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Answer the following questions:

1. What is the characteristic of the continents that Wegener used as evidence to his
Continental Drift Theory?
a. The characteristic of the continents that Wegener used as evidence to his
continental drift theory are the multiple fossils found in continents separated by
large bodies of water, the puzzle like appearance of different continents which
suggests that they were possibly connected a long time ago, the presence of coal
beds beneath antarctica, and glacial striations in tropical countries.
2. What do the Glossopteris fossils tell us about the early positions of the continents
a. The Glossopteris fossils tells us about the early positions of the continents
through the fact that they were once connected to each other and slowly drifted
apart through time. This can only be made possible if Australia, Antarctica, India,
South Africa, and South America were a part of a supercontinent. Which
suggests even more that Wegener’s theory was possible.
3. If Mesosaurus, Lystrosaurus and Cynognathus were found in Antarctica, where was the
initial location of this continent?
a. If Mesosaurus, Lystrosaurus and Cynognathus were found in Antarctica, we
could infer that the initial location of this continent was to the left of Australia,
beneath India, to the bottom left of Africa, and to the right of South America.
4. What does the presence of these fossils tell about the initial location and positioning of
South Africa and Antartica?
a. The presence of these fossils tell about the initial location and positioning of
South Africa and Antartica in regards that these continents were possibly
connected a long long time ago. Which even implicates even more Wegener’s
5. How are coal beds and glacial striations related to changes in the climatic zones?
a. The coal beds and glacial striations are related to changes in the climatic zones
in ways that ice topped lands could be once a marshy swamp, and that stones
and rocks that are exposed right now can be inferred that they were once
covered in ice. Since coal beds are made possible from swamp plants.
6. How can the limestone deposits in different continents prove that there were changes in
climatic zones?
a. The limestone deposits in different continents prove that there were changes in
climatic zones because limestones are only possible to be formed in tropical
places, which therefore can be concluded that limestones beneath cold places
were once tropical.
7. What clues are useful to Wegener in reconstructing the pangea?
a. The clues that are useful to Wegener in reconstructing the pangea are the fossils,
rock compositions, and their puzzle-like shapes.
8. If the continents will continue to drift, how do you see the earth million years from now?
a. If the continents will continue to drift, I see the earth million years from now in a
different position in correlation with their tectonic plate boundaries. The
continents with seafloor spreading between them would be separated even more,
and plates with convergent plate boundaries will move towards each other.
9. Where do you think was the Philippines located during the time that the pangea existed
based on how the Philippine archipelago was formed?
a. I think the Philippines was located during the time that the pangea existed, based
on how the Philippine archipelago was formed, that it is located in the Northern
Hemisphere, right beneath or beside Eurasian Plate.
10. Predict the location of the Philippines million of years from now
a. I predict that the Philippines would expand more to the left or even move
northward or southward and join either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.

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