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Teacher Training For Online Learning and Teaching

Sample Module Outline

Module 3. Physical Education I

As Joni Mitchel used to sing: “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone,” the
gift of health and personal fitness is also of great concern. New technologies have
indeed changed our lifestyle drastically. As a result, we have been less active than
before. In saving time and energy, and doing things more efficiently and conveniently,
we have lost something valuable – Physical Activity.


 Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments

 Sets goals based on assessment results
 Prepares an exercise program
 Monitors periodically one’s progress towards the fitness goals
 Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
 Reviews goals based on assessment results
 Describes the nature and background of the sport
 Executes the skills involved in the sport

Checking Student readiness on Google Forms

Lesson 1. Fitness for life
Watch Video on youtube
Powerpoint Presentation

Physical Fitness
Text in Study Guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Recall, Page 241)

Philippine Physical Fitness Test

Text in Study Guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Recall, Page 248)
Lesson 2. Individual Sports
Watch video in YouTube about the History of the Sport
Powerpoint Presentation

Track and Field

Text in Study guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Recall, Page 274)
Text on Study guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Recall, Page 286)

Video of Student Performing Activities under Physical fitness to be submitted on
shared folder on Google drive.


 MAPEH for Today’s Learner 7, 2018 edition, Phoenix publishing house.

Module 4. Health I

Human growth is the increase in the size of an individual, while human
development is a lifelong process of acquisition of various skills and abilities such as
walking, expressing feelings, and relating with others. As an individual goes through the
stages of life from infant to toddler, preschooler to grade schooler, and adolescence to
adulthood, enormous changes takes place.
Nutrition is a science that focuses on food – its nutrients and chemical
substances that affect body growth, processes and health. getting the proper amount of
the essential nutrients your body needs in your daily diet is crucial to your health.


 explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/ intellectual,

emotional, social, and moral-spiritual)
 analyzes the interplay among the health dimensions in developing holistic health
 practices health habits to achieve holistic health
 Recognize changes in different aspects of growth that normally happen during
adolescence years.
 recognizes that changes in different dimensions are normal during adolescence’
 explains the proper health appraisal procedures
 demonstrates health appraisal procedures during adolescence in order to
achieve holistic health
 applies coping skills in dealing with health concerns during adolescence
 identifies the right foods during adolescence
 explains the need to select food based on the nutritional needs during
 follows the Food Pyramid guide for adolescents and nutritional guidelines for
Filipinos in choosing foods to eat
 describes the characteristics, signs and symptoms of malnutrition and
micronutrient deficiencies
 discusses ways of preventing and controlling malnutrition and micronutrient
 explains the characteristics, signs and symptoms of eating disorders
 discusses ways of preventing and controlling eating disorders
 applies decision-making and critical thinking skills to prevent nutritional problems
of adolescents
True or False on kahoot/google forms

Lesson 1. Growth and development
Powerpoint Presentation

Holistic Health and health dimension

Text in Study Guide

Management of Health Concern during puberty

Text in Study Guide

Health Appraisal Procedure

Text in Study Guide

Check-in activity – Simulation (Scan the QR code on page 385, A for girls, B for boys)
Submit their reaction/refelection using Online text

Lesson 2. Nutrition
Powerpoint presentatiom
Watch video in YouTube about Nutrition

Nutritional guidelines
Text in Study guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Explain, Page 403)

Nutritional guidelines for Filipinos Appropriate during Puberty

Text on Study guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Recall, Page 411)

Nutritional Problems of Adolecents

Text on Study guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Explain, Page 421)

Quiz using google Forms

 MAPEH for Today’s Learner 7, 2018 edition, Phoenix publishing house.
Module 7. Physical Education II

Some players enjoy playing with a partner. Playing with a partner brings out the
best in you. You see him or her as the “enemy” and somehow it gets into your mind that
you have to win against this person. Your opponent is NOT the enemy. He or she is
your partner. Do you get inspired if your opponent or partner is less skillful than you?
Why of course not. The better your partner or opponents are, the bigger is the likelihood
of bringing the best out of you.
Countries in the world have their own culture made more colorful, beautiful, and
vibrant of folk dances that are refection of who they are. Philippine folk dances mirror
everyday life – the mood, expressions, and feeling on our common folks in different
regions. this has evolved into a beautiful tradition and culture bringing out the Filipino
creativity through the dance arts.


 Describes the nature and background of the Sports

 Reviews goals based on assessment results
 Executes the skills involved in the Sports
 Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
 Describes the nature and background of the dance
 Executes the skills involved in the dance

Checking Student readiness using Google Forms

Lesson 1. Dual Sports
Powerpoint Presentation
Video on youtube

Text in Study Guide

Combative Sports
Text in Study Guide

Check-in Activity – Video performing Basic Strikes of Arnis (Submit via google drive)
Lesson 2. Philippine Folk Dances
Powerpoint presentation
Video Presentation on Youtube

Philippine Folk Dances

Text in Study guide
Fundamentals of Folk Dancing
Text on Study guide

Check-in Activity : Perform the Basics in Folk dancing (Submit via Google Drive)

Quiz using Google Forms


 MAPEH for Today’s Learner 7, 2018 edition, Phoenix publishing house.

Module 8. Health II

Our most precious natural resources, as individuals and as a nation, is our
health. When we talk about personal health, it is not only just about a healthy body but
also a sound mental health. It is the condition where our body, as well as our mind, is
functioning properly. Good mental health allows us to live longer, achieve more, have a
better family life, more friends, and contribute to a safer and more productive society.
The world health organization (WHO) reports noncommunicable diseases to be
leading cause of death around the world, representing over 60% of all deaths and still
on the rise. The NCDs include the “Big 4” – cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic
respiratory disease, and diabetes.


 explains the factors that affect the promotion of good mental health
 explains that stress is normal and inevitable
 differentiates eustress from distress
 identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress
 identifies physical responses of the body to stress
 identifies people who can provide support in stressful situations
 differentiates healthful from unhealthful strategies in coping with stress
 demonstrates various stress management techniques that one can use every
day in dealing with stress
 explains the importance of grieving
 demonstrates coping skills in managing loss and grief
 discusses the types, sign, symptoms, and prevention, treatment and professional
care in managing common mental health disorders
 explains non-communicable diseases based on cause and effect, signs and
symptoms, risk factors and protective factors and possible complications
 corrects myth and fallacies about non-communicable diseases
 practices ways to prevent and control non-communicable diseases
 demonstrates self-monitoring to prevent non-communicable diseases
 promotes programs and policies to prevent and control noncommunicable and
lifestyle diseases
 identifies agencies responsible for non-communicable disease prevention and

Checking Student Awareness and Readiness using Google Forms/Kahoot
Lesson 1. Personal Health
Powerpoint Presentation
Video on youtube

Mental Health and Understanding Stress

Text in Study Guide

Coping with Stress and Depression

Text in Study Guide

Common Mental Disorders and Management

Text in Study Guide

Check-in Activity – Reflection using Discussion Forum/Google Forms/Microsoft Word

Lesson 2. Prevention and Control Diseases and Disorders.

Powerpoint presentation
Video Presentation on Youtube

Common Non-communicable disease

Text in Study guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Recall, Page 462)

Prevention and control of Non communicable Disease

Text on Study guide
Check-In Activity – Book Activity (Let’s Recall, Page 471)

Creating two Awareness Video about Mental Disorder and Noncommunicable
Disease (Submit via Google Drive and Post it in Social Media)


 MAPEH for Today’s Learner 7, 2018 edition, Phoenix publishing house.


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