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Katelynn Maynor


Prof. Flowers


Assignment 6


Katelynn Maynor


Prodigy Education Inc.

Second Grade

a) Prodigy is a website that makes learning math fun. It incorporates different kinds of math

problems into the game to make it feel like you arent even working on math. It is fun for

students because they are able to change up their avatars, and if they do good, they get

coins to buy things. It is also based on the students own learning needs and can be

changed to what the teacher wants it to teach as well. I have seen it be used in classrooms

while observing and both the teachers and the students love it. Students are able to defeat

different challenges by completing math problems. For example, They would be asked “1

+ 1” and if they get it correct it casts a spell on the opponent.

b) There are many strengths to this website. For example like i discussed before, it is based

on the students learning needs. It fits what they need to learn or what the teacher would

like for the student to learn. Another strength is that it is a game. This makes it more fun
for the students. On the note, on weakness could be that students may get too into the

game. They could get very competitive and worked up and this could cause students to

act out in frustration.

c) Yes, the software does serve its purpose of classroom use because the teachers are able to

do it based on what they are learning. Teachers can also set it up where all the students

get on at the same time and compete which is very exciting. I have seen this been used in

the classroom during a break and the students loved it.

d) The software is easy for both studetns and teachers to use. Both students and teachers can

access it by visiting the website and logging in. It is also easy for class activities because

all the students have to do is put in a code. On the other side the teacher just has to start a


e) When playing there are many forms of media including moving characters, sound effects,

and speech communication bubbles. The students have avatars that they are able to

customize and walk around with. When doing this there are sound effects as well as

people talking to them through speech bubble.

f) I personally do not think the tech support is very easy to find, I personally could not find

it. On the other hand I do think there are very good explanations on how to use the

website and the instructions are very clear when completing activities.

g) I think that the website is adaptable to those who have special disabilities. It is very clear

on instructions and can present them in many ways. I do think those who are unable to

read may have a harder time but other than that I think it is very good.
h) On the student side I did not see much of an evaluation. I tried to sign in as a teacher and

it did not work for me but I am sure it gives a good evaluation based off of what I have


i) When using prodigy the teachers are able to make plans for their students/class in which

they can change up the assignments and what they are learning to fit what they are

learning in class.


Katelynn Maynor


Eli Publishing Group

Second Grade

a) Kahoot is a website that teachers can use to help to teach their students new vocabulary,

but make it a competition. Teachers are able to set up Kahoot for their whole class to play

where they are given one side to a flash card and they have to guess the other. For

example, name and definition. It is a fun way for students to learn and make it

competitive and fun.

b) There are a lot of positives to this websource, for example, teachers are able to teach their

whole class the same vocabulary at the same time. Using this website also helps to show

teachers and students where they are currently at with their vocabulary and terms. For

younger ages this could also be very good for simple math problems as well. One of the

negatives is that it can become very competitive and students may get upset.
c) The software is very easy for students to use. They can access it by going to the

webadress and then typing in the class code and their name.

d) Yes, the product does a great job at succeeding in class use because it is designed to play

with the class. It is a way for all the students to go over and learn the same concepts at the

same time. There is also team options which can be great for the class to bond and work


e) There are multiple ways of media such as sound effects and music, lots of color and a

timer, and teachers can incorporate pictures into the kahoot lessons as well.

f) The resources and tech support are very accessible and clear. When on the websource

you can find help by scrolling to the bottom of the page and it has a full list of different


g) I think that kahoot may be difficult for those with certain disabilities because when it is

used in class it is very fast paced and competitive but I think when using it personally or

using the homework section it could be a lot more functional.

h) I think that this website provides pretty good feedback because it shows how many

answers the students get wrong and the can see while they are going throughout the

game. The teacher is also able to see this as well so I think it would be a good tool to see

how far along students are when it comes to certain concepts.

i) The instruction and concepts are completely chosen by the teacher so this would be a vey

good tool for when then is something that the teacher would like to show but needs to

make sure it has specific information.

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