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From a whisper to an uproar: Understanding the human life

The world, as we know it, is filled with different mysteries and questions that we just cannot
help but ponder upon. Some of these queries respond to the fickle imaginations of our minds such as
the existence of the extraterrestrial creatures or even ghosts and other supernatural beings. While most
of the people tend to prefer answering the problems regarding the scientific aspect of this world, I
prefer the other side of the coin – exploring the unanswered dilemmas of morality. This concept has
been a prime subject for discussion since the start of the civilization as it shapes the laws and ethical
principles that we have today. As it encompasses a wide array of topics, I decided to just focus upon a
single theme on this piece of writing which is the respect for human life, its meaning and importance to
the world that we live in.

Before understanding the concept of the human life, we must first determine the word that is
often associated with it – respect. Defined as the state of recognition to the value that one person
brings, the respect for human life is something that should be constant on our way of living. Some of the
most common approaches where we can show our regard towards its importance is through seeing
everyone as valuable and possess their own characteristics to make the world better. Another thing that
we should remind ourselves is to avoid derogatory statements towards one another that can greatly
affect their own emotional state. These are just some common reminders that we should always follow
to uphold our respect towards human life.

Sustaining the sense of respect that we have towards the human life has never been easier in
the course of the history of mankind. Today, we do have different organizations that were created to
maintain and disseminate the teachings of having a high opinion regarding the aforementioned concept.
With the different cases of discrimination that were being rampant nowadays, we must grab this
opportunity to create even a miniscule difference to this society. We must continuously use our voice
into spreading respect towards one another. As the saying goes, a small wicker of fire can fuel the
engulfing storms of flames which we can directly relate that these small voices that we make can create
an uproar in the future.

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