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"Multiple choice questions for 1 Semester BA Philosophy (Private) Core- Introduction to philosophical Methods 4. intllectual midwifery is the theory of knowledge put forward by: (2) Plato (bythales () Comte (Socrates — isa Skeptic (2) Davie Hume( b )Emmanuel Kant (c) Hegel) None of these _EsseestPercil isthe concept of (2) Rene Descartes (b) Benedict Spinoza (c) George Berkeley d) Francis Bacon 4, The metaphysical view that there are many raltes is known as (2 )Buatsm (b) pluralism (€) Menism (4) Non-cualsm 5. The theory that holds reason 2: the ource of knowledge it (idealism Rationalism ((c) Empiricism d None ofthe above 6. Inborn ideas ate known a (2) Adventitiousideas(o) Factitious ideas ((c) nate ideas d) a bac 7-The Philosophy of Hegel is krown 2s ( 2) Phenomenal idealism b ) Personal idealism (c) Objective idealism dJAbsolute idealism 8B. The founder of Postusm is (2) Saint simon{b }C.$ Perce ((c) August Comte( ¢ Francis Bacon 8, The author of Novum Organum is (2) Rene Descartes(b) Lemnitzer ((c)John Dewey(é) Francs Bacon 10, The scence of values is known as (8) Axology(b) Sociology ((b Ontology ¢ ) Cosmology LLL Metaphysis I the work of (2) Socrates(b) Plate ((c) Aristotle d) Thales 12 Early Skepticism is also known as, (2 )pyithonism| b) Positivism (c) Materialism 4} idealism 13. The Greek word Pragma means (9) Truth b ict or deed (c) uuiity d) Beauty 14. The author of Republic (2) Socrates{bJDeseartes () Plato( d) Home 15. The metaphysical view that there fs one wltiate reality called (2) Duatsm( bPraism ((¢)Monism d) None ofthese 16, According to the madern scientists matters (3) Ught( b) Every (Cc) lesion( a) Allof these 17.——— tsa Greek atomist (2) Democritus) Xenophanes (c)Xenophon( a) Zeno ABepistemology stucies (2) Origin and Nature of tnowledge b Validity of knowledge (c) Extend of knowledge ( 4] 2, b&ec 11, The two branches of Metaphysics are (2) Religion and Theology b ) Rationalism and Empiricism ((€) Ontology and Cosmology(d) Materialism and Spirtuaism 20. The thre eistempers of learning according to. Francs Bacon are: (alMing, body and God(b)deas, experience and thought. (clrantastca contentious and delicate (o)Tribe, cave and theatre 21Philezophy is concerned with (2) The irrational (b)Beauty (Cc) The ideal(d experimentation 22.€thicsiga — (a)Positve science (b) Normative scence (c) Descriptive scence(d) None ofthese 23, === seeks to clarify and refine the process of knowing (a) Epistemology (b) Axilogy (e)Metaphysics (3) Ethics 24, The Latin ward ~~ isthe raot of rationalism (2) sophia (b) Reason (c)Ratio (4) Experiential 25, ———— insists on 2 prio krowledee. (a) Positivism (5) Empiricism (Rationalism 6) None of these 26, ———— was written by Kant (2)NowmOrganum —([b) Republic (c)Grtique of Pure Reason. d) polities 27. Ontology deals with (a) Matter () Knowledge Le) Being (4) None of these 28, The method of Kant was (2) Dialectic () critical (c) Speculative (4) Conversational 25, True knowledge is (2) Prama{b)Aprama (¢)Pramana( ¢ ) Prameya 30. Berkeley argues tha all knowledge Is Gerlved from (2 impression () ideas (Axioms (4) Postuates 31, ———— helps in getting correct knowledge through anumana (2) Waptilb) Paksha {(c)Sadhyal é) Badha 32 The words of a trustworthy person isknown as. (3) Satya(b} Dharma (ec) Aptavakyat¢ ) ings '331n Philosophy, whats an argument? (3) Debatet b) Verbal persuasion {(c) Rational justification (4) opposition 34.The method of philosophy is (2) Rational reflection (2) Dogmatism () Empercal study (2) Revelation 35, ~~ isa materialist, (2) Gautama (b) Hegel (e) Mane (4) Spinozs 36. The author of Advancement of Leatning (2) Karl Marx {(b) Thomas Hobbes {(c) Francis Bacon (3) Kant 37. Atheory is conclusion, where asa method isa (a) style (b Manner (c) inference (4) Procedure 38. Philosophy isthe root and sciences the (2) Fruit (©) Branch {(c) Nourishment (4) Stem '39.Who said? Philosophy i the Science of sciences (2)Piato (b)vottare (c) August's Comte () Russell 40,Bacon recommended ‘method to attain correct knowledge (a) Inductive (b) Intuitive (c) Mathematical (4) Doubt 41.Questions of philosophy are———— ones (a) Causal (1b) systematic {Cc} Inconsistent ([d)bogmatic 42, ———— said “whatever is Clearly and dstnely perceived is true” (a) Locke (b) Berkeley (c) Descartes (d) None of these 43 According to Skepticism knowledge is ———- (a) certain () Possible (c) Uncertain (€) None ofthese 4. Cosmology was the characteristic of——— Philosophers (2) lonian (b) cartesian (€) Scholastic (a)allthese 45,For idealism ——— is primary (2) Mind () Bo9y () Perception (1d) Sense experience 46.The problem of Universals was frst introduced into philosophy by: (a) Aquinas (b) Aristotle () Plato (6) Berkeley 47."Tabula asa” is the term coined by: (2) John Locke (op Kant (c) Socrates (4) Spinoze 48,The author of Meditations (2) Leibniz (1) Pataniali (ec) Descartes () Kannada 49,The only pramana accepted by Carvakos (a) inference {) Comparison (c) Verbal testimony (4) Perception S0.Nyaya syllogism has ——— statements (a) One (o)Fve (ec) Three (e)TW0 51.The two Heteradox schools in indian Philosophy are: (2) Nyaya and Vaiseska ((c) Sankhya and Yoga( d ) Purva and Uttar 52 The father of philosophy (2 )eseartes () Aristotle '53.Who said "Two things filme with awe and wonder the starry heavens above and the Moral lave within’. (a) Kar! Man: (e) Kant {(b) Buddhism and Jainism (b) Tales (4) Francis Bacon (0) Bertrand Russel! (4) Davie Hume S.A Treatise of Human Natures the work of: (a) Karl Popper (ohn Dewey '55.The mest orignal contribution of Americans thought atthe end of nineteenth century (2) Pragmatism (b) Positivism () Empiricism (4) Rationalism '56.According to Kant genuine knowledge appears in the Form of——— judgements, (a) Anal (b) Synthetic {c) Synthetic posteriori (4) Synthetica prior S7.Leibniz was a— (2) Monist (b)Pluralst (4) Dualst (4) Non-duatist, '538.Who is known a Cartesian dualist? (2 ) August Comte (e) St. Thomas Aquinas 59.Who is the father of modern philosophy? (2) Descartes (e) Hobbes 60, ~—~is a Subjective idealist (2) Hegel (e) Pato (b) David Hume (6 )Jobn Locke (1b) Rene Descartes (8) Derrida (0) Spinoza (4) Leibniz () kent (6) Berkeley 61. Who isa philosopher, inthe orignal sense of the word? (2) A person primary interested in the tuth about moral matters (b) Someone who studies the stars and planets. (e) Adlever and tricky argues. (4) Alover ané pursuer of wisdom, regardiess ofthe subject matter. 62.The three main divisions ofPilesophy are metaphysics, epistemology, and — (8) Aiology (1b Sociology ((c) Anthropology (¢) Cosmology (3) Propostion ()Prepostion 64 The st Philosophy refers to— (3. Aesthetics (€lepstemoloey 65. The uy of posophy timate (3) ogmatism (e1 Bing ath 6 Mathematics sa study of certain and — (a) Self- evident. (1) Sylogism (4) Cause () Metaphysies (4) Ethies {oy crvear ishing (a) all these — wuths {) Numerical (€) geometrical (4) Theoretical 67.Descartes was a ———thinker (2) Empericalb) Rational (c)Materialistic (4) Ideatste G6E.Which American mathematician philosopher lsd the foundation of Pragmatism (2) Wiliam James (b)1. Dewey (e) cs Pierce (4) Spinoza 69.The Problem of Knowledge was written by (a) Aristotle () Plato (ec) AdAver (4) colingwood ‘Ta.spinoza's method is known as——— (a) Axiomatic (b) Theoretical (ec) Geometrical (4) Douist 17. The study ofthe origin and development ofthe universe is known as~ (2) Ontology (b ) Cosmology () Zoology (4) Sociology 72. Who said ?"God is deac* (2) Schopenhauer. (b) Sarre (e) Popper (a) Nietasche 73, Wha isthe father of existentialism? (2) Soren Kierkegaare () cams (c) Sartre (4) Heidegeer 74.——— Introduced the term Aesthetis (2) Kant (bo) Hegel ((c) Baumgarten( d) ristove 75 Socraticmethod is (2) Skeptical (0) conceptual (} Conversational All ofthese ‘7e.The theory of understanding is explained in transcendental ——— (2) anamic. (b) synthetic (c) Aesthetic (4) Pragmatic ‘77. Know thysel the maxim of ——— (2)Piato (b)zen0 (Cc) Socrates (¢) Aristotle 78.Phaedros isthe Work of (2) Heracitus () Aristophanes (ec) Plato (8) Anaxagoras 79. Cogito ergo sum means (2) doubt therefore tam {(b) think therefore 1am (c} see therefore! am (d) question therefore Lam Bo.Lelbniz was a ——— thinker (2) Enalsh (French Ce} German (6) american {Plato was the teacher of ——— (2) Georgias| () Socrates (c)Arstate (4) Protogoras 82. ———— is an Empiricist (a) locke () Berkeley (e} Hume {d) allot these £83. The doubt of Descartes should not be confused with — (2) Skepticism ()Salipsiem (€) leealsm (4) Intitorism 24, Locke is 2 — (2) ealst () phenomenclogist (€) Critical realist (4) Representative realist 85, The Skepticism of Descartes isknown as (2) Pure Skepticism ((b) phenomenal Skepticism ((c) Methodological Skepticsm (4) None of these 36 Who said “Accept nothing as true which we do not perceive clearly and distinctly (2) Descartes () Spinoza (e) Leibniz (e) nant 87, ~~~ explained the world with the theory of Monads (2) Democritus (8) St. Anselm ()Leibriz (4) William tames £88.——— is said tobe the origin of Pilosonhy (2)Greed{ b) Wonder (a Fear(d) None ofthese 88, The mind body relationship theory of Descartes is known as——— (2) Psycho physical parallelism (b) Interactionism (c)Preestablshedharmony __(d) None ofthese 90 Wittgenstein says that language is (8) Statement (1b) Picture of reality ((c Judgement (4) Concept 91.———— rejected Metaphysics as meaningless (2) Logical postivists (b)Rationatiss (c) Hdealstst d} Spirtuaists 92.——— means knowledge that follows some other knowledge (2) pratyaksalb) Upamane ((c) Sabdal d) Anumana 93.The invariable concomitance between hetu and sadhya is known as (2) wyapatib)Paksa (ehlinga (4) None ofthese ‘94 The Pramana for knowing the nonexistence of a things (2) Arumana(b) Upamana (c)Arthapathi d) Anupalabah '95.Agama comes under — (3) Sabha (0) Pratyaksa (c) Amumanat d) Upasana 96.According to Indian epistemology the person whe knows i (2) premeya( b ) Pramatha ((c}Prama( d) Arama 97.In Nyaya syllogism the statement tobe proved i known as (2 Pratinjalb ) Major premise {(¢) Udaharana{ ¢ )Nigamana 98.——— is krown as queen Science (2) Mathematis (b) Physics {(¢) Philosophy (€) Psychology 99.The author of Discourse ofthe method is ——— (2) arte (b) Descartes [(c) Malebranche( d ) Hobbes 300-The author of Prince is (2) Machiavel {) Plato (e) Bruno (4) Aristotle 201i india Philosophy is known as ——— (2) Beahma vidya (b) Atmabosha (}Darshana (4) Youavieya| 102.The philosophy of God is called——— (2) Theology (2) Religion () philology (4) All of these 103.The proponent of Advaitha Vedanta i (2) Ramanuia (bo) Madtvacharya {¢)Jaimini(¢) Sankara 108, NyayaVaisesika accepts —. pramanas (a) Two () Three () Five, (¢) Four 105, The philosopher seks to harmonise the ideals of Truth, Good and ——— (a) ove, () Gos (elbeauty (4) knowledge 106 Henri Bergson advocated: { 2) Intltionism {) Empiricism {(c)Apriorsm (6) Sensationaism 107.——— says "Understanding makes Nature". (2) Bergson (b) Herbert spencer (c) Kart (4) Lamarck 108,The highest Value inthe Purusharthas (2) artha () Kama () Dharma (a) Mokse 109, Dialectical materialism is the theory of—- (3) Hegel () Mane (e)Nietesche {(4) Schopenhauer 110,——— is the father of Spirituaitc pluralism (2) Locke(b ) Dewey (e)tebniz (6) W. James ALL, === accepted four kinds of cause (2) Aristotle. ([b] David Hume (e)1.5 mi (4) Plato 112.The author of Passions of the Soul (2) Spinoza (oy AL Ayer (carsttl (4) Descartes 113,——— said" Philosophy is the science of knowledge * (2) Scheling (b) Fiche (e) Mare (d) Bruno a believes inthe transcendence of God (3) Deis (0) Theis (c) Agnosticism. (a) atheism 115.Aecording to ——— alls God and Gos is al. (2) Monothelsm. (>)Monism ((c) Henothesm. (4) Pantheism 116, According to Kant knowledge appears inthe form of (2) Statement (b) Reasoning {(¢) Judgement. (2) Proposition 1117. Spacetime and categories of understanding are ~~~ forme of knowledge (2 )apriei (1b) aposterion {e) intuitive (d)allof these 118,—— = isthe work af Kant (2)teviatnan (critique of ldgement (e) Ethics (Republic sustranscendental aesthetic deals with the theory of (2) Understanding (>) Sensations () Aesthetic ludgement (d) Moral udgement 4120, this i alsa known 2s ——— (2) Aiolory {b} Moral Philosophy (¢)Usitaranism, (d)allot these 121 Philosophy af art comes und (2 )Aesthetis. (ethics ((¢) Anthropology. (4) None ofthese are the supreme norms of ie. (2) Men () Gods (eWValues. (4) Allof these 4123. NihioNiife means—- (2) think therefore 1am, (b) Out of nothing comes nothing (c)To be or not to be (8) None ofthese 124.The philosophy of the Upanishadis Known as ——— (2) Non- Oualism. (>) Monistic Spiritualism (c) Duals, (4) Pluralism awoke Kant from his dogmatic slumber (a) Locke ‘s empiricism, (b) Hume’sessays () Lebo’ tas. (d) Berkeley's Dialogues 126.0erial ofthe ulimate knowledge of the exstence of God is known as——— (3) Atheism, (b) Agnosticism (e)Theism (4) None of these 127, believes reason as the source of knowledge (2) Rationalism, {b) Empericism (€) 6ealsm. (4) None of these 1128.The author of Poetics is ——— (2) Plato. (b) Aristotle (c) Homer, (6) None of these 129.8uddhism isa philosophy of (3) pluralism () Monism ('b) Duals (e)None of these 130,——— isan Absolote idealist, (a) Kant () Hegel (1) Hume. (0 Descartes 131.Descartes was born at (2) Touraine( Amsterdam () Vienna, (4) Marseile 1132.The Advancement of Learning was writen by (3) EdmuraHusserl_(b) Francis Bacon (c) Henry Bergson. (4) None of these 133,——— ica mil empericist, (2) davis Hume. (0) Berkeley (Hohn Locke. (4) None ofthese 134 Spinoza was despised as an by the Jews (a }pantheist (b) Atheist, (e)Theist. (d)allofthese 1235.Resextensa means — (2) Extended thing (b) Goa (e) Thinking substance {(d) None ofthese 136. Its the art of ——— which brings other men’s ideas ta birth (2) deception {b) Oratory (c}intllectual midwifery (4 Jl ofthese 137.——— Greek philosophers known for his probing questions (2) Socrates (b) Plato (a) Aristotle ()Zene 138.The etymological meaning of Philosophy Is. (3) Love of God, () Love of wisdom (Ce) Love of truth (6) Love of Knowledge 139,The idol that stands for a persons individual inhibitions is known as— (2) cave (b) Theatre ((c) Market Pace. (a) Tribe 140.The author of Introduction to Positive Philosophy (2) Francis Bacon (b) Henry Bergson {(¢) August Comte (€) None ofthese 141,——— is also known as First Philosophy (a) Epistemology. () Aiology {(¢) Metaphysics (6) lof these 142.The word aesthetis is derived from the Greek word — (2) Aestia|b) Aesthonomies ((c) Aisthetikos (d) None of these 143,The 18” century German thinker who initiated dramatic changes inthe fel of Aesthetics is ——— (2 )teibniz.——(b) Kant ((c) Nietzsche (4) Schelling 144.n the word Epistemology epistem means——— (2 knowledge (b) Theory (c) Science. (4) None of these | Francis Bacon was an advocate and practitioner of ——— method (2) Positive (1) Logical (ec) Seientine (4) Mathematical 146.There are ——— ystems or Schools in Indian Philosophy (2) Two. () Seven (esi (4) Four 187 Isa heterodox schoo! (2) Nyayaveisesikal b ) Sankhya Yoga (c) Carvakal d) Advaita 148,——— isan idealist (2) Berkeley (b) John Dewey (c) Locke, (d) Allof these 149, isa realist (a) Kant. (Locke (c) Hegel (4) None of these isa Methodological skeptic (a)Pyrtho, (b) Hume (4) Descartes. (d) All ofthese 4151 The tendency of human nature t have certain incorrect conclusions is known as ((b) idol of the tribe (2)idolofthe cave (c)idol ofthe theatre. (¢) None ofthese 152.According to Comte (2) Metaphysical stage {(c) Theological stage. 153.Bacon took up ~—— ideas to builé an inductive approach. (2) Aristotelian, {) Platonic 4154. Thea priori factors in sensation are ———and —- (2) Mind ana Body. {pace and Time. () Thoueht ander isthe stage ofthe society dominated by religion (b)Scientiiestage (4) None of these () Socratic (d)allthe three (4) allof these 185, A particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something is calleé a ——— (a) Routine, (Experience (b) Methos (4) Allthe three 156, A person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual is 2 (a) skeptic (b) crite (6) optimise. (a) Pessimist 157. Aecorsng toto Kant there are ———— categories (al Two (o) Thee e) Four (a) Five 158m the rat stage of hs philosophical Carer Kant was 8— (a) Rationale, (b) empincst. (ede (ites 159,hilosopher King was the concept of ——— (a) stot (Socrates (c).Plaw. (4) Thales 160.——— jrvoved direct sense object contact Comment ome (2) Verbal testimony. (1b) Perception (inference. 161 Sense Object contact is techrically called ——— (2) apt b) Anumati (c)Sannikarsha 162.0reinary perception isknown 3s. (2) laukika perception. {(c)Alaukika Perception. (Hew (4) Comparison (0) Yoic Perception (a) None ofthese 163. The higher Values in fe s named as——— (a) Aryasatya () Purusarthas ()Lokasayta (4) None ofthese 464, The perception in which the qualities ofan objects determined i known as——— (2) Nivkalpaka Perception, b) Savkalpaka perception () Yogic Perception (4) Nore of these 465. The ground an which the inference is made (ae (b) Sadia (1) Paksad) Alf these =16.The Sanskrit woré Upamana means (2) implication () comparison {) inference (d) Perception 4167, Philosophy aims at finding the (2) Fundamental principles ofthe world (by Absolute («)soul (8) Allof these 1168. The science of morals is known (2) Ethics. Ty toa () Aesthetis (4) Religion 169, ~~ i known as the father of Logic (2) sma (b)avistotle (¢) Socrates. (4) creighton -170-The theee faculties of the ming are thinking, feeling and (2) Wing (b) Believing (e)Dowsting (8) None of these 171.Logi is the selence of corect — (a) Behaving (b) Thinking (6) appreciation (c)None of these isa positive philosophy (2) Psychology. (b )togic (Co) Ethics. (4) Aesthetics 1173.Jeemey Bentham is3 ———-philosopher (2) Religious (0) Moral ( }Environment (8) structural 174n ————the faculty of thinking is pu to study (a) ethics. (Logie (c)Aesthatis. (0) Al of these 1175.The pramana which relies on implication is ——— (2) arthapathi (>) Anvpalabshi (Perception. (4) None ofthese 176.——— inspted Comte to Philosophy (ayssmi (0) saint simon ((c} Herbert Spencer. (6) None ofthese 177.The author of lad is (2) Homer, () Dante (c) Hesiod (4) Aristotle £178Spinoze's Monism is known as (2) Abstract Monism. {b) conerete mona (c} Phenomenal monism. (a)allot these 179.atarx’s theory on the evolution of matters known as — (2) Emergent evolution (b)Materia Evolution () Dialectical Materialism. (4) None ofthese 180, Subjective idealism reduces matte to — (a) Mine. (b) Goa (c) Sensations. (d) Allof these {181 The idol which stands for words men use in the commercial of dally fe is known 2s (2) Idol of the cave (b) tot the that (dl ofthe market place (4) dol the 1182 Descartes mathematical method consist in intuition and — (2) Induction (8) Deduction (€) Observation (4) None of these 183.The author of Essay concerning Human Understanding is (2) Berkley. (b) Descartes () Locke, (6) Hume 184 The author of Three Dialogues between Hyles and Philonous (2) Berkeley (b) Locke () Socrates (6) Plato 485. In indian philosophy ———— is a materialist school (a) Advaitha (b) Mimamasa (e)¥ora (4) Carvaka 186. Locke rejected — {2)seul (0) 60a () Matter. (4) Innate ideas 187 Hume rejected (a)soul () Goa (c) Matter (4) all ofthese 188.According to Descartes in Mathematis we begin with ——— (a) axioms. () calculations (c) assumptions (4) None ofthese 1189.The method of Descartes is also known as——— (2) Cartesian Method. (1b) osesive method (Dialectic Method. (4) critical Methos 190.The end portion ofthe Vedas are Known as (a) Brahmanas (b) Mantras {(¢] Upanishads, (6) Aranyakas| 191.Monadology i the work of — (a)Leibniz. {b) Descartes (c) Hume. (6) Comte 192.The oldest iterature in the world (2) Mahabrarata (0) Ramayana (c) Vedas (6) Puranas 193.Athelsm i affliated to (2) Spiritualism (0) Materiaism (c) Agnosticism. (a) Allof these 184 Philosophy ~——- the highest conclusions of different sciences (2) Harmonises. () Contradits| (proves. () differentiates 195. The Theory of being is known as ——— (2) Cosmology. () Ontology (a Epistemology (3) Biology 196.——— believed in One ultimate reality (2) Buddhism, (jainism () Upanishads. (6)allthe three 197-Advaita Vedanta accepted — (2) Four (e} six: (d) one 198.The abhava ofa thing is known through —- (2) Anupalabdhi(b ) Arthapathi (} Sabda(d} None ofthese 1199 Normative Science studies a thing ——— (a)Asiis (0) As tought to be (c) Botha and 6 (6) Neither a and b 200;Tales is the father of — (2) Modern Philosophy (b JPhitasophy (c] Indian Philosophy (d) Medieval Pilesophy a 19.¢ 206 rie 2b 23a re ae 2 2 2b 2a 30b Bia Bae Be aaa ase ase ad aaa aac “oa a1b ae Be ‘sa ase aa ae sib s2b stb ssa sé stb sa 583 soe sie ea ot 55 13 nb ne a me 158 13 Te 738 aie ena 85 are 8a 585 S08 ous o2e 932 oe ANSWER KEY 8 A Philosophy Private MC Question Bank- 2018 Core: Introduction to Philosophical Methods 952 368 978 oe 38.6 aoa 105 1053 wore one 103 noe ama ime ab nse 16 usb nob ma me mb nap sb usb ims nab 33 1308 amb ab sa nee neh ns3 M03 aie mare mab Mas use 1833 ssc 1653 1866 as a3 aoea 195 awe 1983 1995 Dr. Kartka TS ‘Associate Professor of philosophy NSS Hindu College CChanganacherry

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