Friends of Nash Farm Battlefield, Inc. was dissolved on 9/15/2010 for failure to pay their annual registrations. It appears some things have changed in the mix. I have a copy of the certificate of administrative dissolution/revocation issued by Brian

P. Kemp Secretary of State. Recall that BJ Mathis was among the founders of Friends of Nash. She has apparently moved from rewriting history to Airport Ownership. If you want to get sick and mad at the same time watch this Good Day Southside. Mathis and Pollard just keep telling lies.

Lunch - Georgians for Constitutional Government

Tuesday, July 19 12:00pm - 2:00pm Stevi B's Pizza in Gainesville, Georgia 1500 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, Georgia This is a good casual opportunity for someone new to politics to learn a little and consider becoming more involved. If you have questions about politics &/or government, we'll do our best to answer them. Newcomers and visitors always welcome. If you believe the Constitution deserves respect and want to be a part of the movement to restore America to its foundational principles, please join us this Tuesday. If you haven't got a clue but want to learn, we'd love to have you join us too.

Tara Field Deal
BJs Buddy took a hit, saving Clayton County from paying his legal fees. "Paragraph 22. SPECIAL: STIPULATIONS. In addition to any other conditions precedent set forth herein, the Parties obligation to close the transaction contemplated herein is specifically contingent upon the following: (B) Big 5 Enterprises LLC lawsuit versus Clayton County GA is to be dismissed with prejudice." Does anyone believe there will not be a payback at Henry Taxpayer Expense? ~~~~~ T-SPLOST: Mathis has 2 projects she wants. Jonesboro Road, aka Nash Farm Pkwy, and the Golden Corridor, aka Shailandra Blvd T-SPLOST: commuter rail has been taken off the table. CV says it will not return.

Cemetery Research Group

French Market & Tavern- Locust Grove, GA

Signature Broadcasting
Boilin' dem bugs...nobody knows how to throw a boil like Rick & Lauren Weaver! Todays crawfish were excellent. Perfectly seasoned and served with a side of potatoes, corn & sausages. Harkening back to my own days in the Big Easy I had to order a couple Dixie beers. Man oh man, it was a feast. June Knieriem said French Market Crawfish Boil! What a treat! Superbly spiced crawfish,

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corn, red potatoes, sausage, mushrooms; who could ask for more? Great job!

The French Market & Tavern

3840 Hwy 42, Locust Grove, GA

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. ~~ Winston Churchill

Reminder about Rep Steve Davis' Golf Tournament on Monday, July 25th, 2011 at Crystal Lakes Country Club. Just announced today is that there will be a brand new Lincoln MKZ donated by Allan Vigil Ford for the first person to make a Hole in One on a particular hole. Lots of Door Prizes. Goodie Bags for each golfer and breakfast and lunch are included in the fee. Still looking for a couple of teams and sponsor opportunities. Let me know if you have any questions. A few ladies are coming out to play. Singles welcome, we will match you up on a team. A great time will be had by all. Flyer attached. Thanks for your continued support. Eleanor Toppins

posted in Republican Women of Henry County

A great meeting Tuesday night at Chevy's. Tax Commissioner David Curry seems to be doing a great job. Very compassionate and people orientated. Hope he is around for a long time to come. ~ Eleanor Toppins

"Conservatism is not so much a philosophy as an attitude, a constant force, performing a timeless function in the development of a free society, and corresponding to a deep and permanent requirement of human nature itself." ~ Larry Richardson

Handouts only make people dependent, teaching them how to fish and better, make their own rod for fishing makes them independent and free. ~ John Powledge John also wrote: "I enjoyed West Europe in the early 80's. WE did our share of hiking and railing also. Lived in the former Soviet Union (Belarus from 94-98. What irony. I was living in Germany in 84 to blow those folks to kingdom come if they crossed the border, and yet 10 years later I was in the "evil empire" as a missionary. Spent a total of about 17 months in the Middle East from late 06 to early 09. Talk about a benighted part of the world. I'm not sure we can help much there as most of those people do the very things that will keep themselves enslaved by their governments. Too many Americans have lost their understanding of the dangers of too big government. This administration might bring us back to our senses on that issue. Let freedom ring!"

John Douglas wrote:

Come on over for a visit, sign on as a friend, support our soon to be candidate with the best chance of becoming our next President. Rock solid conservative, devout Christian, pro free enterprise, everything Obama is not. I represented Henry County for six years, come get on board with me again.

Georgians for Rick Perry Is Governor Perry getting closer to running for President? Please share this fan page with all your friends to help encourage Gov. Perry to seek the Republican nomination for President.

Industrial Development Bonds

The ability to convey property tax incentives is limited in Georgia. In order to obtain ad valorem property tax savings for a companys project or in order to obtain certain State grants of local incentives for the project, an industrial development bond financed sale/leaseback is required. Such transactions are typically referred to as bonds for title transactions, and use of this technique involves the issuance of IDBs by a development authority to acquire or construct the project, with the title to the project vested in a development authority and with the company having the status of a lessee. The lease of the project to the company is typically at a rent equal to debt service on the bonds. ~~ Henry County Development Authority Editorial Note: The only downside is that Henry County taxpayers could, in the case of default, own property or partially completed projects. Given the leanings of current BoC members we could own shopping malls, movie studios, condominiums, empty warehouses.. The Citizen does not approve of government financing for private industry its called corporate welfare.

Action Alert: STOP a Property Tax Increase

You've likely heard that the Cobb County Board of Commissioners is considering a 17% increase in the millage rate, proposed by Chairman Tim Lee. In fact, that was a point I hammered home last night when interviewed by CBS Atlanta news. Unfortunately, they chose the "newsy" route and stuck with the landscaping vs. public safety aspect of the story, leaving my comments about the proposed tax increase on the cutting room floor.
Here's what CTA needs you to do: Attend one of two public meetings about the proposed tax increase and speak against it. The meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, July 19th at 8 AM and 6 PM. Attend the Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 26th at 7 PM and speak in opposition to the proposed tax increase. Can you join us in standing up to the tax-and-spend Chairman? Let me know if you can join us.

Attention Marietta Municipal Residents

On Wednesday, July 27th at 5:15 PM (could it BE any less convenient?), the Marietta City Council will hold a public meeting in an effort to set the new millage rate for city residents. Because I am a resident of Marietta, concerned about the inability of local government to tighten their belts like the rest of us, I plan to speak in favor of LOWERING the millage rate, rather than maintaining or increasing it. Can I count on my fellow Mariettans to join me? If so, drop me a line. Brett Bittner Cobb Taxpayers Association Advisory Board 404.492.6524 P.S. We all know that freedom isn't free. Lance, David and I are all volunteers who look out for the taxpayers of Cobb County, and we put a lot of effort into the Cobb Taxpayers Association. We don't get the big Community Investment District (CID) money, so your donations are well-spent and accounted for. Please consider making a contribution to CTA today.

Tara Field Airport: Lose-Lose for Henry County Taxpayers

The FAA, as a rule, opposes agreements which allow private land owners access to public airports. Tara Field is a public airport. The reason you dont have this problem at other air parks, say for instance, Mallards Landing, which is also located in Henry County, is because its a private airport. According to the FAA : A federally obligated airport is different because it is operated

for the benefit of the general public. So, to recap, private access to private airports = okay. Private access to public airports = not okay. Up to this point, Billy Abbate and Big 5 Enterprises who own land adjacent to Tara Field, have never had a legally binding contract authorizing them access to Tara Field from their property. But they recklessly went ahead and spent millions of dollars to build six airplane hangars anyway. Once the Clayton County Superior Court ruled on March 25, 2011 that they had no legal agreement which provided the access needed, they knew they were screwed. Since Abbates land is not part of the deal to purchase Tara Field, he would still require an access easement lease in order to rent his hangar spaces. But between 2006 and 2009 The FAA told Clayton County on at least THREE separate occasions that if they entered into a Through the Fence (TTF) contract with Abbate granting him easement access to the airport, they would be in violation of laws which would result in losing FAA grant money for Tara Field. As you know, the owner of a federally obligated airport cannot sell, lease, encumber, or otherwise transfer any interest in the title to the airport without approval of the FAA (Grant Assurance #5) ~ Letter from FAA to Clayton County, December 18, 2006 So what exactly has changed that would make the FAA approve an easement for Billy Abbate, when they so strenuously objected to it before, just because Henry County now owns the airport? Nothing. Since the issue of a TTF agreement was not addressed in the RESOLUTION passed by the BOC this week approving the purchase of the airport, I have to assume it was not part of the deal. FAA approval is a requirement for such a lease, not an option. What needs to answered now about this deal is whether or not the FAA has now changed their minds and approved a Through the Fence agreement which would give Billy Abbates easement access to Tara Field airport. Because if thats the case then Billy Abbate and the other owners of Big 5 Enterprises stand to make a fortune on land that was rezoned based on MISLEADING STATEMENTS he made to the ATLANTA R EGIONAL COMMISSION, the HENRY C OUNTY ZONING ADVISORY BOARD , and the HENRY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. On the other hand, if the FAA has not agreed to it and BJ Mathis grants that easement access to him, which she will, why wouldnt Henry County be in violation of those same laws resulting in a loss of federal grants? And when that happens, will not the taxpayers of Henry County then be stuck covering those remaining obligations to Clayton County? I contend the sole reason BJ Mathis bought Tara Field was to remedy Abbates problem of not having access to the airport. Seriously, shes already gone that far for him before by APPROVING the $38 million Revenue Bond for the movie studio at the same location. It makes no difference whatsoever that that deal fell through. She was willing to do it for him. By granting Abbate access to Tara Field, she will allow her corporate welfare cronies at Big 5 Enterprises to make millions on land that rezoned BASED ON LIES. And at the same time, she will likely cause the loss of the federal funding she is now so proudly touting and put the taxpayers on the hook for the balance.

Citizen Comments
"The airport purchase is a great deal for the county. If the FAA funding does not come through as promised then the entire deal is off. The FAA also has funds for the runway expansion. The increased economic activity from these improvements means more jobs in Henry County which is something that we desperately need. We actually DO know the costs for the airport. $1,296,597 will be paid from the Capital Asset Fund (not regular budget) at closing which is expected on August 3, 2011. $1,000,000 is due on Sept 30, 2012. $403,403 is due on Sept 30, 2013. If the FAA does not put in $10million on the front end of this deal then the deal is off our money is refunded. FAA will also put another $5 million in to complete the purchase." ~ Tommy Kennedy ~~~~~ I for one believe the acquisition of Tara field will be good for the county in bringing in much needed revenue and higher paying jobs. So lets move on, time will prove whether or not this is the case. ~ Arlen D. Maxted

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by Henry Citizens for Responsible Government Larry Stanley, Editor

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