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Thales 650 (BCE) - dared to go against tradition for
the first time and assumed that it is within man’s
Armando Bonifacio - article rational ability to abstract and explain reality
“The Three Concepts of Philosophy” Came up with certain questions like “How do things
1. Ordinary people have their own come to be, change, and pass away?”
2. People express their personal According to Warner, philosophy emerged as
philosophy through the values something revolutionary since their
manifested in everyday life mythological explanation about the universe
3. To use philosophy to reconstruct and would be set aside in favor of a more
put things in the proper perspective coherent and rational one.  

“PHUSIS” or “nature” in English.

Philosophy – is the mother discipline out of
which other sciences emerge.
- A philosophic question or problem has three
● Physics characteristics. 
● Chemistry
● Biology
● PSYCHOLOGY - Example: A scientist will follow the method
● SOCIOLOGY of his science strictly while doing his
● PHYSICAL experiment in his laboratory. (First-order
SCIENCE inquiry)
- On the other hand, a philosopher would
USE PHILOSOPHY TO ● KANT question or criticize the assumptions of the
RECONTRUCT AND ● RUSSELL physicist. (Second-order inquiry) 
● Philosophy of Mathematics
● Philosophy of Psychology 
● Philosophy of Social Sciences  

-  Once said that “Philosophy is Vision”

- Look at things in different ways before WESTERN PHILOSOPHY
assuming (just like Thales) ● Tends to make a heavy use of logic.

Was the most popular among the three ;
Fatherit is
ofageless and eternal
the Western and that it
As early as 630 BCE, Thales was already encompasses
He was regardedthe whole worlds.
as one of the Seven
doing Philosophy. But, did you know that the Sages of Ancient Greece is cylindrical and is
He believes that earth
term philosophia was first used by suspended in spacethat the SEA was the
He also believed
Pythagoras and his followers around 531 fatherHeofwas the first person to attempt to
all things
BCE? It came from the root word philo (love) draw a map
He was the first philosopher to believe
and sophia (wisdom). that earth is flat
He was also a businessman and he
managed to establish an olive oil industry
Thales – Father of Western Philosophy  ( African Continent – Egypt )
He was a mathematician
 student of Anaximander
● It was assumed that there must be an
He believedconsidered
was also as an astronaut
that the fundamental
order in the universe and that the universe
substance he was said to
of reality have
must bepredicted
AIR an
must be an orderly system known as the
also agreed that the earth is flat
cosmos, governed by laws or logos which
theory but are like saucer that are floating in
could be explained by man through the
process of abstraction.
Western Philosophy – began in 630 Miletus
Miletus – fishing village and center of trade and ANAXIMANDER
commerce student of Thales
  was a good prose writer
According to Curd, Miletus was the ideal   Fundamental Substance of Reality is the
place for the first practice of philosophy to    Infinite or APEIRON
emerge. I' Apeiron has no precise characteristic or
m attributes

- The three of them gave us a non-
THE MILESIANS mythological account of the nature of
 The story of philosophy started with the triumvirate
of the three Milesians ( Thales, Anaximander, - They were considered HYLOZOISTS ( ‘hylo’
Anaximenes ) or stuff and ‘zoe’ or life) because they
believed that the universe is alive.
Triumvirate – three men holding power
● Seems to have no dichotomy between ●  A leader of a religious cult known as
objective world and man as a human being. Pythragoreans
The Eastern tradition of philosophizing has ● He was different because he treated
been associated with their religion. philosophy in a different way – It was a way
● For them, philosophy and religion are one of life.

● He also considered philosophy and ● He believed that there are many seeds or
mathematics as good purification for the elements as there are kinds of things
purification of the soul ● ‘Nous’ or the mind, which was conceived of
● He gave importance to the contemplative as external but infinite
life for this cathartic process of purification.
A Contemplative Life is intentional solitude, being
● The first is the Achilles and Tortoise paradox
present in the now, and making time to think about
● Zeno was a student and a loyal follower of
your thinking. Activities such ash meditation,
spending time in nature, making a digital and
● He also agrees to the idea of Paramenides
social media detox exercise encourage a
that reality is being; he went on to prove
contemplative life.
this assumption by pronouncing that there
is no notion.
● The second is ‘The arrow in flight is at rest’
● He was known for the mystical nature of his
philosophy especially his idea about
● He believes that the only permanent thing
in this world is change LESSON 3: APPROACHES IN
● Have said the following “ You cannot sleep DOING PHILOSOPHY
twice into the rivers, for fresh waters are
overflowing in upon you. We step and do
not step into the same rivers, we are and According to Broad

● He believed himself to be IMMORTAL and 1. First, the analysis and definition of our
that he and magical powers fundamental concepts 
● He was known to have cured somebody 2. Second, the clear and resolute criticism of
who have been comatose for 24months our beliefs 
● He was also the prominent of the notion How do we use analytic philosophy in order to
that reality is made up of 4 elements name; resolve the problem stated? 
Earth, Air, Water and Fire.
● He was regarded as pluralist - First, we need to recognize that this is not a
disagreement. In fact, this question is a
perennial problem. It exists for a very long
● He was known to be the leader of the time but there is still no standard answer
Eleatic School for it. 
● His Philosophical idea is contradiction of the
idea of change from Heraclitus - Second, we should examine and criticize
● He proposed that the only permanent in our beliefs and assumptions in our everyday
this world is BEING; the reality is made up life according to Broad.  These assumptions
of a continuous object of plenum called involve our beliefs and preconceived
being notions about many things around us. There
are many beliefs based on our prejudices.

- Another example would be our bias against Reductionism during the 17th century in Part V of
Muslims because of the terrorist acts of a his treatise called Discourse on the Method. 
small group of bandits like the Abu Sayyaf. ● He likened the world to a machine with
pieces working like a clockwork mechanism.
- Those who are not exposed to Islamic He argued that the machine can only be
traditions and live in cities predominated by understood if an individual would take its
Christians, would carry their prejudice pieces apart and study its individual
against all Muslims and regard them as components before putting them back
terrorists and trouble-makers.  together to understand the bigger picture.
● He is a French Mathematician and
Philosopher, known also for his method of
Conclusion: Philosophy is a new way of looking at thoroughly doubting and questioning
things. Let us try to look at what other people are knowledge to arrive to a piece of it that
seeing. From the point of view of where they are cannot be doubted.
coming from, they have their own stories to tell us. 

Holistic Philosophy - works on the assumption that
all properties in a given system cannot be broken
down by its component parts alone, but rather the
In contrast, speculative or metaphysical
system as a whole entity decides how the individual
philosophy tries to find an underlying explanation
parts behave. 
or general principle that could explain reality in its
entirety. As Broad would put it, "speculative The word holism came from the Greek word holos
philosophy aims to reach some general conclusions which means “all”, “whole”, or “total”.
about the nature of the universe; and our position
and prospects in it.
● Epistemological Holism - It is also called
Confirmation Holism. This type of holism
claims a scientific theory cannot be tested
individually, since testing a single theory
● According to Willy Ostreng in his article would always depend on other
“Reductionism versus Holism – Contrasting established theories and hypotheses.
Approaches” the difference between the
two contrasting approaches is their stems
● Semantic Holism - The idea behind
from their fundamental differences in
semantic holism is that every word has
focus. Reductionism focuses on the
meaning only in relation to other words,
properties of its parts while Holism leads to
sentences, or the language in which it is
the relationship between them.  used. It is a doctrine in the Philosophy of
Language which suggests that a certain part
● A reductionist approach to doing philosophy of language, a term, or a complete sentence
can only be understood through its relations
refers to understanding complex ideas by
to a larger segment of language or possibly
reducing them to their parts or individual
the entire language.

RENE DESCARTES – First introduced the concept of

There is a need to care for the environment since it’s wrath it
fatal when unleashed.

One of the innovations that have been implemented to address

environment exploitation is the technology called rain

Anthropocentrism and Deep Ecology Visayan State University

- The idea of anthropocentrism stems from the - Introduced rain forestation in early 1990. It is a
Judeo-Christian tradition which maintains that technology designed to use unproductive lands by
humans are the chief stewards of God’s planting native tree species that were not widely used
creations, that non-human beings have no in the government’s reforestation program.
intrinsic value, and that their value depends on
Philippines-German Applied Tropical Project
their utility to human beings.
- Looked in to the possibilities of rehabilitating the
Deep Ecology
forested areas to reclaim their ecological function.
- Is a new ecological philosophy (Ecosophy) that This program was designed to promote biodiversity
considers humanity as an integral part of nature. rehabilitation and conservation of remaining primary forests
The ideology emphasizes the interdependence of and natural resources. Since the 1990’s groups and individual
nature, humans, and non-humans adopters have successfully benefitted from the results of rain
Enlightened Anthropocentrism – maintains that humans
have a moral duty to set limits on the utilization of nature’s The Human Person and Climate Justice
good to protect that needs of the future generation.
According to Simon Carey, there is overwhelming evidence
ANTHROPOCENTRISM FOUR PRINCIPLES: that human activities are changing the climate system. The
emission of greenhouse gases results in increased temperature,
- First, human beings must recognize their moral rising sea levels, and severe weather storms.
obligations regarding their utilization of
environmental goods. The climatic changes raise several issues of justice such as:
- Second, the present generation must consider the a. How to assess the impacts of climate change
well being of future generation. b. What climate responsibilities the current generation
- Third, people must understand the full value of
ecological services.
- Fourth, human beings must recognize that nature has
an aesthetic value.

The Philippine biodiversity has been one of the richest in the

world. It’s been part of the 17 mega divine countries which has to the future generation
claim two thirds of the world’s species. c. How to political actors ought to consider the risks
and uncertainties involved in climate projections
The two major causes of the loss of Philippine forests are, d. Who takes responsibility for addressing climate
first, the conversion of Philippines forest to secondary forests change
both by legal and illegal logging and second, the removal of
secondary forest by the expansions of upload agriculture. According to Gallinero, as rational beings, humans should do
the things that can bring welfare to their fellow human beings
Thus, the Philippine government initiated massive regarding climate justice.
reforestations. Both government and private sector are still not
enough to stop the rapid deforestation in the Philippines.

The reforestation using fast growing exotic species led, to the

alteration of the Philippines reforests, which failed to bring Summarization
back ecosystem functions because exotic trees do not suit the
Philippines climate.
Rain Forestation: A way of caring the natural - was a greek philosopher
environment - he was known for his method of questioning his
conversation partners

- He is famous for saying “I know that I know
nothing” The phenomenological method
an anti thesis refers to a thesis that
- He also said helps a person to examine his/her
negates or opposes the guven thesis.
Once the thesis and the anti thesis “the own experience of something. In
clash, another thesis will arise, called a unexamined this way, personal experience is
synthesis life is not considered to understand a certain
worth living” phenomenon better. Synthesis
- is the result
of the conflict between a thesis and antithesis.
OPINION - the synthesis becomes a new thesis that will be
- is a personal claim, belief, or personal stance on a opposed by another antithesis, which will result in
particular subject matter. another synthesis.


- offers a philosophical distinction between an - comes from the two greek words: Phenomenon,
opinion and a fact. means study or reason.
- For him, a statement of fact has objective - Phenomenology is the essence of the nature of the
content and is well supported by pieces of things that appear to a person.
For Edmund Husserl, phenomenological is the “the science
- statement of opinion is one whose content is of the essence of consciousness”
either subjective or not well supported by
available pieces of evidence. Husserl’s Phenomenological Method
- is the most original or also called pure
- which maintains that both the knower and the - it emphasizes the person’s live experience to get to
things being perceived must correspond to each the true meaning of reality.
Natural Attitude – refers to the belief that the reality
outside the person is relative to and separate from the person
Truth who experiences it.
- is grasped when there is conformity between the Phenomenological Attitude – refers to the process
mind and the things outside the mind. whereby a person suspends his/her beliefs of the things he/she
- neither an opinion nor a fact has learned from the natural attitude.
- it is a universal, undisputed, verified through
Method of Husserl’s Phenomenology
facts, and even transcendent, beyond a
reasonable doubt.
Bracketing- this process is also called epoche,
which means abstain; the person’s experiences,
Methods of Philosophizing beliefs, and learnings are bracketed or set aside to
- are the various ways of attaining truth or wisdom. see the thing in itself.

Socratic Method - In philosophy, this means unpacking

- is named after the ancient philosopher Socrates, certain realities
Plato’s teacher.
- This method refers to the process of asking open ended
Eidetic Reduction – this is the movement from fact
questions that are committed to finding the truth. to essence, a transcendental reality that refers to the
- It usually take a form of a dialogue in which people discuss immateriality of things, such as thoughts, feelings,
and analyze a specific subject matter. memories, etc.
- term dialectics derived from the greek word
dialogue, which means to debate or discuss.
- this dialectical method emphasize here is the one
developed mostly by Henry and Marx. It is a method
of studying and understanding real development and

- it can b found inn plants for they can grow,
reproduce and feed themselves.

Sensitive Soul
- shares with the vegetable soul because it also
capable of growing, feeding, and reproducing.
Rational Soul
Hermeuneutics - shares with the lower types of soul and has the
capacity for thoughts.
- The term hermeneutics is usually associated
with the greek god, Hermes, who was the St Augustine
messenger between gods and humans. - believed that God created the world which
includes the creation of the immortal soul.
- It is derived from hermeneutics or
- St Augustine and Plato believed in the soul’s
hermeneusai and hermeneia, which means immortality and can exist without the body.
interpreting or interpretation.
- This process refers to the understanding of a St Thomas Aquinas
particular reality. - Another
Aquinas, Philosophy and notable
Romanticist hermeneutics – hermeneutics of Theology are not twophilosopher
Friedrich Schleiermacher; the aim of hermeneutics conflicting disciplines. Theywho was
is to capture the truth of the text. rather complement each other greatly
in the quest for truth. influenced
Chapter 3; The Human Person as an Aristotle’s
Embodied Spirit thoughts and is known as the defender is the
Christian faith and the Angelic Doctor of the
Embodied Spirit – it refers to the inseparable church.
union of body and soul

John Locke
Plato’s 3 Function of Soul - Human mind is a tabula rasa refers to a blank
- Plato’s view of the human person rest on the
dichotomy of the body and soul. He believed
that the human soul is the authentic part because
the body is in the prison cell.
- Plato contended that the soul existed before the
body because it was created by the gods and was
venerable at birth.

The Tripartile Function

 Rational Function
 Passion Function
 Appetitive Function


- the word “soul” is an English translation of the
Greek word psyche.

Vegetative Soul

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