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Have / has + V3
1. Has Monica invented (invent) that walking toys?
2. Have you jumped (jump) into conclusions?
3. The dancers have laughed (laugh) at me because
of my dance moves.
4. My brothers have lied (lie) about their wounds this
whole time!
5. I should have listened (listen) to my dad.
(I, you, we, they  have)
(He, she, it  has)

Were / Was + V3
1. The canvas was painted (paint) by an artist.
2. This trip was planned (plan) by the teacher.
3. That game was played (play) by people.
4. Those magazines were read (read) by my dad.
5. My dress was replaced (replace) by the fashion
(Event + was / were + V3 + by + people)

Modals + V1
1. Could I carry / help / take the grocery, madam?
2. Can I water / fertilize / pick up / carry flowers for
3. (can/could) you show me the way, Anita?
4. (should/shall) we move, Ms?
5. (would/will) you be okay if I put this on your wall?

What will happen next? Write in 2 sentences using

will + V1

1. Christian
- They will drink the orange juice.
- They will go to sleep after drinking the juice.

2. Clara
- They will make orange juice.
- They will throw it away.

3. James
- They will try the orange juice.
- They will like it.

4. Hadiyanto
- The boy will say “thank you” to the person who
opened the car door for him.
- The boy makes sure the car door is well shut.

Have / has + V1
1. Has she screamed (scream) like that the hole day?
2. Have you seen (see) the gigantic monkey?
3. My mom has shopped (shop) for some chickens for
Eid celebration.
4. Joannah and Mexi have sung (sing) the song for
more than 2 weeks now!
5. A bunch of students have skipped all classes for a

Were / Was + V3
1. A math problem was solved (solve) by the smartest
person on the class.
2. The biology materials were studied (study) by the
3. A complete American history was taught (teach) by
the book.
4. The wheel was taken (take) by the thief.
5. The medals were given (give) by the people.

Modals + V1
1. Can / could / may I steal / use the perfume, Ms?
2. Can I have a word with you?
3. (can/could) you show me the way, George?
4. (should/shall) I give it a try?
5. (would/will) you mind driving me to the south?
What will happen next? Write in 2 sentences using
will + v1

1. Christian
 Will pick it up.
 Will not have a car accident.

2. Hadiyanto
 She will get thrown and fall.
 Someone will help her and bring her to the doctor.

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