Insights Into The Current

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INSIGHTS INTO THE CURRENT (YEAR 2021) WORLD ORDER (Tenth Part of the Series of

the Essay)
(Continuation of the Sub-topic, "Pandemics and Pestilences)
Adding two and two equals five, the world's overall situational perspective at present undeniably
appears so unpleasant in the face of Gargantuan challenges that it is endeavoring untiringly to
surmount. Those collosal challenges seem to be ugly reared numerous heads of a monster,
which is all-set to trounce, crush and devour the whole world itself. Lo and behold! it takes only
a lil' bit of acumen, but a lot of acuity of vision for anyone to be able to perceive the stark reality
that such uncomely multi-headed-monster-like challenges have hurled this world to a thumping
slump onto the ground, in a manner of speaking. Overriding among those gigantic challenges is
the grave planet-wide ecological crisis. It is accompanied by serious global health crisis brought
about by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the two being intrinsically interconnected with each other.
If merely for the sake of taking a glimpse over the windows and doors of our souls, which mean
metaphorically our eyesights and intellect, respectively, to the world outside of our own personal
island-life and comfort zone, we would be able to find out that this world we are living in has
become a very unsightly spectacle to watch and to think about of making a blueprint for the
sake of giving a good life to our own family. It just seems that today man's dream, aspiration
and ambition to live a better life would just return back to whence they came from---scratch!
With the harshness of life to man himself, it looks as if the world has sadly turned into a big void
filled with misgivings and emptiness . Woe! to those who have brought forth this grimly mournful
milieu into this world because of the destruction they have had inflicted to it. The Almighty will
surely punish you all when the time for His reckoning of what you have done in this world
To those who care to know the ratiocination behind this sort of postulated outlook, I am obliging
myself to give it to you.
To begin with, let us take for instance the splendid natural scenic landscape of the different land
formations, such as the hills, plains, planteaus, valleys, ravines, canyons and mountains
together with the various bodies of water, such as the rivers, lakes, falls, spring, lagoons,
shoals, coves, bays, seas and oceans, aren't they considered a many splendored things? Of
course, yes, they are! But what have happened to them now? Haven't they been ruined by
mining concessionqires who are dissolutely greedy for money or material wealth? Well, the truth
is that, those extremely deep and large-scale excavations that have been done, and still being
done continually, have had gradually, and over a period of time, have had cumulatively
massively destroyed those different land formations and various bodies of water. Trite to say,
miners conduct digging activities to make ditches, trenches and tunnels, as well as channels
beneath the earth surface, in search for minerals, such as coal, fuel oil, ore and other precious
metals. To test the genuineness of the metallic elements, such as nuggets of gold or silver, that
they were able to find, they use mercury, a heavy silvery metallic element, which turn
deliquescence in form at ordinary temperatures. Such a process of testing is called assaying ,
which, sometimes, when conducting it, it could not be avoided that the mercury in deliquesced
form might be spilled over the body of water, in which the mining activity, or nigh it, is being so
conducted. Needless to state, the element of mercury is hazardous to health of both human
beings and other living organisms when ingested by them, or when they imbibed the water
contaminated with it. Deliquescence mercury could be dissoluble in moisture, so much more in
water, so that when it is spilled in a body of water, it might melt with it and flow down along the
current of the steam of the body of water, thereby causing a threat to the ecological balance
within the vicinity, wherein the spilt over occurred.
Intensifying the ruins inflicted to the environment or ecological system by birdbrained,
shortsighted, selfishly greedy mining concessionaires are the eccentric, lacking foresight, are
the burger-gourmand ranch owners, who, because of their power and influence, were able to
obtain public-land-stewardship concessions over forest or timberlands and transform them into
grazing or pasturelands. The concession contract contains usually a stipulation that upon the
lapse of a specific period of time the public-land-stewardship concessionaire shall thereby
become the absolute owner of such public land through the issuance to him of a homestead
patent by the government. They set ablaze vast timberlands, even rainforests, in order to raze
those impressively tall trees to the ground for the purpose of converting those timberlands or
rainforests into grazinglands or pasturelands where their large cattle animals, such as bison,
oxen, sheeps, deers and horses, etc., can graze or pasture, and,which when the right time
comes, will be slaughtered to produce meats of beeves and venisons, which, in turn, are made
into hamburgers, or steaks, or stenkburgers for food consumptions of people not just those
living in the Western Hemisphere, but also of people all over the world. Like the motivating force
in the case of mining concessionaires ranch owners do conduct their detestable activities
merely for the sake of money or material wealth even if they are so detrimental to the
environment or ecological system. Thus, again, the bottomline that lies beneath the problem is
inordinate greed for worldly riches.
Exacerbating such insatiable greed of mining concessionaires and ranch owners is the
irresponsibleness of logging concessionaires in cutting or felling down forest or timberland trees,
or even trees in those areas that have been reserved by the government as protected for wildlife
sanctuary or watershed purposes. Not only do the logging concessionaires destroy the
imposingly areboreal vista of towering trees in those forests or timberlands, but they do also
create a situation that gives rise to a milieu fraught with dangers to human beings and other
living organisms, such as increasing the percentage of the possibilities of soil erosions, er even
landslides, or flash floods within the vicinities of those sites of uncontrolled logging activities. It
is, indeed, a superfluity to state that the impetus that pushes the mining concessionaires and
ranch owners to pursue doing their iniquitous activities is likewise the impelling stimulus that
actuates the logging concessionaires to perform their crap. The inevitable conclusion is that,
these are all for the sake of money or material wealth, no more, no less.
Undoubtedly, the injuries or damages inflicted to the environment or ecological system
everywhere across the whole world by mining concessionaires, ranch owners and logging
concessionaires and other prospectors, through their unjust activities, do really pose imminent
threats of annihilation to humanity. If it is not a commonplace to state man's unrestrained abuse
of the environment or ecological system is what probably, unknowingly to man himself, have
induced the one-celled organisms falling under the Animal Kingdom of Protozoa to reemerge
into the Earth's environment, and to also become much more virulent, in the form of virus, of
which rare phenomenon is hithereto unparalleled in medical science history. It is my hunch or
intuition that such reemergence of protozoan organisms in the form of virus is Mother Nature's
means of getting even with humanity for the latter's intemperance in dealing with environment or
ecological system of this planet.
Hence, those monstrous challenges that the world is chivalrously combatting with to overcome
have made this world an awfully ugly thing to look at and to hopefully contemplate for the arrival
of a new dawn filled with fresh radiant hopes and mind-boggling pretty good promises for a
brighter and more colorful day,so to speak. It is truly heart-rending to see and mull over the real
situation today that wherever we go the countenances of people around are half-coverd with
face mask, or even, fully with face shield, and that they have to be situated for at least one (1)
meter away from each other whenever they are in places where people congregate. It is
likewise aching to our hearts, and causing us anxiety and mental anguish, or even mental
torture, to ponder over the fact that those once closely-knitted families, which have been set
distant apart from one another by ordinarily normal life's circumstances , such as by marriage,
or by job destination, very seldom, if ever, they do see or visit each other now because of
lockdown or travel restriction orders, or even out of one's own personal imposition spurting out
of his reluctancy , that, in turn, has been the offshoot of his worry and perturbation that he might
be a carrier of virus, and, thus, he may infect his loved ones, if ever he would see or visit them.
Moreover, equally disgusting is the fact that if anyone is desirous to travel to another place
which is not within the territorial jurisdiction of the place where he would come from, rather
falling to another, or abroad, he should first submit to any kind of microbiological or virological
laboratory test, such as swab test for RT-PCR, saliva test or antigen test, for the purpose of
determining whether or not he is infected with the Novel Corona Virus of 2019 (or SARS-COV2),
which, as we all know, is the cause of COVID-19, a truly highly communicable disease. Of
course, the laboratory test must be performed by a duly authorized or accredited microbiological
laboratory by the line government agency or instrumentality specifically mandated or granted by
law, or by the nature of its function, or incidental to it, to so grant such authority or accreditation.
If the result of his laboratory test is that it shows that he is positive with infection of COVID-19,
he'll not be permitted to travel. He'll instead, he will be brought to a quarantine facility for
segregation and observation if asymptomatic. If his illness is mild or moderate he'll be put in an
isolation facility for treatment. If it is a severe case, he'll be brought to the hospital for intensive
care treatment. Contact tracing shall also be conducted with those whom he has interacted
with.People who have been contact traced shall also be subjected to swab test. Otherwise, they
shall be required to self-quarantine for fourteen days, which is the duration deemed to be the
length of time for the incubation period of the virus. The same process will be followed in case
the person under quarantine manifested COVID-19 symptoms. But if his lab test showed that he
is negative of the virus, he'll be released from the burden of compulsory self-quarantine. And,
he'll be allowed to travel, but he has to have with him other travel documents, which duly
authorizes him to travel, aside from the laboratory result indicating that he is negative of the
infection of such a viral disease.Trite to say that the process of securing those necessary
papers is not only tedious, but also hurting to one's purse or wallet.
In the light of the foregoing considerations, I am somehow able to recall the pithy saying that
runs this way, thus---
"If you persists in doing such and such things, you'll produce such and such results." It goes
without need of saying that such an aphorism is at all fours with the situation existing in the
midst of mankind, owing to the threats being posed by the planet-wide ecological crisis and the
world wide heath crisis because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, both of which crises could be due
to the rashness and irrationality of man, which are leading him into no other direction, but
toward self-destrution. In this regard, there's no one else for man to put the blame, but unto
himself all alone. The plunging headlong of this world into the depth of pretty-how-do-you-do-
situation is nothing, but the lamentable consequences of his imprudence and insolence to
Mother Nature. (To be continued)


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