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Katelynn Maynor

EDU 214
Assignment 3

1. Three resources that can be found on the CSN Education Resources webpage are CSN

Library Resources, CSN Catalog, and the CCSD Calender. The CSN Library Resources

can help you find websites and other resources that you can use for your classes. You can

search for books by name, author, and even ISPN number. The CSN Catalog can helo

you to find the books you may need by typing in the course. The CCSD calender is a

calender that is put out for CCSD that marks important dates, and days that there may not

be school.

2. The three steps that go into CCSD field observation placements are locating your

geographic location, use this location to choose a school in that region then finding that

schools 3-didget CCSD Location Code. After this you fill out the form and submit your

data then wait.

3. Three databases that can be used to conduct research are Buisness Source Elite,

Newspaper Source Plus, and Religion & Philosophy Collection.

4. “Standards describe what students need to know and be able to do at each grade level. In

Nevada, these standards are considered the floor, not the ceiling, for student learning and

performance. This document serves as a framework to guide districts in creating their

curriculum based on the states standards. It is essential that the standards are not taught in

isolation; rather, multiple standards are taught within a single lesson ensuring teachers,

students, and parents make the connections between reading and writing to enhance

performance.” Standard 3.A.2.1: Determine steps to answer a question using digital tools.

5. EDU 203: One artifact the is required is field observations.

1. The first resource I found is called SafeVoice. SafeVoice is a system that can be used to

help fight bullying and threats that may be made to students, employees, or the school

itself. The next resource I found is called Newsroom which is like a news update site for

CCSD specifically. It gives updates about different conferences withing the school

district as well as events that have occurred throughout the school district that may effect

the education system itself. The last resource that I found is called Trustees which lets

you know, and hear about, upcoming board meetings.

2. The beginning salary for a teacher in this fiscal year is 50,115.

3. The first resource I found was called Canvas LMS. It is where teachers can post

assignments, grades, discussions, announcements, and more, for their students to see. The

next one I found was BlendED Initiative which combines certain aspects of online

learning with in-person classes to give students the best learning experience. The last

resource I found is called EthicsPoint. This resource helps teachers to voice their

concerns and issue reports comfortably.

4. The first resource I found for students is called homework hotline. This resource takes

you to Vegas PBS and gives resources to educational videos and documentaries. Students

can watch these just for fun or use them as a resource for their homework. The next

resource is called Say No to Bullying which gives different links that can help those who

are being bullied or those who want to report it. The last resource I found is called Zoning

search and maps which helps students find which school they are zoned for based on

where they live.

5. I would share the resource called Protect Our Kids with the parents of my classroom.

This ressource provides what the requirements are for parents to volunteer along with

training videos and more.

Part Two:

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