Essay Templete ASBM v3 June 22

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Student Name:

Student ID Number:

Programme Title

Essay Title Evaluate the argument that it is important for modern

society to maintain World Heritage Sites
Programme Start Date
(e.g. September 2021)
Tutor’s Name


NB: the sections below serve as a guide on writing your Essay and should NOT appear in your final
draft work (Remove all the guides including the section numbers (You may leave the headings)
before submitting your SUMMATIVE COPY).

1.0 Introduction (Apprx 150 words)

o Introduce your work by explaining the purpose and objectives of this essay (explain
what this essay is all about).
o Briefly explain the background information to the assignment. i.e academic
writing/skills, the World Heritage Site and explain ANY relevant key terms/words i.e
Tourism Industry, Academic malpractice… (Include in-text citations)..
o Give an overview of what you are going to write in this essay (write 2.0 – 4.0) in your
own words.

2.0 The history and background of World Heritage Sites (WHS) (Apprx 400 words).
o Briefly explain how the idea of how the WHS started.
o Explain the different types of heritage sites and the process of creation, selection, and
nomination of a heritage site.

3.0 Historic Site Preservation (Apprx 400 words)

o Research on and explain the importance of preserving historical sites.
o Evaluate the social, cultural and economic advantages to a place being declared as a
World Heritage Site.
 Evaluate the socio-cultural impact.
 Evaluate the economic impact.

4.0 Evaluate the adverse impacts of the World Heritage Sites (Apprx 400 words)
o Using reputable sources, research and analyse how the World Heritage Site affected the
tourism industry adversely. You may use some real examples to support your point.
o Give recommendations on what steps could be taken to minimize the negative impact
on tourism in these sites.

5.0 Summary and Conclusion (Apprx words 150)

o Summarise the whole essay in a brief and clear form.
o Make any recommendation on the importance for modern society to maintain World
Heritage Sites.

6.0 References
 You need to use Harvard Style referencing
 Include at least 10 references and list them in Alphabetical Order!
 You must not reference any user-generated sources of information such as Wikipedia or
Examples of Harvard style of referencing.
Foltean, F. S., Trif, S. M. and Tuleu, D. L., (2019) Customer relationship management capabilities and
social media technology use: Consequences on firm performance. Journal of Business Research, 104,
Jobber, A. Ellis- Chadwock F (2016) Principles and Practice of Marketing: 8th ed. McGraw- Hill

Pillemer, N. (2020) 10 Advantages of E-Commerce for Consumers & Businesses. Available at: (accessed on 10 March

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